
Want to bet that liberal colleges are offering super safe places for students th

It's the liberal way


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Super safe places? What does that mean?

    Are you another one who lives in you mom's attic?

    I say the place to be ready to go to is Mexico.

    It might interest you to know that Hillary got a majority of the popular vote. And as the remainder of the votes are counted, that margin will probably exceed Obama's 5 Meg margin.

    Is your idea Mikeya02 that conservatism propagates itself by social pressure?

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    there are no youngsters who are upset about hillary losing. at least not the girls. they didn't vote for her because they were for bernie but that's only because that's where the boys were.

    well that's what i heard
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    A Yale economics professor has made his midterm exam optional to those students traumatized by Trump's win:


    Fucking snowflakes!
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    SJG ,you post stupid on purpose, don't you?

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    SJG writes: "It might interest you to know that Hillary got a majority of the popular vote. And as the remainder of the votes are counted, that margin will probably exceed Obama's 5 Meg margin."

    Hillary got a *plurality* of the popular vote -- 47.5% to 47.3% for Trump. "Majority" means over 50%. As I write this, Hillary leads by about 200,000 votes out of 120 million with 99% of the votes counted. Are you saying that the remaining 1% are going to increase her popular vote lead to the 5 million that Obama won by in 2012? LMFAO!

    SJG, you serve one useful purpose on this board. You are so relentlessly wrong about politics that if I want to know the truth about a political fact or issue, I only have to read your drivel and think the opposite.

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    @MrDeuce "SJG, you serve one useful purpose on this board. You are so relentlessly wrong about everything that if I want to know the truth about a fact or issue, I only have to read your drivel and think the opposite.

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    They were just talking about this on Democracy Now. About 1/3 of the California vote was not yet counted. They are saying that her lead, plurality, not majority, will likely be greater than it has ever before been for a losing candidate. Obama's lead went from about 250k to 5 Meg during this final counting interval.

    MrDeuce, you seem to have some real issue that there is someone, actually a lot of people, who don't see things your way.

  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    san_jose_guy "MrDeuce, you seem to have some real issue that there is someone, actually a lot of people, who don't see things your way."

    i've told you before that those voices in your head are NOT a lot of people. it is all you and only you in there. now take your meds and we can pick up where we left off. you have a long, long road to recovery psycho boy
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    No, SJG, it's pretty much just you. You're so wrong, so often, and yet you keep writing and writing and writing . . .

    Tell us again about Clinton's victories in Kansas and Nebraska :)
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Wow Zipman, can you do anything other than lame Juice/Dougster imitations?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Title says it all

  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    The biggest losers on earth refer to the popular boat. Its no different than saying the patriots won the super bowl, but the seahawk fans ate more hot dos. So fucking what. The founding fathers knew that those living in cities would never understand democracy, but would understand breeding like animals, so they made sure normal, hard working people would stay here by making the national popular vote is meaningless as it is. Poor losers whine and cry and want to change the rules after they lose...badly.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    The difference in the popular vote is less than 0.2% of all votes cast. Clinton received only 47.7% of the votes cast, to Trump's 47.5. You can rest assured that virtually none of the other 5% of people who voted for the libertarian, or any of the other candidates, would have voted for Clinton if their only choices were Clinton or Trump. Many recently elected Presidents won the Electoral College but not the popular vote, most falling far short of Trump's numbers.

    And the Electoral College numbers are all that count. When the media gets over it's crying jag, figures out they really cannot decide who becomes President, and actually posts the final numbers, Trump will have won with 306 Electoral College votes to Clinton's 228. During the day Tuesday, when the Clinton team over at ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/PBS thought Clinton was going to win, they were calling an Electoral College result of over 300 votes a "modern mandate" and the real definition of a landslide.

    I actually enjoyed watching the PBS coverage - where they acted like it was a wake, the NBC coverage - especially when their "Chief Foreign Correspondent" had an on-screen breakdown, the CNN coverage - ("whitelash") and MSNBC - where everyone was "off script" and in panic mode from midnight to dawn. I even enjoyed that Hillary failed to follow tradition and make a concession speech as soon as it was clear she lost - she sent Podesta over to send everyone home and didn't publicly concede until almost noon the next day. All of that shows - to me - that the "fix" was really "in," the media really was "all in" for Hillary, and again Hillary showed lack of character.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    ^ skibum +1

    I misspoke on a related thread. With only 92% of the votes counted, Hillary leads by about 300,000 out of 120 million. However, when late returns come in from Kansas and Nebraska, she will clinch those two states' 73 electoral votes to obliterate Trump in the Electoral College 291-290! There's still hope, lefties!!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Bing had called Kansas and Nebraska for Clinton.

    Usually when all the votes are finally counted, the Democrat will have a larger margin in popular vote than though. Not sure where the counting is today. Yesterday only about 66% of California had been counted.

  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    dallas702: In fact the only *recent* presidents to win the electoral vote and not the popular vote are:

    2000: G.W. Bush.
    2016: Trump

    The only other times this quirk has occurred are:

    1824: John Quincy Adams
    1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
    1888: Benjamin Harrison

    which are not what I would call recent.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    What they were saying was that of these cases, Clinton may have the largest popular vote margin of any loser. But depends upon all votes being counted. Have to wait and see.

    The Hayes election is widely considered fraudulent.

    In this election the upset states were WI, OH, PA, NC, FL? And I also note that Obama had been able to carry Indiana.

    The PA vote is the one which looks the most curious to me. Usually when the polls close and they announce the tally, it starts with a huge Republican lead due to absentee ballots. Then the Democrat starts to close. As you count up to the very end, it is always favoring the Democrat.

    PA seemed to do the opposite, and with a steep gradient. Anxious to see why this was. There are plausible explanations.

  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    I vote for Doctor Phil for FUCKTARD OF THE UNIVERSE
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I'll bitch about the electoral college until I die. But I've been bitching about it since civics class in high school, not since wednesday (or even since 2000).
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    ^^^ lol. are you sure you've got the right doctorphil?

    hey i wanted to ask you a question what with you being a Naval veteran and all, is it true that it ain’t gay if you’re underway? lololololol

    seriously, happy veterans day
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    Perhaps the PA vote started out relatively more Democrat because votes were counted in the urban areas first, especially Philadelphia. As votes from the mostly rural remainder of the state, which votes more like Alabama than like Philly, were counted, the small GOP lead became sizable. There's nothing nefarious going on here.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    All colleges are liberal if they're any good.What's your point?
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Regarding mikeya02's original post I agree that safe spaces are one of the stupidest things to develop. They create echo chambers where people only listen to their own perspectives.

    But remember that both liberals and conservatives have created their own echo chambers. Liberal and conservative web sites. Conservative talk radio (attempts at liberal talk radio have largely been unsuccessful.

    I don't think I realized how sad that is until this election. America has really become two one-party states (one urban/one rural). That isn't good for anybody.

    I'll say one positive. Hillary (contrary to the Hillary-hate) was a low-risk candidate. Essentially zero would have changed with her. Some of you don't like that but I have thought that America was largely one a fine track. Maybe not great, but slowly cranking along.

    Trump is high-risk. If I was older I'd be scared shitless about my investments. I'm young enough and have a stable income so that if things go south I can weather things. However, high risk comes with high potential to actually change things. If Trump fucks up he'll probably fuck up soon and fuck up fairly big. Then we'll have either a Democrat or a Republican challenger to Trump elected in four years.

    If he doesn't fuck up we may actually have change for the better.

    Frankly, I still think he'll fuck up. Not because he's Republican but because he's Trump. But why not hope that he'll succeed in making the US a better place?
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    We all should be happy for the electoral college. If it wasn't for its system, then the liberal corrupt voting based on population centers of the east coast and west coast would remain in power, i.e. The Democrats would always stay in power and hence a socialist society would form. The founding Fathers are genius's for recognizing the abuse of a runaway herd mentality could produce.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    at the age of 66 i still shake my head.
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    Well, somehow the Trump protests turned into race riots. Why can't Obama stop this? Not a smooth transition is it?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Too many liberals are plain just soft and even see criminals as victims (oppression, racism, circumstance, etc), that's why so many cities have out of control violence, the criminals have been emboldened to where they are in control in many cities and they have no fear of authority, they not only have no fear, they have been made to feel they can do as they please
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    But Obama and Hillary are their great leaders. The agitators surely would listen to them, right?
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I get the feeling you're trying to be rhetorical

  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    well, yeah
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Watching my local news, protesters have decided to block the main artery b/w Miami and Miami Beach at the height of rush-hour stranding 1000s of motorists - looks like "the basket of deplorables" were in her camp as has been proven over the last couple of days - SMH
  • ime
    8 years ago
    if you block traffic you deserve to get hit by a truck. That is such bullshit, of course though if you don't work you don't care if others are going to work of coming home form working. Fucking cocksuckers
  • TheeOSU
    8 years ago
    Papi if we had a "like" button i'd be leaning on it for your last post!

    Comment of the day!
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Thanks Papi! I believe you are truly trying to be objective amongst deplorables.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Thank you - I take great pride in being an objective deplorable
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Shit, if they are in my way when I'm down there in December. I'll join them and throw rocks at the deplorables driving their Mercedes. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This country still disenfranchises a huge percentage of the population. This is what causes crime. It is not any soft attitudes, it is simply the reality which many people are forced to live in.

    May wanted Hillary Clinton. Even more wanted to stop Donald Trump. So people are understandably angry.

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Some people make their own bed SJG, when you have generation after generation of no fathers in the home and teenage moms that subsequently become grandmothers in their early-30s, yeah they are gonna struggle
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ Papi Chulo is right again, and SJG is wrong AGAIN!

    The poor choose a path of dependency, whether it be on drugs or government handouts. I spent 10 years working at a low income community and there used to be a decent # of fathers present 50 years ago in these communities The grandparents of these low socio economic status families will freely admit the absent father as the problem. Not only does it place their children at a disadvantage economically, but the children also have abondonment issues, lack of self esteem, and little discipline in order for them to forge ahead and persevere to become successful. The Hispanic population's grandparents also were critical of their following generation's willingness to adapt to the US standards. They refuse to learn English because Telemundo and other Spanish speaking channels were always on, and the bad ones behavior in school always were acting out because they had no discipline from the fathers being absent. The mothers didn't have time. These criticisms came directly from their own people patriarchs/matriarchs.

    The successful people from their same generation would also criticize them, because the successful ones would stay disciplined and get an education. The "disenfranchised" ones that SJG speaks of really never fought to make their lives better and chose to be influenced by the negative factors, drugs and addiction and resorted to government handouts. The poor blight continues down the cycle of poverty because it was easier to assimilate into it with their family and friends.

    At one time I was a bleeding heart liberal trying to help them out, but after working with the poor neighborhoods for 10 years and living amongst them, you begin to realize that the best way to help the poor/disenfranchised is by not being one of them. That is the truth because there is no way you can help anyone who isn't motivated to improve their lot in life.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Haven't read the thread but the title of his thread just by itself is hilarious!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    4got2wipe, mikeya02 expects TUSCL to be an echo chamber for his own views. He refuses to accept that there are a large number of conscientious people who completely disagree with him.

    And JimG seems to expect the same thing. Jim, are these the kinds of things you say in your comedy shows in Indiana and Ohio?

    "When I started out as a entertainer I lived with my wife and 5 kids in a two bedroom apartment. But now that I am a successful entertainer I get to keep a furnished condo that I can take my strippers to. As a successful white male I am exercising my right to pay hookers for sex. So I get to open for the Pope and I do adds for Chrysler, and I am an authority on Average Americans. And like I told Bill Maher, the one thing he and I have in common is that, "We both like prostitutes.'"

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    SJG the comedy clubs are a different atmosphere than TUSCL, but there you go again trying to be righteous.

    Oh, and by the way you said you like to pay for prostitutes, too. You visit AMPs and especially enjoy the Mexican hat circuit and gladly pay the girls who are economically disadvantaged where sex is their only option for a living. You're a typical hypocrite, thinking your shit doesn't stink. U do realize you have nobody positively supporting your posts, but almost the entire board dislikes you. Maybe you should start taking stock of yourself before you end up commuting suicide before it's too late.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I treat all women with respect. I give them money, but that does not mean I treat them as anything less than ordinary girls. And I am not deceiving anyone, and I have not built a public reputation based on lies. And I do not denigrate poor people, those in the US or those in other countries.

    I suggest Jim that you start taking stock of yourself, because you really are a buffoon.

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