Anyone been to a Vegas Strip Club?

avatar for UKfan
Going to Vegas around the first of December. Going to hit up a strip club and it will be on a Friday night, and was wondering which ones you all have been to and suggest? I am planning way ahead to save up, I have already saved up hundreds of dollars and will be out there for a few days but will do other stuff too. I am staying at Mandalay Bay which after last weekend should have great security. I heard crazy horse is the closest to where I’ll be at.


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avatar for RossVa
7 years ago
Does Las Vegas even have strip clubs?
The cover on Friday night will probably be something ridiculous. You may be able to bypass that by calling the club and asking them to come pick you up.

If you just want to see some really hot strippers I'd say go to Rhino or Sapphire. Lot's of strippers and usually smoking hot. They will probably be busy and expensive, extras are a no go or expensive.

Personally I'd head to Fremont Street and then take a taxi to Palomino.
Vegas clubs have a rep for being tourist traps - def watch your back b/c they have level-10 sharks there - prices tend to be high and mileage ok to low - Spearmint Rhino is the most popular and has the best looking girls - Palomino (off the strip I believe) seems to be well-liked and a good compromise of value vs mileage (per Vegas standards).

Be ready to pay a high-ass cover close to $50 for Spearmint Rhino (and high-ass drink prices) - and Rhino girls will push hard for VIP and even w/ the 3-for-$100 dances I believe you have to buy 2 expensive-ass drinks and maybe even tip the bouncer but not 100% sure.
If your're gonna be in Vegas might as well hit Rhino to see what it's like but def be up to speed on the hustle there (and you can always Uber it to Palomino if Rhino is not your speed).

w.r.t. the club picking you up, you will need to tip the driver and a $5 tip probably won't do (more like at least $20 "I imagine") - and I'm not sure about them actually driving you back after your're done at the club
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Yeah Rhino and Palomino are clubs I’m looking into but crazy horse is on top due to it being close to where I’m staying plus the reviews aren’t too bad. My friends seem set on that club but they aren’t strip clubbing pros like me.

Planning on taking a limo and everyone throwing in around twenty to tip the driver and avoid the cover charge.
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Are any of you guys that have been to strip climbs in multiple cities just blown away by the Vegas clubs as compared to other places? I’m really excited about hitting up a Vegas club! Been hitting up clubs in Lexington, Louisville, and Dayton for eight years but I would think they aren’t nearly as good as the ones out there
Most guys on here hate Vegas clubs. I don't but that doesn't mean I love them either. They are expensive, extras are rare and/or ridiculous expensive, hustle factor is high and they can be uncomfortably crowded.

Where they stand out, at least at the top clubs, is in stripper quality. Often I think they rival any club in the country in terms of their talent.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
ive been to Rhino and Cheetah. Rhino is truly a 7 up factory. It’s amazing. I met a really cool dancer the night I went to Rhino who spent the entire time I was there with me. And that’s unusual in that club. Rhino is high hustle and the girls tend to move on quickly after they’ve danced for you
Read some reviews. There are thousands of them......
I tend to have hardcore-PL's disdain of Vegas clubs -- exactly the opposite of the experience I'm looking for, incredibly high hustle, incredibly low value, next-level "treat every customer like the sucker he is" at every turn (they charge 15% -- %, not dollars -- on ATM witdhrawals, and expect that kind of rip-offery everywhere you turn). Truly horrible.

I'd give two exceptions to that:
- The outside-Vegas clubs, like Palomino, are supposed to be far more of a PL-style club. I haven't been, but I think that means you lose a lot of the Vegas glitz that's getting you excited in the first place, alas.

- With the right attitude, the all-flash Vegas clubs *can* be fun. Bring all the cash you need -- no credit cards or ATM is more important in Vegas than anywhere else. Try to get there before 11pm when the crowds start rolling in, as well as the next-level hustlers. Plan to enjoy incredible eye candy, tipping at the stage, and just expect the girls not to spend a huge amount of time with you unless you're doing dances and buying drinks pretty consistent -- it goes far more for Vegas than anywhere else, if you're planning to spend a lot, you can have a great time. If you have a "grab a few of my buddies, drink and spend more than we wanted to for less than we thought we'd get, but it's all good because VEGAS WOOOOOO" type attitude, you have a much better chance of enjoying your time at these clubs.
As a person that used to only go to Vegas clubs and just recently started going to other places, I can note a few differences.

Value: Your dollar doesn't go nearly as far in Vegas as it does outside of that city. Everything is way more expensive. For drinking I would definitely recommend that you pregame (take shots, have mixed alcoholic drinks in your room) BEFORE you go to the club. Drinks in the club are outrageously pricer in both Sapphire and Rhino at about $18 per drink. And you could drink 4 of those and it would have minimal effect.

Also like everyone here said, call the club for a limo pickup. All the major clubs offer this. That way no one in your party has to pay a cover charge. When I went we tipped the driver $10 each and no complaints. You'll need all your money for the women.

Crazy Horse 3 is indeed the closest to Mandalay Bay but distance isn't a factor. All the clubs will send a limo to pick you up anywhere on the strip. So take your pick.

TALENT: You will find a greater quantity of hotter women in Rhino and Sapphire. BUT, on a Friday or Saturday every club will have the A squad working and you'll find beauties in every club.

On a personal note, I'd recommend staying away from Treasures. Nice club, but for some reason their prices are higher than everyone else's by a significant margin. Mainly the VIP. 30 minute VIP at most the major clubs like Sapphire, Rhino, and Crazy Horse III is 200 plus a two drink minimum, so roughly $250. Treasures, however, cost $300 and a FOUR drink minimum so $100 on top of that. I did that one time not knowing how much everything cost. Never again.

Anyway, any more questions, just ask. You'll have a great time grabbing fake asses and tits all night. Or whatever type of women you prefer.

Subraman covered an absolutely MANDATORY point:. DO NOT USE CREDIT CARDS OR ATM MACHINE IN THE CLUB! They charge ridiculous fees up the ass if you use credit cards for VIP sessions. And the ATM machine is the same deal. You'll have to pay a fee of like, $30 to take out $300. Not worth it. Just bring enough cash. Once your wallet is empty, take your ass home.
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
The best times I've had in Vegas clubs were at Little Darlings (don't bother, YMWV), Olympic Garden (RIP), and Palomino (worth a look but last time I was in Vegas I skipped it). The most I've spent in Vegas was at Crazy Horse, but it was because I was bored and thought it was funny watching the dancer get frustrated.

I never really cared for Sapphire. Thought it tried to hard, but there is very nice eye candy. If I want to kill time and get a bit of the Vegas club experience, I go to Rhino, but haven't been in years. If it were me, I'd skip Crazy Horse for night shift, but it might be worth a look during the day.

Do not take the first dancer who comes up to you. There are plenty more where she came from, and you need to set the tone in Vegas.
believe me. i used to do vegas A LOT. it is fun... BUTT SO EXPENSIVE.
Living in Vegas, I can say clubs in nearly every other city are better these days. Most are over priced tourist traps. The local places suck too. If you expect anything of any substance be prepared to spend a shit ton of cash and MAYBE you might get lucky.

The days of OG, Tally Ho, Wild J's and a few UHM clubs are long gone. They're all a rip off these days, and especially stay away from the Can Can Room or Diamond Cabaret!!!! You've been warned.
-->"And the ATM machine is the same deal. You'll have to pay a fee of like, $30 to take out $300."

I could swear that last time I was at Rhino it was a straight 15% -- or $45 charge to take out $300. I vaguely remember that being the credit card charge, too. It kind of makes me sad and angry that they can get away with that -- there are clearly people just paying it, instead of saying "Fuck you". Although, if this is their big strip club trip for their once-a-decade Vegas trip that they've been planning for 6 months, I guess they're gonna just go along
^ a lot of inexperienced SCers just think that is what one is supposed to spend on strip clubs particularly Vegas

Best advice so far.
VIP isn't too expensive. As long as you know you're not getting sex lol.

Subraman you're probably right. I haven't used an ATM machine or credit card in a club in awhile so it probably is 15%. Which is absurd. Yet I bet when this guy goes to the club he'll see a line of folks at the ATM machine. Usually with their dancer waiting close by. Like you said, it's a lot of strip club newbies in Vegas , so they're getting smooth played by those fees.
UK, hate to break it to you, but Vegas clubs are mediocre at best. I'm a huge spender and even I get pissed off at the prices. I had a dancer there offer to blow me for $1K. Insane. And the size of the crowds any night, especially a weekend night, are horrible. You usually can't walk at SR the crowds are so bad, and it's rificulously dark. Plus fake tits abound everywhere. The mileage may be ok, but nothing special given the amount of money you are paying. They are the epitome of a tourist trap. You would have much more fun heading to Atlanta, Miami or Detroit .
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Thank you all for the info it is appreciated! Looks like it’s a good thing I don’t live out there because over priced strip cubs wouldn’t be as fun, but it will be great to experience for a night.
Just treat it like you do to browse. Lots of knowledgeable info above second on Lotsofun..
Vegas local here, been to just about every club in Vegas excluding the Library, Lacey's, and The Legends Room (as of the day of this posting; working on checking all 3 out).

Lots of solid advice throughout this thread: don't do VIP, don't use the ATM or credit cards, and take a limo/shuttle to the club of your choice so you don't have to pay cover (the limo/shuttle is run by each individual club). Be sure to tip the driver.

The hot girls of each club start coming in around 10PM and you can expect any girls working that night to be in by 11PM.

There are really only 3 clubs in Vegas that I'd recommend to a tourist who has to pick 1 and needs to have a good time and that would be Spearmint Rhino, Sapphires, and The Palomino.

Rhino: Since you shouldn't be doing VIP, the Rhino can be a problem. Tons of bouncers on the floor to prevent you from having any fun during a $20 dance plus rules like no groping and 1 foot on the floor. Even if you found a girl who would do everything with you for $20, there will likely not be any seating if you're going on a Friday or Saturday night. Which means the only way you're going to spend time with a girl is in the VIP. You have to buy expensive drinks in the VIP and it's a topless only club so you'll be getting the same experience you can get at Palomino or Sapphires for double the price. The one good thing about the Rhino is it has the hottest girls in Vegas. Since guys are spending double of what they normally could be spending, girls are making more money, and the best looking girls flock towards the money. Drinks are strip-club affordable and they serve food, but they oversalt it

Sapphire: Really expensive drinks. Even if you get a two soft-drinks for your two drink minimum, you're spending $22 right away. Probably not a big deal to a tourist, but it's not something I'm a fan of as a local. You'll definitely want to stay out of the VIP at Sapphires. Not only do you have to buy even more expensive drinks, but ironically it's less private than the $20 floor dances. If you do decide to go here, take your dancer to a dark corner and spend whatever money you want on her on $20 dances. One of the great things about the Sapphire to me is that even on Fridays and Saturdays they always had a seat for me and this is generally my goto club when I really need to go clubbing on a Friday or Saturday night.

Palomino: My favorite club in Vegas, I'm pretty much a walking 5-star review of the place. The most attractive 18-20 year olds work here for the same reason the hottest girls in Vegas work at the Rhino. Downstairs, you can get the same treatment that you would at the Rhino or Sapphires, a $20 topless dance with your basic mileage (touching just about everything is fully legal in Nevada). Upstairs is where the VIP and champagne rooms are. You might get some more mileage from girls in the VIP but you'll have to be discreet. Everything you do here (excluding the bathroom) is on camera, monitored by 3 people: the DJ, the manager, and 1 person in the back who watches the feeds all the time (manager and DJ only check it sporadically). Ignore the "Reserved" signs on all the tables and sit wherever you can find a spot. I don't like this club on the weekends though as there's no where to sit.

Spearmint Rhino


Crazy Horse

In that order, and bring your wallet!!!
avatar for Nixur68
7 years ago
I'd say you should visit the Spearmint Rhino or Sapphire just once for the experience and there are some serious stunners but don't expect much aside from looking.

On the other hand if you're just looking for a basic good time just go to one of the smaller clubs.
When comparing to your normal experiences, you will be amazed at how large the clubs are and how many guys and ladies are there on a weekend. This really is a tourist attraction in that regard. But, the value for what you get in Vegas is terrible when comparing to most other markets. All of the tourists think its Sin City so I will be getting great milage with an incredibly hot girl. That may have been true 15 years ago at the Crazy Horse II and Olympic Gardens. Now, it just is not.

There is some excellent advice above with regard to club choices and other more practocal tips about never running a tab and always paying cash. If you go to the major clubs, have them pick you up and tip the driver. If you go as a group, $10 to $20 per person is an approriate tip.

In my experience, the VIP dance are very expensive and moderate milage at best, so be prepared and have realistic expectations. There are literally hundreds of girls at the Rhino and Sapphires. Many will be very hot. The problem at all of these major clubs is that they have no repeat customer mentality, so every encounter is treated by the club and dancer as a way to extract the maximum amount of money from you on that trip.

Have fun on your trip. Be amazed at the number and often looks of the girls. But, don’t expect to have the best time you have ever had at a club because you are in Sin City.
This thread should be flagged as required reading for any PL heading to Vegas. One other Rhino comment, the 3 for $100 room isn't bad, but there's usually a line to get in which can kill your vibe, and the door guy expects a tip. Not private, but better than the crowded main floor. Like most have said, solid 9-10 talent.
1} Take only the CASH you are willing to spend. No credit cards, no bank cards!
(save enough for cab fare or get your car out of valet)
2} Be prepared for high priced drinks, dances, tips, food, bathroom trolls....
3} Be prepared to spend all of it and get little in return
4} Do not argue with anyone, they will show you the door as you are thrown through it.

Everyone will have their hand out, nothing is for free. If they are busy you may be actually asked to leave if you are not tipping .
My advice is save your money and go clubbing elsewhere. If you insist on clubbing in vegas just to say you did then observe the above rules.
In my years of clubbing I have clubbed once or twice in vegas and will not do so again I found the clubs over priced and the girls no better than girls at Penthouse of Flight Club Detroit on a decent day and WAY less friendly and more money money money!. The quality of the talent varies like anywhere else, I am not a cheap skate but I do not like to waste money. I found not matter how much you spend in vegas it is never enough.
Since I do not gamble and only go to Vegas when work forces me to I'll spend elsewhere. COI is a better value.
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Looks like I need to save this thread :)
I plan on bringing 300 for the strip club but I may bring it up to 350 just in case I go a bit over 300 as planned to avoid the ATM. Also my friends and I will split the limo tip and buy a bucket or two and split that. The girls are what I’m looking forward to the most. Lexington and Dayton have some decent girls but I’m sure they aren’t Vegas level.
$300 might get you a decent time at a place like Palomino but would probably get you a bare-min experience @ Rhino
I am going to Vegas on December 1, so I will strip club on 11/30 and again when I get home. If I had to go and only had $300 I would do dances at cheetahs during 7 -7. Vegas sucks for strip clubs in every way possible.
Don't see many comments about Cheetahs; but it is my all time favorite. Been going to Vegas for many years and always go to Cheetahs. Many great times and some so-so. Great far outweighs the so-so. You have to carefully choose your dancer and do watch your money. Shift change is a great time to go. I have had many successful OTC expeiences from here. A couple who I still stay in touch with and have hooked up again. That said, the fun is in the. My ione and only suggestion is Cheetahs!
^^^^^All these times to Vegas and I've never been to Cheetahs. This will change next year.
^^^^^°on second thought, after reading some reviews I think I'll pass. Doesn't sound too hot anymore.
Little darlings: fri/sat nights are crowded & not much room to negotiate, but other nights its easier to flag down the hottie you want and can stretch your mileage further : fully nude, couch dances are worth it. negotiate. negotiate. negotiate. make sure you know what you're gonna get. (see reviews). idk what you're looking for but with the right dancer ($120/private VIP - put a raincoat on before you go back so you don't get all chafed up from her grind) - I've always left happy.

Palominos is great for eye candy, but most of the hot dancers are no-mileage, although with a raincoat in place a good grind will get the job done.
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