
Texting Apps

Anywhere there are Titties.
Friday, August 19, 2022 6:16 PM
You go to a club. The girl gives you her phone number. But when you call it, no one is answering. Ever. It's not a cell phone number. It's a texting app. Why do girls do this ? I run into this all the time on Seeking with sugar babies. I start a number. Sometimes it takes the girl a while to respond. I think this is odd since most young girls LIVE with their phones. But then after I've dated them a few times, they give me a different phone number is their cell. They respond to that one all the time. I just started seeing a particular girl from Seeking. We went out 3 times and each time was fantastic. On the 3rd date, we even started to discuss the idea of going exclusives and start a monthly allowance. We set a 4th date for last night. Yesterday, I am confirming the date. The tone of the text messages changes. She starts to demand that we negotiate the monthly right then or she is not coming over that night. She throws out a monthly number that is in the stratosphere. Puzzled, I reply back that she was out of my league. The conversation just seemed so different from the person that I had been with the past couple of weeks. Today she contacts me. A FRIEND had gotten onto the texting app and had responded to me. Nice friend, huh !!! But what is the advantage of using these apps ? Seems to be a lot to keep track of.


  • From978
    2 years ago
    (1). At the start of the story, she has no guarantee that you're not the Tampa Police Department (2). At the end of the story, the "friend" could have been another guy who thought he had an exclusive deal.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Maybe she’s suffering from schizophrenia and gets her personifies confused. 🤑
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    “ A FRIEND had gotten onto the texting app and had responded to me. Nice friend, huh !!! ” Cmon Warrior you’re a smart dude! She’s playing you, since you wouldn’t meet her price and she has no other regular options she’s using the friends excuse to save face with you. As for txting there’s a time and place but sometimes you need to pick up the damn phone and talk about something (like a plan for the weekend or a plan at work) and so many morons out there refuse to talk on the phone but will txt. Grown adult men included. I don’t get it - a 30 minute txt a thon could be avoided with a 3 minute conversation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The texting app is just a burn # which many people use today for some anonymity especially in the P4P game - still doesn't explain why she wouldn't answer since she'll get an alert as soon as the text comes in just like a regular text (unless she's disconnected from the internet or purposely has the app disabled w.r.t. notifications). w.r.t. the abrupt change in tone w.r.t. her replies; I assume it's het deadbeat BF being the negotiator behind the scenes.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    One app can provide several phone numbers at a time to be used for different purposes. If a girl wants to ditch a guy, she deletes the number from the app and start a new one. If she breaks her phone, she downloads the app to the new phone and all the messages are there. You can Google those numbers all day long, and it won't get you anywhere. Very few people under roughly 40 use their phones for voice conversations any more. And most don't want to.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    @Warrior15 Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D So she didn’t show up for the 4th date (last night), because you texted earlier to confirm the date? Because her boyfriend/girlfriend has access to her phone (somehow) and saw your text and started responding out of the blue? What was in your text that made the “FRIEND” immediately know it was from a Sugar Daddy? The only person that would have access to her phone is somebody living/being with her when she is on the shower… Or her “assistant/pimp” like when escorts advertise that the screening and date appointments are done through their “assistant/pimp” People uses the phone burner apps to keep personal areas and businesses areas separated and are typically for temporary use, after which it may be discarded.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    "You go to a club. The girl gives you her phone number. But when you call it, no one is answering." Holy shit old guys, these girls don't want you to call them. Text like a normal person 🤣🤣 Seriously though! Anyway, that aside, I find the most common text apps -- google voice, TextNow -- also do phone calls. I'm pretty sure she's just choosing not to answer the phone, it's not that it's a text app. People who have her fake line don't get to call her. And yes on the SBs. Text app at first (which, yes, you can call -- they just don't pick up because they don't want people who have this number to call them) so you can't look up their real name, address, etc. Only an idiot would give their real number out of the gate, at least for women -- there are far too many predatory men on seeking for this to be safe! Then when they trust you, real number. Interesting story about the "friend"... I've had that happen once, with a stripper many years ago, not an SB. She claims a friend got to her phone; to this day I think she just got drunk and ornery and took it out on me, then decided to blame it on a friend
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ so you’ve dated those schizophrenics too 🙂
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    They're my specialty!
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    "Why do girls do this ?" Because we don't want creepers reverse searching our phone numbers to get our government names and addresses. Oh, and then look us up and stalk our social media accounts.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Not sure I like being called a creep. But I get it. I did not know they could answer those numbers. She actually called me today on her cell number so I have that now. Or at least I have a different number. But she even gave me the name of the friend that responded She claims they "share" the texting app. How does that work ? Maybe I don't want a long term with this girl. Who am I communicating with ?
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    I doubt you can share those texting apps, warrior. They're free in any case, there's no reason why anyone would want to share, and lots of reasons it's a terrible idea. But if you're texting her now, maybe if it was just her having an episode, it's over now
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Well if she wants you to contact her she should give you the necessary info. She probably mistakenly assumes that you already know. Are people still using What's App, and what are its advantages over just texting? SJG
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    “They “share” the text app, How does that work?” They, the couple (pimp and ho) or the escort ring/team use a “burner phone” app in the same physical phone for their adult business; escorting, cat phishing, sugaring, etc etc etc.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    OTC seems thrilling .....
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I don't blame a girl (whether it is a stripper, sugar baby, escort or civie) for giving out a temporary phone number to a guy she just met. She is just being cautious because there are a lot of weird freaks out there, just look at some of the weird freaks that have been part of this board. Honestly, I use a Google voice number for all of my hobby related contacts. I have never given any girl I do p4p with my personal or work cellphone number. There are just as many crazy girls we need to be cautious of as well.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    For me, the big red flag is that the story changed. Her friend went from having gotten into her account to sharing it with her. That to me indicates she's full of shit. Does it matter? No idea. Too many other factors in the equation. If it were me, and this was my biggest concern with the girl, I'd not cut things of because of it. But this kinda shit is why you might consider using one of those services yourself. If further interactions reveal that she's batshit crazy, it's pretty easy to drop the number and never talk to her again and know that its exceedingly unlikely that she gleaned any personal info about you from that number. You can share the accounts, I can't think of many reasons why you would, but my use case isn't a sugar baby or stripper so maybe its obvious to them and just not us. I think Bubble covered the why girls do it in the first place, I'll just add that customers do it to as I alluded to earlier. There's a bunch of posts on here about it, weighing pluses/minuses of various services.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    'Not sure I like being called a creep.' Don't worry there's only 2 creeps in this thread. one collects dick pics, the other has his ass sewn shut and sucks goat dicks. one's a cj, the other's a sj. It just hit me, is a second letter j a prerequisite to being a commie creep?
  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    We don’t KNOW if you’re a creep right away. Its for our safety. If men didn’t try to get into our personal life we wouldn’t have to do this, but they do. I use a burner app too.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    @Warrior, I wasn't calling you a creep per se. It was more of a generalization, so I apologize for my phrasing.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Btw, since we’re talking texting apps. Is there a way to disengage the incoming phone calls on TextNow? I can turn off the text notifications but phone calls still come through. I had a stripper butt dial me twice in a row while I was on my car Bluetooth with passengers. I declined to answer but I was sweating a bit. I’ve since logged out when on long drives with passengers but I was hoping there’d be an easier way. Does google have it? I’ve stayed away from google voice because those motherfuckers are really smart and could definitely connect my accounts. TIA
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    BY, I"ve been called a lot worse. No offense taken. :-)
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    The text app I use is great. PFH is wonderful "Pussy for Hire"
  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    "She claims they "share" the texting app. How does that work ?" Girls work out all kinds of deals. One time I was talking with a dancer who claimed she responded to all the messages for her dancer friend. I was skeptical, so she showed me all of the messages back and forth to my fake phone. Lol. To make it even worse, she got pissed off that I decided to do a VIP with another dancer while she was on stage. So I lost out on an OTC hookup with her AND her friend. She was batshit anyway, and I saw her months later in the club and she was STILL pissed...
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ If the girls have that much communications with customers, then for certain they are doing lots of OTC. SJG
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    If you were spending $6K+ on a particular sex worker, maybe she'd pick up most of the time when you called her. Otherwise, she's juggling multiple PLs, so be reasonable.
  • From978
    2 years ago
    I just remembered that Woody Allen already made this movie. Mighty Aphrodite (1995).
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    "Very few people under roughly 40 use their phones for voice conversations any more. And most don't want to." Shit, I'm well <em>over</em>, and don't want to talk on the phone. My wife and kids, and depending on time of day, my boss, have calling privileges; anybody else can fucking text me.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    ^^^ rite! Text like a real mane... I don't usually agree with gmd but he is rite
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Warrior moreover she cut tye act and was really with you. The friend story was a cover. 🤡 Texting apps are good coz they let the girls filter who they communicate with Ina safe way and don't worry about having to change their number coz of psychos. Girls sharing apps and numbers is usually a sign they have a pimp.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Since I don't text I guess I can never do OTC. Texting is newspeak. Paragraph ten of my fee agreement specifically tells clients that no texts are received sent or acknowledged. Except for my wife and Mom people can call me or text someone else.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Skibum, I resisted texting for years. But it is just the way people communicate now. I probably send/receive 30+ messages a day.
  • Huntsman
    2 years ago
    As far as the the surprising text from the “friend”, demanding a large sum for monthly, that was her or possibly a scheduler/pimp type. Or she escorts with an agency.. It’s her way of being cautious, likely for very good reason. There is nothing wrong with continuing to see her. Just do so with your eyes wide open to two things. She may not be an independent and you probably shouldn’t be too quick to take much of what she says at face value. Again, I’m not saying you should move on necessarily. Just make sure you are situationally aware and a bit cautious yourself.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I get it Warrior, but my lifetime texts are probably still under 100. Since I'm always late I get a lot of texts I ignore.
  • 48-Cowboy
    2 years ago
    Wow! Skibum is a total luddite. Too lazy to learn how to text and uses the excuse that he is late everywhere as an excuse not to learn how to text. You are too lazy to manage your time properly also. This is the peak of childishness and irresponsibility. What a baby. Are you too late everywhere because you are sucking your thumb while crying and beating off? Maybe the beating off part is a bit much. I forgot you are always high on week. You are probably so stoned you can't even move to do anything like that. Sorry I overestimated your abilities
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    What is the advantage of using WhatsApp over just regular texts or email? SJG
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