
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How do you broach the OTC conversation with a dancer?
    For the most part by the time you ask you should have a good idea what the answer is going to be if you've interacted with her. Part of the reason I sit at the bar is so we can talk over a drink or even over something to eat. It's a natural lead into do you want to meet outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    Lets' all be clear about who owns factcheck..........https://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/about/ and what university it is attached. Lets' also be clear what this means in terms of how "facts" are viewed. It's too bad we are here when it comes to having to call out the facts on a fact checker/organization but it is where we are in today's world. On a different note I'm headed to the Senate today to pay my respects to probably one of the more underappreciated presidents of the last century. Unless something drastically changes in this country he is probably the last we will see of his type of leadership.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    I was going to link this yesterday......still fits.......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3-eavMSBnk GACA you have the helm at this point unless something drastic happens in the next couple of weeks ( like half your players getting hurt of suspended)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Getting gifts
    I've received a gift or two along the way.......but I'd being untruthful if it doesn't set off alarm bells in my head when it happens.....no gift from a dancer comes without strings of some sort.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    Right about now...........George Bush is looking down as his body lies in state and is saying thankfully I died before January........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to get an ATF for Christmas?
    Actually I've gone the Sephora route with many girls across the spectrum.......same with Starbucks. Cash gets spent without a second thought but when they use the gift card it's individual to you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to get an ATF for Christmas?
    Red Lobster- Crab legs..........be a big spender. :--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    lol---snuck being the key word. I feel like the little Dutch Boy trying to stick his fingers in all the holes in the dam so the water won't leak in but somehow I'm hanging on.....barely.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Nutcase dancer I used to hang out with resurfaced on a SD type site
    Jeff---it's like I am looking in a mirror at what you posted. Right down to dancing in Vegas and seeing her profile on SA a couple of weeks ago. They are out there...........it boggles the mind at times.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    College Football Playoffs
    OSU did not get shafted, while I think we are one of the 4 best teams right now we were far too inconsistent this year to earn a playoff spot. I don't know what the fuck happened against Purdue but it was unforgivable and killed our shot. Five starters out --including a field goal kicker which seems to get overlooked---instead of kicking for three on two separate occasions they went for the first down when they were inside the 30. Their top receiver and right tackle also were out that game....... With all of that they still should have beat Purdue but they came out of the Penn State game very banged up......not to mention the loss of Bosa which most people are still projecting as one of the two top picks in the draft........ The Alabama Georgia game was closer than I thought it would be but then again Alabama seemed lost at times --was that Georgia or were they just flat. I personally would have liked to see 5 play 6 and 7 play 8 just to see who really is that good.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    PS.....I try and not use the word sh*t on this site......we have people who take that as a sign to drop trow.........anywhere........and post about it.....:---)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Went to gym.......watching football.....damn rain got here before I could clean up the outside yard so I am arguing politics on this site, rooting for Texas, and reading work e-mails.................
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    LOL--no I can say with 100% certainty Pelosi is loathed by me because she is basically a hypocritical liar who is abusive of her power when she has it and can't put a coherent thought together when asked without at least 72 hours to prepare her BS story. She is also the first one to openly call a President words such as dumbass and idiot but then have the audacity to fine someone for doing the same thing by calling a democrat a liar ( and as it turned out what he said was a lie) She is also the one when Bush tried to fix the issues at HUD shut him down along with Frank and then tried to push the entire collapse of real estate market on Wall Street and the Bush administration. Hillary is --depending on which way the wind is blowing center left --Pelosi is far left--Sanders is in the looney bin but I'd trust him because at least he doesn't have the track record of deceit Pelosi and Hillary hold. The difference between you and I is that you take your news from selected sources, throw out the accusation that I must be a Fox news crowd and this has to do with misogyny as an attitude. It's pretty much akin to the belief you threw out the other day that to vote for Trump you must be an uneducated dumbass. The problem is a big whiff to all three beliefs......I'm not Ivy League educated but I will tell you this much the school I went to kicked the living shit out of Harvard repeatedly the years I was there in Law review debates among other literary contest. Secondly I watch and read multiple news sources, even those I disagree with so I can get a feel for how people think both liberal and democrat. But what I use the most is common sense--when it doesn't, I question it. Oddly enough when I question something I normally find if you did long enough you can find the truth.....just not on CNN or MSNBC. Three I worked in DC for years. It just might surprise you who I know and who I have talked to directly with over the years. You learn a lot when you are up close and personal and it is always interesting ( once you get over the initial shock) of how the press plays it when reporting the supposed news. I personally don't care about gender, or race; what I do care about is who is the most qualified..........and who is looking out for this nation's best interest. It helps if they understand macroeconomics and can somehow understand that everything needs to fit together when making a decision or policy. AND in a nutshell that isn't Pelosi and it wasn't Obama. And to get back to the original point......anyone who voted thinking the democrats had learned anything or changed their stripes just got an example they have not by putting Pelosi back in as speaker.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How do you approach someone else's date ?
    When I was in Vegas last April I spent most of my free time with a girl on SA. On multiple occasions she would get hit on when we were together. One night it was so bad the bartender apologized not just to her but to me and bought us a couple of rounds of drinks. Her answer to me when I asked if she needed any help was that she had no intention of leaving my side and that it was Vegas......stuff like that happened to her all the time. Our age difference was 36 years...............somehow I doubt if she was worth it that she'd accept the approach as anything but an insult.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    More a Hillary hater........but what's your point? My message and I'd like to believe I am fairly consistent with it is if you are going to judge one side or the other for being full of sh*t apply the standard equally.........and that has not been happening for decades. The election of Pelosi to House Speaker is proof that you can't trust a democrat any more than a republican. ( but in our media Trump is the only liar)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another political prediction
    I mentioned this yesterday---Hillary is not going to go quietly into the night....she's not going away period and in a wide open field without a real leader ( at least not yet) there is a good chance she is going to pull it off in the party. Twentyfive despite the egg they laid on Thursday I still expect the Saints.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    As I recall from my reading first penned by Nathan Hale........and yes skibum this is exactly what I mean. If you listen to the media Trump was a huge loser because he lost 39 seats.....yet it seems to me I heard him about a week before the election talking about concentrating on the Senate and where he would go and who he would support. Some of the seats lost in the House were not supporters of him and he really isn't a strict party type politician ( one of his positive traits) Yet Obama losing 63 never is mentioned as a comparison or if it is I've yet to hear it uttered.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    Unless my memory is completely off I recall that Bill Clinton, they person who had to deal with Newt as an advisory, also stated he was one of the better Speakers of the House in the 20th Century. ( I'm also pretty sure he was threatened by Hillary if he didn't stop saying it on TV) As a side note the NY Times had him listed as 3rd in an article I read some time ago ( when I still would read the NY Times) RM--sorry but you are letting your own beliefs narrow your perspective on this one. I am familiar with Nate Silver or I would not have linked his article but I would pay very close attention to that first caveat of his about the research he penned and I would point something out as well about the 2016 election. Trump won one other very important group of people---the silent independents. The ones who were not going to waste their time arguing with people who wanted to rant about how he was the second coming of satan but ignore all the issues, past, present, and future that would come along with the Hildabeast in terms of baggage. I watched this unfold a handful of times in the month before the election and I was one of very few people that had a strong hunch the end result was going to be very close and not what the media or the polls were showing. The smart Trump voters ( and I realize most liberals refuse to acknowledge there is any such animal) simply didn't participate in the polling. They said nothing, voted, came home, and let the media prattle on. Sadly two years later it hasn't stopped. Like I stated in the original comment that started this conversation the democrats just went back on their word for getting in office and certain media outlets will spin it and twist it as they have done so now for the better part of two decades. Maybe it will work but I can also state Hillary is still out there working to be the party candidate again and when you look at the field and the size of it in sheer numbers I wouldn't count her out--I also wouldn't count out the arrogance of the Democratic Party more so than the stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Has a threesome LD ever been worth it?
    It has been but the odds are against it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    should read "not" starting off any better.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    Yes and my second receiver was Doug Baldwin who I finally dumped after 8 weeks of futility. My slot guy is Julian Edelman who missed the first four weeks of the season. My fourth guy was Randall Cobb who typically does decent but has spent most of the year hurt after he tore up the Bears in the second half of the first game of the season......so it's been the wavier wire for me. I lost a couple of games early by two points or less ( yep) and then went on a winning streak as long as Thomas, Ertz (TE) and Edelman each score 15 points a game which I saw as very possible I had a chance but the last couple of weeks Brees as not been throwing to Thomas and I have no idea what the hell is going on with the Eagles ---they simply are not throwing to Ertz until the 4th Q and it isn't just me noticing the announces made a point of bringing up repeatedly last week when televising the game.......... So I've dropped two in a row and fell about five slots in the rankings.............now I am done ranting but this week is starting off any better.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    "But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times" I'll ask for clarification first on what qualifies for modern times...... During my lifetime I can instantly think of two that were better Tip O Neill and Newt Gingrich....and before you cast shadows on Newt because of his Republican tag keep in mind he changed not only the perception of what the position was to the public but to his peers as well.......every Speaker that has come after him has followed his blueprint.....and he did this while working with and sometimes against the opposition party. I was a little young but alive during the years of Sam Rayburn but he also leaves a legacy behind that Pelosi can never hope to achieve......... Not one of these three would have ever been so ignorant to the impact of uttering these words:" We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” and liberals, including the press and any number of fact checking sites can spin it anyway you like--those words should have never been said about something as impacting to the entire nation as the Health Care Legislation.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    Well my go to wide receiver scored a whopping 4 points last night...........so the streak continues...........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Cashman don't give him any hints.....he'll make up another board name to agree with himself.........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    If you are voting for someone because of their gender ( which is the most common comment I heard from the under 30 crowd block of voters that chose Hillary) and only for that reason there is nobody out there less educated.......it's the same mindset of voting for someone only because of their skin color......what's next? should we vote for Barney the Dinosaur because we never had a anyone or thing that was purple as president before?