Trump is good. I like Trump. The establishment (Clinton, Ryan, Pelosi, Sanders, et al) are preventing change in DC. Think of him as chemotherapy for the cancer of career politicians, elitists, and globalists.
Trump is the most strip club friendly President ever. Sure Clinton fucked an intern and got blow jobs in the Oval Office, all of which is nice, but Trump advocates grabbing women by the pussy.
Those that know me realize I voted for Trump although somewhat reluctantly........but I am laughing ( only a little) the way liberals claimed they needed to take the House and Senate back in order to change the way government was being run.........and then went right back to the sea hag that was the reason people were fed up and voted for him in the first place.
Make you wonder if the dems had taken the Senate back if they would have asked Harry Reid to come out of retirement.
And in two years ( based on what I have been seeing the past few months) expect the return of the Hildabeast for another run at the Presidency...........
^ I don’t think the Democrats are quite that stupid, Hillary running again would be the same as handing the presidency back to this moron god help us all.
I think they are betting on that the voters are.... sadly.......and the Hildabeast doesn't care if she pulls down the entire party or not--all she cares about is herself.
It took how many election cycles before someone finally convinced Sarah Palin to STFU; that every time she opened her mouth she killed the Republican chances because of the negative impact she had on the general populace. Hildy is no different......and nobody is ever going to convince her to fade away quietly.
I do believe that Trump's support of Pelosi is a brilliant tactic on his part. He will have a very willing scapegoat to blame going forward as to why nothing is getting done in Washington. By suggesting that he will get Republicans to flesh out the 218 votes she needs, there are probably some democrats that will switch back to supporting her, so they can say that a unified democratic house elected her. That will just set the stage perfectly for a lame duck 2 years and reasons to blame the democrats come the next election.
He knows with her as the Speaker, the House will be so anti-Trump/Republican that he won't have to even work to essentially cause the government to go into total stagnation as the Democrats try everything they can to reverse/upset his agenda. Pelosi will essentially give the Republicans back the House and help Trump keep his job thanks to this bonehead move.
The one I am loving right now is the socialist crackpot that was just elected in New York. She is one hell of a piece of work and so clueless it is comical.
Interesting comparison, I always thought Barack Obama won because of Sarah Palin, I voted for McCain, holding my nose over his VP choice, funny how shit works though, looking at the elections of the through the filter of the past number of years.
Warrenboy75 - I would love nothing more than for the Hildabeast to win another nomination in a rigged democrat party primary, so we all cheer for FOUR MORE YEARS of Donald J. Trump.
Seriously, though, it makes for a conundrum. These past two years alone have been so brutally uncivil and dehumanizing for the man, his family, and his staff, that he would have to be nuts to run again - regardless of all the good he has done for the country and our citizens. However, he almost has to run again, to show these rabid anti-Trumpers, antifa terrorists, and lying media that even their most brutal and uncivil tactics will not deter good men from speaking truth, standing their principle, and running for government leadership. It's a real catch-22.
@WarrenBoy: I only follow a handful of people on Twitter and Matt Yglesias is one of them. He wrote the Vox article that you quoted in your original post. He's a terrific, young, Harvard-educated journalist and knowledgeable policy wonk. He's quoted by one of the Nobel Prize winners on a regular basis.
I wouldn't expect Pelosi to popular on a site like TUSCL. But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times. She had a lot to do with getting the Affordable Care Act through which has drastically reduced the number of uninsured people and is getting more popular as time goes on. She played a key role in preventing the privatization of social security under GW Bush. She had a lot to do with financial reform after the 2008 crisis which stabilized the economy.
Compare her record to Paul Ryan who doesn't really stand for anything. Phony deficit hawk leaving us with an unpopular 2-trillion tax cut that wasn't paid for.
Your title doesn't make any sense, @WarrenBoy. Trump lost the popular vote and won the electoral college by a narrow margin largely due to uneducated white guys in rural America. Largely a reaction confused old white guys worried about losing their preferred status as decision makers. A reaction to the Obama and our first black president.
RM the argument that Trump lost the popular election is about as thin as any argument out there.......the rules are the rules and were put in place centuries ago to stop the big states from overpowering the smaller ones and in this the results worked in that favor.
The reaction to Obama, the one that set off Trump running came when at a charity event Obama bashed Trump when on stage. You can watch the reaction on Trump's face ( I've seen the video) and that was the moment in my mind when he decided to run.
I'm not going to list blow by blow what put Trump in office but I'm always amused as I listen to the liberal media ( starting with the night he was elected) trying to spin how it happened and why.
There are a fair amount of women I know that voted for Trump, as well as a few liberals who were pissed to high heaven what the Democratic Party did to Bernie in the primary. Add in a candidate ( in my case) that I would have voted for a dead man before voting for her as an opponent and you have what you have.......and my title mocks what the liberals ran on this bad Trump was, how he hadn't drained the swamp but instead had made it more dishonest......many of the liberals when running either outright swore it would not be the same old same old.....many directly said they would not put Pelosi back in as Speaker.....guess the new boss......same as the old boss.
If you are voting for someone because of their gender ( which is the most common comment I heard from the under 30 crowd block of voters that chose Hillary) and only for that reason there is nobody out there less's the same mindset of voting for someone only because of their skin color......what's next? should we vote for Barney the Dinosaur because we never had a anyone or thing that was purple as president before?
My concern is simple decency, I’d like to see a true conservative run, but the chances of that happening are slim as I doubt the Republican Party will allow a real challenge to a sitting president standing for reelection, so all we are left with is the hope that the Democrats put up a candidate, that can get this president out of our hair, I believe decency matters.
"But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times"
I'll ask for clarification first on what qualifies for modern times......
During my lifetime I can instantly think of two that were better Tip O Neill and Newt Gingrich....and before you cast shadows on Newt because of his Republican tag keep in mind he changed not only the perception of what the position was to the public but to his peers as well.......every Speaker that has come after him has followed his blueprint.....and he did this while working with and sometimes against the opposition party.
I was a little young but alive during the years of Sam Rayburn but he also leaves a legacy behind that Pelosi can never hope to achieve.........
Not one of these three would have ever been so ignorant to the impact of uttering these words:" We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” and liberals, including the press and any number of fact checking sites can spin it anyway you like--those words should have never been said about something as impacting to the entire nation as the Health Care Legislation.
@ dougster it’s a shame you’re so stupid, too bad you have a shitty life, mines been pretty good, I like Random he does differ politically from me in many ways but you are just a coward, you only engage in flame wars where there’s nothing that you have ever said about me that was even remotely related to the truth and many here know the facts, those that don’t, will figure them out if they stick around long enough. I’m done responding to you it’s pointless. Go write a review or something you haven’t published one in years, and those old reviews under your name, are stolen from others. Bye loser.
I remember Gingrich as a pompous blowhard who wanted to cut Medicare and then led the charge to impeach Clinton over behavior that all us engage in, here on TUSCL. Try to find a better example. Pelosi's a very competent center-left politician and she's trying to protect your retirement, your healthcare, and protect us from another financial crisis. It's true that she's taken a lot of well-deserved flak over the Obamacare quote.
Takes about 10 seconds of Googling to verify the correlation b/w lack of education and Trump support. Nate Silver is the best in the business when it comes to statistics-based journalism:
Time for some truth: Terrific young harvard journalist means: he's a fucking elitist liar, but I believe the same bullshit so he's brilliant. Nancy pelosi is the greatest speaker of modern times: If you assume the 1990's were ancient times then you might be right, but otherwise she is gum on the shoe compared to newt, who changed Clinton from a liberal to a conservative. trump lost the popular vote means: I am a fucking moron and do not realize that the popular vote has never mattered and that cheaters and failures always want to change the rules when they always lose. Unpopular tax cut: means the base of the democratic party are welfare leeches and we need more of your money to do drugs and breed.
Lets face it people, if you know history, in historical terms it is 1856 and in two years we will elect james Buchanon 2020 version. In 2022 we will take up arms against each other and kill each other. After the bloodshed and a 50 year recovery, the survivors will once again be american, not the hyphenated asshole version.
I don't the poster who wrote or the subject of "But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times", but if the subject was either Hildabeast or Pelosi, then that would be the single stupidest utterance on TUSCL for 2018. Even SJG cannot compete with that. Unless it was SJG that wrote it, then he has truly outdone himself.
@SkiBirther wrote: "....and that cheaters and failures always want to change the rules when they always lose." _______ LOL, the irony is that gerrymandering is the most pure form of political cheating on record and Republican state legislators did just that after the 2010 census. Despite all that cheating...err...gerrymandering, the Democrats still managed to flip 40 seats in the midterms. That represents a huge rout, and the Senate would have flipped too if more GOP seats were up for re-election.
Impromptu, he is maybe the best I've ever seen at taking a complex issue and presenting his position and innoculating against detractors in an organized and easy to understand manner.
Unless my memory is completely off I recall that Bill Clinton, they person who had to deal with Newt as an advisory, also stated he was one of the better Speakers of the House in the 20th Century. ( I'm also pretty sure he was threatened by Hillary if he didn't stop saying it on TV)
As a side note the NY Times had him listed as 3rd in an article I read some time ago ( when I still would read the NY Times)
RM--sorry but you are letting your own beliefs narrow your perspective on this one.
I am familiar with Nate Silver or I would not have linked his article but I would pay very close attention to that first caveat of his about the research he penned and I would point something out as well about the 2016 election. Trump won one other very important group of people---the silent independents. The ones who were not going to waste their time arguing with people who wanted to rant about how he was the second coming of satan but ignore all the issues, past, present, and future that would come along with the Hildabeast in terms of baggage.
I watched this unfold a handful of times in the month before the election and I was one of very few people that had a strong hunch the end result was going to be very close and not what the media or the polls were showing.
The smart Trump voters ( and I realize most liberals refuse to acknowledge there is any such animal) simply didn't participate in the polling. They said nothing, voted, came home, and let the media prattle on. Sadly two years later it hasn't stopped.
Like I stated in the original comment that started this conversation the democrats just went back on their word for getting in office and certain media outlets will spin it and twist it as they have done so now for the better part of two decades.
Maybe it will work but I can also state Hillary is still out there working to be the party candidate again and when you look at the field and the size of it in sheer numbers I wouldn't count her out--I also wouldn't count out the arrogance of the Democratic Party more so than the stupidity.
Trump gets routed by losing 39 seats and that must mean that Obama, who lost 63 got ass fucked by 15 guys without lube. By the way, for all of you who read Huffpo (Random) and think its news, Gerrymandering is neither a recent, nor Republican invention. It was invented by the Democrat party and is so intertwined with the democrat party that it is actually named after former Massachusetts Governor, Democrat, Elbridge GERRY. Final score truth 17 - random 0.
As I recall from my reading first penned by Nathan Hale........and yes skibum this is exactly what I mean. If you listen to the media Trump was a huge loser because he lost 39 seats.....yet it seems to me I heard him about a week before the election talking about concentrating on the Senate and where he would go and who he would support. Some of the seats lost in the House were not supporters of him and he really isn't a strict party type politician ( one of his positive traits)
Yet Obama losing 63 never is mentioned as a comparison or if it is I've yet to hear it uttered.
TJ Cox (Democrat) won in California in late count. So 40 seats flipped, not 39.
Occasionally you have an interesting factoid, @SkiBirther, and I didn't know gerrymandering was named after a Mass governor. Whoever is responsible for the concept, Democrats need to lead the generic polls by 6 points just to have an even chance of flipping the House. In the midterms the Dems lead the generic poles by close to 9 points which constitutes a rout. Do you understand English @SkiBirther? Gerrymandering is currently rigged in favor of the Republicans.
@Warrenboy- I think you might be getting Nate Silver and Matt Yglasius (sp?) mixed up. Silver is math whiz who started the website 538 and Yglasius is a staff writer at Vox. Both favorites of mine.
More a Hillary hater........but what's your point?
My message and I'd like to believe I am fairly consistent with it is if you are going to judge one side or the other for being full of sh*t apply the standard equally.........and that has not been happening for decades.
The election of Pelosi to House Speaker is proof that you can't trust a democrat any more than a republican. ( but in our media Trump is the only liar)
@SkiBirther wrote: "Trump gets routed by losing 39 seats and that must mean that Obama, who lost 63 got ass fucked by 15 guys " _______________
Yes, SkiBirther you keep reciting this like a broken fucking record. Factor out the cheating...err gerrymandering... Democrats won the House popular vote by about 8% this year whereas the GOP won the 2010 midterms by only 6.6%. So it gives you a better feeling for the backlash that took place in the midterms this year. Largest House popular-vote margin since the 1970s.
LOL. Let me stir up the pot a little more.
You're sort of a good guy @WarrenBoy, but here's my overall reaction to this thread: Pelosi and Hillary and center-left politicians and yet both are universally reviled by the FOX-news crowd and the geezers on TUSCL. Never mind the fact that Bernie Sanders is far to left of both of them and proposes pie-in-the-sky shit that can't be paid for. Let's be honest -- Pelosi is loathed here because she's a strong, competent, woman and woman were placed on Planet Earth to suck your dick. And aging women like Pelosi and Hillary have no purpose other than vacuuming your house and cleaning your toilet. You can almost feel the misogyny on a place like this.
We've got a 25% women in the House now. It's well below other democracies around the world, but it's a start. And hopefully the share of women will grow.
LOL--no I can say with 100% certainty Pelosi is loathed by me because she is basically a hypocritical liar who is abusive of her power when she has it and can't put a coherent thought together when asked without at least 72 hours to prepare her BS story.
She is also the first one to openly call a President words such as dumbass and idiot but then have the audacity to fine someone for doing the same thing by calling a democrat a liar ( and as it turned out what he said was a lie)
She is also the one when Bush tried to fix the issues at HUD shut him down along with Frank and then tried to push the entire collapse of real estate market on Wall Street and the Bush administration.
Hillary is --depending on which way the wind is blowing center left --Pelosi is far left--Sanders is in the looney bin but I'd trust him because at least he doesn't have the track record of deceit Pelosi and Hillary hold.
The difference between you and I is that you take your news from selected sources, throw out the accusation that I must be a Fox news crowd and this has to do with misogyny as an attitude. It's pretty much akin to the belief you threw out the other day that to vote for Trump you must be an uneducated dumbass.
The problem is a big whiff to all three beliefs......I'm not Ivy League educated but I will tell you this much the school I went to kicked the living shit out of Harvard repeatedly the years I was there in Law review debates among other literary contest.
Secondly I watch and read multiple news sources, even those I disagree with so I can get a feel for how people think both liberal and democrat. But what I use the most is common sense--when it doesn't, I question it. Oddly enough when I question something I normally find if you did long enough you can find the truth.....just not on CNN or MSNBC.
Three I worked in DC for years. It just might surprise you who I know and who I have talked to directly with over the years. You learn a lot when you are up close and personal and it is always interesting ( once you get over the initial shock) of how the press plays it when reporting the supposed news.
I personally don't care about gender, or race; what I do care about is who is the most qualified..........and who is looking out for this nation's best interest. It helps if they understand macroeconomics and can somehow understand that everything needs to fit together when making a decision or policy. AND in a nutshell that isn't Pelosi and it wasn't Obama.
And to get back to the original point......anyone who voted thinking the democrats had learned anything or changed their stripes just got an example they have not by putting Pelosi back in as speaker.
"It's pretty much akin to the belief you threw out the other day that to vote for Trump you must be an uneducated dumbass."
______________ @WB- Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration? There's a well-established negative correlation b/w education level and Trump support. It's a fact and incontrovertible. An important part of his base consists of uneducated rural white guys who've been left behind by globalization. Trump preys on bigotry and xenophobia to get their votes. I didn't mean that as an insult to you. BTW, my sister's been a lawyer for decades and my extended family has six lawyers. Getting a word in edgewise at Thanksgiving is a real challenge.
I quoted Nate Silver because he's done an amazing job of using statistics to predict election results. He failed in the Trump election -- but that election came down to 50,000 votes and quirks in the electoral college. In the recent midterms, he did another amazing job of distilling all the polling results with nearly perfect prediction results.
It's hard to prove that Pelosi and Clinton are victims of mysogeny, but I'll stand by that assessment. That's my gut tells me and you can "feel" it all over TUSCL. Just as one example, look at today's post by @Smith: "Hillary Clinton is going to run for President again. Yep, the old hag who can shrivel a guys erection with a mere glance." Yes he's kidding, but I've yet to hear to anything of substance out of @Smith in 3.5 years. Stripclub culture isn't the kind of place you'll find respect for women who wield power.
You brought up too many items to discuss in one place, but Pelosi's handling of the Affordable Care Act was a major achievement. Yes, she put out incoherent statements and maybe someone else should go in front of TV cameras. Still the ACA will go down in the history books as preventing a lot of human suffering. You can argue about the drag on GDP, or whether it makes sense to keep poor, lazy people alive, but there's also something in it for someone like myself who could get shut out the healthcare system with a pre-existing condition. I take it you're closer to Medicaire age than I am -- but I sure like having Obamacare there if I need it. As a moderate I'm *not* for single-payer healthcare and prefer the patchwork-quilt approach that builds incrementally on the old system and keeps the best features of capitalism.
@Warren wrote: "..and then tried to push the entire collapse of real estate market on Wall Street..."
I think what you're implying is that government lending to the poor caused the collapse in real-estate and completely disagree. That's a zombie idea that never seems to die and it's hard to find a single academic economist who would agree with you. And getting the facts straight is incredibly important. In a nutshell, 80% of the securitization chain for mortgages during the buildup to the crash had *nothing* to do with Fannie/Freddie. The timing didn't make any sense and government residential lending couldn't possibly have been responsible for the concurrent crash in commercial real estate busts all over the globe.
Lol ! Rumdummoron It's been mentioned before by myself and others, your "I'm a moderate" claim is bullshit and as factual as your Hillary voted for Goldwater claim. Just admit it, you're a dipshit!
@GammaNu wrote: "I don't the poster who wrote or the subject of "But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times", but if the subject was either Hildabeast or Pelosi, then that would be the single stupidest utterance on TUSCL for 2018." ______________
Notice that @GammaNu follows the tradition of other great TUSCLers like @Alucard by putting me on ignore casting insults in my direction, anyway. What a pussy. You can always count on @GammaNu for goofy run-on sentences, pretentious multi-syllable words, and just about zero content. He reminds me of the pretentious idiot, sitting in the front row of class, who just won't shut up. Everyone's laughing at him, but he just doesn't get it.
I guess I'm the only one here who likes Pelosi. She's has some really great legislative achievements in her past like the ones I mentioned earlier (1) getting the fiscal stimulus through after the housing crash (2) holding firm and defeating the (partial) privatization of SS (social security, not stripper-shit) (3) getting the ACA through and helping to defeat it's repeal later. She's known for keeping her base together and getting things done. She deserves to stay as speaker even though she's really getting up there in years.
Insecure men feel emasculated by strong women. That's at least part of the reason Pelosi, Hillary, and Warren are hated so much.
@random - First of all I am an independant. Tough women in power are not universally hated so don't diminish your argument with that generalization.
I do fly semi regular using a company plane with contracted pilots and have had the opportunity to talk with them quite a bit.over the years about their experience. During 2008 and 2009 While Pelosi and her party were railing on the big three during the financial crisis for using corporate jets she was cruising about in the country using her own US government paid personal transport. This was very damaging to the personal aviation industry as companies temporarily stopped using those resources for political cover. Of course she never decided to fly commercial. Within the small pilot community there were stories of her past innappropriate use of her privalage such as using it to flying to a city to pick up some favorite cookies and fly home. Taxpayer funded may I remind you.
Lets' also be clear what this means in terms of how "facts" are viewed.
It's too bad we are here when it comes to having to call out the facts on a fact checker/organization but it is where we are in today's world.
On a different note I'm headed to the Senate today to pay my respects to probably one of the more underappreciated presidents of the last century. Unless something drastically changes in this country he is probably the last we will see of his type of leadership.
Yeah, factcheck and snopes both suck and not just for political topics.
I like how in this instance they call it a debunked rumor but also describe that she did request a plane that can fly coast to coast without refueling and how that can only be accomplished with a large cargo plane or airliner. Ah, right.
Just curious I know this is slightly off topic, but that never stopped anyone before, can’t you fly coast to coast in something smaller like a G5 or a King Air 12 seater
It’s sad when you can’t separate facts from political opinion. For example, it’s impossible to argue with someone who believes that Obama was born in Kenya or someone who denies the consensus of climate scientists because it suits their own agenda. I place blaming HUD on the housing crash in the same category, @WarrenBoy. It shows that you live in your own kind of irrational media bubble.
last commentMake you wonder if the dems had taken the Senate back if they would have asked Harry Reid to come out of retirement.
And in two years ( based on what I have been seeing the past few months) expect the return of the Hildabeast for another run at the Presidency...........
It took how many election cycles before someone finally convinced Sarah Palin to STFU; that every time she opened her mouth she killed the Republican chances because of the negative impact she had on the general populace. Hildy is no different......and nobody is ever going to convince her to fade away quietly.
He knows with her as the Speaker, the House will be so anti-Trump/Republican that he won't have to even work to essentially cause the government to go into total stagnation as the Democrats try everything they can to reverse/upset his agenda. Pelosi will essentially give the Republicans back the House and help Trump keep his job thanks to this bonehead move.
Seriously, though, it makes for a conundrum. These past two years alone have been so brutally uncivil and dehumanizing for the man, his family, and his staff, that he would have to be nuts to run again - regardless of all the good he has done for the country and our citizens. However, he almost has to run again, to show these rabid anti-Trumpers, antifa terrorists, and lying media that even their most brutal and uncivil tactics will not deter good men from speaking truth, standing their principle, and running for government leadership. It's a real catch-22.
I wouldn't expect Pelosi to popular on a site like TUSCL. But she's probably been the greatest speaker in modern times. She had a lot to do with getting the Affordable Care Act through which has drastically reduced the number of uninsured people and is getting more popular as time goes on. She played a key role in preventing the privatization of social security under GW Bush. She had a lot to do with financial reform after the 2008 crisis which stabilized the economy.
Compare her record to Paul Ryan who doesn't really stand for anything. Phony deficit hawk leaving us with an unpopular 2-trillion tax cut that wasn't paid for.
Your title doesn't make any sense, @WarrenBoy. Trump lost the popular vote and won the electoral college by a narrow margin largely due to uneducated white guys in rural America. Largely a reaction confused old white guys worried about losing their preferred status as decision makers. A reaction to the Obama and our first black president.
The reaction to Obama, the one that set off Trump running came when at a charity event Obama bashed Trump when on stage. You can watch the reaction on Trump's face ( I've seen the video) and that was the moment in my mind when he decided to run.
I'm not going to list blow by blow what put Trump in office but I'm always amused as I listen to the liberal media ( starting with the night he was elected) trying to spin how it happened and why.
There are a fair amount of women I know that voted for Trump, as well as a few liberals who were pissed to high heaven what the Democratic Party did to Bernie in the primary. Add in a candidate ( in my case) that I would have voted for a dead man before voting for her as an opponent and you have what you have.......and my title mocks what the liberals ran on this bad Trump was, how he hadn't drained the swamp but instead had made it more dishonest......many of the liberals when running either outright swore it would not be the same old same old.....many directly said they would not put Pelosi back in as Speaker.....guess the new boss......same as the old boss.
Don't sell them short.
If Hillary had won it would have been largely due to uneducated non-white guys in urban America.
I can relate more to the values of the former.
But why would you consider one of those voting blocs to be any better than the other?
I'll ask for clarification first on what qualifies for modern times......
During my lifetime I can instantly think of two that were better Tip O Neill and Newt Gingrich....and before you cast shadows on Newt because of his Republican tag keep in mind he changed not only the perception of what the position was to the public but to his peers as well.......every Speaker that has come after him has followed his blueprint.....and he did this while working with and sometimes against the opposition party.
I was a little young but alive during the years of Sam Rayburn but he also leaves a legacy behind that Pelosi can never hope to achieve.........
Not one of these three would have ever been so ignorant to the impact of uttering these words:" We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” and liberals, including the press and any number of fact checking sites can spin it anyway you like--those words should have never been said about something as impacting to the entire nation as the Health Care Legislation.
Go write a review or something you haven’t published one in years, and those old reviews under your name, are stolen from others.
Bye loser.
I remember Gingrich as a pompous blowhard who wanted to cut Medicare and then led the charge to impeach Clinton over behavior that all us engage in, here on TUSCL. Try to find a better example. Pelosi's a very competent center-left politician and she's trying to protect your retirement, your healthcare, and protect us from another financial crisis. It's true that she's taken a lot of well-deserved flak over the Obamacare quote.
Takes about 10 seconds of Googling to verify the correlation b/w lack of education and Trump support. Nate Silver is the best in the business when it comes to statistics-based journalism:
Education, not income, predicted who would vote for Trump:…
Nancy pelosi is the greatest speaker of modern times: If you assume the 1990's were ancient times then you might be right, but otherwise she is gum on the shoe compared to newt, who changed Clinton from a liberal to a conservative. trump lost the popular vote means: I am a fucking moron and do not realize that the popular vote has never mattered and that cheaters and failures always want to change the rules when they always lose. Unpopular tax cut: means the base of the democratic party are welfare leeches and we need more of your money to do drugs and breed.
Lets face it people, if you know history, in historical terms it is 1856 and in two years we will elect james Buchanon 2020 version. In 2022 we will take up arms against each other and kill each other. After the bloodshed and a 50 year recovery, the survivors will once again be american, not the hyphenated asshole version.
@SkiBirther wrote: "....and that cheaters and failures always want to change the rules when they always lose."
LOL, the irony is that gerrymandering is the most pure form of political cheating on record and Republican state legislators did just that after the 2010 census. Despite all that cheating...err...gerrymandering, the Democrats still managed to flip 40 seats in the midterms. That represents a huge rout, and the Senate would have flipped too if more GOP seats were up for re-election.
Excellent observation about Newt.
Whether you agree with his positions or not...
Impromptu, he is maybe the best I've ever seen at taking a complex issue and presenting his position and innoculating against detractors in an organized and easy to understand manner.
As a side note the NY Times had him listed as 3rd in an article I read some time ago ( when I still would read the NY Times)
RM--sorry but you are letting your own beliefs narrow your perspective on this one.
I am familiar with Nate Silver or I would not have linked his article but I would pay very close attention to that first caveat of his about the research he penned and I would point something out as well about the 2016 election. Trump won one other very important group of people---the silent independents. The ones who were not going to waste their time arguing with people who wanted to rant about how he was the second coming of satan but ignore all the issues, past, present, and future that would come along with the Hildabeast in terms of baggage.
I watched this unfold a handful of times in the month before the election and I was one of very few people that had a strong hunch the end result was going to be very close and not what the media or the polls were showing.
The smart Trump voters ( and I realize most liberals refuse to acknowledge there is any such animal) simply didn't participate in the polling. They said nothing, voted, came home, and let the media prattle on. Sadly two years later it hasn't stopped.
Like I stated in the original comment that started this conversation the democrats just went back on their word for getting in office and certain media outlets will spin it and twist it as they have done so now for the better part of two decades.
Maybe it will work but I can also state Hillary is still out there working to be the party candidate again and when you look at the field and the size of it in sheer numbers I wouldn't count her out--I also wouldn't count out the arrogance of the Democratic Party more so than the stupidity.
Yet Obama losing 63 never is mentioned as a comparison or if it is I've yet to hear it uttered.
Occasionally you have an interesting factoid, @SkiBirther, and I didn't know gerrymandering was named after a Mass governor. Whoever is responsible for the concept, Democrats need to lead the generic polls by 6 points just to have an even chance of flipping the House. In the midterms the Dems lead the generic poles by close to 9 points which constitutes a rout. Do you understand English @SkiBirther? Gerrymandering is currently rigged in favor of the Republicans.
@Warrenboy- I think you might be getting Nate Silver and Matt Yglasius (sp?) mixed up. Silver is math whiz who started the website 538 and Yglasius is a staff writer at Vox. Both favorites of mine.
It all depends on which media outlet you refer to.
- my trap hoe.
My message and I'd like to believe I am fairly consistent with it is if you are going to judge one side or the other for being full of sh*t apply the standard equally.........and that has not been happening for decades.
The election of Pelosi to House Speaker is proof that you can't trust a democrat any more than a republican. ( but in our media Trump is the only liar)
Yes, SkiBirther you keep reciting this like a broken fucking record. Factor out the cheating...err gerrymandering... Democrats won the House popular vote by about 8% this year whereas the GOP won the 2010 midterms by only 6.6%. So it gives you a better feeling for the backlash that took place in the midterms this year. Largest House popular-vote margin since the 1970s.
LOL. Let me stir up the pot a little more.
You're sort of a good guy @WarrenBoy, but here's my overall reaction to this thread: Pelosi and Hillary and center-left politicians and yet both are universally reviled by the FOX-news crowd and the geezers on TUSCL. Never mind the fact that Bernie Sanders is far to left of both of them and proposes pie-in-the-sky shit that can't be paid for. Let's be honest -- Pelosi is loathed here because she's a strong, competent, woman and woman were placed on Planet Earth to suck your dick. And aging women like Pelosi and Hillary have no purpose other than vacuuming your house and cleaning your toilet. You can almost feel the misogyny on a place like this.
We've got a 25% women in the House now. It's well below other democracies around the world, but it's a start. And hopefully the share of women will grow.
Hillary's positions are only part of the reason I despise her. She is a corrupt, contemptible cunt.
She is also the first one to openly call a President words such as dumbass and idiot but then have the audacity to fine someone for doing the same thing by calling a democrat a liar ( and as it turned out what he said was a lie)
She is also the one when Bush tried to fix the issues at HUD shut him down along with Frank and then tried to push the entire collapse of real estate market on Wall Street and the Bush administration.
Hillary is --depending on which way the wind is blowing center left --Pelosi is far left--Sanders is in the looney bin but I'd trust him because at least he doesn't have the track record of deceit Pelosi and Hillary hold.
The difference between you and I is that you take your news from selected sources, throw out the accusation that I must be a Fox news crowd and this has to do with misogyny as an attitude. It's pretty much akin to the belief you threw out the other day that to vote for Trump you must be an uneducated dumbass.
The problem is a big whiff to all three beliefs......I'm not Ivy League educated but I will tell you this much the school I went to kicked the living shit out of Harvard repeatedly the years I was there in Law review debates among other literary contest.
Secondly I watch and read multiple news sources, even those I disagree with so I can get a feel for how people think both liberal and democrat. But what I use the most is common sense--when it doesn't, I question it. Oddly enough when I question something I normally find if you did long enough you can find the truth.....just not on CNN or MSNBC.
Three I worked in DC for years. It just might surprise you who I know and who I have talked to directly with over the years. You learn a lot when you are up close and personal and it is always interesting ( once you get over the initial shock) of how the press plays it when reporting the supposed news.
I personally don't care about gender, or race; what I do care about is who is the most qualified..........and who is looking out for this nation's best interest. It helps if they understand macroeconomics and can somehow understand that everything needs to fit together when making a decision or policy. AND in a nutshell that isn't Pelosi and it wasn't Obama.
And to get back to the original point......anyone who voted thinking the democrats had learned anything or changed their stripes just got an example they have not by putting Pelosi back in as speaker.
"It's pretty much akin to the belief you threw out the other day that to vote for Trump you must be an uneducated dumbass."
@WB- Don't you think that's a bit of an exaggeration? There's a well-established negative correlation b/w education level and Trump support. It's a fact and incontrovertible. An important part of his base consists of uneducated rural white guys who've been left behind by globalization. Trump preys on bigotry and xenophobia to get their votes. I didn't mean that as an insult to you. BTW, my sister's been a lawyer for decades and my extended family has six lawyers. Getting a word in edgewise at Thanksgiving is a real challenge.
I quoted Nate Silver because he's done an amazing job of using statistics to predict election results. He failed in the Trump election -- but that election came down to 50,000 votes and quirks in the electoral college. In the recent midterms, he did another amazing job of distilling all the polling results with nearly perfect prediction results.
It's hard to prove that Pelosi and Clinton are victims of mysogeny, but I'll stand by that assessment. That's my gut tells me and you can "feel" it all over TUSCL. Just as one example, look at today's post by @Smith: "Hillary Clinton is going to run for President again. Yep, the old hag who can shrivel a guys erection with a mere glance." Yes he's kidding, but I've yet to hear to anything of substance out of @Smith in 3.5 years. Stripclub culture isn't the kind of place you'll find respect for women who wield power.
You brought up too many items to discuss in one place, but Pelosi's handling of the Affordable Care Act was a major achievement. Yes, she put out incoherent statements and maybe someone else should go in front of TV cameras. Still the ACA will go down in the history books as preventing a lot of human suffering. You can argue about the drag on GDP, or whether it makes sense to keep poor, lazy people alive, but there's also something in it for someone like myself who could get shut out the healthcare system with a pre-existing condition. I take it you're closer to Medicaire age than I am -- but I sure like having Obamacare there if I need it. As a moderate I'm *not* for single-payer healthcare and prefer the patchwork-quilt approach that builds incrementally on the old system and keeps the best features of capitalism.
@Warren wrote: "..and then tried to push the entire collapse of real estate market on Wall Street..."
I think what you're implying is that government lending to the poor caused the collapse in real-estate and completely disagree. That's a zombie idea that never seems to die and it's hard to find a single academic economist who would agree with you. And getting the facts straight is incredibly important. In a nutshell, 80% of the securitization chain for mortgages during the buildup to the crash had *nothing* to do with Fannie/Freddie. The timing didn't make any sense and government residential lending couldn't possibly have been responsible for the concurrent crash in commercial real estate busts all over the globe.
Anyway enough politics. Off to swim laps...
Lol ! Rumdummoron It's been mentioned before by myself and others, your "I'm a moderate" claim is bullshit and as factual as your Hillary voted for Goldwater claim. Just admit it, you're a dipshit!
Notice that @GammaNu follows the tradition of other great TUSCLers like @Alucard by putting me on ignore casting insults in my direction, anyway. What a pussy. You can always count on @GammaNu for goofy run-on sentences, pretentious multi-syllable words, and just about zero content. He reminds me of the pretentious idiot, sitting in the front row of class, who just won't shut up. Everyone's laughing at him, but he just doesn't get it.
I guess I'm the only one here who likes Pelosi. She's has some really great legislative achievements in her past like the ones I mentioned earlier (1) getting the fiscal stimulus through after the housing crash (2) holding firm and defeating the (partial) privatization of SS (social security, not stripper-shit) (3) getting the ACA through and helping to defeat it's repeal later. She's known for keeping her base together and getting things done. She deserves to stay as speaker even though she's really getting up there in years.
Insecure men feel emasculated by strong women. That's at least part of the reason Pelosi, Hillary, and Warren are hated so much.
I do fly semi regular using a company plane with contracted pilots and have had the opportunity to talk with them quite a bit.over the years about their experience. During 2008 and 2009 While Pelosi and her party were railing on the big three during the financial crisis for using corporate jets she was cruising about in the country using her own US government paid personal transport. This was very damaging to the personal aviation industry as companies temporarily stopped using those resources for political cover. Of course she never decided to fly commercial. Within the small pilot community there were stories of her past innappropriate use of her privalage such as using it to flying to a city to pick up some favorite cookies and fly home. Taxpayer funded may I remind you.…
She's a wealthy woman and agree that she shouldn't misuse taxpayer dollars. You're pilots probably know the inside story.
Lets' also be clear what this means in terms of how "facts" are viewed.
It's too bad we are here when it comes to having to call out the facts on a fact checker/organization but it is where we are in today's world.
On a different note I'm headed to the Senate today to pay my respects to probably one of the more underappreciated presidents of the last century. Unless something drastically changes in this country he is probably the last we will see of his type of leadership.
I like how in this instance they call it a debunked rumor but also describe that she did request a plane that can fly coast to coast without refueling and how that can only be accomplished with a large cargo plane or airliner. Ah, right.
For example, "Media Bias Fact Check" rates as "Least Biased."…
Similarly "All Sides" rates as "center" -- that is no left or right bias…
I could go on in on...