Men, in general, do not get the kind of attention that a female does (especially in the dating world). As for me, I would continue patronizing SCs even if more civilian women gave me attention
I've always loved women (plural), "can't get enough" type thing - when I was younger and dated and/or was in relationships, I got bored sooner than later being with the same girl all the time.
Liking women (plural), I love that SCs give me pretty-much instant access to 100s (over different local-clubs) of attractive/desirable women - so no I don't think I can forgo my desire for strange and instant-gratification which I both crave.
I get plenty of attention in the civilian world. The problem is my wife gets made. Therefore I like strippers because I go into a building and they are there waiting for me. I leave the building and they usually don’t follow me.
Getting attention from females in the real world is further down my to do list than sucking cock. I can do what I want with strippers and stay happily married, or .......
With all due respect, I’m not sure I agree with the premise of the question. I think that the “girl friend experience” is very distinct from the actual girlfriend. There are pros and cons to both but they are different things most of the time. A lot of clubbers are married, even happily, and others can get plenty of attention in the civvie world. Being able to leave it all at the club/hotel room/ escort’s incall is often exactly what a lot of us seek.
But whether it’s a desire for variety, a dry marriage or another reason, the reason many of us get out and about has nothing to due with lack of attention in the civvie world. I’m sure clubbing is a way to get that level of attention for some who aren’t able to otherwise get it very easily. And I mean no disrespect to those folks.
The other thing is that a 50 year old might have no problem getting plenty of attention from civvie women over 35 but may need to pay for the sexual attention of a hot 25 year old. I think that drives a lot of clubbing.
Nope.....because attention comes with commitment......regardless of how modern we think the world is today with relationships.
Similar to Shailynn I have a fair amount of attention from the civilian world....I don't care to mix the two or add at this stage of my life or compare. Different buckets.
"The other thing is that a 50 year old might have no problem getting plenty of attention from civvie women over 35 but may need to pay for the sexual attention of a hot 25 year old." +++++++++++
Napster was a peer 2 peer music sharing site where you could download music free. It came with it's own set if problems, sound quality could be bad, mislabeled songs and artist, and potential viruses. However everyone in the music industry understood that if you could get it for free, no matter the occasional bad issues, then you'd never pay for it.
So ya, truth is if most guys could get the random stipper experience with civilian girls then fuck no would they go pay for a similar (even if slightly better) experience at the club.
lolruned, your premise is way off base. When I was in my 30s and single for a stretch, I fucked and sucked my was across one of the New England states. But I still enjoyed strip clubs for the variety and attitudes of some of the dancers. Even more important, when I desire dirty fun without entanglements, strip clubs provide girls who expect nothing more than money for their time. Civvie women, on the other hand, always want more, even when they initially claim that they don't.
Now do strip clubs also offer opportunities to guys who couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50s? Sure, I sometimes see guys in clubs who are incredibly ugly, seem to lack social graces or have other issues which I am sure make dating difficult. But truth be told, I see less of these types of guys in clubs than you might think. Why? I suspect that it is because guys with these types of issues don't just face challenges on the dating front, but also in their ability to move up into higher paying jobs. Strip clubs aren't cheap and guys who have challenges that make them less employable are also less likely to be able to afford the clubs.
I’m getting some attention from civies (finally!) now. As a result I’ve cut down on the strip clubs a lot, but it’s still a hobby for me, just not as frequent of a hobby as it used to be.
huntsman wrote: "The other thing is that a 50 year old might have no problem getting plenty of attention from civvie women over 35 but may need to pay for the sexual attention of a hot 25 year old. I think that drives a lot of clubbing." in my case I'm 68. I would be lucky to attract a woman in her 50s. that might be ok if she is in the top 1%...
Okay something else to consider to meet the 20 something year olds you would need to have interaction with them as you did when you were that age.
If you are older where is that going to happen in your normal everyday life?
I'm not big on going to younger bars or nightclubs. Hell even when I was in Vegas for a week I didn't go to any trendy night spots. It's boring and it's loud (sorry if I sound like Elmer Fudd)
You're not in college anymore......
I do go to the gym but I'm there to work out not pick up women and most of the women I know resent guys hitting on them at the health clubs anyway regardless of the guys age.
I have (and I am older) younger women approach me. It does happen and I would suspect it does to a lot of older guys based on comments I hear from single women in their 20's and 30's.
Why SA? Because it cuts the time down and it cuts through the BS once you get past the point of the first or second meeting.
I'm with Flagooner on the part where I don't go to stripclubs looking for OTC. I go for the interaction in the club. Anything beyond that is a plus....some of what happens in the club is beyond what I expect.
Yes. I get a decent amount of attention from civilian women, but I enjoy the nsa experience offered by p4p girls.
With civilian women - it’s not as transactional. I’m over 50 - and the civilian women I date know the deal. They aren’t young 20 something’s - so there’s less pretense before it gets to sex.
I bought Black Panther Tuesday. I still plan on seeing Deadpool 2 tomorrow.
Movies aren't the same, neither are women. I SC for entertainment purposes, not for companionship (physical or otherwise). What I will say, though, is this: if regular clubs were still like they were in the 90s and people still danced, I would much rather hit those than SC.
I bought Black Panther Tuesday. I still plan on seeing Deadpool 2 tomorrow.
Movies aren't the same, neither are women. I SC for entertainment purposes, not for companionship (physical or otherwise). What I will say, though, is this: if regular clubs were still like they were in the 90s and people still danced, I would much rather hit those than SC.
I have less than no interest in dating a 20 something. The effort it would take to pretend to care about what the average 20 something cares about would be taxing to a degree that far outweighs any sexual benefit. I have plenty of interest in ITC shenanigans with 20 something strippers.
A lot of regular guys go a strip club or titty bar every now and again. So it’s not like an either-or thing.
SCs are a good way to enjoy the scenery or even get a release for guys in marriages and it’s less stress and blow back to your real life or to the wife. It’s a practical way to scratch a womanizing itch. And leave it in the club when done.
^^^^ Above is the old double standard, men can fool around but women can't. And so women are divided into two categories.
And so some of us, objecting to that double standard, have found that we actually prefer strippers. We don't care about civvies, not when there are strippers available.
For me, the answer is absolutely, positively yes. Hell, even back when I was young and single and pulling young civilian girls, I enjoyed the SC. Because: 1. T
For me, the answer is absolutely, positively yes. Hell, even back when I was young and single and pulling young civilian girls, I enjoyed the SC. Because:
1. The SC has always been part social for me. I usually go with my buddies; no matter how busy we all are, the occasional SC trip gets us back together for some male bonding, drinking, and the illusion of carousing "like the old days"
2. Even when I was younger, I was not a one-night-stand kind of guy. If I were pulling young civilian girls today, I assume that would still be the case -- I'd basically have a young hot civilian girlfriend. Totally different than the fun of interacting with a stripper, then go home and interact with her again only when I feel like it. She's not in my house all the time, asking me where I was, etc.
It's not exactly the lack of civilian ATTENTION that drove / drives me to strip-clubbing. It's the lack of civilian FOLLOW THROUGH. I always get the sense that non-strip-club girls are full of lies. Say one thing, do another. Act like they like you, just to see if they can fool you. Tell you they're ALMOST interested and if only you TRY EVEN HARDER then EVENTUALLY you might get yourself into their lives (or pants, or good graces) ... and of course "try even harder" is just code for "I'll never approve of you but I like how you give me an ego boost and how I can control you with my lies and make you do humiliating things to try to get me."
You know the story. North American Woman. Hear Her Roar. Etc.
I attended a charity function and went alone mostly because if it was boring I wanted to be able to leave early. Because I was there alone I had people introducing me to what seemed to be every single woman in attendance. Their ages ranged from mid-30's to what I am guessing early 50's. All of them were married, divorced, or two were attractive physically but that is where it stopped.
Very little in common in terms of interest, life experiences, or future goals. ( actually I think one's entire future goal was to meet a guy at the event)
Time is to me the most important asset I have in life (more so than money by far) and I can't see myself settling and investing my time with any of them. If it sounds unfair or egotistical then I am both.....but I know what keeps me happy and what it takes for me not to become bored and I didn't see it in the female civilian population last night.
I don't buy the cow even though I have to pay for the milk. Assuming cows were suddenly free and easily available, I still doubt I would change the way I get my dairy products.
Not every regular strip club customer goes to a club due to lack of attention. There are numerous other reasons why someone goes to clubs.
When it comes to getting attention, if you are a decent looking guy, women do check you out when you are out in public. The majority of the time, you never notice it because women are very good about being subtle when they are checking out a man. It is the exact opposite when it comes to men checking out women. We are not subtle at all, so a woman always knows it when a man is checking her out.
There are occasions where a woman may briefly let her guard down and you know that she is checking you out. It happened to me yesterday at the place I go to get a haircut. I’m just sitting in the chair getting my haircut and one of the other girls who works there walked by. There I am sitting with my back turned to her, but I am looking in a mirror. This girl did not do anything blatant like turn her head towards me as she walked by. She kept her head straight the entire time. Instead, I just happened to notice her eyes turned and looked in my direction as she walked by. Subtle, but she was definitely checking me out. She was cute, too.
last commentLiking women (plural), I love that SCs give me pretty-much instant access to 100s (over different local-clubs) of attractive/desirable women - so no I don't think I can forgo my desire for strange and instant-gratification which I both crave.
Duck you Siri.
But whether it’s a desire for variety, a dry marriage or another reason, the reason many of us get out and about has nothing to due with lack of attention in the civvie world. I’m sure clubbing is a way to get that level of attention for some who aren’t able to otherwise get it very easily. And I mean no disrespect to those folks.
The other thing is that a 50 year old might have no problem getting plenty of attention from civvie women over 35 but may need to pay for the sexual attention of a hot 25 year old. I think that drives a lot of clubbing.
Similar to Shailynn I have a fair amount of attention from the civilian world....I don't care to mix the two or add at this stage of my life or compare. Different buckets.
20-yr-old in my case. And Duh!
Napster was a peer 2 peer music sharing site where you could download music free. It came with it's own set if problems, sound quality could be bad, mislabeled songs and artist, and potential viruses. However everyone in the music industry understood that if you could get it for free, no matter the occasional bad issues, then you'd never pay for it.
So ya, truth is if most guys could get the random stipper experience with civilian girls then fuck no would they go pay for a similar (even if slightly better) experience at the club.
Now do strip clubs also offer opportunities to guys who couldn't get laid in a whore house with a fist full of $50s? Sure, I sometimes see guys in clubs who are incredibly ugly, seem to lack social graces or have other issues which I am sure make dating difficult. But truth be told, I see less of these types of guys in clubs than you might think. Why? I suspect that it is because guys with these types of issues don't just face challenges on the dating front, but also in their ability to move up into higher paying jobs. Strip clubs aren't cheap and guys who have challenges that make them less employable are also less likely to be able to afford the clubs.
"The other thing is that a 50 year old might have no problem getting plenty of attention from civvie women over 35 but may need to pay for the sexual attention of a hot 25 year old. I think that drives a lot of clubbing."
in my case I'm 68. I would be lucky to attract a woman in her 50s. that might be ok if she is in the top 1%...
If you are older where is that going to happen in your normal everyday life?
I'm not big on going to younger bars or nightclubs. Hell even when I was in Vegas for a week I didn't go to any trendy night spots. It's boring and it's loud (sorry if I sound like Elmer Fudd)
You're not in college anymore......
I do go to the gym but I'm there to work out not pick up women and most of the women I know resent guys hitting on them at the health clubs anyway regardless of the guys age.
I have (and I am older) younger women approach me. It does happen and I would suspect it does to a lot of older guys based on comments I hear from single women in their 20's and 30's.
Why SA? Because it cuts the time down and it cuts through the BS once you get past the point of the first or second meeting.
I'm with Flagooner on the part where I don't go to stripclubs looking for OTC. I go for the interaction in the club. Anything beyond that is a plus....some of what happens in the club is beyond what I expect.
There will always be occasions when I want immediate gratification minus the courtship and/or pick-up games.
With civilian women - it’s not as transactional. I’m over 50 - and the civilian women I date know the deal. They aren’t young 20 something’s - so there’s less pretense before it gets to sex.
Movies aren't the same, neither are women. I SC for entertainment purposes, not for companionship (physical or otherwise). What I will say, though, is this: if regular clubs were still like they were in the 90s and people still danced, I would much rather hit those than SC.
Movies aren't the same, neither are women. I SC for entertainment purposes, not for companionship (physical or otherwise). What I will say, though, is this: if regular clubs were still like they were in the 90s and people still danced, I would much rather hit those than SC.
If a girl is supper slutty and fast action, she is not going to be a civvie.
My mistake was to have married a civvie. She would never be able to meet my needs.
Civvie green lights, beyond a point, just do not do it.
SCs are a good way to enjoy the scenery or even get a release for guys in marriages and it’s less stress and blow back to your real life or to the wife. It’s a practical way to scratch a womanizing itch. And leave it in the club when done.
And so some of us, objecting to that double standard, have found that we actually prefer strippers. We don't care about civvies, not when there are strippers available.
:) :) :)
Pines of Rome…
1. T
1. The SC has always been part social for me. I usually go with my buddies; no matter how busy we all are, the occasional SC trip gets us back together for some male bonding, drinking, and the illusion of carousing "like the old days"
2. Even when I was younger, I was not a one-night-stand kind of guy. If I were pulling young civilian girls today, I assume that would still be the case -- I'd basically have a young hot civilian girlfriend. Totally different than the fun of interacting with a stripper, then go home and interact with her again only when I feel like it. She's not in my house all the time, asking me where I was, etc.
3. Strange. Who doesn't love some?
Maybe if civilian girls would subject themselves to being my therapist a little more often I wouldn’t go to the clubs as often.
You know the story. North American Woman. Hear Her Roar. Etc.
I attended a charity function and went alone mostly because if it was boring I wanted to be able to leave early. Because I was there alone I had people introducing me to what seemed to be every single woman in attendance. Their ages ranged from mid-30's to what I am guessing early 50's.
All of them were married, divorced, or two were attractive physically but that is where it stopped.
Very little in common in terms of interest, life experiences, or future goals. ( actually I think one's entire future goal was to meet a guy at the event)
Time is to me the most important asset I have in life (more so than money by far) and I can't see myself settling and investing my time with any of them. If it sounds unfair or egotistical then I am both.....but I know what keeps me happy and what it takes for me not to become bored and I didn't see it in the female civilian population last night.
When it comes to getting attention, if you are a decent looking guy, women do check you out when you are out in public. The majority of the time, you never notice it because women are very good about being subtle when they are checking out a man. It is the exact opposite when it comes to men checking out women. We are not subtle at all, so a woman always knows it when a man is checking her out.
There are occasions where a woman may briefly let her guard down and you know that she is checking you out. It happened to me yesterday at the place I go to get a haircut. I’m just sitting in the chair getting my haircut and one of the other girls who works there walked by. There I am sitting with my back turned to her, but I am looking in a mirror. This girl did not do anything blatant like turn her head towards me as she walked by. She kept her head straight the entire time. Instead, I just happened to notice her eyes turned and looked in my direction as she walked by. Subtle, but she was definitely checking me out. She was cute, too.