
Comments by Subraman (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Texting Apps
    "You go to a club. The girl gives you her phone number. But when you call it, no one is answering." Holy shit old guys, these girls don't want you to call them. Text like a normal person 🤣🤣 Seriously though! Anyway, that aside, I find the most common text apps -- google voice, TextNow -- also do phone calls. I'm pretty sure she's just choosing not to answer the phone, it's not that it's a text app. People who have her fake line don't get to call her. And yes on the SBs. Text app at first (which, yes, you can call -- they just don't pick up because they don't want people who have this number to call them) so you can't look up their real name, address, etc. Only an idiot would give their real number out of the gate, at least for women -- there are far too many predatory men on seeking for this to be safe! Then when they trust you, real number. Interesting story about the "friend"... I've had that happen once, with a stripper many years ago, not an SB. She claims a friend got to her phone; to this day I think she just got drunk and ornery and took it out on me, then decided to blame it on a friend
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    R/stripper name checking tusclers
    I'm just sad I missed the extras vs non-extras civil war this past weekend 🤣
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    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    2021 Adelita dancer club murder
    On the bright side, he might not survive his stay in a Mexican prison
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    2 years ago
    SC etiquette - tipping for conversation?
    "What is the appropriate $ value for time spent conversating with a stripper? Is there an unwritten rule of thumb?" There's no unwritten rule of thumb. Like most, I make a judgement call based on a number of factors, including how busy the place is, whether I've indicated to her I'm not interested (or alternatively, affirmatively welcomed her company), etc.
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    2 years ago
    Pinpin aint EZ....when you're high
    "Don't stick your dick in crazy" Worst advice. It can be amazing sex to stick your dick in crazy, just make sure you give her a false name and phone #.
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    2 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Dancers using the term "extras"
    I have never heard a stripper use the term "extras" with me, either. But the term is used extensively on every stripper forum, everyone in the industry knows it. The girls just don't use it with us when they're hustling. Years ago a stripper I knew moved from MBOT (an extras club) to Centerfolds (which used to go through swings of extras and non-extras, depending on the manager) during one of its non-extras periods, and she told me the other Centerfolds strippers were ostracizing her because she came from MBOT so obviously did extras.
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    2 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    No paper towels in the Men's: Anti-extras tactic or COVID bullshit?
    Most studies show air dryers unequivocally are less sanitary -- they blow germy vapor all over the bathroom with high amounts of fecal bacteria in the air in the radius of 3 feet from the dryer, and ironically, in some studies even increase the amount of bacteria on hands (due to cross contamination in the blow dryer itself).. Paper towels are way more sanitary. Anyway, just sciencing you bitches up a bit
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    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    SJG is making more sense than Icee lol
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    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    Muddy, you have to think. Although I was saying a few years ago that nearly every stripper I got to know ITC turned out to have an SA account. Often they abandoned that account once they realized how much time and effort it took to find an SA, but they all had one. Given that AB5 has driven so many girls out of stripping, and increasing awareness and tolerance of sugaring among younger people, I'd have to think sugar has benefited from this. I've certainly seen my share of tatted party girl types on the site
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    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    Mud: shockingly, the happiness of our favorite busty beauties does not seem to be a priority of our local representatives. Help a stripper -- do an OTC today!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    Sorry, $212 on her first $450 in dances! typo... so sh has to sell another $125 in dances to take home $300. Or $575 in dances. The club takes 30% (rather than 25% previously) after that, so they've given themselves a raise there too. As I said, the real numbers are worse than this
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    For those who are actually curious, here's how deja vu and the rest take MORE of the girls money rather than less, while paying them an hourly wage. Previous setup was something like this (I'm making these numbers up, but it's the basic structure -- I can find the exact pre-AB5 deal for local clubs if anyone cares). As an independent contractors, it would be: - $75 stage fee - 50% of first $200 made - 25% thereafter So, the club would take basically $175 of the first $200 a girl made, then 25% of her take thereafter. Another way to look at it: To make $300 (not counting tips she gets, or minus tipouts) she has to sell $566.67 in dances. After AB5, the structure is something like (again I can look up the exact numbers, but this is the form): - 100% of first $250 made (she makes $0) - 70% of next $200 made (she makes $60) - 30% thereafter - Club also pays her $152 in salary - In addition, the club has significantly more license in establishing rules and discipline, because they are employees. To make $300: She starts with the $152 in salary for her shift, the first $450 she makes yields $60 (so she's made $112 on the first $450 in dances), and to make the remaining $188 she has to sell $268.57 in dances. Or $718.57 total dances to make $300. The numbers are not as kind as I've made them seem -- the girls saw a significant drop, the entire stripper forum universe isn't lying. The salary is not "free" -- the club gets that all back first thing by taking 100% of the first $X in dances (plus some padding), then has upped the percentages in the subsequent levels. The only time this benefits the girls is when they have the occasional horrible day where they make almost nothing -- they still get to go home with $152 no matter what. But this safety net is illusory, because girls who don't even cover their own salary get fired for performance reasons. The girls are now also subject to strict employee type rules, in many clubs.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    California AB5 Employee Status; Update/2nd Glance
    It has been an utter disaster for the girls. Many took the opportunity to leave the industry or dance in another state. No girls really support it; and as you noticed, in stripper forums, they consistently bash it. For good reason, they realize their take-home has gone down while at the same time they are subject to more stringent employee expectations. The evil empire -- deja vu -- was very supportive of this. Believe me, it's not because they were going to take home less of the girls' money.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Hot Women Professions
    I have only seen a few pharmaceutical sales reps -- including one who made the reverse trip from that to stripping -- and based on my very limited experience, that's gotta be the sleeper answer. Not all women realtors are hot, but a lot of hot women become realtors. I know a zillion strippers who have become, or tried to become, realtors. It's a good choice for someone who may not be highly educated but is comfortable with sales and whose in-person charm is a considerable asset, and who wants to make potentially a decent amount of money.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    OTC Choice
    If you are negotiating time boundaries for your OTC, you're already making the dumbest mistake you can make when it comes to OTCs. I can't imagine picking either of these. If it's the 9 who has pre-negotiated the hour, you're in for a disappointing time. And I"m not paying shit to do a 6, that's not why I go to strip clubs or do OTCs.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Most clubs I've been to have a dead zone from 8-9... or maybe more like 7-10. Use it to your advantage: if you meet a nightshift girl, typically there's too much money to be made at midnight for her to spend that much time with you. Make an appointment with her, to show up 8, and you'll get a couple good hours with her, with very little competition
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    "In the clubs I hit where there are pool-tables; I rarely if ever see those dudes spending anything on the dancers, nor even interacting w/ them much" Exactly what makes the pool tables awesome. 100% win for PLs -- you'll stand out immediately as someone spending. I have to admit I didn't think of the "club is already too small, and now there's a pool table taking up half the room", the dive clubs I"ve been to always had room for the table. I can see how that becomes annoying
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    Jimmyb, yeah my pool table experiences are all dive bars, which by definition don't have the absolute hottest girls -- but some of the local bikini bars sometimes have some pretty decent looking girls. yes, OTC is available for sure. I think what we're seeing in this thread is imagination on what it might be like (e.g., there will be lots of fights; the pool table guys will take all the girls) versus what it's actually like (no fights, you can invite a girl to play pool with you but most guys don't, etc). Really, as a customer who doesn't play pool, there's nothing about the pool tables that impacts you in any way except maybe positively... except the fact that you're in a dive bar in the first place
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    gamma, in all the time I spent in clubs with pool tables, I've never seen any of this. A pool table in a strip club isn't really like a pool hall, typically it seems to be two buddies just playing pool together, rather than pool hall dynamics where strangers are playing/hustling and making bets, etc. You'd think if the pool tables did cause problems, the club would remove them
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How pre-emtively detect ROBs
    Tiburon: the exception that proves the rule, just makes the rule stronger :)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    The A-team Vs the B-eam
    In the strip club, I think you've forgotten two important teams, but they're orthogonal to the others since they're not in strict order: New girls: It's common that new girls show up to the club, and don't have any idea where they fit in the pecking order. One of my most incredibly beautiful and sexy ATFs, I met like her first couple weeks in the club, during **dayshift**. I knew she was destined to be not just A team, but top-10 even among A teamers... but she didn't. As she discovered how hot she was, moved to nightshift, spending her time only with whales, etc., I seem to have been grandfathered in as a regular. She'd schedule dayshifts just for me, we still OTCed, all at the same prices. I've had this pattern a few times, it is worth establishing your pattern with a new girl, before that new girl discovers she's among the 1%. Drinking buddies: Okay this might just be me 🤣 As you might have noticed, I sometimes enjoy a drink or 6 in the club, and given I go on slow dayshifts, occasionally there's no girl I want to do dances with. But I sometimes meet a girl who is just awesome to talk to, I think of her more as a drinking buddy than a stripper. If I have no options, I've already driven a whole hour to get to the club, I'll sit her down and do a few shots and have a few laughs (and tip her of course). Or if my CF is in the back or whatever, she's always invited to stop by. My quibble about your A-team definition is that I think that among the top-most beautiful girls, not all of them have gone the "build my stripper brand" 50k-instagram-followers route. I never have had a great experience with the brand-builder type strippers. A hottie who is not trying to build a brand through websites, social media, etc., is still a great CF candidate even for non-whales. The brand-builders are on the "do the least for the most" plan.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Pool tables in strip clubs.
    I've been in divier clubs that have pool tables. I understand why strippers complain about pool tables, but I don't know why any customer would complain about pool tables. Play if you want, don't play if you don't. Most of the guys playing pool are no longer competing for any stripper's attention with you, which means you have a more wide open field. There's no real downside to having pool tables in a dive club (provided, as you said, they have the room) for a customer, whether or not you play yourself. Years ago, I used to play pool all the time. My buddy and I wanted to get a beer and shoot some pool... if I have the choice of shooting pool where there's nekkid girls around, and shooting pool with no nekkid girls around (and few girls in general), why wouldn't we pick the "pool and nekkid girls" option???. We'd shoot a couple of games, go tip at the stage, shoot another game, go tip, etc. Somewhere along the line we figured out that we could invite a stripper or two over, and they'd play with us. Back to my previous question: if I could shoot pool with my ugly buddy, or I could shoot pool with my ugly buddy plus two hot chicks in lingerie, why would I ever choose just my ugly buddy? We'd get a girl or two, shoot some pool, tip them for their time, etc. The whole thing was pretty fun. Haven't done this in years as we've shifted over to higher end clubs many years ago.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Taking ATF on vacation
    "But I've never considered trying with an ATF stripper, unless we had already evolved into a sugar arrangement. " This is a good point. I've never taken a random CF on vacation. Every stripper I've taken on any sort of vacation, we'd progressed to something more sugar-like, or outright sugar.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Taking ATF on vacation
    ^Right! He said long term ATF, so I assume you've already done overnights and didn't hate each other in the morning, which is the first test
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Taking ATF on vacation
    Yes! A few times. What I paid them is: not one dime. However, I took them on a vacation they wanted, we stay at higher end places, with higher end experiences (couples massage at luxury spa, excellent restaurants, etc), and of course we do some shopping which I suppose indirectly counts as something I'm paying her, but it's not pre-negotiated in advance.