
Comments by timothyjames55 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    Thanks man. I think I'm going to arrive very early afternoon, and am going to visit HILiter and Christie's Cabaret Tempe. I was debating on which to go to first, and my quick observation of reviews makes me think it would be better to go to HiLiter earlier in the afternoon, and Christie's in the evening. Pending time the next day I might return to whichever was my favorite before a late afternoon flight out.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    Alright dudes, noted. I essentially started in February, and essentially live 5+ hours drive from a club, so I have to fly. Haven't been to many clubs because of that. But, after this trip I should have a few more to review! I've decided I'm going to visit two places in Phoenix (taking an extra day to make it happen) and then on to L.A. where I'm going to visit a club (undecided which as of yet), and then probably one in Santa Barbara. I'll try and leave some reviews on those that don't need enemas... although I'm not exactly sure what that means.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    I'm not following, are you saying the three reviews I've left are questionable? What's wrong with them?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Talk me up...
    GACA, you are totally reminding me of me. Same boat man, so I feel ya. I'm a lone ranger, and the 2 or 3 close friends that know I enjoy it think it is stupid and a waste of money, and boy do I have to hear about it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    Well dang, now we've got a bunch of clubs listed. I think I'll just go a day early and make a day of it, maybe try and hit up three different clubs. I should have asked originally, are ANY of these clubs fully nude? It's fine by me if there is no alcohol. Not a deal breaker, but I much prefer fully nude.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    Sorry to take the thread back for just a moment, but have any of you ever done a layover like this and hit up a club? I'm wondering what one does with their bags? Not sure if there is a viable way to leave it at the airport (especially if I can't check it because I'm taking two different flights), or heaven forbid, stash it at the club somewhere? Man, that last one seems like a really bad option.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    SJG, I do appreciate the ideas, but it doesn't sound like it fits with what I'm looking for, ie. young, blonde dancers.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Is a Longer Layover in Phoenix Worth it?
    I'll take that as a "Hell yes, make the effort!" But any club in particular that you think fits my situation and what I'm looking for? I'm going to try to leave myself 6+ hours between flights at least.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Spending money on a favorite
    I can believe Larry on the 20k in four months, because I know I'm between 15k-20k in the last four months... just not all on one girl. But on my favorite, who'd I'd say has been my favorite for maybe the last six weeks, representing about 3-4 trips to the club, I'd say I've spent about 3k on her in that time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Papi_Chulo - I would not say you misinterpreted my original post. I would say it's both. Yes, I am hoping I can tone the spending down while still having a good time with her, because undoubtedly she is my favorite, but in true PL fashion I do admit an interest in wanting to "win this girl, and/or her affections", as you put it. I know for many it's about the OTC (and more power to you, no judgement here), so my reasons might be different, but for me it largely has to do with the fact that I find myself in Las Vegas one or two times a month, and often times alone. It's nice to be able to spend time in a club with a good looking, fun girl instead of flying solo at the craps table like I've done for the past 12 years of Vegas trips. I've mentioned in another post that my new found clubbing has entirely replaced my desire to gamble. This way at the end of a losing night, I have better memories and a dress shirt that smells like vagina to show for it. :) But where your (Papi_Chulo's) original assessment comes in to play as not being wrong is the fact that my ultimate goal would be to actually see this girl outside of the club some time, socially, not sex. I'm sometimes there on business, sometimes for fun, but I can't spend every minute in the club. I go to shows, I eat dinner, I might resume a little gambling on a toned-down basis one day, and anything else that takes place in this cursed city. It would be fun to do some things with a cute girl that I've built some rapport with in the club. I'm not interested in an escort, for my own reasons. I wouldn't say it's the be all, end all. I can keep it in the club if I must, but I guess my ideal clubbing experience would be hanging out with a favorite in the club for multiple hours, mix between doing some private dances and hangin at the stage or bar, all while spending a reasonable amount of money. I think it's fair to expect to leave a dancer with a good chunk of change if she spends hours with you hanging outside of private dance rooms... just not $1,400. My concern is that I've ruined it by building some high expectations. My gameplan, feel free to critique: I'm going to return to this club, and try my best to get my inner-gitty schoolboy to play it cool around the CF. From there, I will do maybe a 30 minute VIP instead of 2 hours like last time, and then when we are done see if she comes to hang with me for a while, or blows me off with an attitude of "well, that must be all he has for me tonight". Meanwhile, I'll scout out other possibles for $20 lapdances and see who I can make a quick connection with to possibly climb the ladder to 15/30 minutes private dances for some more fun, in case it no longer works out with CF. *** Boy am I going to laugh at myself when I come back here to report that I did 4 hours in the VIP with the CF, instead of just 2. What a pu&*y.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Great comments guys. Quickly to Chessmaster's points, both about spending $1,400 and about feeling (or not) that it's worth the money, I'm with you. I don't mind spending $1,400 at the club, I'm not a weekly frequenter, so it's just from time to time, but the variety of spending on different girls is exactly why I was mentioning that I want to tone it back down from two 1-hour VIP sessions to either one hour, or maybe even a half-hour, so I can spread it out. It will help satisfy my carnal desire for variety, but probably also help in avoiding any kind of falling in fake stripper love, that Papi_Chulo mentions... which brings me to Papi_Chulo's comment that really punched me in the gut (in a good way). I tried to squeeze myself into a female stripper's size 6 stilletos real quick, and see things from her point of view, and I think you're right. Even if a stripper enjoys the company of one customer over another, they must still see the dude that drops $1,400 on her as pretty pathetic. I think I probably would. I'm all the sudden imagining, and trying to get a laugh out of and not take personal, the stories that this girl might share later with friends or other strippers. These stories are probably nothing like "what I great guy, we had a great time", like they are in the dating world... and much more like, "what a chump, I can't believe he dropped $1,400. I hope he comes back soon because I sure could use the cash." Ouch! But serious, I try to see some humor in the stupid stuff I do. Needless to say, this really is a great learning forum and I appreciate the advice. I chalk it all up to experiences and will follow my plan. I will go back, and yes, being a pu**y I will see this same girl, because I did enjoy the time. But I'll spend way less and gauge to see if the treatment drops significantly or if expectations are too high, and if so, I will just enjoy more of a variety of dancers. Looking back, that's what I loved about clubbing from the very beginning. My earliest trips were just tons of $20 dances from like 10+ dancers, and then maybe a 3-song-set with two of my favorites for the night. Oddly enough, emotions didn't start to take over when I wasn't in the VIP room for two hours with a naked chick, getting all intimate and talking about all kinds of fun and interesting topics.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm no troll, but I see some validity in what Timex is saying. I've come to this forum and expressed how I'm very new to the game; first trip was 18 months ago... but went a full year before trip #2, so really I consider this past February the beginning of SC's for me. I'll also be the first to admit I've got some pu**y tendencies in the club, but I'm working on them and appreciate coming here and reading some of things some veterans post that help me along; in particular in this thread I've read some from Papi_Chulo, Subraman, Chessmaster, and others. Don't take offense if I missed you. But if I may relate where I'm at, anyone who cares (don't feel obligated) may chime in. I just got back from a trip and spent a huge chunk on my favorite dancer. This is probably the 5th time we've hung out, each time better and more fun, and more money. My concern is that I've hit the law of diminishing returns. I've hit the max I would want to spend on her on one night, and based on this wall of anonymity and assuming I might not ever meet anyone here, I'll admit it was $1,400. Nope, no extras. I'm really not interested so please don't take this post down that direction. This is just a couple different 1 hour very intimate VIP Sessions, and a few other dances here and there. Plus, I think subconsciously I wanted to break what she had once told me was her one-night record total, $1,300. That's total, not from one pathetic dude ;) - Maybe I subconsciously feel like that would solidify as a favorite. Heck, I own businesses, I like the people that give me money. To her credit she started by joining me at the stage and just sitting with me as I tipped, for probably about 90 minutes. No pushing, no selling, she almost seemed content to just sit there all night. I finally actually brought up getting dances when I got bored with the stage. I think that is a huge part of what turns me on about her. She even gets shy at the VIP, hesitant about the price, acting like she wants to give me a discount. It's endearing. I'm not delusional about dancer's motives, but she probably just sells the illusion really well that she enjoys my company. I certainly enjoy hers. I did also finally get her phone number, solely for the purpose of seeing if she'll be working. I don't want to waste a trip if she won't be there. So I later texted just a "hello" type text, really so she could then have my number, but I haven't heard back. Anyway, any ideas on how to handle the inevitable fallout for if/when I taper back and start to do just one hour VIP, or even 30 minutes like we used to do? I suppose I'll just have to wait and see how the treatment changes. I feel like I'm answering my own question... I need a girlfriend, not a stripper! :) -- 33 y/o and have been single for a number of years now. Hoping for helpful tips; you can refrain from casting me to the lot of PL's, I already know that!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I love strip clubs
    I like nude clubs way, way more than just topless. I wish it weren't that way; I'd have a larger pool of clubs to choose from.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Too chivalrous for a SC or to each their own ?
    Ain't no shame in this guy's game, I'd say. Well, carrying her out is a little weird. But I'll admit straight up that my $20 floor dances are all about the grind... but when I take it back to VIP, I'm usually selecting girls at my favorite club that I have a little bit of a personal relationship with, and it's much more of an intimate experience (no extras needed) than just a grind session. That's just how I like it, and if someone said it stems from being lonely, they'd probably be right. Haven't had a steady girlfriend in probably 8 years. But I usually spend a good chunk each visit, so I'll do it on my terms, and this guy should too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT : Deals Vegas Travel
    I just tried MGM a few weeks ago since they sent me a deal. It was definitely a bit cheaper than Vdara, Aria, Trump, Wynn, which are my usual go-to's, but the quality is noticeably different as well. I probably won't go back... but it would save you the cost of a 3 song set or 15 minutes upstairs if you do decide on MGM over those others. Plus it is a quick walk to Excalibur where I like to gamble since they have $5 minimum tables instead of $10. I'll probably fly in next weekend... and two undetermined weekends in July. It's called addiction. It's funny though, I've almost quit gambling entirely (after 12 years of going maybe 2-3 times a year) and funneled that money over to clubbing now that I've recently found that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    SC career spend
    I actually keep decent tabs, since I'm new. I'm at about $15,000, which on the surface doesn't seem much compared to some of you, but based on the fact that besides one trip in early 2015, this entire rabbit hole started for me 4 months ago in February, maybe I should be concerned. Plus, I actually have to hop a flight to get there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Just here for a good time.
    Where are you Spanish Speakers?
    It's not that they won't understand English, or some English. It's that they get a real kick out of you dropping some Spanish, which in my experience has led to a better time. So that's why I ask if anyone knows how to say "lap dance" or has any ideas of good things to say.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Be nice
    Any good tips for Vegas?
    Papi_Chulo, yes, great points. For that reason my usual, and very predictable approach, is to always start with a $20 dance. In my opinion from there you can get an idea on what she will allow in the next room, or sometimes they will just tell you what to expect in VIP. I've typically found they are truthful in what to expect. I'd say I end up doing 3 for $100 with about one out of five dancers I do the $20 dance with. Damn, this conversation is making me start to jones for another trip to Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Be nice
    Any good tips for Vegas?
    There are extras to be had. I don't, but they are there, and quite frankly I could probably give names of the usual solicitors at my favorite club. Plenty that inquire about going back to your hotel with you as well. I've already opined, and I'm probably not the best to ask since Vegas is all I know, but I always have a great time. It's true that mileage is low on the $20 floor dances, but I had one of my usuals finally admit what I suspected all along. They had an entire meeting based on telling the girls not to allow any touching other than on the hips so that guys are actually encouraged to go VIP. Still though, I think the $100 for 3 songs VIP is a good value; you get a private little room and touching is much greater. I never get out of that damn city without spending a couple grand, occasionally more. Outlandish, I know, by the standards of some, but it works for me, I'm conscientious of what I spend and get what I want out of it, which might be different than what others look for.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Be nice
    Any good tips for Vegas?
    I like Vegas. I've been there probably 6-7 times since February. I like Palomino the best because it's fully nude. They do have alcohol, unlike Little Darlings. I just did a review on Little Darlings where I pretty mentioned that it was an ok, but not great trip, but I'd be willing to go back on a weekend night instead of weekday. Remember, nothing really gets bumping in Vegas clubs until about midnight. I usually head in on a whim, so who knows, maybe I'll be there too.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    "Do you have kids?"
    I don't read much of the so-called "PUA" stuff; stumbled on an article about it in regards to strip clubs the other day, but that's about it. I was just wondering though if you veterans have canned answers to some of this stuff. Mostly, I'm wondering what pushes things along with a dancer more, or possibly is better if you're hoping a dancer will be into you. Obviously, whether or not your answers are the truth in this case isn't important. Kids question, for example... do you think you are better off saying that you do or don't? Or maybe it doesn't matter? If you have a girlfriend or wife? Your job? etc. etc. Do you guys have answers that you think "work" better, or do you simply just go with the truth on everything?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Favorite club
    Papi_Chulo, those are some great points. I can tell you're a seasoned vet. I already mentioned I see all kinds of "PL" in me when I look back at the night, so I'm trying to dump some of that, without becoming an ass. I'm also a strong introvert, and one thing common with introverts is that we can find ourselves spending too much time worrying about other's feelings and what others might be thinking, instead of on what we want. I find myself over-analyzing my interactions with the 5 or 6 dancers that I usually get dances from. Stupid stuff like wondering if she is tired or bored of doing dances with me (despite the money), or wondering why she won't ask for a dance like she used to do and now I have to bring it up. WTF? I'm in sales, and I go out and ask for the money! Always closing! I've mentioned before that I'm relatively new to clubs. It's been the most fun I've had in a while, but I swear it sometimes I think this hobby isn't for me. Too much to think about! I wish I could just sit back and enjoy more. Too much PL in me, I guess.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Favorite club
    ppwh, good points there for sure. The club thing is a weird world to me. I consider myself new to the game as my first visit was about 18 months ago; I've been probably 10 times if I were to guess, 7 of those to my favorite place. I'm 50/50 on if I even like anything that comes along with being a "regular". One positive is that mileage on dances with regulars has gone way up. By the admission of a couple favorites, it's simply because they know me and are more comfortable than a first dance with a new guy. Ok, fine. But I'm almost strangely uncomfortable with how comfortable things are becoming in this environment, be it being referred to as a "friend", the openness with stories about the club/other dancers/home life. At the very least, I think I'm going to mix in visiting a few other places where people don't know me, and then make a concentrated effort to not visit those places enough to become known.It has a totally different, and slightly refreshing feeling to me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My own experiment
    Timex, I LOVE this idea. I was just thinking on Thursday night, while at my favorite club, how my routine is getting a little monotonous. I wrote a review recently where I mentioned how some of my favorites know my routine, so they know exactly what time to come and ask for a dance, and when not to. I'm going to follow suit and switch sides in the club, not approach any favorites (they usually come to me though), and hell, I might even just get dances from girls I have have before instead just the usuals. Sounds fun.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Dr. Phil
    I'll admit, I do almost the EXACT same thing. My friends know I fall in "love" easy... I'm not just talking about strippers, just girls in general. Always have. I'm kind of a pussy like that. Every time I go to my favorite club I start to get all love-dovey when I'm with some of my favorites, but your trick actually works really, really well for me. The thing is, the dancers chat with me, and they chat amongst themselves, and as much as I like these girls and would consider a few of them "friends", hearing the conversations makes me realize that as awesome as I think some of them are, and despite the great time I have with them, I need to leave it all in the club. Envisioning myself actually dating one of them, and everything that would come with it, quickly snaps me back into the reality that I don't want anything to do with it.