
Comments by Subraman (page 150)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Flip the script on OTC
    No law enforcement concerns in this area. Hard pass -- I don't do high volume girls, if I can help it, and a girl who doesn't even know me and propositions me the instant we meet, is ultra high volume
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Burner phone/app dilemma
    $10/month won't break the bank, but there's no reason to pay it. I went from Sideline to Textnow when Sideline became subscription; TextNow is at least as good of a service. I actually don't understand how the pay services stay in business, when the free services are just fine.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    My First Strip Club
    That may be the most boring first-strip-club experience story I have ever read. I still managed to fap to it, but I'll expect more interesting fare in the future. No homo.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Transitioning from ITC to OTC
    Maybe the whole reason he has the scratch to do OTC, is because he wisely budgeted his carriage returns, invested the subsequent pixel savings in bitcoin, and is now laughing all the way to the ITC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Transitioning from ITC to OTC
    The SCs I usually go to are non-extras, so I don't have a choice; if I want sex, it's OTC only. But, even when I went to extras clubs, OTC is really a different experience entirely. There's a big difference between spending 45 minutes at a strip club, in a cramped booth that only has a curtain between me and the bouncers, and OTC. A typical OTC is hours of dinner, drinks, maybe some strip clubbing together, a hotel room for some leisurely sex and cuddling... sometimes followed by going back out drinking again, and then she stays overnight. Obviously, none of that is required -- if you just want to bang her in the room for an hour, you can do that type of OTC, but for me the reason I love OTC is the wide open format to do whatever we want. My usual M.O.: meet stripper, decide I'm interested, hang out with her a few visits, propose OTC. If she agrees, great, set it up. If she says no, fine, move on to find a different stripper. If she's a "maybe", I assess whether she's just saying maybe to string me along, or she's really vacillating and might just need some encouragement; if the latter, I visit her a few more times to build more trust and get more $$$ into her, then ask again.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Single Mom Dancers
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to find a dancer who is down for meeting OTC
    -->"i usually strike on the "clean" girls that would get offended if you'd asked" Agree with 25 that it's probably faux outrage here. I do most of my clubbing in no-extras clubs, so ALL my OTCs are with no-extras girls. No one has ever taken offense, at least that I know of, but I do typically visit her a few times before I ask (if I see her 3 times, with my typical 4 hour visit, we've spent 12 hours together when I ask).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to find a dancer who is down for meeting OTC
    -->"Also, seems PLs that are regulars and kinda stick to just one dancer and spend their SC-funds just on that dancer, probably have a better chance than the PL that gets with multiple-dancers and only spends part of his funds on anyone dancer - IMO." It has exactly been that way for me. I don't know why, but this claim generated howls of derision when I ultimately made it, at least from the trollier corners of tuscl (the guys who actually do OTC and have firsthand experience tended to agree with me, at least). I've had girls give me the "I'll think about it", and then change their mind over time. I think the girls know that once the topic of OTC is broached, that's an inflection point in that PL's spending -- if she says yes, some of her ITC money will switch to OTC but her overall revenue from him may actually increase; if she says no, if it's a seasoned PL rather than a RIL, he'll be moving on and her revenue from him will drop to nothing. In addition, spending a lot of time together can build higher levels of trust, in newer girls who are nervous. It is not black-and-white, where every girl either never does OTC, or does OTC with everyone who asks. Plenty of low-volume girls out there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    @SIR dance @25 @george
    You guys are having an argument with the female Mtent.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    I'm waiting on someone
    ^^^ in addition, she scored points with you for being so accomodating, right? Always seemed like a smart investment to me, she spends 30 seconds getting your ATF, and maybe now she's on your radar when ATF isn't there
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Massage parlor verse strip club
    I don't do massage parlours, but I do occasionally indulge in FBSM (the SF FBSM scene, according to guys who have traveled and experienced MPs and "bodyrubs" elsewhere, is several cuts above, or at least used to be). Agree with gmd, different experiences. In general I enjoy SCs more -- I just love being in SCs, I love the music and shitty alcohol and corny charm, and most of all I love strippers and OTC. FBSM is nice too, sometimes all I want is a no-hassle hour of massage and happy ending with a pretty girl who is great at handjobs. Have to admit, I think I may have retired from FBSM, I find 100% of my ho budget these days being spent on SCs and SA
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    I'm waiting on someone
    -->"I don’t use either the “I’m waiting...” or “maybe later/not right now” lines unless I mean them. I see no reason to lie." I'm exactly the same way -- I use those lines if and only if I'm actually waiting for someone, and/or I really may change my mind later. Otherwise, I say "no thanks, thank you anyway" type of thing. Partially, I actually have found in the clubs I go to, a direct and clear "no thanks" is *less* likely to generate the post-refusal interrogation ("why not?" "who are you waiting for?" "am I not your type?" "C;mon, let me take you on a tour" etc). But in some ways, that doesn't matter -- I do not let the girls interrogate me on my reasons (I discussed how I handle it in an article from way back). They don't get to ask me questions about why I made the decision I did, and I'm certainly not going to be led like a little bitch into answering whatever they want. So whatever I answer, "no thanks" "waiting on someone" etc, don't just play along with the post-refusal interrogation
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to find a dancer who is down for meeting OTC
    ^^^ Agree. If he wants to strike quickly, he needs to content himself with high-volume girls who basically say yes to everyone who isn't creepy and has $. Lower volume girls you might have to invest a few trips
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to find a dancer who is down for meeting OTC
    The downside of OTC, which, as a very wise man once said, is the caviar of the sex industry, is that there's always the risk that the stripper you like and have spent time on won't do OTC with you, or will say she will and just not show, or flake, or whatever. The only way to reduce your investment is to ask sooner (although that increases the chances of a "no"), and cut her loose after a "no". I strongly recommend not beating around the bush when you ask. "Would you see me outside the club?" is what I say, no coy allusions, and definitely no "do you see your customers outside the club?". Just make it clear and personal, "would you see me outside the club?", after you've spent some time with her so she knows you're not creepy and you have $$$. I usually ask after I've seen her a handful of times; other guys I roll with will ask the first time they meet a stripper they like.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    That last line I typed is so dumb, I decided to make it my tagline lol
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    Are you guys who won't take phone numbers, or only take it for OTC, the same guys who complain if I make an ITC appointment with your fave stripper, and bogart her all afternoon? No worries if not; but if you are a CF guy rather than a variety guy, and you refuse to make appointments, IMO you shouldn't complain when another customer snatches her up for the afternoon and she "ignores" you or whatever. That's me, Faux Baller, eating french fries and doing well shots of tequila wich yo girl :) :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    My bullshit finally caught up with me... banned on SA
    They are trying to stay out of the way of SESTA/FOSTA. It's common knowledge -- well, maybe not so common -- that you have to be extra cautious in what terminology you use these days. Not just in profiles, they go through messages and have banned for that too, it appears
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    -->"Conventional wisdom says numbers are for OTC and repeat/regular business" They're also for giving a false sense of closeness. Many guys confuse getting a phone number from a stripper, as similar to getting a phone number from a regular girl in a bar... how many times across how many forums have you seen some newbie come in "I got a phone number from a stripper, what does it mean. I mean, I just want to be friends, but...". A stripper giving a customer her number, almost certainly has locked that customer down, if he already digs her. It's a fine business move all around -- build a false sense of closeness with the transient guys, use for marketing outreach and appointments for ITC, or arrange OTC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    My bullshit finally caught up with me... banned on SA
    There may be conditions to the free female accounts -- you have to show your face, or you have to sign up with a legit .edu account, etc
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    -->""... I would wish it was for some otc action but that has never been discussed ..." The best way to get what one wants w.r.t. strip-clubbing is to ask for it; not hoping it will happen - often times it is the customer that pushes for OTC (or anything else they want)" Exactly. It feels like we're in crazyland here. Who cares what was "discussed"? You have her number, now you can discuss it with her. Or, you can use it to text her so you can find out when she's working at the club next, so you can meet her there to discuss it. I don't understand why what *imagined* motivations you think she has, mean you can't discuss OTC?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    -->"I don’t try to figure out the strippers’ motives for giving out their numbers. I figure out how I’m going to handle it. " This is some first-class wisdom. I mean, it IS fun to try to divine stripper intentions, and obviously enough, I don't want to be tone-deaf to them. So not trying to shout down the conversation, it's always fun. But the best thing I can do to enjoy my SCing time, is pursue my own agenda. For whatever reason she gave me the number, I will 1. not use it if I'm not interested, 2. use it to make appointments if I am interested in her, 3. Use it to set up OTC, if I'm interested in that. That's it. Doesn't matter why she gave me her number. Maybe she wants free tax advice, maybe she just wanted to intrigue me, maybe she wants me to call her to swap quiche recipes, maybe she wants dick pics (ok, she definitely wants dick pics). Doesn't matter, don't care, it'll be used to set up ITC appointments and OTC
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    With you, she's giving you her number so you can text her when you come in. With me, she's giving me her number because she wants dick pics.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How long do you wait after a club visit to write a review?
    A few days to weeks -- depending on whether I'm including any details that might be correlated with my visit and therefore with me, in the unlikely case that a stripper or manager that was there at the same time is reading it (just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get me).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    If we stopped being chumps?
    Chump game on fleek! (ya, okay, I'm a few years behind the times)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    If we stopped being chumps?
    Veni, Vidi, Chumpi