My bullshit finally caught up with me... banned on SA

I signed up for another month on SA not long ago. What can I say, I love that sugar-high. It's way better than any other p4p outlet except maybe porn stars (which are just too expensive for everyday use). Anyway, here's the story.
I was recently contacted by a woman who lured me to an isolated location and then abruptly stopped communicating. I knocked on her door late at night (as arranged), got no answer and left. I tried calling and texting. No response. Calls went straight to voicemail. Eventually, I gave up. Subsequently, I reported her to SA. I told SA that she was a scammer. But oddly, this morning, I awoke to discover that I was permanently banned on the website for using "Escort Terminology." Strange, because she was the one who initially asked me "how much" just before we switched to texting. I guess it could have been worse. But still, this isn't a good outcome.
So these are my questions. Has anything like this ever happened to any of you before? (I vaguely remember reading something on TUSCL about a no-show SA date.) Was this some kind of a scam on her part? I can't see what she could have gained from this, seeing as how we never met, I never gave her any money, she doesn't know where I live, etc. Was she just using me to mess with someone else? And how do I get back on SA? I already emailed them to tell them I'm sorry and that I'll be more careful in the future. I really don't want to go through the hassle of creating a whole new account with a new email address. Plus they still owe me approx 20 more days of premium service.
last commentSorry that happened to ya that was messed up.
You're not very helpful LOL. What's with the "BarakHusseinFactory" stuff?
Believe whatever you want. I'm a libertarian. You know, free markets, free trade, religious freedom, low taxes, etc. I actually voted for Ted Cruz. Kind of the opposite of an Obama supporter. I don't want to make this into a political post. Still, I do find the Yosemite Sam routine kind of funny.
A woman luring you to an isolated location at night is extremely unusual. Sounds like you were catfished -- but who knows? First meetings are nearly always at a safe public place like Starucks or a restaurant. I'm sure SA will refund your remaining funds -- although I've never been suspended in almost three years.
I usually do meet in public, but she seemed harmless and genuine at the time. She was communicating regularly right up to the very moment that I knocked on "her" door, but then immediately stopped. Maybe it was catfishing, but it all happened pretty quickly. A few days of messaging/texting, and then we were arranging a meeting. I thought catfishers drag it out for a long time. Either way, it was a weird experience. I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't tried to report her. I had never reported anyone before.
Was the inappropriate terminology based on what you reported to SA or your message exchanges w/ her on SA - I assume the latter.
Sounds like she reported you in retaliation.
I've not used SA - but one would think just opening a new account would not help you get back-on since you'd have to give your CC info which one would assume would raise a flag on their system - but IDK.
You may need to have someone create and pay for an account for you and you pay them back.
When you report someone to SA they give you several categories to choose from, including Suspected Escort and Scammer (or something like that). I chose Scammer. I told the story to SA in broad strokes, but they can read my messages anytime they want to.
In our messages, she asked me what I was looking for, and I responded that I was looking for an attractive woman who needs some assistance. I was not explicit. She responded by asking "how much?" Literally, just like that. I responded that I know she's new but that she should be more careful and I suggested that we text. At that point I gave her my number and she texted me the next day. I suppose SA can construe whatever they want from that message, and certainly from other messages I've sent to other girls in the past, but it feels like I attracted their attention just by reporting her... or maybe she retaliated like chessmaster said, IDK.
Oh, also, I know a girl who's been banned before, and she was able to sign up again with a new account by just using a different email. So it should be possible. But that's a pain in the ass. I don't want to create a new profile. And they owe me money.
I thought women didn't have to pay - thus for them it'd be easy(ier) to just create a new account - I assume.
You may be right. I think there are premium accounts for women, too, but most of them seem to have free accounts.
Doesn't hurt to try to sign-up w/ another account if they don't budge letting you back-on w/ your current account
There may be conditions to the free female accounts -- you have to show your face, or you have to sign up with a legit .edu account, etc
Wow, I never knew paying women to have sex was so complicated.
^ as Don King would say "only in America"
It's an art, not a science I guess LOL. Anyway, I have a feeling that if I hadn't ratted her out I would still have my membership today. Has anyone here ever been banned and then allowed back on?
you have lost your money. S/A will not refund. You can create a new email address and sign up again. They will take your money and ban you again
Well that sucks. Do you think I can dispute the charge on my credit card?
Your problem is that you didn’t follow the system as laid out by RickiBoi, none of this would have happened if you’d a been wearing a three piece white polyester suit.
I think you're right. She took one look through her peephole, saw that I was only wearing a tracksuit, and changed her mind about me. At this point maybe I should just try front-room makeout sessions. The system is too complicated for me.
Quick update for anyone who gives a shit. I just received an email from SA saying that they’ll give me one last chance and reinstate me but that I have to promise not to break their rules ever again. They actually want a written statement. Have you guys ever heard of such bullshit? But problem solved, I guess
I've been banned multiple times..just start a new account
Just so I know in case it ever happens again, what do you need when you start a new account? Do you always need a different credit card number and a different email address?
@BHF, it sounds like they’re going to extremes to “protect” themselves from allegations of promoting prostitution. Did they tell you precisely what it was that they considered “Escort Terminology”? I mean, you need some way to avoid doing it again, and that’s gonna be tough if you don’t know what terminology you used, right? :)
They are trying to stay out of the way of SESTA/FOSTA. It's common knowledge -- well, maybe not so common -- that you have to be extra cautious in what terminology you use these days. Not just in profiles, they go through messages and have banned for that too, it appears
Sounds like a typical BS banning on there. It's happening a lot.
I think, and it's pure speculation, that if a girl complains they ban and then figure it out.
That said, I've had a few no-shows with girls I've not only texted with, but even met before. It's maddening.
One, at our M&G, she was definitely DTF...even mentioned being bi and could bring a GF sometime if I wanted. Day of our first real date, she goes radio-silent after claiming she was running late. Never heard from her again. I texted her a week later to tell her I get it, if she got cold feet no problem we could go slower.
Anyway, good luck man. I'm enjoying the shit out of SA.
BHF--if you go in and create a different account clean your browser and then use a different one to set it up the new account.
I've never been banned but I know a couple of other guys that have been. The site has always had a rep for being protective of the women on the site so I'm not surprised that when you turned in a possible scam you are the one that got kicked.
I've always preached to guys to get the conversation off the site as fast as possible and if the girl seems unwilling to do that or needs it to be explained chances are I she is a pass.
Right now my account is dormant because I have what I need--a steady in one area I visit often and a second for a location close by to where I live but not too close. ( and I still get messages now and then asking me for a one night hook-up) The pros are out there on the site now and I'm pretty sure Brandon Wade never envisioned the events of the past six months would cause them to spill into his domain.
What is SA
SA = (a sugar-daddy website)
Hmmm strange... you mean you got "band"... peeps having trouble again w/there spelling I sea :)
SA is a site that acts as an intermediary between men who seek an ongoing P4P sexual agreement with a lady who who generally just wants to be taken care of financially. Usually a guy resorts to this when he has money but absolutely no other traits that make him appealing.
Often the guy tries to get as much sex out of it as possible and the lady gives up just enough to string the loser along.
Occasionally, the guy is so unattractive that the lady actually hides from the guy when it comes time to meet up. No amount of money is worth it. In rare occasions, he may be so repulsive that she does her duty to save other young ladies from him and has him band from the site.
This usually results in the guy getting extremely butt hurt, and he cries about it on another online discussion boasrd. The other posters snicker behind his back and encourage him to pursue more in hopes of reading about more pathetic adventures in the future.
"They are trying to stay out of the way of SESTA/FOSTA."
Yep, they've already changed their domain name to "" and I"m sure that soon they'll have to drop any mention of the term "arrangement" from the website.
The name change shouldn't hurt them too much as everybody already knows what the site is intended for. However it my be too late for them regarding SESTA/FOSTA:
They weren't specific, but they said they had received "too many" complaints about my language. I can't find anything about specific words in their Terms of Use, but I'll definitely be more careful from now on. Of the hundreds of women who've been in contact with me on the site, three or four have blocked me, so it's possible that they each reported my language as well. It's just too much of a coincidence that I was banned right after this latest incident. I'm never reporting anyone ever again unless I literally get robbed.
I never use words like "sex" "money" "host" "full service" etc., but I do occasionally use the term PPM or I'll ask about a "per meeting arrangement." I'm aware that this is not allowed, but I figure if you can't even say PPM then it will be difficult to communicate; you'll end up texting for days with someone who potentially wants a 5k/month allowance when you only want to spend 300 a pop. Having said that, I do try to move the conversation off the site ASAP, and in fact, I even warned the recent scammer not to say certain words to me on SA. It usually isn't necessary to even use these terms at all. Anyway, hopefully they will accept my "written statement" and I'll be back in business by tomorrow.
Other than that, I agree with everything that's been said here. Even flagooner's comment is a fairly accurate description of the sex industry in general (SCs included).