
Too chivalrous for a SC or to each their own ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

From a recent review of Club O in Harvey, IL:

"... Fathers Day Night. Sunny was the best dancer I saw that night. A petite African American Dancer standing 5 feet, weighing at a self-professed 95 lbs, she was a doll. I have an allure to petite, cute, yet sexy African American women so they are often a no brainer to me. She was young and her breast were perky B cups with nipple rings. Her butt was so supple and sweet with unblemished skin that I just wanted to hold her. And that's exactly what I did. I got to the back after a chat and asked to hold her as we waited for the next song. She happily obliged. I still delight as I remember holding her in my arms and her playing along and resting her head on my shoulder.

Strippers help people live out there fantasies, so as visitors to the strip club, it's important that we expand upon those fantasies. Take the time having conversation, complementing, and feeling like a knight in shining armor. Have those interactions with an exotic dancer that you wish you could have with that coworker or girl you like. I wanted to feel like a warrior king as I held her hips firmly yet letting them wiggle as her supple ass gyrated on my erect and clothed penis. I didn't wear any underwear (daring I know) and it didn't freak her out. She grabbed it and squeezed it through the pants even sliding her ass up and down the shaft. She was giving me a full ride and I loved it.

In the end, the dance was amazing, but two dances (two songs) for $60 was a little pricey considering that same $60 gets 5 dances at SkyBox. No regrets though. It all ended too soon. I maintained my chivalrous experience as I helped her dress, putting her shoes on for her. I should have asked to undress her before the dance and dress her after too. One of the most memorable things was when I asked her if I could carry her out. : ) She let me! Every man should experience feeling like a bad-ass as they walk out of a room carrying hot woman and I DID! Find a petite stripper, if you can't handle heavier weight and try it. (With good form, don't fuck your back up).

A little dead, but I liked it that way. It's more personal and the girls aren't in a rush ..."



  • a21985
    8 years ago
    My first thought is that I feel sad for the guy and whatever he's missing/missed out on where this is what he looks to do at a club. But then I remember I'm a married guy in my 30s who fucks strippers for fun, and there's some (ok, a lot of) people who find that awfully pathetic and sad.

    To each their own, glad he had fun and found what he was looking for at that SC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    What a dancer and PL do in private is their biz; but I thought him carrying her out of VIP was a bit much.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    KInda putting her on the spot in front of everyone just to please his odd request
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    It's way over the top, out of touch with reality, embarrassing for her and especially embarrassing for him. But she apparently was cool with it, so who am I to judge.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Well - he's def not as bad as a reviewer we had a while back that went by badnews53 (I assume he's profile was removed) where he said in a review he invited a thick well built dancer to his hotel room for OTC then had her get on all 4s so he could ride on her back like a horse - I kid you not.
  • a21985
    8 years ago
    That's the kinda shit one should keep to themselves...
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That dude was crazy
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    No, P C, I thought she crammed a pony tail butt plug up his arse and whipped him with a riding crop.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That would have been an interesting review
  • timothyjames55
    8 years ago
    Ain't no shame in this guy's game, I'd say. Well, carrying her out is a little weird. But I'll admit straight up that my $20 floor dances are all about the grind... but when I take it back to VIP, I'm usually selecting girls at my favorite club that I have a little bit of a personal relationship with, and it's much more of an intimate experience (no extras needed) than just a grind session. That's just how I like it, and if someone said it stems from being lonely, they'd probably be right. Haven't had a steady girlfriend in probably 8 years. But I usually spend a good chunk each visit, so I'll do it on my terms, and this guy should too.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    As a general rule, I'd say if this guys was getting his needs met (whatever they are) in a healthy way, then it's horses for courses, no reason to sit in judgemental douche-baggedness. That said, I think where all of us wince a little is that we all know that a guy running this particular fantasy through is almost certainly not in a healthy place. Treating her with respect is one thing, but seeking out a little princess to over-romanticize until it's practically a caricature -- hard to believe anyone who is emotionally healthy seeks this out.
  • K
    8 years ago
    Consenting adults can do whatever they want. I am free to shake my head and laugh if i choose. This guy has some need or fantasy. He could do like most people and let it remain unfulfilled and be a source of pain. He chose to fulfill his need. Good for him.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    K, I strongly agree ... but to a point. I think there's certainly an element of "this guy wants something different than what I want" knee-jerk condemnation that happens in this group -- or, to be fair, happens everywhere, it's human nature. But I think there's more to it than that. To go back to one of my fave analogies, pot vs heroin:

    If my best buddy likes the experience of smoking pot, I'm really not worried about him. If he has some stresses and smoking some pot here and there helps him deal, that's great.

    If my best buddy likes the experience of shooting heroin, I'm worried. It may be the experience he's after, but it's likely to be self-destructive, and whatever pain he's trying to cover up, he's likely making even worse ... I'll intervene and see if I can't steer him towards a different way to cope.

    We don't know the guy who wrote the review. But if it's a matter of, he just has an innocent itch to scratch, and he's doing it -- hell, not my thing, but fine. I just suspect -- based on the fact that I got a C- in Psychology 101 back in college -- that someone working this fantasy through may be covering over some damage and making it even worse in the process, on top of the disaster over-romanticizing strippers and lead to. Or, in other words, if this little ritual of his is his pot, great; if it's heroin (which I strongly suggest it is), he's way better off re-thinking what he's doing
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I say good for him. Sounds like he had a great time and didn't hurt anyone in the process. Carrying her out of VIP isnt something I would do, but I'm sure he doesn't care what we think. The same way that I don't care if you all think that I'm pathetic in my SC activities. I do what provides me enjoyment.

    While I try not to judge, I think him carrying her out of VIP is a bit less demeaning than offering her $$ to give him a BJ or FS. But others may see it differently.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    I wanna say he's sad, but anyone who fucks, pays or hangs with strippers for extended periods of time is sad or pahtetic. So...sounds like another loser to me. BUT (there's the exception) he is definitely creepy. All that talk about dressing and undressing her like she's a real silicone doll...or black barbie; that's like saying your fantasy has always been to dance with your little sister's dolls. Or is it EXACTLY that? Either way, that's a dude I'm sure not many people want to hang with even IN the club.

    AND he filled that chick's ego to astronomical levels since he didn't smash and now she may up her prices on unfortunate future clients. $30 was already bad enough.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    +1 flagooner. Excellently put.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I'll get my judgement out of the way and say his actions seem creepy. Obviously - my opinion isn't worth much - if anything.

    What happens in a back room should stay in the back room - if you want to keep others from making judgements. This guy decided to post his experience online - and he seems pumped about it. The creepy stuff in the back room - dressing the dancer - holding her - are best left unknown.

    When he carried her out - it was making a statement to anyone who saw it. Not sure if he was trying to show off his "conquest" or what - but that's where I think he went way off the rails.

    Just my view -
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    --> "Would like you to get dances here? Or, would the VIP better suit our needs?" -->

    ^^^That question that the dancers always ask first is starting to make more sense to me know. I've often wondered why someone would need full privacy of a VIP. Now the picture is starting to make more sense. Maybe *some* things are better done in private.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"When he carried her out - it was making a statement to anyone who saw it. Not sure if he was trying to show off his "conquest" or what - but that's where I think he went way off the rails. "

    It's weird, but beyond the weirdness of it, the thing that's stopping me from taking a position of "hey, just because it's not YOUR thing, doesn't mean it's bad, you probably do plenty of weird things yourself", is because, if I put myself in the place of the PL, if I were doing these kinds of things it would be coming from an unhealthy, needy place. Again, I suppose there's a chance that the OP is merely living out his fantasy and then moving on, but I suspect he's more addressing some emotional pain and needs that really should be addressed another way. I'm not judging him for his weird fantasy, lots of guys have fantasies I'm not remotely interested in, but I never ignore my creepy-meter either, I think there's deeper problems
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I agree Shailynn. I think - if someone has a creepy fetish or kink - it's generally something one keeps to them self. In this case - the guy posted his actions online - and then he was so overcome with exhilaration - he recommended every guy try it. In my opinion - he doesn't think his actions were creepy or needy at all - so he has issues that he hasn't dealt with.

    There's definitely a deep seated need for something - and I'm not sure what. I hope it stops with carrying strippers out of VIP.
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