OT: What do you think about the executive action on immigration?
This is not completely OT for me since I was seeing a dancer last yr whose father was undocumented. When you're up close to people who are affected, you get a different perspective.
This is a pretty big deal since it affects 4 or 5 million people. The main part of the executive action prevents immigrants from being deported if they have children who are either citizens or have green cards. It's not a path to citizenship; it just prevents deportation in certain cases.
Immigration reform is complicated and I see both sides: Our tax dollars (especially health care, Medicaid, etc) should only go to those paying taxes. Sometimes illegal immigration takes jobs away from Americans and depresses wages. We still need to strengthen our borders. But what Obama did was both practical and compassionate. These people are already here and it's fucking barbaric to rip parents away from their children.
Ted Cruz is being a typical asshat and accusing Obama of being a tyrant. Hope he blows a fuse and has an aneurysm.
I know this is a conservative board, but wondering what you think?
This is a pretty big deal since it affects 4 or 5 million people. The main part of the executive action prevents immigrants from being deported if they have children who are either citizens or have green cards. It's not a path to citizenship; it just prevents deportation in certain cases.
Immigration reform is complicated and I see both sides: Our tax dollars (especially health care, Medicaid, etc) should only go to those paying taxes. Sometimes illegal immigration takes jobs away from Americans and depresses wages. We still need to strengthen our borders. But what Obama did was both practical and compassionate. These people are already here and it's fucking barbaric to rip parents away from their children.
Ted Cruz is being a typical asshat and accusing Obama of being a tyrant. Hope he blows a fuse and has an aneurysm.
I know this is a conservative board, but wondering what you think?
This does make immigration a big 2016 prez election issue. It's gonna be tricky for Republicans whose base and power brokers seriously disagree. The elites want cheap labor, poor whites want protectionist policies.
OK so you snuck across got in to a better way of life. So why the fck are you not taking care of your gang banging ass delinquent kids. You need to stick a foot up their ass. Tell them of the horror of the homeland. Teach them to appreciate the life you darn near died to give them, and inspire them to be contributing members of society. But mostly put a foot up their ass when they misbehave.
Canadians sneak in all the time. Asians sneaking in all the fckn time. But they shut up once they are here and try to make the most of the opportunity.
In LA the worst assimilated (Armenian, Russians, Persians and Latinos - Chinese are slowly becoming a pain in the ass too with the bad driving) is what gets people fed up with illegal immigration.
You came here because it's better, so stop trying to recreate here what didn't work where you came from.
My grandma is from Mexico, she married my American grandpa...she really can't stand illegals she feels like they are all cheaters. Guess she feels everyone should suffer through a bad marriage to earn the citizenship :) j/k but she does feel that when you do it wrong you don't appreciate it as much.
The GOP can try to sue Obama - but it's not going to work.
GACA - Kind of a rambling, racist, vibe there. Do you really want to blame children who were brought here by their parents?
I could perfectly understand any ill feeling towards immigrants that see the country they wish to live in as a free ticket and/or an easier life where somebody else picks up the bill. We have it here with EE and from further beyond, they want to 'escape persecution blah blah blah' but always seem to want to get to Britain, the country furthest away from their homeland that just happens to have the most generous social security payments in Europe.
And I have like the ultimate race card so at best my ranting was just xenophobic.
Josh43, calling GACAclub's comment "racist" is an abuse of that term. Words have meanings; his mild xenophobia is far removed from racism. The racism card is overplayed these days, as are the sexism and homophobia cards.
As for obama, doing illegal things is right up his ally. No surprise there.
BTW, R&B "modified/clarified" EXISTING law!
Agreed. I misread one of GACA's replies.
legislative branch writes laws. Executive branch enforces. Judicial decides on constitutionality.
The drug war is an example of where different administrations have taken different approaches to utilizing limited resources to effectively enforce laws. To use a strip club analogy, there can be no touch rules in an area, but if law enforcement doesn't enforce the rules, it is de facto decriminalized.
Congress does have the power to pass additional laws that force the president's hand. But since you need 60 votes to get anything through the Senate these days, the odds of that happening are slim.
Better hope that the GOP is smart enough to keep that shit to themselves. Otherwise, with the growing Latino vote, you'll never win the White House again.
....and speaking of PC, Clubber, if the strippers find find out that you club baby seals, you'll be celibate for the rest of your sorry life ;)
Ban all EO's
The GOP is failing on all sorts of fronts. Pandering to the religious right is one. If they want to win the house again, illegal immigration is a great place to start. After the Million Immigrant Child March to the borders these last years, even American Latinos (middle class if course) want something done, it was disrespectful to our laws. It's not a right to be able to enter the United States unless you are born here. And Obama the Dems are losing the aging millineal vote, which got them the house these last two elections (yes guilty as charged, but who didn't want to see a Black President, that's still sorta awesome actually)
There ground the GOP can make up, dump the Tea-Baggers, lay off the Jesus speak, be moderate moderate moderate, and pander to women and Millineals, as well as the old rich white gaurd. And you might not need the Hispanic vote.
Seems I struck a "racist" vein! :)
President Obama made the right decision. Bad business hire cheap labor, pay under the table, and avoid paying taxes. This makes the good business less competitive. This practice deprives the immigrants of their human value. To ignore the problem will not make it go away; instead it creates an underbelly of the poor that is destabilizing for society.
The guys here that support socialists/marxists/communists are engaging in a life that would be banned in a socialist/marxist/communist administration. As far as the socialists/marxists/communists are concerned, there should be no freedom, choice....because they are to stupid to know what's good for themselves.
I'm inclined to agree with gmd that the country needs more people so more immigration sounds good to me. Only minor thing I disagree with what he said it is that since non-citizens who are here on other visas have to pay all the US taxes, they should also be entitled to benefits. I can see scaling them, however, based on how long the person paid taxes and, to some degree, how much they paid. Some programs already have that builtin, however.
Dah fuck? "This" board liberal? You must be thinking of another "this" board.
Clubbers nuanced solution to the immigration problem:
(1) Put all immigrants and baby seals on a boat.
(2) Club them into submission.
(3) Ship said boat off to China.
He doesn't.
Wages, not artificially set, will set it's their own level. It is then up to the individual where they fit in the wage spectrum. It's really that simple. If I didn't have the skills I have acquired over time, I too, would be flipping burgers as an unskilled low wage worker.
Bringing in "illegal fruit pickers" is not artificially setting wages, it is, as you stated, manipulating them. Wage laws are artificially setting wages.
Honestly, it is more than just a financial burden, it's the social/cultural burden that's the biggest issue. Nobody is crying about the corporate welfare which we spend on exponentially more
"Complicated"? Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have power to... Clause 4: establish a uniform rule of naturalization...
Doesn't at all seem complicated!!!
It's complicated because now we have people who aren't here legally who have children who are natural born citizens of the U.S. it's easy to argue that those kids should not be citizens except that the only reason why they are is because congress has been doing nothing about it, thus leading to the catch 22 of the matter.
Inaction by a Congress does NOT make his action legal Perhaps they learned something after the democrats lied to Reagan about immigration. BTW, there IS a policy and it served us well for years, but if not enforced, THAT gets us to where we are. Just little facts that get in the way.
We had the "Born in the USA" (Bruce comes to mind) here before. Again, the Constitution gets in the way of that point.
Don't like the Constitution? Well guess what, it even contains a way to change it to ones liking. Been done before, you know.
If you've never read, and all indications are that you haven't, take some time and read the Federalist Papers. All the thinking that went into writing the greatest government document of all time is explained.