Comments by JimGassagain (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    Ha ha! ^^^ Still crying SJG just because things didn't go your way. Lol!
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    8 years ago
    Back to the real issues that mater!
    Like Tracy Morgan says, he likes them from "the GHETTOOO"!
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    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Oh yeah Mikey! Too many pussies on the left hating themselves right now so they got to project their inadequacies to others on tuscl! Deez nuts! U got any cd's?
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    8 years ago
    I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
    SJG I don't have Right Wing Hate, I have Left Wing Contempt, and familiarity breeds contempt. I'm all too familiar with the lies the ilk of you propagate. It's more evident now that you've lost the elections of 2016. Loser!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Is there something I need to concern myself with this Nina character? It seems like I'm missing out on a brew hah hah here! If it's somebody SJG approves I probably should stay away from engaging altogether. My cup runeth' over with all of that drivel loser talk.
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    8 years ago
    I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
    Hey SJG, take your own advice and stfu to the infinite degree! I lived through Obama, and you'll live through Trump. That is if you don't kill your self first. Life really is worth living if you see it that way. Step away from the ledge Kimosabi!
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    OMG! Lmfao.... SJG stated "Consensual re-entry, and then letting her wake up". That is so Cosby. SJG just admitted to pulling a Bill Cosby! You know how that's working out for him SJG. U keep it up and you'll find yourself down the Cosby path, too.
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    8 years ago
    I'm The Victim Of A Terrorist Hate Crime
    Dude, that really sucks ass Rockstar, but hang in there and get some sleep so you can post about you're future trysts with strippers. I wish you God speed, and take solace that two weeks ago around Halloween several people on my brother's block got their windows shot out, too. The only problem with that is the police didn't go around collecting statistics on how many white people were in the neighborhood and determining which ethnic groups were afflicted, so I guess there's no way of comparing the two scenarios for degree of hardship. All that I know is that my brother had insurance so he wasn't too worried about it, and neither were the other neighbors; whom all make up a diverse ethnicity, yet mostly upper middle class. Fact is you don't know who destroyed your property, so everyone practice what they preach and wish for quieter times ahead so we can all sleep well tonight! Especially any girl who sleeps over at SJG's house, so he can quietly rape her before she wakes up. He (SJG) says its consensual. Lol!
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    Seems as if more educated people voted for Trump than Hillary, or is it now that you want to denounce the polls? I have zero faith in what the media tells you regurgitating liberal hippies. Part of the problem is people don't spend time other than looking at the media and believe it. I feel sorry for those who have no real world experience yet believe the left wing tripe fed to them.
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    8 years ago
    OT: Trump and Obamacare.
    I opened for the Pope because I was thoroughly vetted and deemed fit to be presenting worldly and quality comedy for the intellectuals of New York City. In case you didn't realize I have also sold out Madison Squate Garden. If I was only right wing biased, then why would so many adoring liberals enjoy my comedy and help sell out my shows? It's because I speak from middle America, not extreme radicalism like you do from the left. I also stay away from the extreme right comservatives because they aren't funny in the least bit. Too serious about God and is being his disciples. You need to get out of San Jose for a while and see what the country is really about.
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    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Breaking News: Cubs are forced to give up World Series Title!
    ^^^^ "I for one welcome our future Chinese overlords." Now that's some ducked up thinking right there, I don't care who you are. If anyone agrees with this they need some serious behavior therapy.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    You're wrong SJG! ^^^^ There was a TUSCL link that another member sent to me and it explicitly had you writing that you hold the girls wrist while she is sleeping and enter her, and then you went on to state how she will be shocked but she will also enjoy that you did this to her. I can't bring up the link and post because I only use my phone which doesn't allow that capability, but if any of these TUSCL members agree with me I'm sure they will include the link to show how much of a masogonist and hypocrite you really are. You're a self proclaimed pro-humanitarian, and I tried to become friends with you at first, but you never want to be friends with someone who doesn't agree with you. That's similar to the left leaning Democratic Party of Obama/Clinton that you support. It's either your way or no way. That's fascist thinking right their, sleepy time rapist. That's what JS69 calls you!
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    8 years ago
    Good Call on the Election zipman68!
    ^^^^ Like the rioters who block traffic, beat up people who voted for Trump, and have all day to protest because they have no jobs? Yeah, that's a real good example of consciousness there SJG! Especially you who make racial statements against white people, the same establishment personally responsible for our founding fathers who created this great constitution. You however preach anti-Americanism, and want to go transnational, but u can't because you're too broke, even though you say you have responsibilities.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    ^^^ No, but someone needs to balance out all of the left wing ideological BS that spews from your computer. It's people like you which is the reason why females decided to vote republican. You're creepy and disrespectful to women, especially when you stated on TUSCL how you like to rape girls while they're sleeping. Also how you fake treating sex workers like civilians just so you can have sexual advances on them pretending you like them, giving them a false sense that there is a relationship. You are lower than a snake SJG!
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    8 years ago
    OT: Trump and Obamacare.
    ^^^ Perdect example of ad hominem. "Obama got his plan passed, and that places him above all other Presidents before, since LBJ". Really? That qualifies him above all others? Based on what standard? GW Bush I put ahead of Obama because he actually fought for American's constitutionality, so I guess that places him above Obama.
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    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    Stfu SJG!
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    8 years ago
    Basket of Deplorables
    Stock market ^^^, not "stool market". Fucking fat fingers!
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    8 years ago
    Want to bet that liberal colleges are offering super safe places for students th
    SJG the comedy clubs are a different atmosphere than TUSCL, but there you go again trying to be righteous. Oh, and by the way you said you like to pay for prostitutes, too. You visit AMPs and especially enjoy the Mexican hat circuit and gladly pay the girls who are economically disadvantaged where sex is their only option for a living. You're a typical hypocrite, thinking your shit doesn't stink. U do realize you have nobody positively supporting your posts, but almost the entire board dislikes you. Maybe you should start taking stock of yourself before you end up commuting suicide before it's too late.
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    8 years ago
    Basket of Deplorables
    SJG why do u have such a hard on for Dougster? Is it because he and others have called correctly how the stool market was going to hit new highs? All the while you have constantly been rooting for the market to collapse. The democrats care nothing about stock ownership compared to conservatives so maybe that's why you are so angry?
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I'm calling it here and now
    More examples of SJG righteousness!
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    8 years ago
    Want to bet that liberal colleges are offering super safe places for students th
    ^^^^ Papi Chulo is right again, and SJG is wrong AGAIN! The poor choose a path of dependency, whether it be on drugs or government handouts. I spent 10 years working at a low income community and there used to be a decent # of fathers present 50 years ago in these communities The grandparents of these low socio economic status families will freely admit the absent father as the problem. Not only does it place their children at a disadvantage economically, but the children also have abondonment issues, lack of self esteem, and little discipline in order for them to forge ahead and persevere to become successful. The Hispanic population's grandparents also were critical of their following generation's willingness to adapt to the US standards. They refuse to learn English because Telemundo and other Spanish speaking channels were always on, and the bad ones behavior in school always were acting out because they had no discipline from the fathers being absent. The mothers didn't have time. These criticisms came directly from their own people patriarchs/matriarchs. The successful people from their same generation would also criticize them, because the successful ones would stay disciplined and get an education. The "disenfranchised" ones that SJG speaks of really never fought to make their lives better and chose to be influenced by the negative factors, drugs and addiction and resorted to government handouts. The poor blight continues down the cycle of poverty because it was easier to assimilate into it with their family and friends. At one time I was a bleeding heart liberal trying to help them out, but after working with the poor neighborhoods for 10 years and living amongst them, you begin to realize that the best way to help the poor/disenfranchised is by not being one of them. That is the truth because there is no way you can help anyone who isn't motivated to improve their lot in life.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Will women voters go for Trump?
    Wow! Doing a little research on TUSCL and came across this thread. It looks like there were a lot of naive people on this board saying Women weren't going to vote for Trump, and that Clinton would win the electoral college by a land slide! Never believe those who live sheltered lives inside an urban population. I've always said some of the most ignorant people are those righteous leaning liberals who think they are so in tune with human rights. Once you get out of that bubble of thinking you realize that the biggest human right is getting up and working hard every day, which most of middle America and hard working women can relate to, especially when you're running a household. The women who voted for Trump probably know how hard it is to manage successfully, and if you have a family you'll always be criticized. Looks like the Clinton supporters failed to realize the "Me first" attitude doesn't work for the whole population. Meat72, congratulation on your call! More women voted for Republican than in previous elections, because they understand the importance of leadership. Clinto didn't have the leadership that women wanted to see.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    The OSU, that was a perfect retort. Obama tried, albeit idealistically to create change, but it was a blatant smack against the constitutionality of mandating things from his administration. Just as was in his administration, the same will be going forward. I do not blame him personally for the issues we face, I do blame the administration. One person doesn't make the changes. The times will make a President, the President doesn't make the times. This Trump stuff the righteous people are upset about is overblown, and they need a lot of perspective before ranting.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    The Silence.....
    You never get successful in as many businesses like he has without going through lawsuits. It's like governments always have lawsuits to fight due to the high # of incidences with people. Everyone has their bias, and all I was staring is that yours truly were showing through these past few weeks, especially after the election. Who and why is this Gamanu character relevant?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Basket of Deplorables
    25, his core values he promotes are returning to the constitution, respecting public safety and our military, so we all as individuals can succeed in a capitalistic society. More or less back to the basics of what made this country great. I don't have a bad taste in my mouth about him like you do because I've never done business with him, and never have had him tell me I was to be looked down on just because of the path I have chosen in life. The other candidate consistently made me feel inadequate because I wasnt paying higher taxes, pandering to women, or catering to illegals migrating to this country. Because I opposed her campaign made me feel like I was a racist and a bigot, when in fact anyone of those insults could just as easily been made to 99% of the population including the ones who weren't categorized as "deplorables". Most of the country is not in high populous areas, and the electoral college made sure the abuse of high corrupt political machines don't maintain power for only specific areas of the US. "We" the United States of America involve hard working people in Indiana, Minnesota, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and throughout the middle of America. We don't want to live the ways of high population areas. The old saying goes if you pack too many people together, that start acting like pigs in a pen. If there are too many pigs packed in a pen they start turning on each other and will kill one until they have enough space. This election was about giving good hard working citizens their space, otherwise we will start killing each other at a faster pace evident to the liberal mantra the past 8 years.