
Comments by Subraman (page 175)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Is banging a girl in her mid 20s more satisfying when you're older?
    ^^^ LOL quite pithy!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Juice is getting hitched
    Juice is paying for the banquet with his poker winnings. So, basically, plan on paying for your own meals.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    College destress at clubs and otc
    Agree also ... you're lucky enough to be at an age where it's relatively more easy to get 20-something-year-old women for free. This is a pretty important age to be socializing with your peers, rather than doubling down on paying for sex. Are you doing this SCing by yourself -- that is, not going with your buddies, but doing it alone?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why do you all call it "clubbing"?
    Mtent is just trolling. But to the extent this is an interesting conversation, I do tend to use the word "clubbing" to mean "going to nightclubs / dance clubs". I call what we do SCing or strip clubbing. At least, I'm pretty sure if I looked back through my posts, that's what I'd find
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    -->"I don't typically ask anymore, because if they want they'll offer it." A few of you have said this. Perhaps because of club or regional differences, or whatever else, my experience is solidly the opposite... Up until a year ago, the number of girls who offered me their number first was incredibly low -- less than five in the past 5 years, I'd say. If I'd waited for them to offer, I'm guessing I'd have been waiting a long time. If I want their number, I have to ask -- but once requested, the number comes easily. All of that changed a year or so ago, when I started working "hey, I'm on SA, looking for a sugarbaby" into my conversations; most strippers are on SA also, and we usually end up swapping profile info, etc. That's been the main exception for me, on getting strippers to offer their number -- and even meeting OTC -- first
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Overheard parking lot arguement between a stripper and her boyfriend
    Cash: since I first heard it 30 years ago, I'm guessing it wasn't a real stripper/bf argument, and the stripper didn't come up with that line on the spot. It IS funny though!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Is banging a girl in her mid 20s more satisfying when you're older?
    Fuck yes, banging a girl in her mid-20s gets more satisfying as you get older. It's a gift man, and feeling and smelling the amazing skin and tone of a 20-somethings is wasted on 20-somethings :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    I think that's the right lesson!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    * You really CAN NOT divine their motives
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    -->"I did learn a lot from my failed OTC attempt, and I do believe the next time I may get a better result with a different girl." What would you do differently? Just curious... I will tell you that the thing that struck me in your story was that she asked what you have in mind. You really can divine their motives, but most of the time, a girl who is uninterested in OTC will change the topic entirely, whereas those being cautious will sometimes ask questions. If it were me, I would not have been coy or opaque -- that's exactly what a cautious girl doesn't want to hear. If I detect any kind of hesitancy, but there's an opportunity to open the door (which I believe is where you stripper might have been), it's straight to re-assuring her: "we'll go have some drinks and a little fun, and I want you to be comfortable, so if you want to call it off after that, no harm / no foul... and I'm fine with just a BJ (or a HJ)". That's what I believe a girl who is unsure wants to hear -- it'll be easy and fun, she can change her mind if she wants (she will not), we can stop at BJ or HJ if she wants (which also rarely happens). Anyway, just some thoughts ... the main thing for me is, if she keeps pursuing the conversation, that's your opportunity to be mysterious and opaque and confirming that she made the right choice by saying no, or by reassuring her with your forthrightness. IME.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    -->"If she was open to it, she would've been working at a one of the many extras clubs in my area. " Are you saying that's the reason she told you, or are you making a general philosophical point? Because I've been pulling girls from the most diligently no-extras clubs for years -- those girls, too, are very proud of the fact that they don't work in extras clubs and don't have to do extras in the club. They are no less likely to go OTC than girls from extras club, IME, and they'll do so for less money. So, if that's the reasoning she gave you, fine, but if that's an assumption you're making, I'd urge you to re-think it. -->"Besides, it would've been nearly impossible to exchange numbers with any dancer at this club." If by "nearly impossible" you mean incredibly easy -- as in, she just tells you her number and you remember it and walk to the front lobby and put it in your phone there, or she writes it in a little piece of paper that she shoves in your hand in the dark where it would be nearly impossibly for anyone to catch it -- then that makes sense :) There's a VERY strict no-cell-phones policy in one of the clubs I pull girls out of all the time. These are easy problems to get around
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vegas after the demise of Olympic Garden
    This is top-notch new g-2, ski! Good to know!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    The absolute last thing any stripper wants you to do is "give her a call", so maybe not taking or giving numbers is for the best :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    Nice touch. I usually write her name on my dick, to really personalize it and make it a pic she'll cherish forever. In other news, I am also an expert at micro-printing. Total coincidence.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How much SS would you put up with if Extras are at stake ?
    Ya, another reason it's hard for me to sympathize: I LOVE the hour of free vapid chit-chat plus groping. Sign me up for that girl!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    At what point are you getting a dancers contact information?
    My usual M.O. is, I ask for her number on whatever visit I realize I want to see her again -- I do most of my SCing by appointment, and I need her # to make an appointment. Sometimes this is the first time I see her, sometimes the second or third. Usually, but not always, I know by my 3rd time I see her whether I want to make appointments with her. What this translates to is, most of the time, I ask her the first time I hang out with her. The fact that you're asking at all, makes me think that you might be making a bigger deal of this than it is. This isn't asking a civilian for her phone number. Think of it like asking your stock broker for his phone number -- fuck yes, he wants you calling him early and often. You should ask your stock broker for his number, the moment you know you want to continue to do business with him, right? As Papi mentions above, some new girls might be guarded, but everyone else will be more than happy to give you their number. Whether she'll text you back is the real question :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How much SS would you put up with if Extras are at stake ?
    -->"Rubbing her butt, caressing her tits and cleavage. She would smile and keep talking about something else. I think we were in that same position for about an hour. Finally, a waitress walks up and asks if I want a drink. The private dance rooms at this club offer drinks along with the price of the room, so it made it easy for me to make that suggestion at that point. The girl accepts and we go to the back room. I then found a way to keep her quiet by stuffing something in her mouth. Now I am very aware that not all of the girls in this club do extras. But at what point should I have moved on ? Would you have waited the hour ?----> Based on the above excerpt, I really think you're asking the wrong question. The question is: "What am I doing so horribly wrong, that I can't get a stripper interested in discussing making lots of money for a private dance?" I'm 1000% serious, it feels like you're waaaay off in the weeds. If I wanted a dance, there is no chance whatsoever that I would have waited the hour OR moved on. I would have made the dance happen. We'd probably need to hear more detail about the interaction to figure out what you did so horribly wrong -- my GUESS is that you weakly made attempts to change the subject that were easy for her to miss or ignore, and so she just kept steamrolling you with her (admittedly chatty) hustle
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    NY, NJ, PA
    I Love You text
    lick-that: I realize YOU think she's looking for a romantic relationship. It's just that we all know that 1. when you're in the thick of it, your judgement can be compromised, and 2. from the outside, we don't see a reason to go along with you yet... RM's question seems pretty key, are you paying her ITC and/or OTC for sex?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Selena Gomez in a Bikini
    Poor kid! I've never thought she had a fantastic body, she's always had a flat shapeless ass, and looked better in clothes (because she's slim) than in a swimsuit. But kidney transplant has to be tough, very brave for releasing those pics (I understand they were released)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    NY, NJ, PA
    I Love You text
    The very first stripper I ATFed when I shifted from extras clubs to non-extras clubs, taught me the lesson of how easily strippers say "I love you", and I learned it from a succession of ATFs since then. I don't find it any kind of big deal, I just "love you" right back; sometimes I do it corny, "uh, love YOU" and make gun shapes with my fingers. All in fun. I do think these are dangerous waters if you're at all confused or might get sucked in; otherwise, just a fun flip part of the interaction. What makes you think she's trying to have a romantic relationship, rather than just furthering the business relationship?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Overheard parking lot arguement between a stripper and her boyfriend
    I actually saw Jackie Mason do that joke in his one-man show, 30 years ago. Except it was "schmuck", not "loser" lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Dougster vs. Juice vs. SJG
    -->"SCat, Jackslash, Papi and I try, but I think we’re just a little too far away on the Autism spectrum" Humble brag, IMO. Probably not true, either
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Will strippers be at your funeral?
    -->"@Subraman: Because I’ve made arrangements to let her know. " Ya, my best SC wingman has my ATATF's contact info, and I think she'd come. I've done that with him a few times over the year, giving him contact info for whatever ATF or CFs he should contact, in case I met with an "accident"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Will strippers be at your funeral?
    -->"I’m good friends with a few of them, so I would think those ones would be." Which leads to the next question: how would those strippers find out about your untimely passing, and funeral details? (question is to everyone who thinks a stripper might attend their funeral, not just larry)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    If Subra doesn't crack the Top 10 in trust
    lol I was in the top 10 for a while, didn't realize I'd dropped completely off the list. I don't have many trusts from reviews, only from the forum, so I'm guessing review trusts were given greater weight