
OT: I think I’ll stay single

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

$450,000 vacation? Billionaire divorce reveals big spending

The divorce of billionaire hedgie Ken Griffin just keeps on providing revelations about the couple's spending.

Last month, we learned that the family spent $1 million per month in expenses related to their three kids. The filings didn't break down the spending much, saying that it included $300,000 a month for intercontinental private-jet travel, $160,000 a month for vacation rentals and $60,000 a month for office space and professional staff.

Now, new court documents give more details on the $1 million a month. According to filings late Friday, Griffin argued that his ex-wife, Anne Dias, is claiming expenses as child support even though the expenses are for her "lifestyle."

Among the expenses: $6,800 a month for groceries, $7,200 a month for restaurant meals, $8,000 a month for gifts and $2,000 a month for stationery. Griffin also claims his wife has sought $450,000 for a 10-day vacation in St. Bart's during the children's winter break.

Dias' lawyers don't dispute the expenses per se. But they argue that under Illinois law, Griffin is required to fund the children's lifestyle as it was during their parents' marriage. And they say the expenses are simply an accounting of all the couple's child-related expenses while they were married.

Dias is seeking to nullify the couple's prenup and claims Griffin is failing to pay adequate child support for their three kids, who are all under age 10.

"Ken Griffin, one of the wealthiest men in the world, continues to lie with impunity and to brutally and shamelessly attack the mother of his children in an effort to avoid his financial responsibilities to his family," said a spokeswoman for Dias. "Anne is saddened that he is using his enormous resources in an attempt to destroy her when it would be so easy for him to support his children as he always did during the marriage."

Griffin said he is paying "virtually every expense" related to the children, including their four nannies. He said he has even paid expenses that are solely for Dias' benefit, including a private chef, multiple house cleaners and a house manager/personal assistant. He said that while he declined to fund the $450,000 vacation, he said he gave her $45,000 for the winter vacation.

Griffin said Dias is trying to fund her "opulent lifestyle" by saying her personal expenses should be part of child support.



  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Damn – from another high networth divorce:

    “… The divorce of the oil billionaire Harold G. Hamm from Sue Ann Arnall has gained attention largely for its outsize dollar amounts. Mr. Hamm, the chief executive and founder of Continental Resources, who was worth more than $18 billion at one point, wrote his ex-wife a check last month for $974,790,317.77 to settle their split. She's appealing to get more; he's appealing to pay less …”

  • jester214
    10 years ago
    I'm not sure what I find more disgusting the fact that people are spending this much or that people think they're entitled to these amounts simply because they got married.

    Seriously, 4 nannies for 3 kids? A $450K vacation?
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Ken Griffin is one of the major donors to the Koch bros that I was talking about in another thread. Hopefully his X will continue to fuck with him.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    I'm getting roped into a relationship at light speed. The girl is fckn hot as hell. But it's only been two weeks and she's already planning a vacation for us ...damn!!!
  • Cheo_D
    10 years ago
    How much of a billionaire fortune to give the bitch to go away... Oy, I should have those problems!
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    What a waste of money! It should be spent on strippers.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Run, GACA, run!

    Jack, that money should be spent on a full-blown, all-expense-paid party for all TUSCLers!
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Phantom ya, i will, but I got to hit it a few more times though :)
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Let me know when you get it set up. I'm in!

    PS - I would rule out allowing some TUSCLers. Not all the jerks, mind you, cause some of them, well we could kick the crap out of them for more enjoyment. :)
  • Holdem2
    10 years ago
    Josh, just because you don't agree with his politics you want his ex to financially and unfairly rape him? Wow! Kinda says something about you.....

    Honestly, if I were her lawyer I would worry for my safety if I was sticking it to a billionaire just for spite. You don't get to be a billionaire without having "connections."
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Single vs married. I always remember what Chris Rock said: you're either single and lonely or married and miserable. Looks like he rather be lonely now because he's going trough a divorce.
  • Josh43
    10 years ago
    Holdem wrote: "Josh, just because you don't agree with his politics you want his ex to financially and unfairly rape him? "
    Answer: I’m really more concerned about campaign finance reform than Griffin's politics -- but since reform's not gonna happen any time soon, I do enjoy watching his ex try her best to screw him out of billions. Look, even in the very remote chance that she succeeds in getting 50%, Griffin still has another $10B to play with.

    @Clubber: Would I be excluded from the TUSCL celebration? I was thinking I could buy you a beer, we could discuss gay marriage, the merits of the Community Reinvestment Act, immigration reform, whether Obama is a tyrant, and (of course ) you could help me with my nascent firearm skills. We have a common interest in bikes -- but I have a dirt bike and you have a Harley which makes cruising on the highway impractical. But maybe I could teach you how to jump curbs on your Harley??
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @Holdem2 “Wow! Kinda says something about you.....”

    envy and schadenfreude are core to the very being of socialists. so much so that it virtually defines them.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Clubber, if I had that sort of cash to blow, I'd be more than happy to. As it is though, I *might* be able to get us hooked up with some cheap pizza, and that's about it.
  • mjx01
    10 years ago
    prenup, duh, especially with that much $ involved
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ “… Dias is seeking to nullify the couple's prenup …”

    There *was* a prenup; but she still wants to get paid way and above.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Not to worry. I have a number of misguided friends. And I rode a dirt bike in the past, but wasn't good transportation. I've been hurt worse on the Harley. :)
  • Holdem2
    10 years ago
    Thanks Dr.Phil. I had to look up Schadenfreude but think you nailed it.

    I try but just can't understand socialists either.
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