
If we stopped being chumps?

Breathe, breathe in the air
How long would strip clubs stay open if we all stopped being chumps and went for front room makeout sessions instead of buying any dances?


  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO they would all eventuallget assimilated into a "church" of san_jose_creep's "organization". Then you could only go by invitation only, but if you did you would be wearing out her matress pumping loads into her toda la noche!
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Did SJG move to London ?
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    The problem with threads like this is SJG is too dense to realize he is being made fun of.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I like being a chump when i get a great dance!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Don't talk about sjg your invading his privacy lol
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Then they would be called bars instead of strip clubs?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    One time I met a dancer who wanted to introduce me to some customer she had because he loved Asian girls.

    She said he was an easy going spender and they would enjoy making out. And she told me all this blatantly in the dressing room.

    I switched clubs not too long after so I don’t know what happened with her. She was an oddball.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Pauk Drake +1.

    All this thread will do is invite SJG to make some unibomber manifesto length post about accounts of front room makeout sessions in black dives, TJ, and all kinds of other clubs. All of those places, however, he's never set foot in.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    The irony of course is that londonguy actualy gets and does everything san_jose_creep fantasizes about.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    Londonguy is living the dream.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Be called bars instead of strip clubs? Well yes, there is truth to that. "dances" is a gimmick invented to separate chumps from their money. What lap dancing originally meant was lap sitting. And there was certainly no rule against kissing.

    So in a regular bar you can meet a girl and end up waking up with her in the morning, and an ITC makeout session will go a long ways towards making that happen.

    I've never suggested declining what strip clubs offer, merely that you civilianize it before partaking. If you've selected a girl you like and want to be in bed with her, you don't pass up a first chance with her.

    Its just a matter of getting the intimate rapport with the girl first. It is far easier to lead it, in the front room.

    And TFP, the prevalance of front room DFKing in these various venues is well documented, and I have always made it clear when I am referencing that.

    Even in our local no touching clubs, DFKing sometimes occurs when a girl is trying to set up immediate OTC.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Being a chump: it's who we are, what we do, and how we live

    Chump 1: "How you livin', chump?"

    Chump 2: "Chumpy!"

    Chump 1: "Alriiiight!"
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Veni, Vidi, Chumpi
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    One does not have to take the ways that strip clubs are set up at face value.

    One can find their own ways to work it.

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Chump game on fleek! (ya, okay, I'm a few years behind the times)
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    san_jose_creep = Chumplestiltskin
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs are too expensive to approach that way.

    But yes, I admit, it does feel like being a kid in a candy store.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Every day is Chump-Day!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    You’re right, San Jose. Buying dances *is* for chumps.

    The true behavior of a confident man is to walk over to a dancer minding her own business shove 10 $100 bills into her bra. We will call this deep bra shoving, or DBS for short. All in the front room where everyone can see.

    I don’t understand why PL don’t get with the program.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Humpty Chumpty sat at the rail,

    Humpty Chumpty had a fave fail,

    And all the TUSCL PLs and all the ROB women couldn't get Chumpty to LDK again.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    If being a chump involves being surrounded by gorgeous latinas i will gladly be a chump
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "All this thread will do is invite SJG to make some unibomber manifesto length post about accounts of front room makeout sessions in black dives, TJ, and all kinds of other clubs."

    Not to mention the Mexican hat dancing boys and bathhouse towel boys he was so fond of writing about in the past.
    And yes he does have that Unabomber air throughout his postings doesn't he. The difference is the Unabomber was self sufficient living in a cabin in the woods as opposed to the creep who never leaves his room and depends on his mom to stir up vats of gravy.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Since we enjoy going to strip clubs - and paying dancers for services.

    If we stopped doing it, we’d become unhappy, frustrated, angry and we’d lash out at guys who actually enjoy it.

    We might even go as far as joining a strip club website to post angry messages!

    Know anybody like that?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    nicespice wrote:

    "The true behavior of a confident man is to walk over to a dancer minding her own business shove 10 $100 bills into her bra. We will call this deep bra shoving, or DBS for short. All in the front room where everyone can see. "

    Nice, you are absolutely correct! You have said it all far better than I. And of course that this is done in front of everyone makes it all the better.

    Our FarmerArt wrote about this. Older dancer, sitting and talking with some young guys who had no interest in her. He did a $20 bra shove. Soon they were making out in the dance booth, then soon in the motel room, and waking up together the next day.

    As is widely discussed about Tijuana, they have these ass display stations most suited to this. But you can do it anywhere. You can give the girl a tip and then feel her up. Some already have their tops off to encourage this. As reported, it can go to kissing, and then you can arriba with her, and it might be TLN.

    For myself I think this way best, start when she is on her feet. That can have a big emotional impact on her. I would hand her money, like $20, and say something about how I like her shoes. Let her know that I know that she has expenses. And let her know that I want to be giving her money to "take care of her", instead of as a fee for service.

    Keep feeding her money, keep feeling her up, keep talking to her and getting to know her. Always the money is to "take care of her", and I will explain that I want her to be able to pay her bills and be saving money, and also that I want to be doing photo sessions with her ( largely just to get her to dress and paint up, but another way of giving her money too. )

    I would say backing myself up against the wall and pulling her to me, safer in a strip club. And the makeout session starts standing up.

    Videos show makeout sessions starting at stage side.

    STanding up is better, and then the fisha, try to steer her to no alcohol.

    Eventually arriba, and try for TLN, and with the understanding that we will be seeing each other regularly.

    At US clubs, still in dives often it can go the same way, largely.

    Guys don't understand this though. That's why I was making out with the Latina's in our underground circuit, while they were buying dances so they could LDK.

    In the Latina underground all the girls do all the OTC they can get.

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    We might start posting threads about hand held calculators or physics text books! Such sick fucks!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Lol at cashman1234
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Cashman, paying money for bullshit only increases your sexual frustration, because you know that what you are getting is bullshit.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Sjg how do you reach the latina underground? Tj? Your organization? Your local dive? Are the local black dives a front for the Latina underground?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Where I live the latina underground comes and goes, at least the Mexican bar clandestine shows come and go. The girls are always around.

    Usually they do have black girls too, some real 'off the hook' girls from Market St. Cinema.

    Often our Mex bars will have a daytime hooker or two also, usually nice looking. Sometimes black girl too.

    I first learned about it from a dance who liked those kinds of venues, in a Sunnyvale club.

    But not every place will have any of this.

    Today I would recommend asking in Watsonville, Monterey, and Salinas. Monterey supposedly has a Viet Hostess Bar, and this likely does intersect with Mexican "Bikini Show" operation.

    My oganization does not connect with any of this, except that some of the women will have been recruited from such.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    SJG, San Antonio is full of extras heavy Latinas. But even then you can probably pull off a front room FIV but not making out.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Are you in San Antonio?

    Are you saying that because front room FIV is more hidden, that it could be better gotten away with?

    Usually girls really go DFK crazy when they get FIV.

    Its really dives where front room makeout sessions are most likely. Usually its a FS venue or one where all the girls are trying to set up immediate OTC.

    Also, it depends on the guy, its an art form knowing how to interact with a girl, and then just to kiss her.

    When the girls are competing for back room action, they aren't likely to refuse.

    In AMPs, the ones that do only occasional FS, are not that kissable. But the ones, like San Francisco, or ones trying to line me up for regular outside visits, they love to DFK. Anything that escalates it faster.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Yes, I am.

    But I don’t work in dives.

    They must really like you. You should invite them to comment on this discussion board so that your haters knock it off.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    GACA wrote,

    "Then they would be called bars instead of strip clubs?"

    Remember, in talking about strip clubs, I've always said that the most significant part is the costuming and dolling up standard. That is, the women are not actually naked, they are in high heels and makeup. They are impeccably dressed for showing their everything.

    The quasi sex acts are not actually that important.

    What would of course be better is if you can leave with a girl, or at least take her to something like a hotel room. And it should be without her having to change her clothes or take her high heels off. So it can't be too far.

    See, the way things are today, you could invite a girl, say who works in a fast food place, to go out with you. And odds are you can have her in your bed and naked, quite quickly. So is that just like a strip club?

    No, it really isn't. Your girl is not used to putting on a show, to lots of sex partners, and she is not in high heels and makeup. Sex and nudity are quite easy to make happen. High heels and makeup are much more difficult.

    So GACA saying that if guys stopped buying dances, strip clubs would be like bars, that is only partially true. The women in bars and regular night clubs do dress sexy. And often you could get a makeout session going and get her naked and fuck her ( maybe ITC in the Netherlands, but at your home in the US ).

    But they still do not go for the exaggerated makeup and high heels which has become standard in strip clubs.

    So strip clubs offer something near unique. But buying dances and the quasi sex acts really don't have much to do with it.

    Strip clubs are a US invention, and its because our law prohibits prostitution, and also because thanks to some courageous dancers, club owners, and attorneys, courts struck down all sorts of anti-strip club laws.

    In other countries the situation is reversed. Strip clubs and brazen nudity are frowned upon, but prostitution is seen as serving a whole host of legitimate purposes.

    So to go back to the OP, remember that strip clubs are expensive, and the reason they can extract so much money out of guys is simply because they have orchestrated it that way, and most of the guys are cheating on a wife or SO, or have something else in their life which makes them ineligible for an ordinary relationship. They've got you by the short hairs.

    If they no longer had you this way, and you were free to select a girl and be waking up with her in the mornings, then guys would not need to go very often. The girls they engage with would keep them plenty busy.

    And one could argue that now, strip clubs serve to create sexual frustration and feelings of inadequacy. They make a guy feel that to have a nice sex life he needs to have insane amounts of money.

    Well, if guys stopped being chumps and stopped buying dances, and instead went for front room makeout sessions and taking girls home with them, then they would not be frustrated anymore.

    So there are often going to be problems which need to be solved in a guy's life, but the strip club is not any kind of a solution.

    And then, re-creating that strip club style sexual aesthetic in you real life, that is a bigger challenge, and this is where I am working, and this is what my organization will solve.

    That front room makeout sessions are common in Mexico and in some US dives is extremely well documented. But still I suspect that more often than not it depends on the guy learning how to steer it that way. And most guys don't seem to want to become that engaging with the girls they meet in strip clubs. Rather, they look down on the strippers, or they just don't want that kind of engagement and they don't understand that this is symptom of some sort of loss of social and civil standing.

  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    How much are you willing to bet that you will never "build an organization"?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ As I practice privacy in my affairs, I am not willing to make any bets of any kind. Maybe someday you'll be struck by a lightening bolt and finally understand that I am not an approval seeker, and so I cannot be baited that way.


    Led Zeppelin, 1969
  • nicespice
    6 years ago

    If being dolled up and wearing high heels is the true appeal, why not attempt a front room make out session at a bartender or bottle service girl or shot girl at a trendy night club? Or hell even a drug rep lol.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I want a front room makeout session with you nicespice!
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Oh yeah I forgot about your enchanted privacy fence that you bring up anytime someone tries bringing up reality with you.

    Well you aren't going to build an organization. But you'll probably keep coming back on this website where everyone just makes fun of you.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    PaulDrake, you are a troll, Go Fuck Yourself!

    nicespice wrote, "If being dolled up and wearing high heels is the true appeal, why not attempt a front room make out session at a bartender or bottle service girl or shot girl at a trendy night club? Or hell even a drug rep lol."

    Well, the extreme high heels and makeup are what make the strip club women different from other women. Its not what they take off, its what they have on. Easy today to get a girl naked, much harder to get her dolled up.

    As far as the other venues you've mentioned, the women are still not quite that dolled up, makeup not as extreme, heels not as high. But what you are saying jibes with what GACA said, that if guys stopped being chumps and buying dances, then strip clubs would become just bars. Large degree of truth to that, but not
    completely that simple.

    Guy on TJA wrote at length about an afternoon long makeout session with a girl who was the bar tender for a civvie bar just outside of the zona. That's the way things are in that area.

    Overall, the women in the venues you mentioned are not going to be that open to makeout sessions. But definitely it can happen and they can be picked up on and taken home.

    When there is front room DFKing in our local clubs, it seems to be because the girl wants to line up immediate OTC.. At our Mexican bar underground, most all the girls do all the OTC they can. You could even say that they dance at those places mostly for that reason.

    In AMPs, DFKing happens because the girl is trying to escalate the interaction to FS as quickly and smoothly as possible. So if they guy is being nice to them and tries to kiss them, they engage fully.

    Sometimes also they've been trying to line me up for regular outside meetings, home sessions, as I've seen it, trying to become my mistress.

    So it does seem to be tied to proximal and anticipated regularly occurring FS.

    And this is totally consistent with all which is written about Mexico and US Black and Mixed Race dives.

    I read in a general audience travel book about Mexico that they cannot understand our US hands off strip clubs. In their country, no one would want to do it that way. The book said that if a guy likes a stripper, the first thing he does is kiss her.

    Well, in a general audience book they might not have wanted to be too explicit. I could see that kissing her is they way of telling her that you are taking her to the back room. I mean, up until that kiss, its all just words, just hypothetical.

    And yes, the Latina's in our underground circuit, they are different, more open, more engaging, hard to imagine that they would not be kissing, after just some preliminary engagement.

    We have had girls DFKing anyone who puts $1 on the tip rail. Guys are not expecting this, so it disarms them. But it also means that she is usually going to be busy in the VIP room, at this place where the mileage went through the roof because the club was slated for closure and building demolition.

    To me, if the girl is serious about quality back room or OTC meetings, she will not refuse DFKing. She will not be promising to kiss in the back room, she will be kissing right then and there.

    And these Latinas did not refuse. Just not in their nature to refuse such.

  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I'm as big of a fan of DFK as anyone, but I only enjoy it if a girls at the beginning of her shift. Imaging a club where a girl makes out with a guy and "freshens up" for 2 minutes aka pops a few breath mints would be disgusting to watch. Might as well fall deep into the abyss of hobbying and attend underground orgy sessions.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Any kind of P4P is a share a woman program. If you don't like it, stay away from such venues.

    Girls are usually quite hygiene conscious. like brushing their teeth and using mouth wash.

    Of all written about TJ, in some of the bars the girls approach from behind when you are seated and use both hands on your face to pull your head back, and then start ramming their tongue into your mouth. After that its, "Arriba or Ficha".

    But if you want to like like Howard Hughes did, everything sterilized and no one can touch him, everything covered in plastic. That will be your business.

  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    sometimes sloppy seconds are sexy.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Girls are quite hygiene conscious.

    Most important thing is to select the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with regularly, and then approach her yourself. Things will work out..


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  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is considered unstable and is widely mocked, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs are very important. You can meet the girl face to face, and there is no where any higher standard for high heels and painting up. Strip clubs are laid back because they are hangout places. Better set up than AMPs, Escorts, or Lingerie Modelling.

    But this does not mean that guys need to play the chump and be buying dances without having intimate rapport with the girl, and without first selecting a girl which they plan on seeing outside regularly.


    Gnostic Mass, naked woman on the altar, very well done!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Does it feel good to fart into the wind, it kinda makes you the chump.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ I assume 25 that you're looking into the bathroom mirror as you say that.

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