
How pre-emtively detect ROBs

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 1:48 PM
Since we getting pretty hot under the collar with ROBs again, can we actually talk about how to detect ROBs before even spending a red cent (or at least 1 dance worth)? It's always when she did this after I paid, I knew she was an ROB. How about some clues before you start dancing with her? Let's avoid giving money to these sorts of people at all beforehand.


  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    great topic estafador. new guests/cucked members should know some of the ungrateful, scheming cunts they're dealing with before paying them *anything*.
  • HannibalSmith
    2 years ago
    In the detroit area, if you have two girls working together both coming on strong, rubbing your leg, offering all kinds of stuff once you get to the VIP, etc. this is a big red flag that you are in the presence of a team ROB.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Any dancer claiming to be "the best" at anything is a r.o.b.
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Hannibal: I think those are behaviors that are sort of leading indicators. Not all come-on-strong duos are ROBs... but soooo many are, that you're really upping your chances of having a terrible time. You want lapdances with two girls, I suggest grabbing your CF (who by definition isn't a ROB), ask her who she wants to do a two-girl dance with. Never go with a random aggressive duo. The same goes for girls who we call "door vultures". They're the girls who come on super strong the moment you enter the club. They're going to pounce on you fast, they won't take no for an answer; there's a good chance they'll offer you a club tour. These are always the worst girls in the club, either ROBs or just terrible low-value strippers. They pounce on you fast because they want you a little off your game before you've had time to adjust to the club. These girls can't or won't generate regulars or any type of repeat business, because their dances are so terrible, or they are ROBs, so their entire business model is based on fleecing the guys who walk in, before any other girls get to them. Many of the clubs I've been to have door vultures -- business-wise, it's my impression they are very successful financially, constantly bringing guys to the back or on "tours", then guys emerging 10 minutes later looking bewildered and VERY unhappy
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    a stripper's smile promises lies.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Don't call a girl who won't fuck and won't give you a gfe a rob. How many threads about the same shit are there already. And according to your beliefs. A real rob is just a good capitalist.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    for a new club, check dance options/prices online or ask the admissions staff or bartender. don't take the strippers' word for it.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Icee you dumbass nobody said a ROB is one who won't fuck, it's one who promises to fuck, accepts money for a fuck, and then doesn't fuck. Why don't you keep your mouth shut if you're gonna act like an idiot?
  • Meshuggah
    2 years ago
    Hi, what is a ROB? what does it stand for? thanks.
  • conan_mac_morna
    2 years ago
    ROB = Rip-Off Bitch.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    rip-off bitch. actually all strippers are. just a matter of degree.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Personally, I never feel like I've been robbed because I never pay everything up front. I'll usually pay maybe two dances, let's say 20 each so 40 bucks. If she doesn't get me off with her mouth or vag, then the worst that happened is I paid for two regular dances and got two regular dances. That might leave me somewhat disappointed, but not feeling robbed. If I'm in a situation where I don't know the girl at all, I rarely discuss extras before going to the back room. I'll pay for a couple dances and see how aggressive she is. If she quickly moves from OTP rubbing to unzipping and reaching inside, then I know she's serious. That's the time to negotiate. I'll either agree to a price and she'll proceed immediately, or if she asks for the money in advance, there's very little chance she won't deliver when she's already stroking my cock. It's very different than paying her for extras at the bar, then going back to the private room, and during that time she acts like she forgot what you paid for. With girls I know well, I always pay/tip at the end. Not really a trust thing at that point, just that it seems less transactional. With some girls it's become kind of a habit that we leave the room, she goes to freshen up, then meets me back at the bar where I already have a fresh drink waiting for her. Then I discreetly slip her the money.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    red flag if she's got pimps/guests shilling for her on stage (MIR).
  • Player11
    2 years ago
    Rob gals want advances or allowance. Especially ones off SA. I was getting 100-200 pop from them then this Rob gal at get to know dinner wants 3000 allowance / time say goodbye.!!Rob wants to be y gf but does not fuck. All strippers have bf or husband. Your not the only one.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    unsolicited approaches. if not interested let them know within a song. never tip the fuck-off fee. expect to ignore/not engage/walk away from a refusal hissy-fit.
  • uniquename
    2 years ago
    @Meshugah there is a glossary that helps: [view link]
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Like some others have said, the girls running games are most often those who are overly aggressive, flamboyant and/or evasive. I also agree with Sub that this includes "door vultures", or what I refer to as the aggressive first wave. IME and IMO the antidote for this is always the same - be cool. Take your time, be calmly firm and control your space by moving girls along who give you a bad vibe. IME ROBs generally move off quickly when they know that their efforts will be wasted. Conversely, when they smell weakness they often become more emboldened. Just like in the jungle or the wild prairies, the weakest animals are always the ones most likely to be eaten.
  • Liwet
    2 years ago
    Generally it's the girls that want payment up front, that rush to starting the dances as soon as possible, and aren't specific about what will happen during the dances. They won't give up anything for free and will try to upsell you into higher tiers of VIP in order to give you what you thought you were already paying for.
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    @Subraman I got lucky with a door vulture once. She was super aggressive and wouldn't leave me alone after I told her I want to settle in before having a good time but boy did she know how to give a lap dance. Super intimate and I am pretty sure she'd be willing to do ITC if I so requested (probably for a fee of course).
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    Tiburon: the exception that proves the rule, just makes the rule stronger :)
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    I didn't say you were wrong. Just that I got lucky. Exceptions aren't generally the rule.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    agree with rejecting the fast-talkers and those that seem to be in a hurry. i even let eligibles know immediately to come back when they've got more time. (i've grown amazingly patient in my old age. lulz)
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    unknown dancers (solicited) *verify dance prices against website/staff info. *start with single dances to test mileage. red flags for immediate/repeated vip pressure. *beware of vague mileage promises. get specific contact info.
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    strip clubs have websites? That's in depth?
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    some do. this one's for woody's (cedar rapids, ia.) some are on fb, ig, etc. [view link]
  • crazyjoe
    2 years ago
    Just develop your emotional intelligence. Reading people properly is a must in all areas of life
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    Crazyjoe has a really good point. My emotional intelligence is up and down. When I'm on, I spot them fast. But it's more than that. To me the best quality to have is to develop the reputation as the guy willing to say no. If that's you, they tend to come at you more cleanly. That's my experience but it really took me a long time to develop that quality
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    following this, be the guest that still says no/doesn't engage/laughs it off after the refusal hissy-fit. also, clubs that allow 'teaser' tableside dances (woody's link) are a good test of agreed upon contact. make them jump through hoops and earn your money, not just fold for a fake smile.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    whatever the ld pregame contact agreements were, make sure she at least touches on them all first song if she expects another.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I posted this a while back, hopefully it is helpful here. I try to minimize my ROB risk with a new to me dancer by applying the following gates… * when we get to the LDA, and a song is playing, i motion them to sit by me and say “let’s wait for the next song to start” * as the first dance is about to begin, I ask “how much are your dances?” * when a dance ends, I ask “so that’s one, right?” (or two or three, or however many it is) Once I know them a bit and have trust, I dial the above tactics back. If they struggle to adhere to or fail one of these gates, I cut them loose with a terse “thank you very much” and never repeat. I always pay whatever they’re asking, but the gates minimize the impact to the point where I’m out the cost of one dance at most. Which is what I think of as the cost of trying something new anyway. You may waste your $40 in one way or another… you may detect a ROB, air dancer, or low talent dancer, cut your losses and move on. Worst case scenario you’ve had a pretty girl in your lap for a few minutes, which is pretty good. I have a similar approach for getting to extras.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    stripper obedience school it's can be a long walk from pulling the ld/vip trigger to being situated for the first dance/time to start. i expect to be treated like a king all the way there. if they start walking to the dance area without you, don't move. when they come back ask to be escorted. if they apologize, continue. if they look put-out, tell them nevermind and walk away. (more to come)
  • KittyCreamyKat
    2 years ago
    I've always been a fun dancer. I'd rather play and entertain than talk meaningless nonsense. From my experience with co-workers, it's usually the "bubbly, friendly, down to earth" strippers that have great social game but don't give it up in private because guys have already spent money on dances and suckered in by their "persona". I say this because I obviously relate... if you're looking for "fun" it's best to hit up socially awkward dancers. They're going to work harder in private because they would rather fool around than think of pointless topics to talk about and acting fake. Why would a sexy stripper act like your best friend?
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    agreed. i'm paying for a fake seduction. hotties can get my attention with a smile, but i'll melt for bedroom eyes.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    i'll get back to guiding the pregame conversation. when guests do decide to get a lapper, start heading there at the start of a song with her already as close to nude as the club allows. rip-off bitches will milk as much of the clock as possible trying to count songs that have already begun, and repeating the same striptease already seen at the stage.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    similarly, before vips she is nude (or as nude as allowed) before i enter the room and start my phone's timer.
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    @srew yeah but that $40 could have been used to show off baller status to the next pretty mamacita. Or to buy some drinks and get buzzed.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    'sorry dude, it's a game.' [view link] until you're boning them for free, don't waste any emotional consideration. itc they're paid to obey one-night-stand sex dolls (ideally cleaned after each use).
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    early 2000s i was at an indianapolis sc and enjoyed the '4 for 50' dances offered by a babe (2/20 was common at the time). i gave her 60 as a tip, but she replied 'no. it was 4 for 50 *apiece*'. fortunately the manager knew she was a known rip-off bitch, apologized, and gave me a free admissions pass. i heard him loudly tearing her a new cunthole as i left.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Front Room Feel Up and Make Out Session and she isn't going to take your money and rip you off. SJG
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    "that $40 could have been used to show off baller status to the next pretty mamacita. Or to buy some drinks and get buzzed." true. unfortunately stringing together a handful of single dance rip-offs is the only sustainable strategy for lazier or less-attractive strippers to make a profit.
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    @Daily_Grind they're paid to obey one-night-stand sex dolls Dude....that's pretty dark man
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
    @LDK was she at least attractive?
  • Tiburon
    2 years ago
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    when visiting a new club, check the website or ask the admissions staff/barkeep about the dance options/prices. then compare to the stripper answers. when flat-out busted for lying it's fun to walk away laughing while the bitch backpedals and sputters for a bullshit explanation.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    The easiest and most severe form of ROB is the flat out lying about services, having you pay up front then not following through on her promises. Some feel justified doing this too, either because of generalizations about men being evil, or the belief that men who seek extras are somehow evil. There is another form of ROB i havent seen talked about much which is the halfway ROB. She could claim to for instance, say you can touch her pussy, say she’ll grind on you, say you can grab her ass or nipples. But then once the dance starts, only allow a few seconds pussy touching, only allow touching for half the dance or something like that. She didn’t ROB you as hard as the other ROB but it’s still a partial or half rob.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    FRMOS, then she will not be an ROB. SJG
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    A ROB is not just a stripper who says shell fuck for money than doesnt. There’s also robs that promise LDKs but dont do them. Say you can play with nipples but then say no more nipple touching if they’re about to cum. Or dancers who sit around during the lapdance or sit away from you instead of being in your lap. Or doing an airdance throughout the dance. Icee girls rejecting offers of sex are not even ROBs and nobody said they were. It doesnt even fit the definition of rob if they simply refuse otc or sex.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ don't engage with them that way. Save back rooms until you really need them, like when your own pants are to come down. And don't look for or accept LDK's. No BJ till completion until you know her and are already fucking her in your own bed regularly. SJG
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