
Comments by Subraman (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    "Man the level of "out-of-touch" on this board is truly stunning." "It is sad to see how many people can only comprehend the suffering of others when they are among them." The irony in this thread has gotten so thick, Papi tried to take it for a lapdance
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    Is It a Photo or WTF?
    Awesome stuff
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    The Glossary has been updated
    Hmm, I don't think anyone uses the term "vulture" by itself. The term is "door vulture", used to be widely used in the bay area SC forums, when they existed
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking arrangements sucks!
    ds: you're right about the IP address, downloading a VPN should address that without goingto the library. That said, I've read lots and lots of stories from people who did that, and who nevertheless got re-banned. Changing the IP address has not been enough... I'd add "use a VPN" to the other things I already put in my list. Also add, change your profile text.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    mark: awesome!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    China just outlawed the wildlife trade and the eating of wildlife, but article states that it's so deep in the culture, from eating to traditional medicine, that it won't be an easy task
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking arrangements sucks!
    Ah, if you've been booted before, I would change everything: your username, all of your pics (yes, they could be picture matching), the credit card (I'd even consider going with a vanilla card so you could make up a fake name). Don't use anything that can tie you back to the old profile.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Besides trump, there's at least one other world-class epidemiologist who thinks hydrochlorquine holds promise. The stories are just anecdotal, and more often than not anecdotal stories don't hold up. But definitely hoping this one does for sure, it's been used as treatments for other diseases so decently safe. note to self: Just don't drink it from your aquarium
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    When is a stripper too old to make money?
    As a practical matter, in a strip club with attractive strippers, I think low 30s is about the max before most become niche players, as Papi says, catering to much older guys. There's clear exceptions, of course, I've met strippers in their low 30s who were still just amazingly smoking hot and pulling even young guys
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Ah, Cuomo is saying NY can conduct 16000 tests per day, so it's significantly more testing
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Are those NY numbers right? 5000 new cases sunday, and another 5000 new cases today? I didn't even think we had the testing capacity to verify that many in a day
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    "it seems it's a case of trying to eradicate it, or having it get out of control - there may not be a middle-ground." Hopefully, just for a short time. I absolutely positively believe we need to move to a position where we get people back working and just socially distance everyone vulnerable ASAP. But there's no such thing as that if the hospitals are overwhelmed (and if the health system breaks down, ANY trip to the hospital will become a crapshoot). A few weeks of lockdown to ramp up hospital beds, ventilator production, smooth the curve so the health system doesn't otherwise get overwhelmed -- basically do everything we can to not end up looking like Italy does -- is the one way we know of to achieve this.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Pompano clubs open?
    Dude, that show fucking rocks.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    The CDC's preliminary data is US based data, although it pretty much aligns with data coming out of other countries, there's no huge surprises. It's preliminary so only covers a fraction of the data. But that is MORE reason not to use a tone of certainty, that people under a certain age are under very low risk, etc. Especially statements like this, "So, in a matter of weeks, there will be a quick way of determining whether someone has the bug and a good chance of inexpensive treatment to shorten the period of sickness, reduce severity of the illness, and improve the mortality." There's no reason to think there's a "good chance" that there will be an inexpensive treatment to shorten the period of sickness, reduce severity of the illness, and improve the mortality, until there's real evidence it's going to happen -- the main reason to postulate this, is because doing so supports the conclusion you want to have. Which is also why, without any data yet, there's jumping through hoops to try to explain away the percentage of hospital admissions.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Burner Number - Advice required please ?
    don't know on whatsapp
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    "but not at risk of serious illness" Sorry -- meant to say, they are not at very low risk of serious illness. The preliminary data, as I said, shows risk of hospitalization and ICU admission that no one would consider "very low risk". If that data changes as more comes in, I'll retract that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    mark: no you didn't say that. What you said exactly is: "Healthy people under 60 are at very low risk". Most people don't consider hospitalization or admission to the ICU to be "very low risk". People under 60 are at much lower risk of dying, but not at risk of serious illness. Yes, as long as we don't have enough hospital capacity and ventilators, a lockdown makes sense. A months-long lockdown is likely not viable. I'd say at least until hospital capacity catches up
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Bay Area lockdown = No new SJG posts
    And Icey comes and goes, but he's gone too currently? I notice the 3 of them often have entire threads where it's just the three of them talking. Maybe they're all at testosterone lifeboat forums?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Burner Number - Advice required please ?
    Everyone I know seems to use google voice or textnow, they both seem to work great
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    That says nothing about how many people under 64 were hospitalized, and/or subsequently lived because of ventilation -- or whether the Chinese were triaging (that is, with fewer respirators than patients, choosing to prioritize younger patients) like the Italians are said to be doing now. It's the overrun of the hospitals, and respirators, that we are hopefully addressing now. New field hospitals are being set up this week in my area, with many hundreds of beds, which are reserved for non-covid19 cases -- we're assuming the hospitals will fill with covid19 patients. I'll say it again: you, and I, and even the experts who actually study this stuff, don't know the full picture yet. What we do know is that based on incomplete CDC data, 47% of ICU admissions were under 65, 20% of hospital admissions were 22-44.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    "I’ll wager that most of the hospitalized people age 20-44 have underlying health issues" That's just a guess, though. Until then, you shouldn't go around saying people under 60 have little to fear. We have no idea how much of that 20% is due to underlying illness, and no idea how many are on ventilators. All of that is with patchy preliminary data from the CDC, and not all the data had age numbers attached, so this was just from data that did. Point is, you and I know fuckall about where the numbers will go, but preliminary data is that those under 60 are not skating. Same data said those over 65 were 53 percent of ICU admissions, which leaves a good chunk for those younger.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Rick: no data on that from what I have seen. You could be right (or not). Strongly agree standards for hospitalization will need to tighten, unless we increase the number of rooms quickly
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    LW: looking to find pushback in the news this morning, haven't found any yet. Any great pointers? One thing I absolutely positively agree with: an indeterminate shutdown is absolutely not viable. We're buying ourselves some time to get more ventilators, turn more convention centers and hotels into overflow rooms, etc. That's one thing I don't quite undrestand: aside from the denial of how many 20-44 hospitalizations there are, is there a denial that hospitals are beyond overflowing in Italy? Fauci and others say part of the reason that isn't happening here is because Trump shut down air transport to and from China, and then Europe (which is the new hot zone) so early (as usual, everything he does is greeted with cries of derision and racism; he did the right thing in that particular case) There's an interesting tension here regarding the lockdown. People flocked to hiking trails and beaches over the weekend. The state and local governments have responded by closing them. The locals around those popular destinations have responded by putting up signs "Go home!" "If you don't live here, leave, you're putting us at risk", etc. Perhaps a sign there's anger among those locals that's slowly boiling
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    "Healthy people under 60 are at very low risk if they get the virus. " The last numbers I saw was ~20% of hospitalizations are under age 44 (specifically the 20-44 group). As long as there are beds and ventilators -- which is what we're trying to buy time for -- the urgency will stay lower. Once we end up where Italy is, not enough ventilators for everyone who needs one, and they're triaging who will live or die, people perhaps get more serious. It's a race to see which condition we reach first.