I thought women enjoyed talking ?

avatar for Papi_Chulo

From the hallowed annals of stripperweb:

“… Lets talk first

These 3 words piss me off so much! When I go up to a guy I said hi, hows it going? and then I ask him if he is thinking about doing a dance today. It helps me weed out the deadbeats who have no intention of buying dances. If he says no, I move along. If he says yes, I tell him I am available and would love to give him one. And then I get the guys who say "can you sit down and talk a little first?" I used to do this, and I got burned a couple of times. It sucks because you waste your time and energy for someone who clearly has no respect for it, and you get nothing to show for it. I decided to stop giving away freebies all together. Now whenever I get a guy asking me to sit and talk, I tell him if he wants to get to know me, the best place to talk would be in a private dance away from all the noise and people, where you have me to yourself for as long as you want! Can anyone else relate to this? How do you respond to guys who say lets talk first? …”



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avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Those ho's on stripperweb barely qualify as women. I doubt that they are even human.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
They are so mean, sly, contemptuous, and in control. least that's what they want us to think.
avatar for jevo
10 years ago
It should be apparent to anyone that a lot of the women in the adult entertainment world, strippers and escorts, are actually loud and proud misandrists. In "private" discourse with other women, they're quite comfortable with sharing their malevolent disdain towards men. They're out to seek retribution against men because at some point in their lives they feel they were wronged, possibly by daddy or baby daddy, and they get pleasure from what little they can accomplish by stripping men of their money. I personally don't care about whatever ails them. Furthermore, I make a conscious effort to make sure I don't allow them to hustle me out of my money, because at the end of the day it's not my fault if their bastard children can't eat nor is it my job to support her coke habit.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Ha, love me a little stripperweb hypocrisy. Those girls are the bottom dregs of the stripper world. One of the things I always savor is how they are the most over-entitled meatbags ever, as if a customer asking to talk before committing to spend HIS hard-earned money on a "wannadance" girl is outrageous, but call customers "entitled" over ... well, just about everything.

Only thing more pathetic is the guys there who kowtow and support them. Sometimes I wonder if those guys, before they log into stripperweb, tuck their junk back between their legs. Y'know, so the girls know they are unthreatening and tame.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
If you want a dance then we need to see your stage show to see if we're attracted to you. When a dancer comes up and asks us if we want a dance soon after we walk in the door, grab a seat and take a sip of our drink she's going to get shut down. After we see her on stage we'll get a dance. If we like the dance then she better sit with us at some point and have a nice chat with my wife and get to know us. If we like her LD and her personality she'll get many, many more LD's from us. A stripper may dread having to talk but if we like you we'll spend the $$$. We're not sitting there giving her money to talk but we'll buy her drinks and she'll get more stage tips and LD's from us. Our ATF regularly gets $200-300/night from us just in LD's not including stage tipping and drinks (which can add another $50+ to her nightly income). Some dancers may scoff at that "little" amount of money but they should be ashamed if they do. Our ATF might spend about 60-90 minutes of her night with us over the whole night. If a stripper isn't happy making $200-300/hr then maybe she should go work at a fast food place or some retail store for a little bit to get some perspective making $300/week!!!

Somebody tying up your time not giving you any $$$ is one thing but when someone is laying out some pretty good coin for your time a little talking isn't going to kill you.
avatar for jevo
10 years ago
Subraman, those men are called white knights. They're always there to sympathize with women and co-sign their victimhood. They can't really identify with nor relate to women because they're men, but they do it because they think they're going to get some pussy out of it.
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
A dancer that doesn't want to talk a least a little usually doesn't interest me much. The " wanna dance" girls are boring and not good at selling their time and talents. Hell, I've had more than a few talk me into dances and they are most often above average.

I read the stripper web link provided and nearly all the comments were in opposition to the op. That was funny.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
To be fair, a lot of that thread is suggesting the 2-3 song rule, which is 5 ish minutes. That's totally reasonable on a busy night.

There are a couple awful human beings on the pink site. But that's true here too...
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Stripperweb is where clueless hypocritical strippers go to die.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
Agree the 3 song rule is reasonable on a busy night. 'course, among the responses were also, " I totally understand the desire to dick-punch any guy who says those three words cause they annoy me too.", "You wanna talk, see a priest. Time is money.", "or see a shrink! That;s also a good one." Of course, in this case it was the original poster who wins the Most Miserable award (always a tough competition at SW!), but the chorus was only marginally better
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
I'm surprised that any of you still read the crap on that site.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I got banned from that joke of a site a long time ago and never bothered with it again. I'm surprised that Papi_chulo even bothers with it.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
It can be a fun read. Misery, hypocrisy, posing, lying, entitlement, lack of any sort of reason or accountability, fawning male toadies, it's got everything!
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Iagree with shadow
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I'm not bored enough to read stripperweb.
However I did have a dancer come up to me and asked if I wanted dances. I said ok and off we went. I barely said anything. I already knew her.

It's just a better sales tactic to talk to the customer first if you don't already know the guy. My response to someone I don't know to wanna dance is no about 95 percent of the time. I want to know about prices, her rules, maybe more.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Women do enjoy talking. however, there is one thing they enjoy more than talking -- taking money from men. Stripperweb dancers are so anxious to take our money that they feel compelled to jump straight to "wanna dance" instead of putting forth even a modest amount of effort to make themselves attractive or desirable.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I sometimes check out stripperweb for the same reason that I sometimes listen to NPR instead of Fox News. Sometimes I find it interesting to understand what the delusional people on the opposite side of the spectrum from me are saying.
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
As was mentioned, about half the respondents in the thread are saying "if you don't want to talk send him my way" or "give him 2 or 3 songs' worth before asking for a decision"; so it does seem like the opinion is divided.

I blame the changing in the economics of the business, it gets more cutthroat and the entertainers have to make a harder sell.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
"I blame the changing in the economics of the business, it gets more cutthroat and the entertainers have to make a harder sell."

I dunno, considering: 1. There always have been, and will be, "wannadance" girls. I don't detect that the number of lazy strippers has gone up or down, and 2. The strippers at stripperweb have always represented the most cutthroat, jaded, miserable cross-section of dancers, so you can't judge actual reality by anything that's said there.

When it gets more cutthroat for the dancers, by which I assume you mean it becomes more of a customers' market, the exact opposite happens -- there are less wannadance girls are more talking. All you have to do is go to the exact same stripclub, once at 2pm on Monday afternoon and the other time at midnight on Saturday night, to see that that's true.

What's said at stripperweb has nothing to do with economics or even strip clubs in the real world -- it's just fun to laugh at because of how delusional and bitter the girls are :)
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
" I sometimes check out stripperweb for the same reason that I sometimes listen to NPR instead of Fox News. Sometimes I find it interesting to understand what the delusional people on the opposite side of the spectrum from me are saying."
Good one, Johnny!! Did you know that the average age of a Fox News viewer is 68? In the not-to-distant future (after you have exhausted your net worth on strippers) you can look forward to watching Fox News in your nursing home while some stranger changes your diapers!
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I like fox news on occasion. They have had some hot ladies on there.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Josh, I may eventually exhaust all my income having sex with hot young strippers, but at least I'll have a smile on my face while they change that diaper.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
People in my age group and younger must be getting most of their news online.
I did not realize CNN, msnbc, fox, and all that have average ages of 60 or higher.
By the time I reach retirement age, maybe the playboy channel will have topless news with hot ladies and a sexy short skirt with no underwear. You need to entice viewers somehow.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Well this thread has gone way off topic.

Young people are cord cutting. ESPN standalone streaming may kill cable off completely.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I think a high percentage of "strippers" on stripperweb lasted a few weeks dancing cause nobody wanted to touch them with a 10 foot pole, and now work at Wal-mart.

If a dancer gives good dances, it's fine with me if she doesn't want to chat. Many dancers are interesting, and they often come from blue collar backgrounds, a demographic I don't have much contact with at this point in life. But I can get plenty of good conversation for free from other, non-dancer, people.
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