
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    theosu did u just watch a movie about the spanish inquistion? ur going to give yourself a heart attack if u keep this up by the way my father was good buds with jon clesman and eric idoling and one day the told them to consider doing a little skit about the spanish inquisition. something about how they were never expected. the rest is history from phils phamily to urs - your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Where you live
    come on people. lets stop making this thread about politics. it is in the front room after all. the truly odd part about skibums post is that it makes no sense in light of the things he has claimed to hate. what is the thing skibum claims to hate above all else? i know what ur thinking ‘liberals’ but after that it is young people. yep skibums raison detre is hating liberals and young people. this is in the front room so it cant be a rant about liberals. after all skibum is a stickler for the rulez. therefore this must be a rant about young people. and since skibum hates young people he must want them to have bad schools but he claims good schools are a positive. wtf?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers stage protest over Bristol’s plan to ban lap dancing clubs
    lesson the first: focus on apolitical events where u have helped people. for example a uk related phil event was when i said to emilia clarkson that she should take any part that included references to dragons the rest is history. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers stage protest over Bristol’s plan to ban lap dancing clubs
    relax skibum ur making everything about politics just like theosu. did u every think about the possibility that ur information is just as inaccurate as mr mets? u should really think about reevaluating every decision u have made in ur life because most or all of them are likely to be wrong. my space geneious / psychological geneious life coach services are available for free because i have been so successful in life that i just want to give back to the community your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    relax theosu. ur mighty upset for a guy who claims to believe that there are only 5 posters on tuscl. by ur logic gamma is me which would make ur interpretation of mr gammas post kind of silly because it would be me insulting myself or juice insulting me. it is much more logical to assume he is trying to offer u help because i can assure u that mr gamma is concerned about u. u are just so angry with the world. altho i like to avoid discussing peoples politics on here since there is a strip club web site and there is even a politics room, ur politics may actually be an issue here not the conservative vs liberal dimension. after all mr gamma is conservative and he is making the laudible effort to help u with ur psychological problems. or maybe mr gamma is liberal. cant remember and dont care regardless the issue with ur politics is that ur obsessed. u see the problem when people become obsessed with things they dont understand is that they become psycho about it. take a hint from mr gamma and stop making everything about politics. u really arent a conservative anyway because i dont think u actually understand anything ur talking about by the way u should also work to improve ur english writing skills. it might improve ur chances of having a successful life. sorry to be so brutally honest but sometimes tough love is necessary. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Recommendations for fun in New Haven, CT?
    now now doctorevil. mr scrub said he is on some sort of medication for his rage issue. he may also be an idiot but lets tackle the issues one at time and focus on helping him with his inappropriate rage. just felt i should share some space geneious advice. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    now that I have dealt with theosu being a drama queen we can discuss something interesting. do any of u know taylor said when i suggested she do a song with the line h8ers gonna h8 h8 h8? u guessed it. phil got some swiftlet head. she also sniffed my taint. good times good times
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    mr gamma makes a salient point about this jonycovid99 character. It is not nice to make fun of theosu or to downvote him as a space geneious i recognize that in most Internet forums frequented by adult male posters who found other posters offensive or insulting would - as the talented miss taylor swiftlets would say - just shake it off. but theosu is clearly a special case. know this mr theosu my goal is to help others. one benefit of being a space geneious is that there is enough geneiousness to go around. if i challenge u on a subject it is only because i think u are capable of self improvement. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Actual headline.
    u are doing a good job helping theosu mr gamma. i have offered my life coach services to theosu and he has rebuffed them, so ur doing the work of angles by offering such life lesson as ‘dont piss off the kid making ur onion rings at burger king because he might adulterate said onion rings with his boogers and cum’ listen to gamma mr theosu if u dont want boogers and cum in ur onion rings. Your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What if your wife was a stripper?
    also i think “the stupid gene” is a better explanation for a husband being fooled by a wife saying she only gives air dances. a husband having “the cuck gene” would mean that he wants to watch. maybe he was watching u from the closet and thought u were weird when u started talking about tachyons also i should point out that the stupid and cuck phenotypes are both polygeneic. and now i sigh because the work of a geneious is never done. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What if your wife was a stripper?
    did she understand that putting on a condum after u cum is ineffective? well i suppose it might work if ur sperm were made of tachyons and therefore traveling backward in time. however this space geneious is skeptical that u have tachyon jizz. u dont have tachyon jizz do u?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Describe the TUSCL community in a sentence or two.
    they are people that need life coaching from a geneious fortunately phil is here. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Groundbreaking discovery while eating out strippers
    it isnt a truly groundbreking discovery unless it is something unexpected like life on mars. were there martian microbes in that strippers pussy? if so how did they get there? im a space geneious and i can only think of two ways: she used a martian meteorite as a dildo OR she fucked an alien that had martian soil on his space dong
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I am in STL @ Hustler for 1️⃣ ✨WEEK✨ 🅾️♑️L✅‼️
    since u are legendary the psd i have to ask whether u want to drive a car on mars. i bet u would get it stuck in a ditch but in doing so discover life and then share the nobel prize with me what do u say about that?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    She's texting while I'm going down on her
    back on topic: molly ringerton never texted anybody when i ate her pussy. otoh that was before cell phones with txt capability were generally available but even if they were it wouldnt have happened cause im also a geneious at the pussy lickin
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    She's texting while I'm going down on her
    ^ it must be sort of sad to be so obsessed with politics that a thread about some poor guy lickin pussy while a girl texts prompts u to post a georges orwellette reference how can u even think about politics when life is as wonderful as it is. i mean rly there are thinks wonderous and amazing like having a three way with prince and kim bassetter, getting blown by molly ringlington for naming the brat pack, suggesting to cardiac bee that she rap about the wet ass pussy, and landing a percy on mars wait a second. that is my amazing life not yours and im a space geneious and ur not so u probably cant live my amazing life. ok i guess obsessing about world events u cant change and trotting out tired cliches is a reasonable response when u have hope in life. im glad to be me cause it must suck to be u. u have my sympathy
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Bigger Sin? Clubbing on Easter or Christmas?
    steal the holy water from a local church. it isnt a sin if its for a good cause once again your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Bigger Sin? Clubbing on Easter or Christmas?
    ^ since i am a space geneious and a theologian i will advice u to take daily holy water enemas they will wash ur sins away. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    then why do u post here? just sayin that if ur rite ur either being stupid and irrational or ur in love with one of the other four posters. maybe u should reexamine all of decisions youve ever made because they are probably all wrong your welcome for my psychological geneious help
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Bigger Sin? Clubbing on Easter or Christmas?
    muddy i hate to pedantify u with my extraordinary knowledge of just about everything but as a space geneious with substantial background in all areas i simply have to inform u that easter is one of the most important holidays for catholics ur clearer doing youre chosen religion incorrectly. i bet u dont even put the schmutz on your forehead for the ashes wednesday. nor are u likely to know that wednesday actually honors odin who is not at all catholic or even christian so it should really be smear ashes on ur face for odin day i hope this help u. Your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Bigger Sin? Clubbing on Easter or Christmas?
    now that i have solved ur theological problems we should talk about something interesting like the time that i coined the term brat pack. i was riffing on my grandpappys idea for rat pack. my grandpappy was good friends with humprey bowman and francis sinatra u see anyhoo molly ringsman was so turned on by the name brat pack that she begged me to cum in her mouth. it was all i want to drink ur baby batter phil. good times
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Bigger Sin? Clubbing on Easter or Christmas?
    sir lapdancing is of course correct from a theological standpoint. no doubt read the tractates theo-philosophicus or as we space geneiouses call it the theo-philosophich abhandlung however his theological musings are moot if one regularly changes religion. if it is sin to club on easter become a hindoo but when diwalt rolls around u just become a jew and then u want a pork chop its time to become an evangaline christian. problem solved. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    now onto something more interesting. did i ever tell u weirdos how i named the brat pack and it turned molly ringerson on so much that she begged me to cum in her mouth? good times
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    jonycovid99... LMAO !!!
    alltho i am space geneious and not a psychological geneious i have to say that ur seeming a tad unbalanced in this obsession. it smacks of dougster in his peak phase ricky dugan obsession phase. u know the time it was just before he started jacking off while insulting vince michaelsson here is an idea from a space geneious: picture sexy girls in ur mind when u jack off. u will have more fun doing that your welcome
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    That guy up in VIP, sitting at a table with a bunch of strippers all night
    ^ rickdugan because u are a tuscl poster that might be helped by my space geneious pedantification i have to inform u that u have used the wrong homophone. it should have been cue not queue for queue is a line not a signal. your welcome also for youre information i shall define homophones since it is a polysyllabic word that most tuscl posters are unlikely to know. it has nothing to do with homosexuality instead it is simply a term for word that have different meanings and spellings but the same pronunciation. as the tv says the more u know your double welcome