
Where you live

If you had to choose just one thing that makes you believe you live in a wonderful place, what would it be? For me it is easy. The school system in my town is in the top .06% in the country in educational versus cost per pupil. We have great schools; exceptional public services; cheap electricity, cable and internet and one of the lowest tax rates in the entire state. The most for the least and proof that Government can work. Republican town in a sea of blue.


  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    Agree with the above--but would include quality of colleges as well as K-12. Also quality of healthcare system with the best teaching hospitals.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Florida is not my favorite nor preferred place to live; but it's most attractive quality right now is Gov. DeSantis. Hopefully, he'll agree to serve another term as Gov before announcing a successful run for the White House.

    Before our liberal peanut gallery begins the childish Desantis-bashing, please consider how to twist and gaslight the abysmal records of commie favorites like Whitmer the wicked witch, creepy Cuomo, recall Gay Gavin, Jon DingBel Edwards, fatty pringles Pritzker... well, you get the picture. Sometimes, laissez faire and self-accountability are the only realistic options.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Hey our Rino Governor was very strict and he helped us have a higher death rate than Florida and a much higher unemployment rate. To be fair he did prioritize convicted criminals for the vaccine.
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    We have 2 homes (North and South) currently, because we’ve never found one location that satisfies us in every way. We lived in a tony south shore town for 28 years and raised our children with access to a quality school system et al. We’ve moved twice in MA in the last 7 years due to opportunities to improve our commute and pay off all mortgages. We own what’s right for us, but neither suits the OP’s objective as a selling point. Both homes could certainly produce a tidy profit today, but it’s Monopoly money until you pull the trigger!
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Best part of living in Florida is the weather, additionally in my part of the state, there are so many excellent options for dining. Shopping, outdoor sports, I go to the beach 3-5 times a month, I swim in my own pool 5-7 days a week, golf is available year round, there is live entertainment during normal times (the pandemic has caused a bit of a loss in that respect, but I expect it to get back to some semblance of normal rather soon) available year round, the only complaint that I have is that my area has gotten so populated in the 30 plus years I have lived here that traffic is quite congested and it’s becoming harder to get convenient tee times at public golf courses and most of the popular restaurants are crowded even with reservations can end up with an extended wait for a table,
    P. S. Did I mention that the strip clubs near me are full of gorgeous sweet young ladies who are eager to make enough money to enjoy the Florida lifestyle.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    This is hilarious! Skibum always talks about how hard-core of a conservative he is yet be brags about all of the stuff he gets for cheap or free! 😂 sounds like a liberal thread lol
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    The wonderful sense of privacy. As I look out any of my windows I can see grass, trees, a creek or a cornfield. What I can't see is a neighbor's house anywhere in sight. While I have gotten to know, and I am friendly with, the neighbors on each side over the years, we aren't physically close enough to bother each other.

    Combine that with the low cost of living compared to most cities or suburbs and it is simply paradise to me, except for Ohio's unpredictable weather.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I'm no fan of skibum's reckless hate, but I have to call Cowboy's bullshit post which has no basis in reality whatsoever.

    I saw nothing about free stuff in skibum's post. I saw him describing low taxes, wisely used public funds, and accountable, responsive, government. These are all conservative, Reagan-Republican Principles that have proved successful time and time again.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I’m where I’m at for a few reasons. 1. My wife and I both have good jobs and have “worked ourselves up in the ranks” so to speak, which probably could not be easily replaced if we moved. 2. My parents still live here and really other than a sibling that’s the only family I have left. 3. I like the seasons change, not sure I could adapt to moving somewhere where it’s always warm. 4. Low taxes, extremely low property taxes but the flip side is real estate is high. 5. Only 1 hour away from large metro area, it’s not the best city around but satisfied the big city itch now and then. Every time we talk about moving we go to a large metro area and after spending half the day in traffic we say “eh not for us.”

    The thing that blows my mind is if I were to move to Texas, many Midwest areas, I could buy a damn mansion compared to what I live in now for the same price. Ugh.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I like my location for a few reasons - but there are reasons why I’m looking forward to a change in a few years too.

    I like being close to a large city - but not too close. I’m about 12 miles west of NYC. There are lawns and trees, and there is a little space between the homes. I can be in midtown Manhattan in 30 minutes.

    The food choices are excellent. That’s one downside to the pandemic - as it basically killed eating out for a long time.

    The people are very nice here. That helps a lot in making it a good area.

    The last positive is that I’ve been here most of my life - so it’s the only area I know - and that makes it comfortable. That’s also a negative, as it’s not new, and it’s the same stuff each day.

    I am planning to move south in the next few years. I don’t love the cold winters anymore. The seasons are great, but I could do with 3 out of 4.

    The taxes are re-god-damn-diculous! The property values generally stay high due to the proximity to NYC. But the taxes are over the top because we have the privilege of funding the tax version of a black hole - Newark! That’s a place where every tax dollar is swallowed up and never a benefit is seen.

    I would enjoy a slower pace of life too. I think there will likely be enough transplanted NY area folks down south to make me feel comfortable, and enough space and slowness to help me to relax and not continue to age in dog years.

  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    The one thing is moving out of California.
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    The city I live in sucks but the plus is I'm close to Lake Erie, boating, swimming, fishing, fresh water without creatures that bite, sting, or eat you.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    gammanu95 said "I saw nothing about free stuff in skibum's post. I saw him describing low taxes, wisely used public funds, and accountable, responsive, government. These are all conservative, Reagan-Republican Principles that have proved successful time and time again."

    If Reagan was so smart, why did he cut taxes without cutting government services and entitlements? Then all of the money was borrowed from other things like social security to keep the big government spending going, and never paid back. Sure everyone says that it was invested in government bonds, but who pays the interest on the bonds? Then older generations expect younger generations to foot the bill and keep paying social security for them to keep getting their entitlements.

    Sounds like democrat thinking to me, instead of responsible government spending...
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    ^seminar liberal parroting talking points.

    You've done a pretty good job of torpedoing Biden's first term agenda; but your statements about Reagan were as factually false as your original statement about the OP. You need to do some research of your own, exercise some critical thinking, and venture outside your comfort zone of Mother Jones and vice.com, to get the real facts and the whole story about the Reagan years. When Trump talked about MAGA, he was talking about the Reagan vision -and successes- of building the world's sole superpower, a global force that dominated culture, finance, military, and diplomacy. Not everything Reagan did was perfect, but he crushed our enemies, rebuilt patriotism, ended stagflation, reignited the increase in standard of living, and spoke in a way that Obama never could and he did so without the teleprompter.

    Educate yourself, fool.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    I live at my own little Walden Pond, safe and secure, but I can jump on the expressway and be at several strip clubs in 20-30 min. I have everything I want here. Better winter weather would be nice, but I don't want to deal with the hassle of moving.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    come on people. lets stop making this thread about politics. it is in the front room after all.

    the truly odd part about skibums post is that it makes no sense in light of the things he has claimed to hate. what is the thing skibum claims to hate above all else? i know what ur thinking ‘liberals’ but after that it is young people.

    yep skibums raison detre is hating liberals and young people. this is in the front room so it cant be a rant about liberals. after all skibum is a stickler for the rulez. therefore this must be a rant about young people. and since skibum hates young people he must want them to have bad schools

    but he claims good schools are a positive. wtf?
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    The bourbon makes it all worth it.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    I have lived in Miami my entire life, except for the 4 years I spent “up north” in college, so I don’t have any other perspective, Howe, I am reluctant to brag about Miami since there are already too many people here and the migration from the north continues unabated.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    ^seminar liberal parroting talking points.^

    ^ lol! Not a liberal here... Just pointing out that a lot of out of touch boomers expect to have their cake and eat it too, by expecting to get all of their entitlements at the cost of generations younger and older than them. When you expect everyone else to pay your way, you are a liberal, or at best a rino
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    "I'm not a liberal" is what all the liberals on this board say. Your argument is invalid.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ and all of the right wing nuts think anyone that object s to their brand of bullshit calls anyone they don’t agree with liberal, like it means something
    For the record if Ronald Reagan was alive today he’d be just as disgusted by what is going on in this country, you weren’t even in diapers when he was President and Reagan never called his opponents enemies this new ideology is anathemas to true conservatism
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Honestly where I’m at probably just the opportunity. Girls, Jobs, Food. A whole bunch of shit in like 100 mile radius or so with like 30 million people in the truck state area. Although I’m not fan of where it is/headed politically it is still a very cool city.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    300 days of sunshine. My dog hates rain, so I think he’s really happy here especially. Legal marijuana and really good hookah scene. City amenities. Not too far away from anything nice that’s outdoorsy. Also, when it comes to dancing, I like my home club and have an easier time sticking with there than other places I can think of.

    I have thought of a more low COL place to be, and rent in an area with more space/privacy...and seriously give camming type of stuff a go. (Something I’ve thought about for a few years)...places that wouldn’t be bad as a “quaint” spot may be somewhere like Lubbock TX or Springfield MO that seemed to have just decent enough strip clubs, and also things to do. (Coincidentally both places that have a university balancing them out from being an otherwise rougher area)

    But right now what’s the point of doing that because then I’ll be out the door hanging out somewhere else for a while anyways. Denver suits my needs as a comfortable home base to keep returning to. And was the better option back when everything was shut down, because at least there was hiking to do.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    The outside near here. An hour or so west is the Pacific Ocean; all Oregon beaches are public. An hour or so east and you're in mountains; 2 snowcapped mountains can be see from town. Two hours north is Portland; I got kids and grandkid there. Just outside of town is a 4,700 acres park/natural area with dozens of trails, from 100 yards to a river overlook to 7 or 8 miles around and over a mountain. Three rivers converge near here, all fun to boat or swim.

    Throw in a couple great hot springs, the countries cheapest legal weed, and the Oregon Country Fair, and the generally mild weather, and I like it.

    Rains a bit in the winter.

  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    wait mr gamma if ‘im not a liberal’ is what liberals say and u have stated that ur not a liberal that would make u a liberal. u rly should consultify with a some sort of geneious before u make proclamations like that

    the only question i have is why there is so much damn politics on this thread. it seems like there is a shared delusion that ur all a bunch of political geneiouses rather than a bunch of perverts making proclamations

    maybe those of u who are obsessed with politics should start a megathread on the politics board and try to figure out what u believe. once u get the ‘politics’ out of ur system u can come back here and post proclamations like good perverts

    as always your welcome for my geneious advice
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Cowboys aren't very smart in general and a 48 IQ is amazingly low. The Reagan reference is hysterical in light of the fiscal stupidity of Biden, Trump and Obama. Young people are simply ignorant and it shows how weak they are when they try to blame him for their weakness. My town is a boomer based town so we work together. Great schools; town park; ski area; trash picked up by 7 a.m.; streets cleared of snow by 5 am. Town electric at 45 of national grid cost. Cheat town wifi and cable too.20 year bond for a new school and in 5 years taxes go down when we pay it off. We encourage angry people like Cowboy to just stay in their apartment, shake their fist at children and stfu.

    Howard Dean was the one who declared Republicans as the enemy, so once again angry 25 is wrong, as always.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Exactly what am I wrong about I never once said a single thing about Howard Dean, you're only a few years younger than me but you are becoming senile at an amazingly fast clip, it must be a side effect of all that marijuana you smoke because you seem to be getting dumber and angrier every time you post.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Let's go, Howard Dean! eeeeeeee-YAH!!! LOL. That shit never gets old.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    If it were not so stupidly liberal, geopolitically vulnerable, and with such a damned high cost-of-living, Hawai'i's Big Island would be ideal. You can go downhill skiing and SCUBA on the same day, but never have to deal with anything too hot, too cold, too humid, or too dry if you did not want to. That's why it is my favorite place to vacation.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Couple good friends of mine grew up on the Big Island and destroyed any image of it as island paradise. Great outdoors but lots of belligerent xenophobic locals and shit job opportunities. It's more like rural Alabama with pineapples.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    I live on da road mane! I get da hummin of d assesfalt and da hummin of da lot lizzards and da $5 lapperz! 🤑
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    "Cowboys aren't very smart in general and a 48 IQ is amazingly low. The Reagan reference is hysterical in light of the fiscal stupidity of Biden, Trump and Obama. Young people are simply ignorant and it shows how weak they are when they try to blame him for their weakness. My town is a boomer based town so we work together. Great schools; town park; ski area; trash picked up by 7 a.m.; streets cleared of snow by 5 am. Town electric at 45 of national grid cost. Cheat town wifi and cable too.20 year bond for a new school and in 5 years taxes go down when we pay it off. We encourage angry people like Cowboy to just stay in their apartment, shake their fist at children and stfu."


    Wow! 🤣🤣🤣 Where do I start! Lmfao! You got triggered so who os the angry person?

    1) You show high intelligence by assuming my name equals my IQ.

    2)I never mentioned Obama, Trump or Biden...

    3)Your town is a boomer based town yet you have the great schools...😂🤣 How does this work? Do they run busses from the retirement homes to the schools? How many grades did
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    3)Your town is a boomer based town yet you have the great schools...😂🤣 How does this work? Do they run busses from the retirement homes to the schools? How many grades did the boomers flunk in order to still be in school? Is that a way of trying to say boomer in your town are smart because you are all still in school? Or is not being able to graduate from school by your late 50's or 60's a sign of weakness?

    5) I don't know much about snow, but if it starts snowing at 4:00 am your snow is not cleared by 5:00 am?

    6) "electric at 45 of national grid cost. Cheat town wifi and cable too."

    ^ this makes no sense. You must have flunked English class? 45 what of national grid? You cheat on your wifi? Does that mean you go hook up the internet illegally because you can't afford it like normal people?

    7) If I am young, why would I shake my fist at children? What did they do to me? They are the countries future and they need to be taught by normal people that don't chastise them like angry boomers do.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    My comment got sut off, sorry for that 😇
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    while u make salient points mr cowboy what u have to recognize is mr skibums ultimate goal. as a space geneious i can see it. i understand why others might not

    what u have to understand is that mr skibum is addicted to complaining about democrats. so much so that he has to post about it in the front room. posting about it in the politics room doesnt quiet the voices in his head. it has to be the front room

    but u might ask how one might post about politics in the front room without looking like a giant asshole? mr skibum thought and he thought until he thank all the thoughts he could think and he came up with a strategy: i will ask people where they would choose to live and then describe the quality of my municipal services while letting it be known that they are administered by republicans

    if he was trying to disguise his intent he might have added something about the climate, the cost of living, location of friends and family, the restaurant and bar scene, the quality of venues for sports and entertainment, proximity to leisure activities he enjoys. The sort of stuff normal people describe when discussing places they like

    alas - despite his name - mr skibum has no leisure activities he enjoys. he lives for the complaining. we need to help mr skibum find something to focus on other than politics. and my space geneiousness just devised a strategy!
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Angry cowboy, angry 25. You both lost..... again..... like always. That angry face you see is the one in the mirror schmucks.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Stupidity personified
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    please mr skibum dont make baby jesus cry. there is a whole politics room on this board and u can post this stuff there. or u can post normal people stuff here. ur choice

    but ur breaking baby jesus’ little heart when u do what ur doing. please stop
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    You can't help yourself. I ring the bell, you salivate Pavlov 25. Get a life old man who can't take it, but loves to dish.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    You keep projecting on me buddy, why do you keep blaming others for your own shortcomings ?
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    relax mr skibum. let me help. if u make a stylish bowler hat out of tin foil it will totally cut out the mind control beams that tell u to be upset with twentyfive. it will also help u to stop making baby jesus cry by posting political bs in the front room

    your welcome
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    "Angry cowboy, angry 25. You both lost..... again..... like always. That angry face you see is the one in the mirror schmucks."

    Ooooooh, I lost??? How could that be??? You never responded to my arguments and clarified what you said! I guess you are just too embarrassed to admit you are a Democrat expecting free or cheap services everyone else pays for.

    @Skibum609, Are you really an attorney? If so, you need to do a better job arguing.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    Sounds like Twenty-five may be onto something with the projection he mentioned
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    There it is: proof that cowboy's IQ is 48, if not less. He cannot count past 3!
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    Good Chinese food. There are more quality places within a 15-20 minute drive than you can shake a stick at. Whenever I visit Florida it never ceases to amaze me at how you cannot find decent Chinese food down there, so I'm thankful.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Crosscheck is right on that one. Lots of Asian restaurants, but not one of them is any good.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    My goal as an attorney is oftentimes making the other side so mad they end up sounding stupid. Given the 48 meltdown I am pretty damn skilled lol.25 it is runner up.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    My turn to try some projection... I WON BECAUSE I said so. I don't need neeD good arguments. I WIN!!!
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Is it easier to rile up an anthill with a magnifying glass or a young "man" with meaningless words .....
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ski it's as clear as day you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, the funniest part is you are the one getting laughed at over and again, you should quit acting like an ass but you probably can't help your self.
    BTW if that is your goal as an attorney you should consider a different career, you really aren't having much success making me angry, you're just making me laugh.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Getting laughed at by you and 48? Lmao who the fuck cares bruh. You two combined equal nothing. All I am doing is trolling you two nitwits.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    You're trolling, wow who'd a thunk such a thing, that's even funnier than I thought, sounded to me like you were angry with me, what a relief I couldn't sleep thinking you were angry with me.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The anger you see is from the face in the mirror.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I'm going to take a nap now, byee
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    if only i thought u were actually trolling mr skibum

    the sad truth is that u really are so obsessed with politics that u incessently bring it into the front room. something that is known to make baby jesus cry

    only after u lose an argument do u claim u were only trolling. u rly need to relax and fess up to ur addiction to political posts. only when u acknowledge ur problem can u begin to heal. it is like what my good buddy lars ulrichton said when metallica almost broke up: we need to learn to listen to each other and feel our shared pain

    anyway the metallica are still going strong and u can get urself right with baby jesus. just admit ur problem and begin to work on it one day at a time

    your welcome
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Wow Doctor Phil, you cannot be any good at your job if you think I give a fuck about your opinion. Take your pain; shove it up your ass and call it a day boy.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    and yet u feel compelled to respond. right now u cannot acknowledge ur addiction but the mere fact that u have responded indicates that u know u have a problem

    helping a grouchy old man who pretend to be a third rate attorney may not rank as high as helping to preserve one of the most creative bands in history but just as i helped lars ulrichstein and james hetterman continue working together i shall help u be a better man

    your welcome
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    "You're" welcome imbecile. No matter the screen name; the douche is always you.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    by engaging with me - a space geneious that is also a psychological geneious - on this thread ur taking ur first baby steps toward becoming a better man mr skibum

    what u must understand is that ur need to post about politics in the front room is a sickness. u post these things to get a reaction because deep down u feel inadequate. u want somebody like mr cowboy to react to the nonsense u post so u can react. that makes u feel alive

    but - as a geneious - i know that u find that to be a fleeting feeling. u will soon need a stronger stimulus. soon u will enter a death spiral where u will carefully transcribe hours and hours of cspan and post it in the front room just to see how people react. lets stop this before u go there

    remember that everybody on this board just wants a better skibum. your welcome
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Where is baby Jesus?
  • BrotherFogHorn
    3 years ago
    Did Skibum609 make baby Jesus cry? Da blasphemy to da lawerd! Skibum! You are a sinner and a heathen and you need to cum in for confessions so we can prey over your soul and get you rite with gawd my son!
  • BrotherFogHorn
    3 years ago
    How dare you you call d great drphil a deutch!

    WhT is a deutch?
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