
Comments by Josh43 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pugsley is Dead
    A little before my time, but I've loved watching the reruns over the years. They are hideous looking and have weird habits, but they are actually kind and tolerant people. Genuinely funny series. By comparison, today we have Honey BooBoo. Also hideous looking, and even more disgusting as we get to know her family.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    ou are truly clueless if you think that had more that a drop in the bucket role in the recovery. Or maybe partisan. ----------------------------- I did say, above, that the stimulus was too weak, but better than nothing. Try to read gooder next time. In your rant, above, I didn't see you place any blame on the financial services industry itself that got us fucked in the first place. ..and don't accuse me of partisanship --plenty of the deregulation occurred during the Clinton years. We can also blame that hack, Greenspan for refusing to do anything. Totally disagree that low rates are hurting the economy; on the contrary we should wait to see if this jobs report is a flash in the pan before raising rates. BTW, Thanks for bumping the faggot thread.!!!! For those of you who have me on ignore, please feel free to chime in.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 It was weak, but better than nothing. Maybe you weren't born yet.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    Dougsteer, you are always here, full time, bumping your own threads. Do you ever sleep? You should try taking a nap as it will make you a more effective troll. It's not that we are in an economic boom -- more like a slow, precarious, recovery from a near financial catastrophe. Without the financial stimulus from Obama and a brilliant and creative fed chair (Bernanke) we really would be fucked. When are you gonna bump the "faggot" thread? It has been a while.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    "I think 2015 will be a strong year, but I'm concerned what 2016 will bring, especially if the Fed starts inching up rates." --------------------------------------- Good point, James, about interest rates. Hoping the Fed keeps rates low until we are sure about this recovery.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    Now since some of stevie-girl's circle jerking faggot cock-suckers can only understand things when he simplifies it into song lyric quotes, let me give you one: "You ain't seen nothing yet. B-b-b-abby, you just ain't seen nothing yet." ------------------------------------------------- I think what I appreciate most about Dougsteer is his uncanny ability to explain the most complicated, wonky, and arcane concepts in terms that a layperson (like myself) can understand!!
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    "We took more manufacturing and professional jobs and turned them into minimum wage jobs. Barrack Obama makes stupid seem like a compliment." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's true that a lot of manufacturing jobs were turned into minimum wage jobs -- but not true that professional jobs are on the decline. There is a hollowing out of the job market, with jobs growing at the low- and high- end of the wage spectrum. Mid-wage jobs are on the decline and that's a big problem. Obama, of course, takes the blame for anything and everything. Care to elaborate on why Obama is to blame? I seem to remember that the financial service industry took down the world economy (pre-Obama) by selling trillions in derivatives, backed by bogus mortgages. There are studies that show that housing crashes are far more devastating than stock-market crashes, and it takes many years to recover. That's the valid point that Che makes, above.
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    10 years ago
    OT: November Jobs Creation about 50% Above Expectations
    Jobs report *is* a big deal. Let's hope it's not a one-month anomaly. Good for you, Dougsteer.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    STDs while on meds ?
    e. Remember too that just because someone has HIV and you are exposed doesn't mean you get HIV. It's not a 100% transmission rate, no disease works that way. ----------------------------------------------- An estimate of the HIV transmission rate is 1 in 2500 for a single vaginal sex encounter with a woman known to have HIV. It's impossible to know how many strippers are infected, but I'm betting that probability is also very low. So the overall risk in a single encounter is exceedingly small.
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    10 years ago
    Native American Dancers
    ^^^^ That doesn't make a particle of sense. We are talking about "Native Americans." So look up "native American" in Websters. You'll get the definition that the rest of the universe accepts: the FIRST group to inhabit N America.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I love my dream stripper
    23 Hours Ago • I'm watching her dance on stage. Soon she will be mine. All mine. ------------------------------------------------- ...and soon your children's inheritance will be all hers. All hers.
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    10 years ago
    Native American Dancers
    Clubber wrote: "I don't deal with the PC BS!" We all understand your rage, Clubber. Treating other cultures with respect is such an abomination. Clubber wrote: "Most of us were likely born here, and as such, native Americans" I read that twice. So I happen to be white and my wife is Chinese -- but since we were both born here, under Clubberspeak, we are both "Native Americans." Got it! Formally I thought that people born here were called "American citizens" but you are far more erudite than I. To appease Clubber, we should call native Americans "redskins" (like the football team) and my wife should be referred to as "yellowskin." Because being PC is really horseshit, after all.
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    10 years ago
    two factions on tuscl.net
    1/4, 3/5, 7/16, 2/3 -------------------------- I thought there were only two factions? You're confusing the shit out of us.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Ferguson Related Riots to Hasten GLOBAL ECONOMIC DOOM
    "True, but there are a lot of people in Ferguson (and elsewhere) who don't believe Brown was punching the police officer." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It would sure have a lot more sympathy for Wilson if he had some "real" bruises on his face. Here's an image of Wilson taken in the hospital after the incident: http://tinyurl.com/ptrkuob
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    10 years ago
    Native American Strippers
    We have a super hot, young, NA dancer at one of our upscale clubs (really). She refuses to see white European men as she sees them all as illegal immigrants (kidding).
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    10 years ago
    Top 3 Intellectuals on Tuscl.net
    Being voted most intellectual on TUSCL is a lot like being voted prettiest girl at Caltech. Admittedly, I haven't been here very long, but my vote would be #3 Dougsteer #2 Mikeya #1 Clubber I was going to vote for Rick Dugan, but I picture him looking in the mirror every 1/2 hour. That disqualifies him.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The perfect holiday gift for boob-lovers: http://www.gspirits.com/en/shop
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Immigration debate
    @JS: Thanks for wasting 3 fucking minutes of my life. SNL used to be funny. Do you bother reading the facts? The EO is not a piece of legislation that gives a path to citizenship. IT'S NOT LEGISLATION! Only congress can do that. The EO temporarily limits deportation and prevents families from being ripped apart.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Immigration debate
    "Starting discussion about politics on a strip club discussion board is retarded." ---------------------------------------------------- ...whereas discussions on the collapse of the global economy are about as fresh as a used tampon.
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    10 years ago
    My ATF got a dui
    I'm no paragon of virtue -- but didn't you say you have a fiancee?
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Backpage: War on Black Men
    Some good writing and clear thinking in this thread. I know this is a different topic, but I have to wonder whether our criminal justice system has at least some of the same bias. LE and the courts *must* be impartial.
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    10 years ago
    OT: What do you think about the executive action on immigration?
    "I won't waste my time trying to change a liberal mind. First they would have to have one." --------------------------------------------- Clubbers nuanced solution to the immigration problem: (1) Put all immigrants and baby seals on a boat. (2) Club them into submission. (3) Ship said boat off to China.
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    10 years ago
    OT: What do you think about the executive action on immigration?
    "FUCK PC! "undocumented" my ass, they are FUCKING ILLEGAL!!!" ---------------------------------------------------------- Better hope that the GOP is smart enough to keep that shit to themselves. Otherwise, with the growing Latino vote, you'll never win the White House again. ....and speaking of PC, Clubber, if the strippers find find out that you club baby seals, you'll be celibate for the rest of your sorry life ;)
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    10 years ago
    OT: What do you think about the executive action on immigration?
    "Josh43, calling GACAclub's comment "racist" is an abuse of that term. Words have meanings; his mild xenophobia is far removed from racism. -------------------------------------------------------------- Agreed. I misread one of GACA's replies.
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    10 years ago
    OT: What do you think about the executive action on immigration?
    ^^^^ JS, Reagan and Bush Sr. both used executive action to help immigrants. Remember that what Obama executive action prevents deportation temporarily. Only congress can find a path toward citizenship. The GOP can try to sue Obama - but it's not going to work. GACA - Kind of a rambling, racist, vibe there. Do you really want to blame children who were brought here by their parents?