
Comments by Subraman (page 176)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Will strippers be at your funeral?
    Heh, funny question ... as of right now, I'd guess 1
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    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    what's the current dad at your favorite SC?
    I dont want to brag, but I am pretty sure I'm the current passing dad
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    7 years ago
    Why club hop?
    -->"The only time I'll leave one club for another within a single night is if I'm really not finding what I want. That doesn't happen much." These days, that's the only reason I'll club hop in a single trip. And I have to admit, I often don't even do that ... if I'm at a club, I've spent an hour waiting to see the entire rotation and am already drinking, I have to make a decision whether it's worth calling and waiting for an uber (or worse yet, if I drove, getting my car, driving across the city, and looking for parking elsewhere), all with the risk that I won't find anything I like at that other club, either. Half the time, what I do instead is just find a "good enough" girl who is a fun drinking buddy at the first club, hang out a while, and then call it a day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Tipping the door girl?
    It was discussed pretty recently. I remember it distinctly, because I don't get it at all -- after decades of SCing, it never even occurred to me to tip the doorgirl, someone who was not providing me a service of any kind. On the other hand, I guess my general rule of "there is never a downside to being friendly with the staff, and almost always an upside", goes with this too, as your examples above show. Most aren't needed for me (e.g., I am friendly with the bouncers and manager, I have not paid an entry fee into my favorite club in years), but I could see what you mention being useful if it were, especially for a couple of dollars per entrance
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    HJ for $40-50 vs BBBJ for $150-200
    Once I see all the guys with erections rolling their walkers towards me, and the cries of "waitress! I'd like some soup!" I'm hightailing it out of there. Who am I kidding, I'm jealous as fuck. Shadow, save me a place at your table? And order me some soup!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    HJ for $40-50 vs BBBJ for $150-200
    shadow: it came off more patronizing that way :) I actually hadn't looked at your handle, which has Atlanta underneath. Which means this is a follies thing; I now remember you seem to have a dedicated seat there! Really, if $150 HJ for 30 minutes from an 8 were available, I would definitely change back again from my current no-extras clubs to become a dedicated extras guy. Hell, the last time I was strictly an extras club guy (late 90s to mid-aughts), is was paying about that much, but it only last 15-20 minutes ... although these were very often from 9+s, so who the fuck could last too much longer anyway, amirite?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Verbal Altercation
    -->"Anyways I block the number so I'll never have to see it again but anything like this happen to anybody else, and how did you deal with it and what steps would you take to mitigate any potential foolishness on the boyfriends part." I've only had this once, and the bf was very polite, to the point that I honestly felt sorry for him, he was obviously in pain. But I think engaging with them is the mistake -- the moment I hear his voice and tone, I hang up, block the number. That'll piss him off, too, but 1. keeps me out of the drama, and 2. doesn't spin him all the way up, the way you spun him up. Basically, I don't mind hearing about the drama from here, but I'll use all my faculties to keep from becoming part of stripper drama. In your case, where you 1. spun him all the way up, 2. gave him your real number and so he can probably find your real address (you might do the exercise to see how hard that is -- if it's easy, exercise more precaution), I probably would exercise a bit more precaution. You have a better read than us on how serious the threat is. Depending on whether I thought he was serious or just running his mouth, I might: SC with buddies, let my buddies know about the threat, reduce my drinking so I can stay more aware, avoid her club for a bit (you never know if another stripper who works there has been told to text the bf if she sees you, maybe the "side chick" is a stripper who works there too)...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Verbal Altercation
    -->"I have Google Voice I should have provided but I when I gave this girl my number the first time I had been drinking." (lecture mode) The safety precautions we take are incredibly lightweight (e.g., fake number) but important -- while it's rare, it does happen that these kinds of guys commit violence against PLs. It's not that hard to use a high quality for-pay reverse-number service to find your name from your cell phone #, and from there not difficult to find out the rest about you (hell, the service I use often can even reverse-search google voice, so I suggest people reverse-search their ho phone number on a pay service now and then). This is an important safeguard. "I was drunk" is not an excuse -- I've been drinking with strippers for decades and never gave out my real #, I can't even imagine what drinking has to do with giving out your real phone number. If you can't stick to the easiest-to-follow security precautions while drinking, you shouldn't drink with strippers, or set a limit. Anyway, just some tough brotherly love, not meaning to roast you -- giving a stripper your real number because you were drinking, and having it potentially result in an unstable stripper bf hunting you down, is unacceptable even once. It's like forgetting to remove the last round in the chamber and negligently shooting yourself in the leg -- once is too much, but you better figure out why it happened and make permanent changes regardless, since there were multiple failures that had to happen. The stakes really can be high so I didn't want to let it pass. Can't have a non-troll tuscl contributor getting picked off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    HJ for $40-50 vs BBBJ for $150-200
    -->"One will not do more than HJs in VIP and wants $150 for her 30 minutes. She is an easy 8. I think that is too high for just a HJ." In this area, if you could pay that little, for 30 minutes with an 8, AND you get a HJ???? You would have the best fucking deal in the city; no exaggeration, such an amazing deal that other PLs might have trouble believing it. I almost feel like flying out to whatever chickenshit city you live in, just to indulge. In other news, now you guys probably understand better why I only socialize ITC with an aim towards amazing OTC -- extras here are insane
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    HJ for $40-50 vs BBBJ for $150-200
    As a general rule I don't do BBBJ, and I'll almost always take HJ over CBJ, so this is an easy one for me. Although I'd pay the extra money and get the HJ in the back (what does that cost?) for the extra privacy and open access to her bumps and holes
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Apologies for the Drunk Posting
    On the positive side, you set the tuscl forum record for saying the n-word the most times, which is no small feat
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Ya, I agree, most clubs I have experience with either refuse to state who is or isn't working, or simply lie and say "yes she's working" to get the prospective PL in the door.
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    ^^^ I'm annoyed that strippers are using my nickname for other guys
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    As an aside to this discussion: anyone else think the n-word is never not funny?
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    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    You don't have to like it, but if it makes you frustrated or sad, some introspection might be in order
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting to the club right when it opens
    -->"The early bird dancers come in two varieties. The go geters and the losers. The first group wants to make that money and go home early. The losers are the fuglies that will be there all day trying to make ends meet." variety 3: those who have made an appointment with subraman to be there early :) Seriously, ESPECIALLY for night shift, I do like to make an appointment right at club opening or at shift opening. Those times are pretty dead, which means even a hot nightshift girl will be super low hustle, want to spend a lot of time drinking and talking. Not of interest to you variety guys, but you guys who like to socialize are crazy for not taking advantage of this time to set up an appointment. Moreover, once they get over the idea of showing up on time, the girls tend to love it -- by the time other girls start showing up, my girl already has $200 and is well-libated, feeling well ahead of the game, especially for a dayshift girl who is used to only making $400 all shift
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why club hop?
    -->"I rarely go out with the intention to club-hop, when I do it's either b/c I didn't get my fill at the firs club and don't wanna go home "empty handed"" That's pretty much me, too -- with the rare exception when I specifically want to hit the end of dayshift at one club and the beginning of nightshift at another -- the only time I ever club hop is if the first club is a no-joy I used to have a buddy who used to like doing epic club hopping trips with me -- we'd get to the city at noon, hit a club, go get lunch, hit another club, hit another club, dinner, hit another club, head home at midnight or 1. Alas, that guy doesn't SC anymore, and none of my other buddies have the interest or endurance to do a trip like that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    I think all of us aspire to living the life of a rick
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    DeclineToState: true, unless jackslash's stripper specifically doesn't want to do dances with jackslash, and was sending a message -- in which case, she did the right thing. Every indication from that story is that she does NOT want jackslash's money, and to me she sent a decently clear message. No reason to try to turn it into something it's not -- I see no reason to think this is a stripper who wants jackslash's money but is not service-oriented; it's a stripper who did everything she could to avoid him, and he smartly took the hint.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting to the club right when it opens
    -->"If you do get there right as the club open, be prepared to buy the dancers drinks lol. " Exactly! Jackpot! Hell, for many of them, we're an hour in before they even want to think about doing dances
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    Huntsman, I am probably not exactly consistent on this either, it's just how I feel about it this morning, before I've had my coffee :) But, however much vacillating and rationalizing I might do, I think the "I invite her to sit down, she refuses and then goes and asks everyone else in the club for a dance" is something I couldn't get past -- it's just too clear of an indication that she considers me an undesirable customer (I'm probably an undesirable customer anyway, but most of the girls do a good enough acting job to let me pretend I"m not :) . I'm skeptical she'll give me a killer dance in the back, given that, and even if she did, hard to enjoy it as much as I otherwise would. Of course, if I were a variety guy who was never planning on repeating with her anyway, and/or if I made my choices based almost solely on physical attraction, I'm sure I'd be bending over backwards to find good reasons I should push all that aside. But as it stands, pretty easy for me to pass on anyone who isn't providing the experience I want
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting to the club right when it opens
    -->"I do it occasionally at my favorite club. It’s a very different vibe. More relaxed and conducive to conversation. It’s almost like you are part of the staff. You have your pick of dancers ( the ones who show up that early ) and they appreciate your breaking the ice with the first dance of the day." #mark94PreachIt Yah, as you point out, there are clubs that are completely useless the first hour or more after opening, no sense getting to that kind of club right when it opens. But if you're likely to have a decent selection, it's great.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why aren't we talking more about the "Hey" Text
    Warrenboy: as long as you remember that facebook is an elaborate facade for her family and civilian friends to show how together she is, and instagram and (especially) snapchat are where you'll see more of her real life (also a facade, but a facade where she doesn't try to hide her lifestyle, but instead plays it up), you're good!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What am I--chopped liver?
    mark: there are definitely ways to get the stripper coming to you first (or at least reasonably high in the queue) without spending stupidly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why aren't we talking more about the "Hey" Text
    Joe, hysterical observation. I've seen that a whole bunch of times -- stripper working like once a week, meanwhile on her social media I can see she's partying like a rockstar, and then I start hearing how broke she is. Always cracks me up. Another fun reason to be on her social media :) I had an ATF years ago who used to disappear for days. I figured she was just busy, but after she added me to her facebook, I realized most of her friends and family couldn't find her either ("hey girl, you ok? We were supposed to go to Sephora today, haven't heard from you")... and on her snapchat, I could follow her drug-fueled multi-day bender with another stripper. This happened every few months.