
avatar for jaybud999
How come nobody is discussing the obvious about Boebert in here? Cmon,you know she’s game. Just keep her mouth shut, and have a go….


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I am most definitely not a Republican nor a Conservative. But my dick doesn't vote. Therefore, I'd tear her ass up and give her the best 30 seconds of her life.
"Don't stick your dick in crazy"

Worst advice. It can be amazing sex to stick your dick in crazy, just make sure you give her a false name and phone #.
sugar baby, escort, pro gun, grabs cruz by the taint.
perfect running mate for trump '24.

hand jobbers and head boeberts.
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
'Don't stick your dick in crazy'

Exact words your homo buddies use when referring to you, much to your chagrin of course.
I think she’s cute but have you ever seen her without makeup? It appears there’s about 14 layers caked on her face to get to “cute.” She’s just too dumb, like annoyingly dumb. How on earth being a woman do you scream to ban abortions when you’ve had two yourself? A congresswoman who didn’t graduate high school. Awesome. Totally qualified. If she loses her next term she’ll probably have an OnlyFans page within a year.

Just stuff a giant copy of her beloved 2nd Amendment in her mouth so she can't talk and tear that ass up.

The no make up thing is a good point.

And ALWAYS stick your dick in crazy if you can get away with it and maintain anonymity.
"Don't stick your dick in crazy"

That is good advice with civies, but that would eliminate a lot of the strippers that I fuck. Just make sure they don't know any personal info about you and go for it with the crazy strippers because they can be some of the most fun.
She is a dam hottie
I'd pass. She's old
"Don't stick your dick in crazy"

The Barney Stinson Hot/Crazy scale comes to mind. Boebert would have to be at least 20 times hotter for me to want to deal with that level of crazy.…
If that’s her - she’s hot. Or she was a hottie! Nice hooters on her!
avatar for goldeneagles9
3 years ago
We have all stuck our dicks in crazy. That's why we are here. I'd do her. Not a republican or conservative.
If anyone here does her be sure to give her either jackslashs or warriors phone number, and not your own.
Shailynn I do that all the time lol
AOC is bat-shit crazy. But I'd still do her.
Boebert looks hot, but she's got 4 kids. I'm thinking when you get her naked might be not so great.

Agree that AOC is a total nut-case, but yeah, I'd do that in a second. Have to put a ball gag in her mouth though. Maybe borrow one from SJG.
I’m more of a Tulsi Gabbard fan - if she wore combat boots and a g string - I’d be a happy pervert…

Even as a liberal I can't do AOC. Just something about her I can't get hard
Gabbard on the other hand
RE: AOC... you mean the horse face?
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