
Day vs Night- Manufactured vs Natural

Saturday, March 24, 2018 9:50 AM
I just did a recent post about one of my favorite clubs in San Diego. I came to a realization I'd like to see what ya'll think. Daytime gals I've found to give the most mileage compared to the Nightime gals. And Ive found that many of the Daytime gals in my club are Manufactured with the enhanced boobs, butts, lips and so on and so forth... Nightime gals I've found to hustle harder providing less mileage. Maybe its because they know to take advantage of the inexperienced Strip Club Guys.. Nightime manufactured gals also seem to have the extra attitude that they are hot AF and work less hard once they get you in the VIP. When you can tell the girl is Fake as Heck it is just a turn off. Thus, in the evening, I stay away from these "Built for Stripping" type gals.. Many of the natural beauty gals seem to have more of real personality which I've grown to appreciate over my many years of clubbing. What ya'll think? I am probably jaded...


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    As a general rule (and all rules have exceptions), I think it's pretty uncontroversial that daytime girls provide more mileage for less money and at a lower hustle level, than nighttime girls. -->"And Ive found that many of the Daytime gals in my club are Manufactured with the enhanced boobs, butts, lips and so on and so forth" I don't think I find that daytime girls are more likely to be enhanced than nighttime girls... in fact, probably the reverse.
  • supersteel
    6 years ago
    I would agree back in the day when I was a regular monger (1980's -2000) I always tried to go during the day the girls are a little more hungry for $$ because of smaller crowds, its just a simple numbers thing most guys go to strip clubs at night after work etc the more guys in club more money the girls make, they have to do a little more during the day to get the $$ they could at night just by doing air dances.Are there any good mileage clubs in SD at all? I am here for the afternoon and don;t ant to go to Tijuana seems like a hassle going across border and back and wont be here at night are the clubs in TJ even open in afternoons? I was thinking le Girl's here in SD w may be a good option??
  • Asor619
    6 years ago
    Cheetahs is the mileage club bro!! Daytime you are sure to get extras.. Don't even have to ask!
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    I tend to agree with Subraman. As a general rule, day provides better mileage than night. IMO, there are fewer patrons through the door during day, so ladies work harder and offer more to win your business over other ladies. Night time usually will see 2-3x the patron opportunities, so they negotiate less because there are more customers to move on to. The ladies who figure the value vs patron ratio out the best generally are very busy. I also find top lookers on shifts negotiate less because they know they will have more opportunities just based on appearance. Likewise, average and below average lookers offer better value and service option in order to compete. For me, personality is a requirement. The ones that lack personality I find to be more likely to a ROB or give very average service value. Just not as enjoyable for on reason or another, so I avoid if they lack personality regardless of how they look. As for enhancements, I don't see a difference in day vs night. You may be right as the enhancement boom dancers are starting to age out and move to day, so in porn industry heavy locations, you comment of day being more enhanced probably has merit. Anyway, my 2.5 cents worth of thoughts.
  • Asor619
    6 years ago
    I think we are all on the same page.. LOL Just hate when the little head talks sometimes..
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dayshift can have a larger # of older dancers - and older dancers may opt more for enhancements (may have had multiple kids or just age)
  • Asor619
    6 years ago
    I don't know Papi.. I'm seen lots of younger gals getting enhanced.. The one thing that really turns me off is the Fake Butts! I saw one last night on this tiny gal with a but that was like a book shelf. SOOOO FAKe looking..
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Dayshift dancers are more focused on cultivating regulars, and I would totally agree with papi that they tend to be older. That is why finding a high volume club in the day tends to work best IMHO.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Often the day shift girls are older, and more committed to being strippers for as long as possible. With the young night shift girls they often still see it as just a short term adventure. SJG
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"I don't know Papi.. I'm seen lots of younger gals getting enhanced.. The one thing that really turns me off is the Fake Butts! I saw one last night on this tiny gal with a but that was like a book shelf. SOOOO FAKe looking.." Ya, I'm not sure I see what Papi is seeing; on the other hand, it makes sense that an older girl has had more years to make poor decisions LOL It is definitely the case that at the low-end and mid-range clubs, butt enhancements are out of control, for both day and night shifts. That's an instant turn-off for me, unfortunately... Another reason I can't wait for boobs to come in fashion again -- I don't care about fake boobs, but can't abide fake asses
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I agree regarding the hustle and mileage - on day vs night shift. I think there are several factors that play into the lack of mileage/extras found at night. It’s possibly also dependent upon the club. Certain clubs are known to be high mileage - even at night. More of a bouncer presence may also decrease night shift mileage. I’m not sure if I have noticed enough dancers bodies to have a decent understanding of whether night or day has more enhancements. I’d think it’s nighy shift - simply because night shift is where the money is - and some dancers equate more plastic with more $$$.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Now that I think about it I know of one or two clubs near me that the dayshift has more enhanced girl. Those are the lifers.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    crossing the border is a hassle. especially back into the usa. amd there are some enhanced girls in tijuana too. hk is open 10am till 5am every day.
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