
10s When and Where’s The Last Time You Saw One?

They never tell you what you need to know.
Friday, May 25, 2018 5:44 AM
Tens, IMO they are truly a rare sight. I realize some guys are way too soft in their rating system. I think a 10 should be an extremely rare honor, one of which should be rarely given. A 10 isn’t someone with big tits and a hot body, a 10 has an aura about her, the perfect face, hair and even outfit. 1. So when and where is the last 10 you saw? 2. Why was she a 10? 3. Did you talk to her?


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    They are rare but we have a few in S Florida, true 10s usually don’t need to work in a strip club to make big bucks, actually working in clubs usually takes a toll on their looks and personalities. Don’t forget in order for a woman to be truly a 10 she not only needs to be gorgeous on the outside but on the inside as well.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    My answers: 1. At least 3 years ago and it was at BTs in Detroit of all places. To put my rating of a 10 into perspective, I think I’ve only seen two 10s in the past 8 years. 2. She was tall and lean, could have had bigger boobs but I still give her a 10 because she had perfect legs, ass, face, hair, shiny white teeth and piercing blue eyes. The way she moved on stage and around the club, with a certain confidence and maybe arrogance. Being in BTs she reminded me of what a new Ferrari probably feels like being parked in a Dollar General parking lot. Everything was perfect about this girl, I’m guessing she was mid to late 20s. 3. Sadly no. She only went to the stage and then straight to the bar to some whale who she was really in to he looked like Glenn Frey. Fuck! Maybe it was Glen Frey? He’s from Detroit and at the time he was still alive. She never left his side for the 2 hours I was there. I’ve been back to BTs a million times since then and have never seen her again. For all I know that was her first night dancing and that whale married her. I know if I was in his shoes I would have done the same thing. My wife would love a roommate. Let’s put it this way, I guarantee if San Jose Guy saw her he’d lock her in his basement and never let her out, she was that hot.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    25 I’ve never talked to most of the 10s I’ve seen talking to them would ruin the ambiance around them! Lol Note: I am referring to strippers in strip clubs only on your 10 stories. 25 makes an excellent point that IMO why 10s are so rare in strip clubs because the toll the job takes on them.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    i thought I had found one, then she sat down to talk and had fucked up teeth, she was no longer a 10. Not bad enough teeth to not still be super hot but not a 10
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    The first club where I was a regular was Hollywood Tropicana in Hollywood, CA. This goes back to my mid 20s. [view link] One night I saw an absolutely amazing all-natural petite blonde who left a trail of strained PL necks in her wake. She was so gorgeous, I couldn't understand why she needed to have any job at all. It's not like Los Angeles was ever light on sugar daddies... Anyway, that thought must have been at least a little bit prophetic, because I never saw her again. I also did not talk to her. I've not seen a 10 since then.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    It was early 70's. I was on my last night of my European vacation and I was in Copenhagen. I had been refused admission to the club previously because my clothes did not meet their strict dress code...coat & tie. I had plenty of money left. I entered the club around 9PM. There were probably 40-50 well dressed male customers in the place and around 30 females that were actually all escorts. The club was so high class that the didn't even serve any beer. So I ordered some wine and was asked if I wanted a half or whole bottle. It didn't take me long to figure out that this was a place for escorts to meet customers. Of the 30 or so women their was none lower than an 8 in my book. I talked to half a dozen. They all spoke English and discovered that the going rate was $50. That would be about $300 in today's dollars. A lot of money for me back then. A common street prostitute could have been had for $10 but like I said, I had lots of money but I was determined that I was going to get my money's worth. I wanted the best looking girl in the place. I finally spotted the one I wanted but had to wait for an opportunity to even talk to her. She was always taking with one or more guys. I finally got my chance and I couldn't believe how easy it was to arrange to take her back to her place. Not only was she a 10 in my book but she could speak 5 languages fluently. We took a taxi to her apartment. I know it wasn't where she actually lived because she asked me to open the bottle of wine in the refrigerator while she slipped into some thing more comfortable. That bottle of wine was the only thing in the refrigerator. By the time I got the wine opened she reappeared in a sexy negligee. We spent the next hour "making love". It was the perfect GFE. As I was getting dressed she showed me a cork bulletin board with business cards from all over the world. It was the perfect ending to my vacation.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Side note... Hollywood Tropicana was also where I saw Pauly Shore get his ass kicked by two bouncers. I have no idea what he did. I just know that he left at great velocity.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    For me any girls rated 9.5 to 10 makes them 10..because there is no perfect woman in this world. These 9.5 to 10 rated girls don't have a schedule at the clubs because they already have regulars on their list and schedule meetings with them.They don't like going to random guys and asking for dances every night.These were their words when I spoke to 2 dancers. I saw and talked to 4 dancers who can be rated 9.5 to 10
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I don't give out that number much either. Last TEN I was with was at Hong Kong in TJ. She was flawless. 5'5", 110 lbs, fit & trim, probably 25, latina so she had this perfect olive skin, big green eyes, firm ass and legs, she was a c-cup. Yeah, they were enhanced, but the job was a really good one. And she spoke perfect english. You could tell she was very educated. From talking to her, I think she was from a well-to-do family in Mexico. But she was rebelling by working in TJ. I think I caught her right as she was arriving at Hong Kong because she seemed to want to prove that she was the best fuck anyone had ever had. I rode her for close to an hour, came twice. We did probably 10 different positions during that time, some of the positions we did multiple times. I'm getting turned on just remembering that time.
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Haven't..... no such thing.... Bigfoot, Unicorns, Loch Ness, Perfect 10's....
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    1. I saw a 10 at the Penthouse Club five or six years ago. 2. She had a beautiful face and a perfect figure with large breasts. Although she was a brunette and I prefer blondes, she had perfect, movie star looks. 3. Of course I talked to her. I asked for dances, but she told me she was tied up with another customer. Since then I have looked for her every time I visit the Penthouse, but I've never seen her.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    You know we can’t lower our standards so we need to take Juices advice. Drink 3 cans of Four Loko before you head out For a stripclub night. By doing that, every stripper in the entire club turns into a 10!!!!!
  • yahtzee74
    6 years ago
    1. last week on date with SB from SA. ongoing thing for four months. 2. good person, beautiful face, great body 3. of course we talk to each other
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Darkblue is right. There are no 10s. Especially when it comes to something as subjective, and superficial, as looks.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Based on looks alone it was about three years ago at Christie's Tempe. Pure perfection head-to-sexy toe. She gave me about four very mechanical lower contact dances. Made no attempt at making conversation or any type of a connection. If I saw her again I would not get dances from her but, holy shit, she was fine. For scale, I think an 8.5 is very beautiful. Tens are unicorns.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Shed never be a 10 Lone Wolf I think you guys are too easy in your grading system, I mean really just because she gave you a little attention it seems you guys add points, pathetic.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Oh yeah, she was a Latina. Thick long hair to her ass. Blazing dark eyes. Firm olive skin. Absolutely perfect all natural tits, ass, legs, belly. Just mailed it in though.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Did you read my post? I said based on looks alone. She was a ten. If I was soft on grading I would see a new ten every week vs every five years.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ but I’ll never give a rating on looks aloneI did read your post I get what you said but a 10 needs to be the total package or ain’t no way.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Do they speak Engrish { not a typo}
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    The last 10 I saw was the DS. Our last date was around a year and a half ago. If you want to know why she’s a ten read my stories. She’s also in the glossary.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I've never seen a 10 in real life and I'm not the kind of person that goes "oh, this actress is really famous and looks great with all that airbrush and makeup so she is a 9." There are some famous people that are substantially overrated in the looks department I've seen a couple of 9s. Highest I've ever seen in a SC is a high 8
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    @warrior, How can a girl with enhanced assets considered for 10?
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    "@warrior, How can a girl with enhanced assets considered for 10?" I have to agree with this. I think anyone with enhancements has a cap on their attractiveness. I'd stay they're capped to a high 8
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Shut up DarkBlue. You really are a tool.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    All depends on what your definition of a 10 is. If the job is good, enhanced breasts are not a problem with me. But I do appreciate the attempted insult.
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    In consideration of the fact that it has been well established on this board that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, I think it would be helpful to determine what exactly distinguishes a 10 from a 9. Some men like D cup breasts, some prefer C. Some men prefer a 110 lb Barbie, others want an ass that weighs 50 lbs on its own. So, here is a proposed starting point definition of a 10: A woman who is subjectively perceived by a man to be physically flawless. Using the above definition of a man, I think i’ve seen one 10. Of course, how can you say a woman is a 10 if you’ve never seen her naked? A more accurate definition may require that a man has to see her naked before he can truthfully characterize her as a “10.”
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    1. So when and where is the last 10 you saw? This morning, in my master bedroom bathroom, when I looked in the mirror. 2. Why was she a 10? Can't think of any reason why she wasn't. 3. Did you talk to her? I mentally spoke to her and said, "damn, you're a bad bitch!"
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    "Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley"
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Aw, you're an Al Franken fan?
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    @Warrior, No insult.Just trying to say my opinion..We discussed this topic on what makes a 10 on this board before . Several stated anything enhanced reduces the points. If you took my question as attempted insult,I am extremely sorry.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    The last time I saw some 10s was just a few minutes ago when I looked in my wallet. There were some 10s a few 20s and some 1s. :D
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I will say that I've seen one dancer a couple weeks ago that I would say had the potential to be a 9 if she didn't do a ton of work to her face and chest. It would be interesting to see if she had any huge flaws without getting work done. She was also something like 5'2-5'3 without heels so perhaps she wouldn't hit 9)
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I don't understand why enhancements disqualify a woman from being a 10. With cosmetic surgery of any kind, the result is what is important. And don't all women enhance their looks with make-up and hair styling? When a Miss Universe contestant goes on stage, she looks a lot different than when she rolls out of bed in the morning.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^fair points Jack but as I have stated before attitude and personality make up 65% of the score for me.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    You see all of these instagram models and they all have the same look (duck face, big lips, fake chest, fake butt, etc). They're also somewhere around 5'3-5'4 and therefore have very little to any chance of becoming a regular model (I don't think the modeling industry is all that great but that's a topic for another day). Don't tell me you think most of these instagram models are 10s. They're more like a mid 8-high 8. It feels cheap. I've seen some of these instagram models with almost a million followers and they're more like a low 8. I do not factor attitude and personality in a person's physical looks "When a Miss Universe contestant goes on stage, she looks a lot different than when she rolls out of bed in the morning." I think it's interesting you said this when I've already noted that I do not overrate celebrities. Also, you can tell facial structure even when someone is not wearing makeup (jawline, eyes, nose, lips, etc). Those little things that probably don't matter to you matter to a lot of other people
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Shailynn there, in him mom's attic looking at Playboy. Now his mom is driving him the 3 hours to a rehearsal of the West Texas Christian Glee Club. Shailynn there using his cell phone to post on this forum, while his mom things he is doing his Summer School Algebra homework. SJG
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    When I rate a girl it is exclusively based on looks. 10s are an extremely rare breed. It is even harder to find a 10 I want to spend any time with because as @25 mentioned, personality and attitude count for so much.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    How many 10s have you all seen, period?? Maybe a handful of celebrities. There's so much that goes into the look; the lighting, the angle, the surrounding, the makeout, the outfit, etc. Most girls are changing up their styles so often, 10s never stay 10s. Too many girls duck it up w/too much makeup, overplucked/overbushed eyebrows, tats, enhancements, hairstyle etc. So the ones who are potentially 10s don't even reach it due to their own undoing. As far as how I'd rate a 10, first I would call a 9+ as wouldn't change anything(or minimal change) about them, where as a 10 is someone who you wouldn't even think could exist. IE she exceeds expectations of what you thought beauty could be. Having said that I have my CF/ATF a 10 :)
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    For reference Brooke Burke was a ten in her prime. A good gauge for these type of discussions.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    Maybe I'm bitter, but I don't think you'll actually find a stripper who's a 10 'on the inside.' So, my criteria would be 10 on the outside, and at least able to pass off not being horrible inside. My count would be 2. 1. My xATF, last seen 5 or more years ago. Perfect body IMO. Excellent at pretending to be nice/friendly. Talked a lot over many years bore it had to end. 2. My west coast fav, last seen just over 1 year ago. Perfect body IMO. Doesn't quite rise to the level of friendliness as my xATF, but different dynamic since I'm not a regular there. There is a current dancer who satisfied the physical criteria, but is really unable to be any amount of friendly. If you aren't one of here regular whales you don't exist.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I can't say I've ever seen a 10 in person. Highest I've seen in a SC is a high 8. I've seen some 9s to low 9s many years ago on a college campus. I think even a 9 is rare to come by (unless you live in LA or something)
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    1. So when and where is the last 10 you saw? I saw one today at HiLiter in Phoenix, AZ. She goes by Ariel. As described by Chili Palmer (who didn't say she was a 10, but he's an HL expert and I'm not): "In other news, what's the deal with Ariel? She's a very pretty, tall and slender mixed race dancer with beautiful curly hair. wears black thigh boots with six inch heels, and let's you know when she's on stage by pounding said boots into the floor. And when she was onstage she provoked a crowd reaction rarely seen in Hi-Liter. One, then another, and then another and then a few more dutifully wandered up to the stage to pay homage to her by tipping her, and often with multiple bills. That does not happen at this club, especially on day shift." 2. Why was she a 10? Flawless knockout looks. Mixed heritage, model quality. Total presence. Didn't bother to wear a bikini top. Just put on a jacket and did her thing. If I was a chick with perfect C+ naturals maybe I'd do that, too. Very much no nonsense. Knew what she was about and what her time was worth. A queen bee in the making. Catch her while her ego can still fit in the room. 3. Did you talk to her? Yes. Also got dances.
  • rl27
    6 years ago
    Last ten I saw was Aliya at Kahoots in Columbus. I first saw her about 3 years ago and last time was about six months before Kahoots got fined. She was about medium height, brunette. Young, somewhere around 19 to 22, with a smooth body, a beautiful face, great body overall, nice natural C cup tits, firm ass, nice legs. Took a few months until I got my first dance with her. When she first started had a slightly bored icy expression when on stage, and mostly payed attention to the younger customers. Got very few dances during that time, and when she went back wasn't there long. Eventually she seemed to wise up a bit and worked the club better, and I eventually go a dance. Gave a decent if mechanical dance. As long as she danced at the club, always tended to look bored on stage, but was a bit more friendly during dances.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    1. Probably about a month ago at the local SC. 2. It's very subjective, but she was as close to flawless in every part of her body as i've ever seen on anyone. I'm not saying that every part of her body stood out (for instance her boobs are on the smaller side, but very nice and perky and symmetrical with very nice proportionate nipples), but again, no real flaws from the top of her head (including ears and nose) to her feet. Have yet to see that again in anyone ever. She had one crooked tooth that wasn't visible, a faint small birthmark, and very faint stretch marks on the back of her thighs near her perfect butt. All pointed out by her and not noticeable by me. So maybe 9.9 or 9.8, but i tend to round up at 9.5+. Even things like hands and feet were exquisite. She's like a petite supermodel, but without the manly hands and feet and strong jawline or big bones and with a softer face and better curves. Very proportional so she didn't look short, especially in heels. Some shorter girls have short girl proportions. The clincher was her amazing skin. Probably the best i've ever seen or felt anywhere, rivaled by maybe only one other dancer many years ago. There were other girls that had/have similar although not quite her total/complete beauty, but none of them had that skin. Really wish she didn't have any tattoos, but i don't deduct that from her beauty. Even her pussy was gorgeous, but a pussy on an attractive woman is like extra credit. I'm not going to make any deductions based on what her pussy looks like. 3. Definitely talked to her. Got numerous dances as well.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^WTF did you use a magnifying glass, that is creepy as fuck especially the part where you found a crooked tooth.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    1. So when and where is the last 10 you saw? About 20 years ago. A club that no longer exists, but it was south of Miami. 2. Why was she a 10? She met one of my first requirements. She was Asian. Had the long jet black hair. She was so perfect to me, a couple of tattoos didn't knock her off being a 10. Her choice of songs was superb. As it turned out, we had more in common than one might think. 3. Did you talk to her? Of course I did. She became and is still my ATF! Also, we found out, she was a friend of my son. She became a friend of my family over time. Sadly, time, distance, and an unfortunate event in her life all took their toll and led to the end it all.
  • woodstock
    6 years ago
    2002, Las Vegas, OG, night shift on a Saturday evening.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    One man's 10 is another guys 8......too many variables from the color of their eyes, hair, height, and quite frankly if you are a leg and ass man or a guy who likes 38ddds. The last place I saw women that were attractive enough to stand out in a room full of attractive women was a few weeks back in Las Vegas and more specifically at the Encore Hotel pool which is also a topless or Euro style pool.
  • jaredlucas
    6 years ago
    Not sure I actually have ever seen a 10 but Currently enjoying OTC fun with a solid 9. Toned , pretty , intelligent girl next door type. Ironically she is insecure about her looks and constantly fishing for compliments. Thank god for insecure girls with daddy issues.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Ok let's assume an average is a 5 and each 1 number change is a one standard deviation. So a 10 would be 5 SDs. 5 SDs count for 99.99994% of the spread with 1/2(theoretical 0 rating) falling on one side and the other 1/2(10 rating) falling on the other, so the 10 rating would make up 0.00003% of the population ((100-99.99994)/2) *2010 Census shows US female population of 157 mil and 18-44 year olds making up 36.5% of that population, that leaves us conservative est of 57.3 million are of stripper age. Converting 0.00003% to 0.0000003 and * 57.3 million we have a grand total of 17 10s. Total. Multiply that by the percentage of women who are strippers and you have your total of 10s working. Don't know what that number is other than saying... I must be one of the lucky ones :) *somebody may need to check my math
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    seventeen 10’s. wow. i’ve seen maybe half of them in my entire life!
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    "One man's 10 is another guys 8......too many variables from the color of their eyes, hair, height, and quite frankly if you are a leg and ass man or a guy who likes 38ddds." I don't think there would be that much variance. A true 10 (or close to a 10) would universally be lauded as a beautiful woman (i.e no lower than a high 8 or a 9). A lot of guys just severely overrate a lot of women's looks I will add that it will be hard for a woman on the shorter side to be a 10 (or close to a 10). So these are your 5'1-5'2s. This is just my opinion and the opinion of a lot of other people when it comes to a person's looks. I personally don't know of a celebrity or person in real life at these heights that would qualify as a 10 or even a 9
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and it can be a moving target.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    If going by looks only, I’ve seen two stripper 10s lifetime. The last one was at Club Saratoga. I got dances from the two lifetime 10s. They were ok and not GPS but they wouldn’t have been 10s per 25’s definition because their personalities were so so. I think true 10s are extremely rare among strippers. A lot of the 9s could be 10s but it would take maturity and discipline to attain that, as well as clean habits. The two lifetime strippers I kne who rated 10 were pretty new to the job. I’ve known a couple of escorts who had those qualities and the look to show for it.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    in the last seven years i’ve seen only TWO honest 10s. and only for a moment or two. one did a two song stage set at spearmint rhino van nyes maybe four years ago. and another at hong kong bar three years ago. both were gone in a moment. and i absolutely kick myself because i held back in both situations. missed opportunity. shit.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @stripfighter I think you're being overly complicated. On a scale of 1-10 (i don't usually hear 0-10), 5.5 is actually the median. Using simple statistics (not this standard deviation deal) a 9.9 (essentially a 10) would be 1 out of 100 women. Now if you randomly selected 100 women and pre-filtered that group to only include young women,say on a college campus, would the best looking woman in that group be a "10"? Now if you're criteria is flawless in every way, i think that is much more rare than 1 in a 100 or even 1 in a million. But if you say better looking than the vast majority of other women, than yes, she is a 10, or close enough. I think of the larger strip clubs with 50-100 women working. Usually the best looking woman in that group is pretty darn close to a 10. So i don't it's a rating that's unattainable. On the other hand, the ugliest girl in that random group usually doesn't strike me as a 1 (the ugliest possible). Put another way, is there really that much difference between a 9.9 and a 9.99999? I don't think so, but there is a difference. I don't think it's as big as the difference between an 8 and a 9 or even a 9 and 9.9. The way i see it is if you're hot(9), you're hot. You can really get much more hotter. You're talking about very minute differences. Even when people talk about the most beautiful women in history (celebrities, models, playmates, etc), even factoring all the editing, makeup and styling, i'm not that much more superwowed by them compared to any other hot girl i might see.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @lolruned I don't think i agree with height requirements for beauty, particularly in women. Especially this whole 5' 8"+ "requirement" that models have to be to do runway. That's like less than 5% of women, and you're eliminating so many potential beautiful women. Women can be quite diminutive and still be very beautiful. Elizabeth Taylor was 5' 3" and generally considered one of the most beautiful women in her time. Marilyn Monroe was two inches taller. I think their beauty would hold today. Maybe one or two inches makes all the difference. I don't necessarily think so. But i have noticed that shorter girls do tend to have short girl proportions (the head is bigger relative to their body or their limbs look relatively shorter or thicker compared to a taller woman). But simply being smaller than another woman (or man!) they're standing next to (in heels or not) doesn't detract from them IMO.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    "Using simple statistics (not this standard deviation deal) a 9.9 (essentially a 10) would be 1 out of 100 women." I don't think math works like that
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Back in the day Elizabeth Taylor was about average height for woman born in her generation, Marilyn Monroe was a bit above average height in her time, I don’t know if you realize that, but people in general are taller now than those born years back.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    "Elizabeth Taylor was 5' 3" I kept it to 5'1-5'2. 5'3 is just slightly below average height. I understand that we have been gifted some beauties over the years that are not a certain height. I did not say or imply that "you must be 5'8 in order to be considered this"
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    In the gallery for the TJ HK Bar, there are a few strikingly attractive women, but they are not that young. They don't come across as pole dancers, as strippers. They are the mistresses, blessed with both brains and beauty, who provide companionship to that country's movers and shakers. When one talks about a 10, usually she is not very old. Do you like girls that young, like say 18 to 23? A few more years in a woman makes a big difference in what it is like to relate to her. SJG
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive I think you've misread me twice already in this discussion. The first time it was the dancer that brought up her tiny flaws after i had complimented her various perfect features. I was not able to notice them initially even after numerous dances on multiple occasions. She was clearly her hardest critic. In the other case i had stated that Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor's beauty would still hold up even today despite shifting standards/ideals on weight and slightly taller average height.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @ lolruned I was just talking statistical percentiles. The top 1% of women would be in the 99th percentile. The top .1% of women would be in the 99.9th percentile. I know most people don't scale or judge beauty that way, a 9.9 rated beauty being one of the top 1%, but i think it's a decent filter. If a woman is more attractive than 99% or more of other women, she's going to be up there in the ratings.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    shaylinn. “My answers: 1. At least 3 years ago and it was at BTs in Detroit of all places. To put my rating of a 10 into perspective, I think I’ve only seen two 10s in the past 8 years. 2. She was tall and lean, could have had bigger boobs but I still give her a 10 because she had perfect legs, ass, face, hair, shiny white teeth and piercing blue eyes. The way she moved on stage and around the club, with a certain confidence and maybe arrogance. Being in BTs she reminded me of what a new Ferrari probably feels like being parked in a Dollar General parking lot. Everything was perfect about this girl, I’m guessing she was mid to late 20s. 3. Sadly no. She only went to the stage and then straight to the bar to some whale who she was really in to he looked like Glenn Frey. Fuck! Maybe it was Glen Frey? He’s from Detroit... Let’s put it this way, I guarantee if San Jose Guy saw her he’d lock her in his basement and never let her out, she was that hot.” lone wolf. ‘Brooke Burke was a ten in her prime’ absolutely stunning sir. dang gentlemen. i’d love to see those girls as you saw them.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and i probably would be tempted to lock them away too.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^In the interest of clarity just a quick suggestion less in more. No need to write an SJG length treatise on every fucking subject.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Why is height/ the ability to be a runway model a factor here? A lot of runway models are lanky, boney, no tits, no ass. That's a "10"? Hm. I'm 5'2" and my mom always talks about how she's so glad I got my dad's legs. Apparently hers are short or something, because that is the one thing she complains about (she was pretty much a 10 in her day). My legs are long for a person of my short stature. I guess that would make my torso short / disproportionate, but I don't think having a slightly shorter torso precludes someone from being attractive. Monroe could never be a 10 to guys here who rule out surgery... She undoubtedly had work done on her face. Elizabeth Taylor has a timeless beauty. I didn't know she was short but I don't care. A lot of actors are, it's easier to fit them all in the same frame. Her being short does not take away from her looks.
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    Does nobody else realize how pointless this question is? What is a "10"? If there is no definition then we're all just talking about our own subjective idea of what a 10 is. If the definition of a "10" is "the most beautiful woman a man has ever seen" then we've all seen exactly 1 "10." End of discussion. Here you go: I see one "10" several times per week. Why? Because my definition is "the most beautiful woman than a man sees on a regular basis." The MILF with whom I work is the most beautiful woman that I lay eyes on on a regular basis. Oh wait, I changed my definition. Now I see a "10" every time I watch porn. That's because the new definition is "a woman--physical or digitally represented by a 2d array of pixels--that is deepthroating a man's dick. When she's not deepthroating, she's not a 10." Oh, wait, now my answer is "when I was 17" because I changed the definition to "the girl who, during your youth, imprinted on your mind the idea of female perfection against which you compare all other women." Nobody else sees how dumb this is, right? We might as well be asking when we last saw a -12.68 because the scale is totally meaningless.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    She has to be at least 5'4" to be a 10. That's not my opinion, it is one of the documented specs for a "10" according to Playboy. Also, there must be at least 10 inches difference between bust and waist, and between waist and hips.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    I've seen three legitimate 10 contenders; remarkably, all of them worked in the same dive club, two at the same time. #1 was a really stunning blonde named Natalie with a gorgeous body and a smile that could light up the world. I got several dances from her. #2 was a brunette stunner that went by Mackenzie. Her body was even better than #1's, with beautiful breasts, a wasp waist, and flaring hips . Her face reminded me of the Mona Lisa, only better looking and totally exotic. If Leonardo had painted her, the Mona Lisa would have been a reclining nude! The dancer who had just sat down beside me said, "My God! She is so gorgeous!" She was also a bit shy, and flex to the dressing room as soon as she made her (naked, sigh....) tip walk, so I never got a dance from her. Finally couple years later there was a Brazilian girl who was the product of a Portuguese father and a Japanese mother - a very happy combination. She was 5'-10" tall, with perfect natural C's. Got a couple of dances from her. She was also extremely bright. My ATF is probably no more than a 9 physically, but she attracts men like flowers attract bees. I don't know what it is that makes her so sexy, but on that basis, she's a 10.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    most of my post was quoted. i should have edited more of shaylinns answer. sorry twenty five. :(
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    Prime Brooke Burke looks like a 9 at best (and that's still great). Something about her face I don't find quite attractive and I'd deduct some points from the 9. I didn't know who she was until I heard about her in this discussion. Elizabeth Taylor was probably a 10 back in the day. She was probably right around average height for a female for her time but is considered short today. Audrey Hepburn was a 10. When I think of a 10 today, I think of prime Megan Fox or prime Gisele Bundchen
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    It's been years since I've seen a ten. I might rate one girl a 9 but in my opinion a 10 will draw guys to her from all over. A 9 could be the hottest girl in a club and look really good.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @justme62 my remark was actually aimed @theDirkDiggler who complained that he was misunderstood.
  • hoarker
    6 years ago
    Diamond dolls in pompano beach 3 yrs ago. 5’5” spinner cute blonde. And she was working it just like the rest of them. Agreed on 200 and we went into one of the curtained booths. She produced a condom and we went at it. I released deep. Then pulled out to take the condom off and found that the entire end of the condom was gone. Oops. Got her cell for an OTC the next day. We agreed on 400 for an hour at my hotel. Texted her the next day and she wanted 1K. Fuck no.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’ve never seen a 10 working in a strip club. I may have seen only a handful of 10’s in my entire life. I have seen a few incredible beauties in Manhattan (NYC). It’s very rare -
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    I was told politely in a PM that Ariel at HL in Phoenix was very hot but not a 10. I replied that with her hair straightened that girl is absolutely flawless, and knew she was the hottest thing walking around the floor in club with multiple hot girls. There was a another dancer who was a clear 9 in my book who wasn't that close in allure to Ariel, so I gave her the nod for a high 9/low 10. It's coincidence that it's so recent, because I hadn't seen a girl I'd rate a 10 in a club in a while before this year. There was a possible 10 I saw last year at Penthouse in Detroit, but I only saw her briefly on stage with her clothes on so it was too tough to call. I'd already been to VIP so was good to go and didn't need to pile on. Cali at Pandora's in Seattle last year was in the ballpark for a 10 based on looks and personality. Statuesque blonde with nice curves and huge tits, but she was oh so boring in the lapdance area. All that aside, I'm going to double down on my 10 ratings in 2018 by calling out a second dancer. Jenna at Bar Le Gentleman in Marieville, Quebec. Mideastern and Italian mix. Body of death and beautiful face. Anyone who's ever run across her and tells me she's not a 10 can kiss my ass, after they get their eyes checked. Don't want some blind guy accidentally aiming for my junk...
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    Now that i think about it, i started a similar discussion several months ago, but it's only a matter of time before they all get recycled. [view link] Anyway, this discussion should be considered light and non-contentious. Ratings are always subjective. As mentioned before one man's 10 could be considered another man's 7 or vice versa, but i believe that "true" 10s are at least an 8 (or generally attractive) to the vast majority of people. "Personal" 10s are an entirely different story. The way i see it, is there's a limit to how good anyone can look. Even if you were to "weird science" your own woman, you're still limited by human physiology/anatomy. Simply giving a woman the "best" of everything might not actually look like what you expect. I mean the end result might not be as amazing (or balanced?) as you think. As i've also stated before, if a woman is very hot (9+), i'm more than satisfied. She can't get much hotter and those little physical differences aren't going to matter much to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I believe that you can see these pics without logging in to the HK Bar site: [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] How would you rate this girl? How old do you think she is? To me she does not look like a stripper, or a pole dancer. She is a courtesan. She is who provides comfort and companionship to Mexico's men of wealth and power. Its the extra, years, plus a generous endowment of both brains and beauty which let her do this. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    they all fall short. the best might be a 9.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @SJG I can't believe i looked at all those pics. Is the girl with the peacock headdress the same girl (makeup is different as are the eyes and nose and she seems thicker)? Her face is the least attractive part IMO. 7 at best, probably lower. So a bit butterfaced. The body might be 8ish, but she's not revealing enough so it or could also get lower. Looks like she's in her 30s. Would probably not dance (or more) with her.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I believe the pics are of the same girl, but I cannot refute if you find it otherwise. My point is that she has an appeal, at least for me, which is enhanced by her age. The most striking thing about her for me is that she does not look like a stripper. She isn't for 'buying dances" from. That is a chump's game anyway. She is for long sessions and an ongoing mistress relationship with. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    sjguy. you miss the point that SOME of us DO NOT WANT a relationship lasting over an hour or two. i’m NOT looking for a woman to wake up to the next morning. i’ve been there. and done that. over thirty years. the expectations of a lasting relationship is more than i want at this point in life. maybe i’m wrong. butt it is NICE experiencing soooooo many ladies. i can’t settle down with one. at least not yet.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Assigning numerical ratings to ladies is so demeaning and objectifying. I am really disappointed in you guys. Can't you have at least an iota of class?
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    An iota is actually a pretty big chunk of class for us to come up with, flag. Do you think you could lower your expectations a bit?
  • mal_hodgson
    6 years ago
    I saw a 10 once in the late 70s. She wasn’t a stripper as far as I know, I happened to see her on her way to her wedding, became so immediately obsessed that I started following her. Even followed her on her honeymoon in Mexico and by a fluke saved her new husband from drowning. She was so grateful she invited me to her room... Oh wait, that wasn’t me it was Dudley Moore in the movie “10”. I think that was the first R rated movie I went to, but even as a perpetually horny teenager at the time that movie came out I didn’t think Bo Derek was a 10 (I hated that hair style). Getting serious, my first stripper 10 was about 20 plus years ago at a Deja Vu. Her name was Natasha and she had an eastern euro look but was a girl next door type personality. She wasn’t tall but had great proportions for her height. Great strong legs and ass but still with soft curves, thin waist but with just a touch of a belly. Her boobs weren’t large but again well proportioned and perky with very responsive nipples that again just right for the size and shape of her breasts (not to big or small). She had long straight brown hair and like I said a cute eastern euro look to her face. She was very sweet personality and had a way of moving in a couch dance and on stage that was so sensual. She disappeared from the club for a month or so and when she came back she had really large implants. It was actually a fairly good job, but it just Didnt quite work for her body type and she wasn’t a 10 anymore. This also seemed to be a turning point for her in the business and she started to lose the girl next door vibe and kind of hardened. I eventually lost track of where she worked. I still wonder what happened to her. This was fairly early in my SC career and there have certainly been other 10s since but she is the only one I remember by name and in detail. I guess you don’t forget your first!
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Mal, I think I remember Natasha from Deja Vu back in the day. She was a good one.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    justme62, A lot of guys say things like you are saying, that they don't want to know women or spend much time with them. But I think there is something being missed. A problem has somehow been created and their social and civil standing have been severely damaged. So they think, well if I get to close to this woman it will start to spin in a negative direction, as it always has before, and as it had in their marriage. So they make sure to cut it off. Well this may be a necessary defensive reaction, but it does not restore their social and civil standing. Its like saying, well if I drive my car over one mile, it over heats. So I just won't drive it more than one mile, and then I won't have that problem. Rather than finding out why it overheats and correcting the problem. There is nothing wrong with women wanting 'relationships', and there is nothing wrong with seeing a woman you like multiple times. For myself, I will never again live with any woman. I want to live by myself. But this does not have to mean that I am very far away from people. I just want to maintain my own space and be able to be selective about who I invite in, and be clear that they are guests. I don't like the idea of family relations. I am not in any way though advocating for marriage or for types of relationships which resemble marriage. I am convinced that share-a-woman programs are the only way. It just comes down to how best to set these up and make them work. And also understand that the women most amenable to this have probably come out of a sex work background. And consider that in most countries other than the US, well off men practice the Wife-Mistress System. Here were I am a local politician, Mayor of San Francisco, US Senator, and head of the Democratic Party until his death in 1929, had a wife and two mistresses, and he had a niece who became a leader of the Carmelite Order and prayed for his soul. I think our society is based on hypocrisy and lies, and it is also run with different rules for different people. Consider patriarchy. For a rich man, he becomes the chief for a bunch of women and children. And like they show in the King and I, he can put women that get too far out of line into the dog house. He can always be adding more women, if some are getting too powerful. Maybe he needs to have eunuchs to guard them, but it works out. For a poor man, the woman has got him by the short hears and he is always being pressed to provide for her escalating demands and for the increasing number of children. Even though he is male, patriarchy is killing him. The whole thing stinks. So I say we have to find another way. For myself and a with a group I am trying to build, I am working on this. But I just think the disposable women solution just amounts to surrendering and retreating, and that does not solve any problem. And I also know that I for one just barley survived marriage. I know that lots of others on this board have had it just as tough. Some are honest with themselves about this, and others are not. SJG Repeal of Abortion Ban, Ireland [view link]
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Nice story, ShadowCat. You must have been a young cat in your twenties when that happened. I have only seen one perfect 10 in my book. Beautiful face (big eyes, small nose, full lips) About 5’ 7” in height C cups Lean, firm body Perfect innie pussy (not even in porn have I seen a better pussy) Perfect butthole 4got2wipe would rave about. I have seen a lot of nude glamour models online and quite a few nude strippers. No one compares. Okay only Nikia A compares in perfection :-)
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