
SS for PLs

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Is PLS an appropriate acronym for the BS that gets posted on this board by losers trying to impress others with farfetched stories.


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I call those stories Fantastic Finishes
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I like it. Never a week goes by where some newbie comes on here bragging about dropping 2 months salary on 3 dates with some 20 year old, or some 55 year old guy claims he banged 3 girls in one day on 3 separate dates. You know he goes on SA and right off the bat meets 3 totally hot babes that are all 9+.

    I think the best is one guy who used to do insane boasting on here talked about how he’d go to these dive clubs in the middle of nowhere on off nights and pick up these 9s who would do anything he wanted in VIP.

    Never mind I’ve been in these exact same clubs dozens of times where 75% of the girls are whacked out on drugs and I have never ever ever met a stripper there better than a 5.

    At first I thought, well it’s been a little while since I’ve been there so maybe VIP has changed. There’s no way 9s work there so maybe this guy just has way lower standards than me as well as 97% of the rest of this board. Hmmmm nah it’s just some asshole embellishing on here to make himself feel important.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I thought I was the only one who thought he wasn't mongering to the fullest :--)

    I've seen very few 9's in stripclubs period let alone any 10's. ( we had a discussion a week or so ago about 9's and 10's)

    I'm 60----twice is my limit--from talking to my civi male friends I'm lucky I can go two rounds without the help of a little blue pill so when I see guys over 40 talking about 3/4/5 times in an hour I write off anything they comment on from there on. ( actually in my case the little blue pill does nothing for me except give me a headache)

    @ twentyfive--I call it Blusterful BullSh8t.

  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I agree with your in the cases of people just making up things or embellishing their story. But TUSCL is one of the only places where a guy can talk about things that happened to him in a SC, or OTC or SA. It's human nature to want to tell someone if some really good happened to them. " I had wonderful sex with a beautiful 20-yr old ".

    I"m not going to tell my wife. I'm not going to tell my friends as they would tell their wives who would tell my wife. I'm not going to tell my brother or family. I don't have a shrink (yet) . So I come on TUSCL to do a little humble bragging. I don't make things up. And I'm going to tell you how much I had to pay for that wonderful event. But I still need to tell somebody and TUSCL is about the only place I know.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    PLS works. Or CSB (cool story, bro).
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    There are obvious serial bullshitters, including several frequent contributors who I feel are almost always making things up. That said, I've experienced some things that I don't even bother to write about here, because they are so penthouse forum letter-ish or fantasy-like that people would (rightly) tell me it's PLS -- but I've lived it. So I do allow that in the case of some things I think of as PLS, sometimes a PL just gets outrageously lucky and it might have actually happened, and the real mistake the PL made was sharing it here without considering the believability factor.

    Agree with Shailynn that it's particularly difficult for me to believe the "I've met 6 girls on SA in teh past week, all turned out to be 9s, two didn't ask me for allowance". This forum is the only arrangemetn forum I've ever read where people (multiple people) have claimed these types of stories
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Flagooner, you're obviously jaded.

    Just bc you don't have '9' strippers refusing to take your $$$ for sex seemingly on a regular basis like many other TUSCLer, doesn't mean you have to be hatin'
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'm glad that these stories are (likely) horseshit. I'm still struggling with SA.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    The reason I like PLS is that it can stand for "Pathetic Loser Shit" or "Puh-lease".
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    PLS is a reasonable term. Add it to the glossary.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Ishmael--SA is somewhat regional in the quality of women and how they respond. I'm not sure if you travel or not but I can tell you from experience I've had much better luck when I stay south and west of NYC/NJ.

    Philadelphia/DC/Baltimore > then NYC or North Jersey.

    Pittsburgh and Cleveland are good areas as well.

    Las Vegas through me for a bit until I realized the differences but I did get some very good looking women to respond to me although it was on their timeline, not mine.

    For me directly the ones I have the hardest time not calling BS on are the Maryland clubs--I've been in many of them and either I am just unlucky on the days/nights I am picking to go or there's a hidden door somewhere to a private club I don't have access.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"I'm glad that these stories are (likely) horseshit. I'm still struggling with SA."

    This is literally the only forum about arrangements I've ever read, where these types of stories are happening. Every other forum, there of course are differences in experiences, but it's a matter of degree, and the general themes of flakiness, ghosting, scammers, rinsers, not looking like pics, etc. are very consistent.

    On the other hand, the big difference is that every other forum I've read about arrangements is for actual SDs & SBs, whereas many of the guys here are basically bottom-feeding SA, as johns or "salt daddies"; no problem for me, makes me look better :) But while all the "I met 5 girls last week, they were all 8s and looked as good as their pics" are guaranteed horseshit, it *is* possible to meet 5 girls in a week if you're concentrating on escorts, the escorts are the least likely to flake
  • gdmmf
    6 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I always thought "CS" (customer shit) was the equivalent but perhaps "PLS" may be more appropriate
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Funny thread, but I’m in the mood for a good flame war.

    @Subra: "I've met 6 girls on SA in teh past week, all turned out to be 9s, two didn't ask me for allowance".
    Are you making this straw-man shit to support your argument? In my case, I’ve met a grand total of 12 girls over a period of about 34 months. The longest lasted a year. I’ve written that it takes weeks to find a good arrangement. I’ve never once given a physical rating of any the girls I’ve been with (although most have been very attractive).

    Are you talking about @Burlington’s thread? I don’t recall that he said they were all 9s. If I remember correctly, @Bulington is under 40, something like 6’ 6” and works in finance. He’ll probably do better than some flabby AARP guy who quotes Melville for excitement.

    I do go into factual description of some my SBs. One was cheerleader captain and voted most-likely to succeed. One was econ major at Duke (top-ten in econ) now doing AI consulting in NYC. Current is from wealthy SF family, student-body president in high school, distance runner. Her employer is paying for law-school next year. You can find good-looking college girls without dealing with all the stripper-shit, drugs, alcohol and abuse.

    I’ve gone into the math of living in a big metro area. In my area there are about 100,000 college students within driving distance. About 8,000 of them are online. At least 400 of those (top 5%) are very good looking. It’s sheer numbers, with “real” SDs outnumbering SBs 20-to-1.
    Are you still paying $1000/month in the most expensive region in the country @Subra? Of course you’re going to be dealing with flakes. If you’re going to talk shit about other “serial liars” then be honest about your own budget.

    I find misleading pictures only about 20% of the time and college girls are far more reliable than the average stripper.

    My take on this thread is that strip-club guys find SA threatening. Ask yourself whether you can afford an ongoing arrangement. This is Uberization of the sex industry, and the best experiences these days are online.

    Some of the younger guys here date age-appropriate girls and don’t need to pay for sex. That’s something to brag about. Paying for sex in a strip club or online is prostitution. It’s fun, but nothing to brag about.

  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I'll throw in one more comment before I head out the door for the end of the day. I've tried to give advice on what works for me and has worked for me over the last five years. Some have taken me up on it.

    I find SA to be the best fit for me 90% of the time and it has become my first option.

    I've shared where and when I have hit a snag but overall I don't seem to experience a lot of the issues other guys run into on this site or others I belonged to in the past.

    If I want someone long term I look for a college student or a nurse.

    Maybe its because I concentrate on these two types of the SB's I don't find the amount of scammers or misleading pictures. ( not sure but my numbers overall are a lot less than what I see others citing)

    If I am looking for someone short term I look for someone who either is a stripper or throws off that type of aura.

    There are 12 colleges within 40 minutes of where I live ( that I can count without thinking) possibly more.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The funniest ones are guys who claim to lock down strippers better looking than average yet spend less than $100 a visit,
    But I might just be jaded
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    RM, you must have some weird guilty feelings here -- that obvious-caricature "I've met 6 girls in one week, all 9s" description wasn't referencing you; as far as I can tell, you've never posted such a thing, why get defensive over it?. You and I use SA similarly, and while your experience is a good deal better than mine, nothing about it really rings as "I met and fucked 3 9s this week" horseshit, but several posters HAVE posted those types of stories, which is why Shailynn referenced it in his first response.

    That said, I certainly stand by my overall summary: the handful of discussion forums I've read on arrangements, the stories are pretty consistent -- flakes, ghosting, scammers, if you're not running into them, you're the only one. I skimmed the forum joc13 referenced a few weeks ago -- same thing. This is an accurate description of not just what I've experienced, but what others complain about, across the country, online. Your take on this that "strip club guys find SA threatening", appears to be you rationalizing why not everyone has the same experience you do, and being irritated that we haven't all mindlessly adopted the same outlook. . Yes, SA is an interesting place to play; no, it's not the "slam dunk obvious better than SCs, for everyone" you present it as. Some of the guys here like strip clubs better, or the same as SA, not because SA is threatening, but because 1. their experiences are different than yours, 2. they are looking for a different experience than you are. Shouldn't be hard to understand, nor a positioning that's threatening -- you can like SA more than strip clubs even if the rest of us don't. Though I wonder why, if that's the case, you don't just spend more time on arrangement forums.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I do post on sugaring forums. This place is far more interesting because of the diversity and the lack of moderation.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I think some exaggeration is permissible when writing about strip clubs. For example, I claimed to have met an 8 in Bogart's, but actually I met four 2's.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    "My take on this thread is that strip-club guys find SA threatening."

    Most strip club guys I observe couldn't afford SA as a regular, and probably don't care one way or the other. Those guys aren't on TUSCL.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^That't kinda stupid, I used SA a few times I didn't find it as satisfying as going to a club in my area on a good afternoon shift, interacting with a 7-9 level stripper and meeting her OTC, usually within a day or two, actually OTC is more of a sure thing, than the endless back and forth, with flaky non-pro girls on SA
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I'm not complaining about the delusional and embellished posts. I get a good laugh from some of the MS, RM, SLA, SJG, fishsticks (though he has toned it down a lot), etc stories. It's part of what I enjoy on here.

    I was just asking if PLS would make for an acronym that would be understood if used.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Sorry to rejack the hijack. We are an ADHD group and I’m no exception. It’s part of what makes us such an amusing bunch. But I would go for flagooner’s term in the OP as being worthy of the glossary.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I see I kinda simulposted with flag’s last post. I’m pretty good at fucking up that sort of thing.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    It’s all BS that covers a fuckton.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    You're sort of an aging clown @Flag. What set me off is @Subra's assertion that we have regulars who are "serial liars." So who is the serial liar and give some examples? So have some balls @Supra and give the specifics? Are are talking about @Bulington's post? Maybe @Doces? The latter is a medical doctor and I wouldn't be surprised if he does very well.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago

    To be fair, I'm only 6'4", and I'm built like Frank Langella, so I don't think my physique is going to impress anyone. (On the other hand, a girl once told me that I look like Bradley Cooper... and I've been coasting on that for years now LOL.) Also, I *think* Ishmael once said he was covered in tats and muscles and whatnot, so I'm sure he does alright with the ladies. I could be wrong, but that's my recollection. Unless I'm thinking of someone else.

    In my case, my "success" on SA might have something to do with my age, but also the fact that I haven't posted any pictures of myself shirtless in front of a bathroom mirror (which seems to be common courtship behavior amongst the younger set). The height thing doesn't hurt, and several girls have commented that they think I'm attractive, but the most common type of message I get: the girls say my profile description is funny and made them laugh. So that's the secret, I guess. My premium subscription to SA just ended and I'll post a thread summarizing my experiences for anyone who's interested. So far, I've been with one "5", one solid "9" and everything in between. There seem to be lots of "8s" in my experience.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I think PLS works. It’s similar to anything that comes out of a strippers mouth in order to get a PL to empty his wallet.

    I enjoy the stories about dudes hitting clubs - holding court with four top quality 9’s - banging each one twice - and leaving the club after spending a little over $100.

    I know lots of those stories are PLS - but it still gives me hope! I need that to help my continuing delusions....
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    @BHF... good memory. I'm at the low(ish) edge of being middle aged, tall, and in good shape. I have a lot of tattoos. Not prison or biker style. More in the style of Thomas Hooper (https://www.instagram.com/thomas__hooper…), who is one of my favorites. I make good money; budgeting isn't the issue.

    I don't specifically know why I'm struggling with SA. Perhaps it's the area (but that feels like a cop out), or perhaps I'm just not very good at this for whatever reason. I have run into a lot of the flakiness cited by Subraman. So, there's that. I'm definitely more accustomed to the immediacy of strip clubs.

    It's fine. I've figured out more difficult things. It's just different.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Sorry. IG link is broken because of the closing parentheses. This should work:

  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Why would someone willfully scar their bodies permanently with that crap?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    And pay money that could be used for lap dances.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    OT - that style of tattoo is impressive. Definitely artistic and intense too. Considerable amount of black ink.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    @flagooner... I like my tattoos; I don't regret a single one. Some people like to invest in good art and hang it on a wall. I do the same thing, except I wear it. It's entirely subjective.

    The money that I've invested in tattoos has never hindered my budgeting for other adult fun.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"I don't specifically know why I'm struggling with SA. Perhaps it's the area (but that feels like a cop out), or perhaps I'm just not very good at this for whatever reason. I have run into a lot of the flakiness cited by Subraman. "

    Of course. People are looking for different experiences, are in different regions of the country, have different means, etc., so they'll end up having different experiences overall. But the one constant on SA is that there's agreement that there's a lot of flakes and fakes, it's just a matter of degree. You don't have to take my word for it -- go through a week or two of the reddit sub, for example. Notice how often people express frustration with fakes and with flakes, people ask how to deal with these problems, people complain how bad it's gotten. RM's overly-idealized experience is just as much an outlier on an SA group as it is on a SC group, so no rationalization about "you guys are just hostile to SA" is remotely applicable. Seriously -- check that sub out, or find yourself some other arrangement forums, there's no reason to guess about this.

    Ironically, as I've posted in other threads, I've spent more time and $ on SA in the past 8 months or so, than at SCs. But I don't have any delusional views about SA being some transcendentally superior format with no issues, it's just another way to get pussy that has its own significant challenges ... challenges that no one in most arrangement forums would deny
  • RichardF
    6 years ago
    @Subra: " Seriously -- check that sub out, or find yourself some other arrangement forums, there's no reason to guess about this."

    I post occasionally to the sub you're referring to and have about 500 up-votes over a period of 1.5yrs. In fact I introduced joc13 to the sub when he sent me a PM a while back.

    I'm reacting to your comment about "serial liars" which is lot different in tone than saying my experiences are "overly-idealized." If it wasn't directed at me, then fine. I have a good understanding of the pitfalls associated with sugaring and going online. I don't embellish any of my stories. I've posted here on TUSCL about being stood-up at meet@greets, but I've never had any event that I consider a serious danger.

  • RichardF
    6 years ago
    wrong id. oh, well
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    lol on the id! ... you obviously have never posted a "I met 4 girls in the past 2 weeks, fucked them all, they all looked better than their pics" story. I still can't figure out why you would remotely think that was a reference to you. You and I both look for a more regulation arrangement, rather than using it as an escort site. I obviously enjoy SA, so it wasn't a backhanded slap at SA in general. This thread was about over-the-top unbelievable stories -- there have been plenty of those about SA on this forum, although since this is an SC forum, there's more about SCs.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    okay, fine.

    Anyway, I plan to finish reviewing all the clubs in the Denver metro area as a courtesy to the community. As you can see I added a review yesterday.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I could swear CS used to be in the glossary - I remember coming across the term years ago, but maybe I read it somewhere else. The way it was described back then was what customers say to strippers that strippers might describe as "the sweet things they say to us", in other words, ego stroking that they can get kind of addicted to. One stripper described it to me as fake compliments that still made her feel a little better.

    So, PLS for bragging on the internet to other guys would serve to differentiate between the bragging and telling a stripper exactly how well-formed one believes her vulva to be.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Most of my stories are good ones because, as was pointed out early in the thread, it’s about the only place I can post where others will actually understand, and to a degree, appreciate, the tale.

    The review sites aren’t so much about the story as they are the bottom line, like the review section here. Nothing wrong with that, it’s their bread and butter just like the reviews are here.

    But the discussions here are a bit different. It’s more like a group of guys getting together at the pub to de-stress from the week’s grind. So what I choose to relate here is the extraordinary, not the mundane, and not the plethora of fucked up shit of which we’ve all seen enough, or too much.

    I suppose I *could* relate my 90% dead end rate on SA, or the flakes, ROBs and bitches in clubs, but why bother? That’s for reviews, not for friendly chat, at least outside of a discussion *specifically* for such a subject. In my opinion.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I did have one dancer reference “customer shit” one time. It’s in one of my old posts, but basically the first time we met, I was done for the night, but we discussed options and I’d told her I’d be back next week. When I came back the following week, she seemed surprised. I asked her why, “I did *say* I’d be back...”

    She responded with, “Yeah, but who believes customer shit?”
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