The A-team Vs the B-eam

avatar for Warrior15
Anywhere there are Titties.

I group girls/strippers/sugar babies into 4 different classes.

A-team These girls have 15 guys waiting for them when they get off stage. She sits at your table, puts her hand on your leg and you're are fighting off that urge for your 1st orgasm. She's on Instagram with a million followers. If you take her to VIP, you replay that in your mind at later dates to get yourself aroused. Prime Meat.

B-team. Cute. Nothing wrong with them. You would be proud as peach to be seen in public with them. Just not stunning. They have some minor flaw. Maybe they need to lose a few pounds , maybe the breasts aren't the right size. But still attractive.

C-team. Well, if you are drunk and there are no other options in the club. You probably are not going to brag that you had her, but she doesn't make your skin crawl.

D-team. Please get away from me. I would rather watch Porn.

I got back on Seeking a couple of weeks ago and am having a Ball again. Communicating with several girls and have already had a few dates. One is with the A-team tonight. 5-2, 105 lbs, c-cups, blonde, flawless skin. We agreed on a PPM. She is already trying to negotiate that number up. I"m thinking about canceling. Had a date a couple of nights ago with a b-team member. She hardly talked about the ppm. Was extremely grateful to get anything. We talked about seeing each other again, she agreed to do repeat visits at a lower PPM so that I would want to see her more often. She is sending me "how are you" texts each morning to keep me interested.

I've always kind of been of the opinion that if I'm paying for it, I want the best that is available. But based on my recent interactions, I"m thinking the B-team is the better way to go. Not that I really need to save the money difference. I just so much like the attitude of the B girl that I'm thinking about telling the A girl to jump in the Ocean.

How about you? Do you like the girls with the better attitude OR do you put up with the GPS and go for the Gold ?


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avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

I left out a T in that headline. It's B-team.

avatar for Subraman
2 yrs ago

In the strip club, I think you've forgotten two important teams, but they're orthogonal to the others since they're not in strict order:

New girls: It's common that new girls show up to the club, and don't have any idea where they fit in the pecking order. One of my most incredibly beautiful and sexy ATFs, I met like her first couple weeks in the club, during dayshift. I knew she was destined to be not just A team, but top-10 even among A teamers... but she didn't. As she discovered how hot she was, moved to nightshift, spending her time only with whales, etc., I seem to have been grandfathered in as a regular. She'd schedule dayshifts just for me, we still OTCed, all at the same prices. I've had this pattern a few times, it is worth establishing your pattern with a new girl, before that new girl discovers she's among the 1%.

Drinking buddies: Okay this might just be me 🤣 As you might have noticed, I sometimes enjoy a drink or 6 in the club, and given I go on slow dayshifts, occasionally there's no girl I want to do dances with. But I sometimes meet a girl who is just awesome to talk to, I think of her more as a drinking buddy than a stripper. If I have no options, I've already driven a whole hour to get to the club, I'll sit her down and do a few shots and have a few laughs (and tip her of course). Or if my CF is in the back or whatever, she's always invited to stop by.

My quibble about your A-team definition is that I think that among the top-most beautiful girls, not all of them have gone the "build my stripper brand" 50k-instagram-followers route. I never have had a great experience with the brand-builder type strippers. A hottie who is not trying to build a brand through websites, social media, etc., is still a great CF candidate even for non-whales. The brand-builders are on the "do the least for the most" plan.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I think this also depends on the club and the customer base that particular night.

Example - I’m at a dive club, and there’s a rare A-team member. Most of the clientele is broke or more interested in chugging beers, then I’ll go after the A-Team.

Example - I’m in a huge club in a large city, there’s plenty of A-Team talent but most appear to have major attitudes and a line of douches / whales ready to gobble up all their attention. Well usually there’s even more B-Team talent which can be easy pickings and a recipe for a great night. Some of my best nights ever have been with B-Team talent, and even C-Team talent because there were no better options.

avatar for chessmaster
2 yrs ago

Its a real dilemma. You want the A-team along with everyone else. They know this and thus they also know they dont have to put in as much effort to achieve the same results as most of the B-team and all of C-team. You also want some effort. You have to find the balance between how much effort you want and how much talent you want to sacrifice.

avatar for chessmaster
2 yrs ago

"Example - I’m at a dive club, and there’s a rare A-team member. Most of the clientele is broke or more interested in chugging beers, then I’ll go after the A-Team.

Example - I’m in a huge club in a large city, there’s plenty of A-Team talent but most appear to have major attitudes and a line of douches / whales ready to gobble up all their attention. Well usually there’s even more B-Team talent which can be easy pickings and a recipe for a great night. Some of my best nights ever have been with B-Team talent, and even C-Team talent because there were no better options."

Interesting. I always found the B-team at the big clubs to be better than the lone A-teamer at the dive. But that could be I'm not a big enough whale even in the dives. Plus, I like variety so I will probably have a better time with multiple talent from the B-team at the big clubs.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

I there's there's a lot of either A- or B+ teams, or maybe orthogonal to steal Subra's taxonomy. Strictly following your rules, I avoid the A team like the plague. I find the girls with significant online SW presence almost always have personality traits that I find off-putting and often lack the discretion I prefer. It's not always a GPS thing, there's plenty of other flaws that go with it. But there's quite often girls I find to be in the top tier in terms of attractiveness and personality, so I'm not trading one for another. I'd break it down as

A-Team - Physically hot + appealing personality

B-Team - Top notch in one category, but minor flaws in the other. Some kind of trade off between looks and personality.

C-Team - Minor flaws in both categories, but not ugly or a raging bitch/entailed and arrogant cunt.

D-Team - Problematic in either physical appearance or personality, but some redeeming quality. Maybe she's a butterface or chunky with nice tits, or ugly but fun, or maybe even fucking hot as hell but a raging bitch/entitled and arrogant cunt.

F-Team - Total failure, ugly with undesirable personality traits.

Obviously I'd always shoot for the A-Team, but in reality in a small majority of the time, I wind up with a member of the B-Team. It's an even split on compromising looks or personality. I'd like to say I always go home with the A-Team, but that's simply not the case. It's not super rare or anything, just not the majority of the cases. Occasionally I'll wind up on the C-Team, often a result the poor judgement brought on by the trifecta of makeup, alcohol, and flattering lighting. In the past I've had a few romps on D team, usually because I've fixated on that redeeming quality. An amazing ass, tits, legs, captivating eyes, something drew me in and I lost sight all else for a while. It's been a while since I've made such a mistake, but I can't say I never have. The F team, just not gonna happen. With nothing positive to fixate on, there's only so much Maybelline, Michter's, and dim lighting can conceal.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

I'd be interested to see an equivalent post in /r/stripper about us. What the strippers criteria, banding, and priorities are. I'd guess its similar, but with ability and willingness to spend money replacing physical appearance.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

just silfs and non-silfs for me. but i'm orthogonally-challenged.

A hooker will only treat you like that if she thinks you're a low value trick. If you have real money she will never act like that.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Isn't it funny that now when Icey posts something to purely start an argument, everyone just ignores him ?

avatar for doctorevil
2 yrs ago

I’ll take an enthusiastic B-teamer over an A-teamer with GPS any day.

I'm stating facts. Butt hurt tricks on here start arguments when the truth hurts.

A hooker will do anything if she thinks you're a worthwhile investment. If she's treating you like an afterthought then you are one. They don't show respect when they just want to get paid and gtf away from you. You actually think they like tricks?

But that extends to women in general. If they want you . You never have to guess.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Chessmaster - grabbing an A-Team member at a dive only works if there are no whales there. I am not a whale by any means but I will stage tip and VIP tip appropriately which can make me look like a stud if no other patrons are tipping.

Some of my favorite dancers of all time were B-Team members.

Example - my favorite dancer of all time looks wise was a stunning brunette at Bourbon Street in PHX with a flawless face and big wonderful natural breasts. Her flaw? She was probably 10-15 pounds over her perfect weight but it didn’t matter because she had some rockin curves. But because of this “flaw” I’d put her on the B Team.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

what's PPM?

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Pay per meeting. It's a Sugaring term to get around the fact that you are treating the sugar baby as an escort.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


Pics and Vids of the A-Team Vs the B-Team or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


I will play along and answer your questions and comment on your discussion.

Q: Do you like the girls with the better attitude OR do you put up with the GPS and go for the Gold ?

I like girls that I am attracted to and have “Chemistry” with.

My holy grail is:

OTC with a DS with GFE and PSE, with NSA that we both walk away happy, believing it was a Fair Trade and a win win experience.

I prefer dimes, and only do OTC with dimes, and I don't mean like coins.

I am lucky to be near an apparent endless supply of dimes; Beverly Hills, Hollywood and the San Fernando Valley, the Porn Capital of the World.

So there are lots of dimes that come to the area, to try to “make it big” in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, from all over the country and the world.

Lately my ATF’s have been Russian Dimes, and I mean girls that are super model quality; Hollywood/movie star/starlet quality, educated and nice sweet girls overall.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

I think an important missing element is, which are the girls you actually want to know, not how they rate in looks comparison to the others.


Seattle, also looking pretty good, much better than San Jose. The key is to get them in stripper shoes, strapped on, painted up, and in skirts or dresses. They they are the equal of strip club, Viet Coffee, or AMP girls. The rest of what they wear does not matter is it won't be staying on very long.

Gimme Shelter - Rochester School of Rock

Jane - School of Rock

Grove Blue Organ Trio

They're only rude when they don't like you.

If she likes how you look it doesn't matter what you say. She'll be nice and want you.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Being a variety-PL; I rarely look for the one girl to get with – my ITC M.O. is to get with as many dancers as I can and that I find desirable per my tastes – although there are times in the club where there may be a dancer I want above all others; that is often the exception and my typical M.O. is to have a go/no-go grading-system vs A – F – given my liking for variety; if given the following two-choices:

Visit A: I got with the hottest dancer (to me) but no one else in the club

Visit B: I got with multiple dancers that I liked but missed out on the hottest-dancer (to me)

I will usually consider Visit B is more satisfying visit,

It’s not universal that the best looking girls in the club will have GPS and/or give subpar service/mileage; but not uncommon either – per what others have posted, I will def pass on the “A team” chick if she does not have the right attitude; and sometimes I do this w/o having even interacted w/ them but just seeing how they carry themselves in the club; of course that “judging” a dancer w/o having interacted w/ her can be error-prone; I think most of on here that have clubbed like hell have developed a 6th-PL-sense that although def not foolproof is often correct.

I also have the “conundrum” per se; that what I consider desirable and what the avg custy considers desirable is often different – my natural attraction is towards the curvy voluptuous women irrespective of their facial-looks or thinness; etc – thus I’m usually not competing-for/chasing “the A team” in the club per what most SCers may consider the A-team.

As I mentioned earlier; for me it’s more of a go/no-go w.r.t. dancers vs trying to get w/ the hottest dancer – given that I mostly hit dives w/ cheap-dances; it’s easier for me to not have to be that picky; but in clubs w/ more expensive dances; then I’m def more selective b/c it’s not as if $$$ is no-issue-at-all for me.

I tend to use the “A team” vs “B team” designation mainly in describing an overall club in a review – I tend to use the “B team” designation to convey there weren’t that many dancers of interest; etc.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Once we leave the A and B teams we forget the fact why we are paying in the first place. Go big or go home.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Update on my interaction with the A-list girl yesterday. I grew a pair and stood up to her request for an increased PPM. I came right out and told her. " If that isn't enough then maybe we should cancel and you can find someone else." She immediately apologized, agreed that we would keep the amount the same, and then proceeded to tell me what she was going to do to me later that night.

Well, the date went fantastic. We had dinner, then back to the hotel. I was actually amazed at myself for my endurance for the evening. So maybe the moral of the story is don't let the A-team girls push you around. OR always have other girls available so you don't care if one cancels on you.

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

I have found the opposite with A team vs B team. I find that girls you describe as B team act like they have something to prove and ask for unreasonable stuff or are more likely to scoff at tip amounts. I seem to have more drop dead beautiful girls act more humble and appreciative in real life and in clubs.

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

If a dancer has every guy in the club wanting her and she is rude or dismissive then she may not be the one. Go find someone else who actually seems to want to be around you.

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I doubt this will come as a surprise, but I prefer to start at the bottom, and then see just how bad things are. If the D team girl is open to wild stuff and she is negotiable with pricing, I’m a happy man.

When I was younger and hitting the bottle, I made a few rookie mistakes. I went for a few obvious young Brazilian mothers, who were not lookers, expecting to get the full buffet at a low price. It was a mistake to not negotiate and get the full menu - before taking them for dances. I got a nice clothed grind - but that was far short of expectations for those filthy clubs.

If a C or D team member is energetic and offering a full menu - at a reasonable price - then I’m taking that.

I had one A teamer recently who had such GPS - she took a step back and told me - “Look at this body. This body cost money. It’s going to cost you money to fuck me.” I thanked her and I told her that I appreciate her beauty - but I declined any additional dances.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

Wow! This is typical of the winey winey boo hoo boomer crybaby type of talk! 😭😢😭😢

You boomers can't even figure out how to deal with beautiful women. Maybe they have GPS because they don't want to look at your old wrinkly ass and throw up in their mouths at the thought of fucking crybabies like you guys. Stop being cheapskates and take a reality check and pay up assume your position like good little children!

The solution to your problem is easy. You should strive to be a strapping young lad like me so these women will fall all over you like the stud that I am... Oh wait... You had your chance... Sorry kids! Free Trix are for adults like me!

It's interesting. My experiences have been different.

Older dancers. Especially older white dancers are the rudest and come at me with GPS. To me they come across as hardened whores. With little to no personality.

Young white girls like many on here like are usually nice to me but act shy and don't have much personality.

With black girls and Latinas. The prettier they are the more interest they show. But when they sit with me they get a little shy. I have that impact on women lulz

An interesting thing is Cubans. When you make a connection with them. They're pretty funny and fun to party with. And also really sensual. They know how to be women. Most young girls raised in the US want to be porn stars in bed and don't know how to take their time or be sensual. Cubans do.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

@Warrior I'm with you, I consider myself to be "A" team so why would I accept anything less, BTW to those of you who are worried about GPS or other entitled behaviors, "A" team members know how to behave themselves, that shit is second rate and those losers are most comfortable hanging out with other losers.

avatar for 623
2 yrs ago

The try harder types (B-team) are way more fun and much bigger turn on if they have great attitudes in my opinion. Plus they usually cost a bit less too if that matters. Dancers that think they are Gods gift can PFO in my world. I think I rank attitude equally important with looks.

Now find a 10 with a good attitude and that is probably worth the price of admission. Only problem is there are only 9 of them in the whole country.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Understanding that the A team B team designations (and Cash’s C D and L squads) are to make fun discussion and we’re not having team jerseys and warm up jackets printed, it does sound rule-sy to me. I live a lot of my life by math. Work, recreational gambling, shopping online. If there’s value in a proposition to do a little work and get something cheaper, I’m on it. If the blackjack book says double down on a soft 19 against a 6, as crazy as that seems, I’m sliding another chip over.

I do also pursue value in clubs, but it’s much more art than it is science for me. I do it by feel. I don’t put dancers in a category and then make a decision based on how I rated them. I just go with what feels right during the moment. Like everybody else, sometimes the decision works out, sometimes it doesn’t and lots of times it’s somewhere in between. I’ve had far too many ‘exceptions’ to what I thought was going to happen that I’ve just concluded using my judgment at the time is the best I can do. I make my decisions without much conscience and am prepared to live with them. Not all winners but that’s ok.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

I think I could reduce my decision making here to numerical terms. I would rate girls 1 to 10 by physical attractiveness and also 1 to 10 by friendliness. I would then add those two numbers together to get a total score. For example, a girl who is 10 on looks and 6 on friendliness totals 16 and would be lower than a girl who scores 8 on looks and 9 on friendliness for a total of 17. I think I have a floor I won't go below and it would be around 15. If the top girl in the club is 5 on looks and 10 on friendliness, I might accept that but not a 3 on looks and 10 on friendliness. This isn't a rigid system. For example, I've had regulars who dropped a lot in looks but would still always pick them because I liked that long time relationship.

avatar for TallmanFL
2 yrs ago

IME, there's a good amount of GPS happening with the A team in bigger clubs (that attract bigger whales or simply have more customers/dollars per dancer walking through the door every day), while in smaller ones, the A team have insecurities or simply don't know that they're prime. Meanwhile, in the bigger clubs, the B team try harder because there's less available for them (as the A team monopolize the easy money).

So in smaller clubs, I'll go for the top dancer right off, while in bigger ones, I'm happier to entertain the B team and let the top dancer draw all the guys with more money than sense. It's pure capitalism; try and buy the best goods you can at the best price you can find, right?

avatar for Player11
2 yrs ago

For me it’s all about their performance in bed. Can the get me off good? Are they pleasant, all in for meeting up? Will they model for me. My expectation is happy ending every time one way or another.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

I haven’t heard the term “B-team” since I was in junior high.

It’s “JV”

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

@motorhead JV is Junior Vagina?

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

Jimmy has big tits... Lol

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

Does it really matter

avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

Da A team is da Juice Crew!

avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

Juice Crew for life!

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team."

avatar for mjx01
2 yrs ago

IMHO, it come down to value. Sure, all other things equal, you'd pick the A-team... maybe you're willing to accept a little premium but nothing excessive. Otherwise, B-team can be the better option.The problem I have is maybe there's 1 or 2 A-team (already taken) and a lot of C or less team.

avatar for chessmaster
2 yrs ago

The problem I have is maybe there's 1 or 2 A-team (already taken) and a lot of C or less team."

I think in this scenario some actual B teamers get promoted to the A team because they are surrounded by the C team.

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