
Comments by Subraman (page 59)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Clubbing during a tragedy
    Some pro sports player passes away, doesn't remotely even hit my radar. Bizarre to even consider changing your life over it. I mean, bizarre man, completely bizarre priorities 9/11, yeah, head home
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Deal breakers
    I tend to judge overall -- is she sexy, fun, and gives me the experience I'm looking for. I'm willing to overlook many things, if the whole package is working. There are a few things that are difficult to get past for me - Some piercings, some tats. Piercings on her face other than ears, and tats on her neck or face, and full sleeves, are examples of the things I have trouble getting past, regardless of how great she is. - Flat ass, fat ass, augmented ass. I'm an ass guy. The further you get from bodysize proportional, heart-shaped, firm & projecting ass, the harder time I have overlooking this to see your other attributes - A jaded, hustle, or high pressure attitude. These are instant dismissals, no sense in wasting either of our time. 90% of the time I'll move her on if she doesn't drink (drinking with the stripper is a part of the experience I'm in the club)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any one into ginger figging?
    All this attention is getting me a little hard again
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any one into ginger figging?
    Wait, are you not?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    heaving, that sounds about right. Maybe you weren't at the right bars? Liwet: that's about what I hear for OTC in the clubs like SR. But if you get the girls on SA -- and they may be the very same girls you'd find in SR -- it sounds based on reports here they'll take a good amount less
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any one into ginger figging?
    Is this thread related to the "losing erection while having sex" thread? Because this thread has definitely made me lose my erection. Usually when I browse tuscl I'm throbbing hard the entire time
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Finding a Handyman ?
    I use a combination of: 1. Angie's list. But expect to pay big $ for the highly rated ones 2. Nextdoor. This is a website that has forums for each neightborhood. Find and join your neighborhood, it's free. The absolute best tips come from neighbors. They'll often have good reliable guys to recommend who have not yet gotten so many high ratings on Angie's list that they can triple their prices. My handyman charges so little I regularly give him 50%-100% more than what he asks for
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    Thanks pistola, good stuff! I was thinking Planet Hollywood is closing but I'm realizing now that I'm confusing it with the Hard Rock.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    Thanks guys... londonguy, none of my buddies are staying up until 5am, it will be a stretch to wait until midnight lol... but I'm definitely building up a general picture here of hotels that might be a little better to start at. Also incorporating pistola's advice of going to SA if advanced research is desired
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    Upright: You jogged my memory, the Venetian is exactly where I saw this a few times DTS, thanks much for the followup, I'll go check that thread and use it to hunt down others
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    Luxor probably out, Bellagio probably in, Caesars a maybe, Arya a maybe. Thanks gammanu & DTS, first round of g-2.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    Okay, write it in magic marker on his white wife-beater, Papi-style. got it!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OT: Vegas overall strategy (incl escorts)
    25: exactly my experience; worst case, just find a bar and sit there alone. I just want to stack the deck in his favor. E.g., maybe the insiders know that maybe security at Caesar's chases the escorts out more aggressively, but if you go to the terrace bar at Bellagio you'll be drowning in escorts (made up examples).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How often do you get texted by Dancers?
    -->"I almost never get the "I want money for nothing" calls. I am however up front about telling them it's okay to call me when its slow. I like spending considerable time hanging out, I get more of that when it's slow. Similarly, they get more money. It's a win-win. Along the same lines, once we've been talking a while the confirmation that she's still working tends to morph into a conversation about where we're going to meet up, ITC vs OTC. I don't consider myself a big spender, but what I typically spend including drinks/rooms/tips/etc is often as much or more than they'll net after tip-outs/house fee's/etc on a weekday even if I come in and see them at the club. That makes OTC another win-win." I could have written that entire paragraph myself (in fact, I could have written the entire reply). I think one of the reasons we don't get random "give me money" requests, is that 1. far less likely to get those requests when you have a stripper/regular relationship and the girl knows she has a lot to lose, 2. I choose girls who are lower-pressure and less hustle-y in the first place. I absolutely ALWAYS tell them, though, to text me when it's slow, it's 100% win-win.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How often do you get texted by Dancers?
    -->"but it hasn't gone anywhere thus far. " When you say it hasn't gone anywhere, what do you mean? No texting at all between you? Are there goals you have? Use it for scheduling an appointment? Send funny memes? Have her send you nudies? I know you said you want to do OTC eventually, but there's lots of open territory between not texting at all, and OTC.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How often do you get texted by Dancers?
    Anytime I know I might want to see a stripper again -- maybe she's got CF potential, maybe I just think I'd like to hang out with her again -- I ask for a stripper's number. Usually it's on the first day I've met her. So I've got about a zillion stripper numbers, since much of the time, after a few days have passed, I find out I actually don't want to see her again :) Anyway! 95% of the time, when I start texting a stripper, it's the same general pattern: 1. The first bunch of times we see each other (4-8 times?), I just text her to arrange for an appointment. I always make the appointment, and then confirm the day of, since knowing a stripper's schedule is basically knowing her aspirational goals. Sometimes during this period, I get "come see me I miss you texts", but it's not terribly common, perhaps because I've already weeded out the most business-oriented girls (almost by definition, if they've hung out with me all afternoon, they're not all-business). I almost never get requests for $ anymore. I will probably never understand why, if a guy really wants to see a stripper again, he'd leave the club without her number; most of the explanations above seem like non-explanations to me. Maybe just don't apply to me? 2. By the time she's shifted to CF, with many girls, we're on a looser texting pattern, and she or I might just text to text. I'd guess with most CFs we text at least once a week 3. If she gets moved to ATF, as I've said before, I've realized I basically treat her exactly like an SB. And like an SB, we're texting much more often, etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT. I hate watching UFC.
    That's a good point. The richest and most successful "boxer" ever is a short black man; why no large Samoans? They should have "stars" too; can you even call this "entertainment" #richestboxerSamoan
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT. I hate watching UFC.
    SirLap: I'm with you. With my buddies and I, the UFC is a "get together with the guys and drink beer and leave the toilet seat up and rate women 1-10 and pretend we know the difference between an oma plata and a d'arce" opporunity.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    The cheap watch that just may fool a non-TUSCL stripper
    -->"Giving a stripper a dollar also attracts attention. They aren’t exactly hard to get usually." YOU say that, and I say that, but this forum used to be filled with "how do I get a strippers attention" "the strippers all ignored me" etc questions and stories. And I will say, if a PL chooses to club at a busy club on Saturday night, it can definitely be much more difficult than giving a dollar to get a stripper's attention. One of many reasons I'd always rather go on a slow Monday afternoon shift.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    The cheap watch that just may fool a non-TUSCL stripper
    -->"@Subraman I think your experience is due to being in a high end club with high end strippers. Imo, I think those women are faux afficianados just because they're looking for whales of a client" Exactly! I was just making the point that it's not just aficionados who notice high end watches. The strippers absolutely, positively do. The girls I knew all knew, and looked for, at least the basic high end brands like Rolex. Some of them knew -- having been introduced to them by their customers -- the brands only aficionados know (fuck if I know what they are). Wearing a high end watch is absolutely a way to get stripper attention in a higher end club. I just don't know if it will be the type of attention you want
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT. I hate watching UFC.
    Anyway, going along with the sports theme, I love going to the club on sunday afternoons when all the guys are watching football. The club comes to a halt for the 3 hours the niners are on, beyond a few girls getting some lap dances during commercials or halftime. Except for me -- I find this is the perfect time to spend my normal 3 hours with my ATF. They always appreciate that by the end of the game, they've done a few VIPs and most other girls have done nothing but a couple of lapdances, so they're already ahead; I appreciate that the VIP room is empty and I'm basically getting a completely private dance, and I also appreciate that she rewards me for spending on her during the game
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT. I hate watching UFC.
    Ish: MMA is not like a soap opera, you haven't missed too much of the plot :) Actually, more interesting, for some reason I couldn't cut and paste your response in order to quote it. This has never happened before on tuscl; don't know if it's something weird going on with my browser or with tuscl itself, but your post it not cut-and-pasteable (I can't even left-click-and-hold to highlight it). Cut and paste still works on your name and on the timestamp next to it, just not your post
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking.com, How to lead off?
    -->"One girl I messaged on there was I forget the exact question, but it was something like your from this area? And she comes back with “Ugh dude get to the fucking point already”" HAHAHAHA That's hysterical! She might be saying what the rest of the girls are thinking :) Something similar happened to me, too! When I first got on SA I had no idea how to interact with the girls, and took the same slow small-talk get-to-know-you approach that had worked for me on regular dating sites. This was within like the first few weeks I was on. I made contact with a really attractive girl, after she messaged me back I sent her my small-talk get-to-know-you questions, and she just replied back "Not into answering these questions" and blocked me. She did me a huge favor, in retrospect; I learned the lesson and started refining my approach. All of this to say, there's a big difference between not being a rush, and behaving like it's a regular dating site. The way I run interactions with the girls is basically: Goal: Establish compatibility and move to an initial meeting. Part of establishing compatibility is that she's not all-business or in a wild rush. But it's not a dating site either. For the most part, in 90% of cases, I send her that opening message, swap very high level pictures of what we're looking for in an arrangement, exchange private pics, move to text. Moving to text seems to change many girls' demeanors. Maybe I've passed some test. Once we move to text, they often send a few unsolicited pics, and if they're chatty we do our get-to-know-you there; if they're not chatty, we at least flirt a bit but move things to setting up the initial meeting. No matter what, unless you're dealing with a terrified new SB, establish basic compatibility and always be progressing towards the initial meeting, while you're getting to know her. You can always cancel the meeting if you change your mind.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking.com, How to lead off?
    Lead off with the "meet me at X hotel for X amount" if you're looking to basically troll for girls who would have been bottom shelf escorts if backpage was still around. Despite how I'm wording it, if that's your thing -- and for most guys on tuscl who are on SA, this seems to be what they're looking for -- the escort-like girls respond fine to a direct business-like approach. If you want to attract attention from actual SBs, best to do better than "hey whatever I'm whatever how are you". A short note that mentions something in their profile so it sounds personalized, or otherwise catches their attention. I have to send out a lot of messages to get to an initial meeting, and typically have to go through a bunch of initial meetings before I find someone I want to continue with. So it can take a bit to find a good SB. But, based on comments I've seen from experienced SDs, this seems to be par for the course.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    OT. I hate watching UFC.
    I'm a huge MMA fan and have been from the beginning. That said, if I'm in a SC and there's any sports event on, I use it strategically... while most guys are watching, I'll be taking advantage of the slow time to basically have completely private dances even in the common VIP rooms.