
Comments by Subraman (page 174)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Should I drop CF (almost an ATF)
    Just to re-iterate, I don't disagree with the guys who are saying "prepare to get rid of her". It is certainly my experience that as an ATF relationship goes on, both customer and stripper are at risk of developing a greater sense of entitlement, and when it's the stripper doing so, that's when I end it. But, this seems to be a case of the stripper having one obnoxious night -- not a pattern, as far as OP has said, just a girl who has delivered for 2 years straight having a bad night. Too much history to throw the whole thing away without seeing her again, at least for me. On the other hand, maybe Jigman has been noticing problems for a while, subconsciously unhappy about it, which is why one bad behavior by her triggers this post -- it's really the culmination of a pattern of increasingly bad behavior rather than one-off anomaly?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Should I drop CF (almost an ATF)
    Ya, I was a variety guy until about 10 years ago, and it was natural to just shrug things off, and when appropriate, move on without bad feelings.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Should I drop CF (almost an ATF)
    Papi might be on a bit higher plane of enlightenment than me, but I agree with the overall sentiment that if this is a one-time thing, well, women are volatile in general, strippers are more volatile than most women, and sometimes I go back and find she's better than ever. On the other hand, I definitely have a low tolerance for taking nonsense; if I'm not getting the experience I want, no hard feelings, but I'm gone If this were a one-time thing, there's a chance I'd bring it up in text messaging later; but I would DEFINITELY take a little time off from her so I can approach her without a bad attitude next time, to give her another chance. If there's a second bad experience, I'm moving on. When I move on from an ATF, I typically simply stop texting her to set up appointments in advance. I do NOT avoid the club in order to avoid her -- I still go to the club. I do NOT purposely go on a day she's working, to try to make her jealous. I do NOT purposely go on a day she's not working, either. I just go whenever I feel like, without an appointment with my ATF; if she's there, hug, smile, "I'm here to see Porsche today, but nice to see you!" or "I feel like tipping at stage and meeting some of the new girls, but nice to see you!". And that's that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Kissing shoulder/stomach/breasts
    Anyone else think Mtent's trolling has about run its course? It was fun for a while, but these guys always push it until they're boring...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers with kids / MILFs
    -->"The only thing I disagree with is the idea dancers with kids are more willing to do extras. Not from what I've seen. If anything, they're less willing to mess around with any man. It was what gave them a child and put them in the position to have to dance to begin with. OTC is less likely if they have to be home to their kids, too. " I see where you're coming from ... that all makes sense, logically, I just haven't seen the same thing. In fact, just from a logical perspective, you can also postulate that the greater responsibility of earning income to support a family, and the need for a much higher income, leads to greater willingness to do what it takes to make money. I have definitely had times when a stripper-mom couldn't OTC because she didn't have a baby sitter, but if I detect any difference at all, I think that stripper-moms are more willing to do things like extras and OTC since there's much more at stake... provided she has a babysitter
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do dancers not like boners?
    -->"Essentially, if your entertainer avoids your boner - find another entertainer!" For sure... unless, as Warrior points out, the problem isn't the boner or the dancer, it's that he's creeping them out some other way, and the boner is the last straw. To quote the great Raylan Givens, "If you run into an asshole in the morning... you met an asshole. If you run into assholes all day ... you're the asshole." If it happens a lot, it's not them, it's you
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers with kids / MILFs
    -->"I'm betting that you have engaged a lot of them over the years" Strongly agree ... if a stripper chooses to hide it, it's not hard to do, and there's no real tell that will let you suss them out. It's all in his head. Which, again, is his prerogative ... but lots of wonderful experiences can be had if you get past this
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do dancers not like boners?
    -->"If one girl does it, then it's her. If two girls do the same thing, then it may be you." Ya, never blame on the boner, what can be ascribed to creepiness :) I'm not under any illusion that strippers love my boner, but they either ignore it, or pretend to like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancers with kids / MILFs
    No fucks given by me, either. My guess is, if the kid bothers you, it's that you're romanticizing the interaction a bit, and knowing she has a kid kills the fantasy for you. Hey, if that's important for you, who am I to tell you that your fantasy is wrong? That said, your overall experience at the SC will be drastically improved if you "get over it" -- I don't detect any relationship between child status and how awesome she can make the experience. There's also little relationship between child status and how stereotypically strippery (poor judgement, impulsiveness, lack of responsibility, etc.) she is, IME, even though you'd expect/hope a stripper with kids would clean up her act.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Pink Poodle in San Jose/Cheetahs in Sunnyvale
    -->"Thank you man. By your username, you're definitely the go to guy. Will look into it" Your instincts are on point, man
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Day vs Night- Manufactured vs Natural
    -->"I don't know Papi.. I'm seen lots of younger gals getting enhanced.. The one thing that really turns me off is the Fake Butts! I saw one last night on this tiny gal with a but that was like a book shelf. SOOOO FAKe looking.." Ya, I'm not sure I see what Papi is seeing; on the other hand, it makes sense that an older girl has had more years to make poor decisions LOL It is definitely the case that at the low-end and mid-range clubs, butt enhancements are out of control, for both day and night shifts. That's an instant turn-off for me, unfortunately... Another reason I can't wait for boobs to come in fashion again -- I don't care about fake boobs, but can't abide fake asses
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why is everything at night?
    -->"I'm drained by midnight or whenever most clubs peak" Being there when the club peaks is exactly what most of us don't want to do, unless we like paying maximum $ for less mileage and more hustle
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Day vs Night- Manufactured vs Natural
    As a general rule (and all rules have exceptions), I think it's pretty uncontroversial that daytime girls provide more mileage for less money and at a lower hustle level, than nighttime girls. -->"And Ive found that many of the Daytime gals in my club are Manufactured with the enhanced boobs, butts, lips and so on and so forth" I don't think I find that daytime girls are more likely to be enhanced than nighttime girls... in fact, probably the reverse.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Beer
    thedude: Very interesting! You and a number of other folks have picked a different "favorite style" from your favorite beer, which I always find itneresting -- I'm in the same boat too, as in I have faves from styles that I don't otherwise love. I haven't tried Drie Fonteinen Oude Gueze or Cantillon Fou Foune specifically, but Gueze and lambic is about as far from IPA as you can get, style-wise. I think that's good, not a criticism, just interesting and worth commenting on
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    Cash: makes sense. not the risk tradeoff I've made, but you're in a better position than me for knowing what's best for you Like Ish, I occasionally run into girls who prefer WhatsApp or Kik over texting. For me, at least, that's rare enough that it's not really a factor. Of course, again for me, once I reach ATF status with a girl, I do enjoy being on her instagram and especially Snapchat, for the ease of access to prurient content. Have also been doing live video with the ATATF over Duo, which is supposed to have end-to-end encryption, and at this point I hope it does :) lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    Just FYI, the for-pay reverse search sites do better than just googling. Good sign that a simple free search can't connect you, though! You don't have to have shared it with social media. If you ever made, for example, an internet purchase, and used your name and that phone number, the better for-pay sites might have it now... which is how I assume they sometimes hit on mobile numbers and even google voice
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    ^^ The issue of social media is, without a doubt, the big downside of 2nd line over burner phone. Most of my social media is only for socializing with strippers anyway, so I don't mind if I show up as suggested friends for them, or vice versa. But of course, my fake social media probably shows up for family and friends also, so I use a fake name without a picture -- so they have no idea who it actually is
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just how common are ATM guys?
    ^^^ I hadn't thought about it like that. In fact, making it rain is even more wasteful, it seems to be mostly about making the other guys envy you. At least a guy who just pays to talk to her, is getting some stripper time
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    orionsmith -- not sure if I'm understanding your question correctly, but most people want a second line or a burner phone primarily for anonymity. With your real cell phone number, most anyone can basically find out anything about you, right down to where you live. Also, if a gf/spouse gets their hands on our phone, we don't want her seeing texts from our strippers right there in the text list. In addition, most of us don't want to block our strippers from calling, but we may not want to get notifications from them at certain times (like when we're with our family), but that's easily handled with a burner phone (turn the phone off) or a 2nd line (turn off notifications from that line)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Beer
    I don't have many favorites, just love the variety of deliciousness. If I had to be limited to beer from one region, it would probably be Belgium, but there are many many Belgian styles, it's not a style on its own. Or maybe the word "Belgian" on its own has come to be associated with one certain style? I dunno. As close as I can come to a fave beer is probably Chimay Grande Reserve (Bleue), an amazing complex trappist ale, although the Chimay Red, in the Belgian dubbel style, gives it a run for its money
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just how common are ATM guys?
    I have to think it's the humiliation aspect of it... if that doesn't turn you on, it will just be perplexing to you
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    I use a second line on my smartphone. Far more convenient. If you are worried about your spouse getting into your phone, among the things you can do are: - Turn off notifications & the ringer when you're around your spouse - If you don't trust yourself to do that manually, use tasker to do it automatically so you don't make any mistakes - Use an app-hiding program to hid the 2nd-line app (and all its text messages, pictures, call records, etc) For myself, I always felt that having a second burner phone was more of a risk than having a 2nd line on your smartphone; verrrry difficult to explain why you have a second phone, and in fact pretty obvious to her immediately why you might have one
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just how common are ATM guys?
    Papi-->"Where have you heard this? If it's strippers telling you this I wouldn't put a lot stock in that." You should read that 100 times. If you heard it from a stripper, well, the lesson here is that you should not believe things strippers tell you as part of their hustle. There's a whole bunch of reasons she could be motivated to tell you about this, mostly focused on getting you to feel some subtle pressure to give her more money -- after all, in theory she could just be spending time talking to some other guy and making thousands, right? I am certain there ARE guys like this, but it's closer to winning a $10 scratcher (not super rare, but doesn't happen all the time either), rather than a phenomenon that's so common that a run-of-the-mill PL needs to feel any pressure over
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    How long do you usually stay at a strip club and how often do you visit in a wee
    My trips are 3-5 hours, usually. Never shorter, sometimes longer. That's on top of 2-3 hours roundtrip commute time, depending on whether I'm driving or taking the train It's all over the map how often I go. I've been through periods where it was a sustained once/week, week after week. I'm in this weird period where it's been less than once per month, just been spending my time, money, and energy on SA, my ATATF (who is strictly OTC for me), re-discovering FBSM, and some conventional dating. This leaves me for almost no other free time for SCing. Ironically, I might go this weekend to a local club rather than the ones I go to now, with an eye towards seeing if it's worth spending time there to find OTCs... that would let me do much more frequent SCing
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    FOSTA Law... should we worry?
    Oh I say, old bean, we seem to have gotten ourselves into a bit of a sticky wicket