
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 34)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is America ready for female president?
    I'd vote for a woman president but not just because she is a woman....any more than I would vote for someone just because they are a minority.............if we really are an equal opportunity nation and believe that everyone should be rewarded on merit and hard work why is anything beyond qualifications a consideration. We haven't had a purple dinosaur for president either.....and I have no plans to vote for Barney.
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    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    Actually to be fair to flagooner how did we get from the comment I made citing references from NBA refs and ex players who are network announcers questioning the charge call to LeBron's bag? Not that I agree 100% with flagooner.........in my life time ( and his since he admits to being older than dirt) the worst President sat in the office from 1977-1980............that is when he wasn't fighting off killer rabbits. To get the conversation back on track just about everything have read in the past 24 hours supports that the refs flat out messed up the end of the game....and despite JR's brain fart it should have never gotten to that point.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    ABC officiating expert Steve Javie was summoned to make a crucial call during Thursday’s telecast of the NBA Finals and he whiffed on it. Or did he? With 36 seconds remaining in regulation and the Warriors down 104-102, Golden State forward Kevin Durant drove the lane where he slammed into Cleveland’s LeBron James on his way to the basket. Initially, the referees called Durant for a charge, but the play went under lengthy video review. That’s when the ABC crew called upon Javie, a retired NBA official, to dissect the play. Said Javie, who officiated in the NBA from 1986 through 2011, “I do believe James was there prior to the upward motion of the shot.” So it was a charge, right? No. The call on the floor was reversed to a block and Durant sank two free throws to tie the game. It’s a call that undoubtedly will be argued over for days — especially in Cleveland — and one that left ABC analyst Mark Jackson perplexed. “We have a great official reviewing the play and he tells us he sees it one way,” Jackson said, “and then the officials in the game see it totally differently.”
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling with your CF or SB
    Not sure what a flight there and back cost for everyone --I do know what mine cost and it wasn't cheap and this is how I knew I had the right girl ( besides looking at her in a bathing suit at the pool each afternoon) I asked her if she wanted to go shopping one day and she proceeded to tell me some of the most hilarious stories about guys who take strippers shopping in Vegas and close the store down while they are inside. She preferred I take her our to a restaurant she never had a chance to go to and a second show ( which honestly I would have done anyway.) I had a little trouble with SA and Vegas at first mostly because the women I contacted really were not from Vegas but either Arizona or California and it was too far out for them to know if they would be in town on when I was there ( probably a tip off that at least some of them are strippers) but almost everyone of them after telling me they couldn't commit or not answering eventually did reply and inquire if the offer was still good. Actually the % of responses was higher than normal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    If there was going to be a blowout I expected it last night. Originally I thought Game 2 would be closer than Game 1--not knowing Love's status until game time, Cavs being the older team after a tough physical series with Boston, being the away team with the time zone difference....... Of course now its hard to say and how can it be closer than overtime. This is just one persons opinion but the key game to me in this series is Game 4. I fully expect GS to win at home and the Cavs to pick up their first home Game (3) It's Game 4 that hinges how long the series goes.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling with your CF or SB
    I've always shied away from the term ATF.....I'm not done yet so how can I know if she is my all time favorite. One of the other comments I'll make about taking someone to Vegas as opposed to meeting someone from Vegas ---the latter allows you some freedom in that she can go home in the morning or late night as opposed to being with you 24 by 7. Not to mention the added advantage she knows at the very least a few places to go and more importantly where not to go.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    This is the second game where I wasn't overly thrilled with the refs calls. Quite frankly not that it mattered but I really didn't see the phantom elbow the T Thompson threw after the game was decided and I did see Green taunt him as he was walking over to the endline. I'll stick by my original comments for now---GS has a problem without Iguodala. Green for Cleveland brings defense and speed they do not have with Love--Love started out better than expected but he faded as the game wore on. And Cleveland did better than expected on the offense boards because GS Green was pulled out of the paint to cover LeBron.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Traveling with your CF or SB
    2 K for a week in my case. Worth every penny as far as I am concerned. I was there for a conference--on the days I worked she would come over about an hour or two after I finished --I stayed at a different hotel than the conference for obvious reasons. On the days I didn't work she would come over around 11 AM ( pool time) and leave around 1 AM. She stood out at the pool to the point it wasn't out of the norm for her to get hit on a few times each day. It was actually pretty funny to watch and she handled it better than most women.
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    6 years ago
    Traveling with your CF or SB
    I went the SB route the last time I was in Vegas a few weeks ago and I had a great time. Cocktail waitress and fitness buff as well. Incredible body- it was like having a tour guide who provided whatever you wanted 24 by 7. I never made it to any of the strip clubs although she offered to go- in my mind she was better looking than 95% of the women I saw when there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    I don't think he will do whatever he wants anymore than he did against the Celtics or Raptors......then again. With Green --he is 1) suspect to get into foul trouble 2) if he is on LeBron it pulls him away from the boards and rebounds. ( see comments about Thompson and Green if he plays) Rebounds mean second chances. With Livingston it takes away from his offense........there are plenty of other weapons GS has but still. Durant--I'm not feeling it......at least not for long......if anything this is a recipe for zone defense technical to be called....... Green is the obvious choice I agree with Warrior and as long as he doesn't pick up a 3rd foul by the 1st Quarter or go batshit nuts and get T'd up and out it probably is the best choice.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    If Jeff Green plays it changes the defense and the speed of the game. Sorry despite some of the comments on how great Kevin Love is I feel he is overrated. Secondly I'm curious who is going to draw the defensive responsibility for LeBron. It's normally Iguodala and he isn't available from what I am hearing. Overall it's not enough to swing the series but it opens the door a bit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How common is it for PLs not to pay dancers?
    I saw something last week that blew my mind......girl was dancing on stage and for whatever the reason a guy walked up and took the money laying on the platform and walked out the door. I saw it from the bar and so did the dancer I was talking with at the bar--by the time anyone else noticed it he was gone and so was his wingman. I actually felt sorry for her because it was a slow night--so call me a chump but I walked over even though I really was not paying attention to her dance and laid 10.00 to replace what the guy took. Second instance--my ex when she was dancing and at the time we were technically not back together but talking called me because she was running late to meet me......and this is how I found out she was dancing but the guy had stiffed her with counterfeit money and the club didn't notice it till the next day. It was on her to make it right or the club was going to take it out of her pay the next night she worked. You can imagine how well that interaction went between her and the guy that paid in her in funny money. As for the clubs response and part of what happened if you wonder sometimes why I have the attitude I do in how they treat the dancers this might explain why.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals
    Golden State will win.....it will not be a sweep.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    I have an idea
    I didn't read all the comments and I held off until now. I only have one review and to be fair I am coming from the perspective of not having enough by the yardstick set. Now why only one? Pretty simple. If my experience and observations do not vary from the last couple what am I adding new? Not much. So do I just right "me too" We don't mention specific dancers as I understand the protocol for multiple reasons. I could submit reviews on the Christies in Cleveland ( but I already got PM'd when I first came on here about the owner and not giving away too much info.) I could submit reviews on Christies in Canton--since I was seeing a dancer there I met on SA I doubt my experiences are going to be the same as guys who were not. I could talk about Camelot in DC but we already know its like looking at Penthouse--nice looking women but no touching of any type. I could write a review about the block in Baltimore --its past its prime and isn't headed up any time soon. There are a few other places as well in NYC and Maryland....but the premise is the same the last few reviews were very close to what I experienced and since we don't go into details with particular dancers and I 'm not sure it would matter if we did since people interactions are always unique then is it really worth it? Anybody can ask me by PM or on the board and I am more than happy to share information. As for the one review I did CH3 in Bedford Heights at the time I submitted it the couple before me showed a much lower level of service and quality of women. It seemed to rise right about the time I first set foot in the place and has now for over a year been probably the best place in NE Ohio for the money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A choice to make
    time ( I see the enter key is = to post again )
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A choice to make
    Guys are going to hit on an 8 as well..........the only difference is the approach and type of guy. You get above a 7 in today's world and trust me the only difference in the wolves is if they are in packs or come one at a t
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Strippers in the real world
    Huntsman if you notice in my comments I used the term working girls...........I've actually run into more than a few escorts when out over the years, especially in DC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    LOL---no need to get insulting......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    Center @ DePaul for college and Lakers in the pros ( the team that gave the Lakers their name and it fit-Minneapolis) Let's face it the LA Lakers name is almost as bad as the Utah Jazz-which I also saw games with Pistol Pete when they were in New Orleans.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    It was worth a shot.............but I admit not much more than once and done....sad thing is I know who George Mikan is as well as Bob Cousy....:--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    @ larryfisherman......I could talk about how Jordan got every call under the sun for years. His award winning shot was a push off jumper and his drive was a five step after he hooked the defender to the basket (but then I am a long term Cavs fan so must be biased) The joke is why did MJ quit his passion to play professional baseball? Answer: Because everyone can walk in baseball. So here is another thought process--who on the Cavs compares to Scottie Pippen? Who compares to Dennis Rodman? Charles Oakley? Horace Grant?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Praise The Lawrd. BrotherFogHorn Needs A New Jet
    Tell them you are buying a jet to see more stippers to save their souls.......and you need to cover from coast to coast and it would take too long to travel by auto...........the only way you can save these poor girls souls is to allow them to dance the devil out of their bodies...........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Praise The Lawrd. BrotherFogHorn Needs A New Jet
    I saw this on the news yesterday and laughed. Could be worse his name could be Creflo Dollar ( one of the more interesting and truthful last names used by today's evangelist.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0EI18ArNBU
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Strippers in the real world
    I can tell you from being the boyfriend/S.O. of one it's a royal pain in the ass. I thought about doing an article some time back but decided not to. Most strippers ( even one's who are retired and trying to break away from the lifestyle) dread it. Especially if they were concerned about being found out. Being seen by people who know or knew them from the club impacts their decisions from where they go to how they dress to spending inordinate amount of energy on what ifs. I've run into a few working girls over the years most of the time if we make eye contact I nod and move on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    More of the Same: NBA Finals 2018
    If anything Game 6 in Cleveland the refs ( one actually) was either so incompetent or had something up his sleeve to throw the series the other direction. I sat a few rows back from the court and shit you never see on TV or in my normal seats you could see plainly--so could the fans who were screaming insults and threats at him by the 3rd Q and even the four Celtic fans near us were joking about it wasn't them who paid him off.......yes it was that obvious. At the end of the regular season Philadelphia was the team on a mission. I fully expected them to take Boston out and Toronto to beat the Cavs ( shows how much I know) I doubt LeBron goes anywhere.........unless you are from Northeast Ohio or are there often there is an incredible bond between him and Akron St Vincent's ( his high school) and his oldest is now at age to attend and to follow in his shoes. My bet is he stays in Cleveland unless the team really falls apart. As for the series something I have been saying all along and came to fruition ( had to be right at least once) is Jeff Green brings speed and defense to the team more so than Love. I would not overlook the way he played in the last two games and especially in Game 7. I would also point out the guy Golden State counts on slowing down LeBron is not healthy--Andre Iguodala. Golden State should be favored by the odds makers but I wouldn't count on a sweep.