
Nutcase dancer I used to hang out with resurfaced on a SD type site

I met her years ago, not inside a club, I didn't even know she was a stripper when I first met her. She used to dance in Vegas, and had all kinds of batshit crazy stories that gradually told me she was a nutcase and there were a couple of final incidents which lead me to decide she wasn't worth putting any more of my time into and I cut it off.

She's dramatically lying about her age in her profile. My profile doesn't show my face so I reached out to see what the deal is, and I was able to gauge she wants $300 just to meet up for a M&G before even any discussion of any level of arrangement. Haha no thanks, she's not worth even $10 and am sorry for any guy who she lures to pay for her time only to find out what a huge headache she is.


  • justaguy79
    6 years ago
    Man, are you ASKING SA girls what they "want?" That's just inviting her to lead with her pie in the sky number, and then you have to cajole her down from that, often at a steep emotional cost. You should be opening with a number 100 less than you're willing to spend. Also "300" gets a lot more negative reaction than "1500 for 5." And girls will act more insulted at a low "offer" than the same number framed as "my last arrangement was..." Finally, I don't ask what she "wants" or what would "make her happy," I ask what she thinks is "fair." I have sent a shit ton of messages and I believe these frame games are effective.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I left a club tonight after getting a hot batshit crazy dancer latch on to me and freak me out. She rambled between being a musical artist, advocating oppressed femist males, working for the government, inventing a Ketamine drug laced with some kind of animal drug, protecting girls from becoming tricks from those selling the drug, studying quantum physics, saying she was protecting males from girls getting deliberately pregnant to get "alimony", asking my astro sign which is augaust Leo and insisting Leo's were December, ....

    She would not shut up and if I would say more than three words she would say shhhhh and keep talking. I was was leaving that club anyways and when she left to smoke I took that cue to bail.

    I should have recorded that tweaked up rambling.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    justaguy79 I'm not referring SA. Also, you might want to pay attention to what my topic is about. I didn't say I was trying to hook up with her. I found it interesting to come across her on one of these sites and I was curious to gauge what the thought she could get. I have no idea why you're plying advice to me on this, I would not even pay $10 for her. I don't even know if I would see her again if someone paid me to do it. She's one of the most narcissistic, demanding broke drama-fueled nutcase I ever hung out with.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    JeffTUSCL - I’d stay far away. Hopefully she has no idea you were checking out her profile. Those nutcase dancers can be dangerous - especially if they are having trouble making enough money.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Jeff---it's like I am looking in a mirror at what you posted. Right down to dancing in Vegas and seeing her profile on SA a couple of weeks ago.

    They are out there...........it boggles the mind at times.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    >>> "Those nutcase dancers can be dangerous - especially if they are having trouble making enough money."

    Yes back when I knew her and was hanging out with her this girl could not manage to keep $2 in her pocket. I wasn't giving her any money but was the one paying when we'd go eat or hang out somewhere. She had no ride, couldn't hack getting a real job, couldn't go more than 2 hours without needing to smoke some pot and whenever she did manage to make some money the first place she would go to lose $80-100 of it was to a pot dispensary.

    I had no idea how she was paying her rent, but most likely just quietly hooking herself. She had an ex she would regularly shit talk about, but from the sound of it she previously counted on him for money so the picture I got was that her attraction to him was the monetary cushion he provided her.

    She was hot enough to still dance, I didn't understand at first why she didn't just spend a couple of years dancing to build up some cash and move onto a regular job but after a while it made sense. No club manager would tolerate her bullshit so even if she tried she couldn't hold onto even a stripping job. Her only quality was her looks. I looked back on old texts with her and she was just vile.
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