
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    RM the argument that Trump lost the popular election is about as thin as any argument out there.......the rules are the rules and were put in place centuries ago to stop the big states from overpowering the smaller ones and in this the results worked in that favor. The reaction to Obama, the one that set off Trump running came when at a charity event Obama bashed Trump when on stage. You can watch the reaction on Trump's face ( I've seen the video) and that was the moment in my mind when he decided to run. I'm not going to list blow by blow what put Trump in office but I'm always amused as I listen to the liberal media ( starting with the night he was elected) trying to spin how it happened and why. There are a fair amount of women I know that voted for Trump, as well as a few liberals who were pissed to high heaven what the Democratic Party did to Bernie in the primary. Add in a candidate ( in my case) that I would have voted for a dead man before voting for her as an opponent and you have what you have.......and my title mocks what the liberals ran on this midterm......how bad Trump was, how he hadn't drained the swamp but instead had made it more dishonest......many of the liberals when running either outright swore it would not be the same old same old.....many directly said they would not put Pelosi back in as Speaker.....guess what.......meet the new boss......same as the old boss.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    Flagooner you can but the issue is the quality of what you can pick up. When we draft you need to decide on what your strategy is.....mine is to look for teams that need to pass to win since the NFL is more pass oriented and with few exceptions there are not that many RB's who are the teams offense.....in my estimation when the year started two and you can see what happened to ime......his main weapon isn't playing.......... So when the year started what teams needed to pass to win.........with established QB's......GB, Saints, Rams, Patriots.............of those teams I have players from three of the four.........I've always fielded three wide receivers and a tight end but I never was able to get the three I drafted on the field as starters at the same time. I've gotten the snot beat out of me the last two weeks............the guys I had that were coming up large went MIA.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I thought the clubs were supposed to be crowded now with strippers needing xmas
    If they aren't there tonight and tomorrow night I'd be shocked......it isn't just the holidays ....rent is due on Saturday......
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    TUSCL FFB League Update
    I felt like you do three weeks ago but the last two weeks have been a nightmare...... If the Eagles threw to their TE all four quarters instead of just in the 4th instead of trying to force the ball to a triple teamed Jefferies it might help............ Not to mention I am yet to field all three of my starters ( finally dumped Baldwin a couple of weeks ago) at WR in any single game.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    I think they are betting on that the voters are.... sadly.......and the Hildabeast doesn't care if she pulls down the entire party or not--all she cares about is herself. It took how many election cycles before someone finally convinced Sarah Palin to STFU; that every time she opened her mouth she killed the Republican chances because of the negative impact she had on the general populace. Hildy is no different......and nobody is ever going to convince her to fade away quietly.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's up with all this yoyoing with the stock market ?
    ^twentyfive......yes, I use those same figures which has always surprised me which is why I never claim to be a 1%er--I tend to look at wealth more so than income as a true barometer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Trump is bad....I hate Trump......we need honest change in DC......so lets bring
    Those that know me realize I voted for Trump although somewhat reluctantly........but I am laughing ( only a little) the way liberals claimed they needed to take the House and Senate back in order to change the way government was being run.........and then went right back to the sea hag that was the reason people were fed up and voted for him in the first place. Make you wonder if the dems had taken the Senate back if they would have asked Harry Reid to come out of retirement. And in two years ( based on what I have been seeing the past few months) expect the return of the Hildabeast for another run at the Presidency...........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Do you care how they spend your money
    Strippers no, SB's yes depending.....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's up with all this yoyoing with the stock market ?
    I always say the 50 dollar bill is really the new 20 as well........especially when you pay with one and the merchant looks at you as if you are 2/3 nuts........It's like what can you really buy with a 20 anymore ( besides a lapdance) :--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's up with all this yoyoing with the stock market ?
    A million really isn't a million anymore...........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Club Drug Dealer
    There are a handful of things I don't like about going to strip clubs and why I stayed away from them for so long--this is one of them. I've also seen it where the DJ is also the drug dealer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    "I did what I did because it would cause a lot of controversy. I knew it would get you guys all worked up. I wasn't trying to get anyone mad in particular, but that's how just how trolls operate. It was some quick entertainment for me. My intention was to stir the pot. Clearly you guys have had enough of trolls and the pot has already been stirred. " So basically you don't have a life and are an attention whore.......otherwise by your own words you wouldn't have done what you did. And just a warning to the unsuspecting chances are Vantablack may say goodbye but he/she will just come back under another board name.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What's up with all this yoyoing with the stock market ?
    The stock market has treated me very well over the years and for the most part I do not try and time the ups and downs but I do try and pay attention to what I see in every day life --for one thing there were plenty of signs in 2008 we were headed for a downturn if people were paying attention. What was different about 2008/2009 is that every sector got nailed. I had moved a fair amount of my profits into muni bonds thinking I would be safe........they weren't. As for the reference to GM sorry but after what the previous president did which the media ignored for the most part with GM I wouldn't touch that company with someone else's money........betting on GM is worse than a ponzi scheme.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    So far I've only placed one poster on ignore. I really try and resist the urge to do it because basically what you are saying is there is 0 value to what the person has to say and will ever have to say going forward. Flying the "Nazi flag" is going to draw fire for obvious reasons so when someone uses symbols knowing it's going to cause an uproar it says a lot more about them than any reaction by a poster or two.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    SJG if you like Jeff Healey might I suggest Kenny Wayne Shepherd......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V94pBlA4n7U
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    @ Subraman----I've had it happen infrequently but a couple of times yes I have had luck in changing their mind about an initial meeting. The one I mentioned in my previous comment we ended up seeing each other for nearly a year whenever I was in town. Actually we would joke about it now and then. She moved to Central Florida a few years back after finishing college so I really haven't communicated for a couple of years. I've been flaked on a few times, had one incident where the girl who showed up was ten years older ( hard years) and 30 lbs heavier.......the meeting ended pretty quickly but overall my success rate has been good. I've never had to block anyone to date and I do sometimes end up connecting with someone who at first attempt it didn't seem worth the effort. ( so I'm glad I didn't block them after first pass) I basically use SA in three areas and I'm very upfront with the women I will not be around every week. I come into town for a few days, connect with them once or twice depending on my and their availability, and leave. Occasionally I'll have a long trip planned and will see if I can find someone who wants to be a tour guide and companion for a week (works in Las Vegas) I don't use SA in NYC----about the only place I've not had much luck and from what I understand from a few contacts I'm not alone with the observation it isn't a easy place to find someone reasonable expectations.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    I've made this comment on here before but either I am walking on four leaf clover with SA or something is really off. I'm not saying it is perfect but the amount of times women have tried to scam me for up front meeting cost, not being the girl in the pictures or having GPS is really low compared to what I read on here. I did learn something from Jeff however in that I see the link/banner for Whatsyourprice and often wondered if it was worth it.....obviously that is a large no. I can count on one hand how many women have wanted money for a first meet. I don't need a single finger to count the number of times I have ever done so. My answer and it is one I have used the few times it comes up is that I make x amount of money an hour. If you make that much I would think you wouldn't be on SA. I'm offering you to meet at a place of your choice and I am picking up the tab since I am doing the inviting. If you are not willing to invest an hour or two of your time to see if the two of us can come to an understanding on how to make your financial situation better than I wish you the best of luck and we probably are not a good match. I've had a couple decide to meet me. One in the Philadelphia area I ended up seeing for the better part of a year until she finished college and moved to Florida.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    LOL---nah you'd just poach our coaches and try to manipulate the bowl system as you have done the past few decades and avoid at all cost playing a game north of the Mason Dixon line with anyone ranked. I notice you are avoiding the majority of my comments which are fact based. Seems to me the last time OSU went to the Sugar Bowl and played an SEC team they beat Alabama in the playoffs and nobody gave them a chance until Zeke Elliot left cleat marks on most of their linebackers faces and that was with a 3rd string QB. I don't doubt by far Alabama is the best team in the nation this year but that doesn't mean the rest of the conference is all that much better than some of the other teams out there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SMH @ guys who talk to other customers at strip clubs
    I get approached for conversation almost every time I go to a club and not because I am a regular. Unless the guy is a fall down drunk or I get the feeling he is trying to poach the dancer I am spending time with it doesn't impact me one way or another.