
Comments by Subraman (page 149)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Should I shred my PL card?
    -->"Don't shred it, it's probably the only card you have left" I'm pretty sure he's got his Frequent customer card for Vajazzle Fabulous. Two more vajazzles, and he gets a free vajazzle.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Should I shred my PL card?
    flagooner: I regret to inform you that founder has passed away in a skydiving accident Warrior15: flag, I am glad you are going to see founder, and please my best regards to founder! Also, please check to see if founder is skydiving.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Should I shred my PL card?
    -->"I'm driving to Miami Gardens tomorrow and not going to hit up Tootsie's. No homo." Fixed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    What is the best strip club attire?
    How does Chip feel about that? Does he love the shoulder ride?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much should I tip
    I rarely sit at stage, but it's $3-$5/song when I do I do not tip for anything but extraordinary service, when it comes to lap dances or VIPs. Since I almost never do lap dances, what that translates to is: once in a long while, I'll tip $20 on a $100 VIP. You guys who are tipping for average or a bit better-than-average service are fucking up the system, man!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    RE:addiction issues - just one question 4 society's dumbass
    lol love it when the first response nails it. /thread
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    What is the best strip club attire?
    I usually get into some introspection (one leg at a time, like the rest of you), a button down introspection, and then slip into a pair of introspection. Also, introspection.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Do I Out Another Monger?
    If it's some mostly random stripper, I mind my business. But often, I only OTC with my CFs/ATFs, and to whatever extent I have any misplaced loyalty, it's definitely towards my CF. And being in a video on the internet without her knowledge is pretty huge. Keep quiet with a random stripper, or if guy's just being a minor dick. In this case, guy is being major major dick, so if it were with CF, I'd likely let her know
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Real vs Fake OTC
    Ongoing FWB is different than OTC, for sure.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to wear
    Yeah, I don't have any problems getting the attention I want as it is. And the last thing I want to do is attract the attention of the ultra-low-value ultra-high-hustle SW types, who, if they exist at all in my clubs, must avoid the known PL regulars, because I rarely if ever run into any. Happy to keep it that way
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to wear
    -->"The only wardrobe thing that seems to peak their interest or change the interactions with me would be the watch choice. I can wear my Breitling and they could care less. It doesn’t particularly look very expensive. Wear the Rolex and they seem to come out of the woodwork." Heh, that's funny. I don't have much experience with this, other than my ATATF told me once I should get myself a Rolex. I know that "real" watch hounds don't seem to put Rolex on a pedestal, but maybe strippers do? Maybe it's like how "regular" people think Starbucks is good, and coffee hounds all know it's swill. That said, this kind of thing could definitely backfire, if it attracts the attention of the GPS or SW type girls, and/or automatically increases every girl's expectations. Right now, I'm getting a few hours of attention from the girls I want, for the cost of two VIPs... not sure what the Rolex would bring me. Perhaps a useful gimmick for the guys doing Saturday night and other sausagefest times, when it's a seller's market and hard to get strippers' attention?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    Ya, they are usually truly miserable people, who are socially isolated, and they get a rush of pleasure and respite from their miserable lives, from trolling. You can't wrap your mind around it, because you're not one of them. ... or are you?!?! Maybe you're the mastermind behind the never-ending troll parade. Genius to pretend not to understand the motivation
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    Yep. Just to be annoying. Read any article on studies about trolls, and what kind of people they are, and you'll get it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    Ya, I"m with Ish, pretty sure it's yet another in a long line of trolls, created by one of the tuscl contributors/trolls who knows all the buttons to push
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What to wear
    I wear jeans. Yes, I know all the dancers hate me for it. On the other hand, maybe it's all part of my master plan -- I'd way rather her ass be up and in my face, than rubbing on my pants. And when she is on my lap, I'd rather be nuzzling than having her concentrating on twerking on my lap
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I think shes mad
    -->"but also interested to see if other people get into these situations also." Your getting into this situation because you're weak, the first "chic" can smell it, so she's tying you up in knots. No, this would not have happened to me, or most guys here. The fact that you're in this situation at all means you should be doing some serious introspection on how you've conducted yourself and what changes in your behavior and responses would have avoided it. Also, I expect serious props from you guys for using the word "introspection".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Perspective Matter - a lot
    -->"That said if I was in an area where the options were severely limited (like pasties and air dances as standard) Id be looking to spend and travel more" I had to think a bit about what my reaction would be. As someone who currently mostly enjoys ATFing, rather than variety, travelling to clubs that I couldn't get to regularly just doesn't appeal to me that much. So if air dances were my only choice, I'd likely mostly stop strip clubbing and invest my time and money in other areas of the sex industry that get more closer to what I'm looking for -- today, that would mean SA, where I can both find a "traditional" SB to be my one girl, and also find lots and lots of strippers moonlighting as SBs. My one caveat would be: even if all the local clubs went air dances and pasties, I'd probably spend some time trying to work the system for OTC. In fact, I found out (too late) that one of the local airdance clubs, guys were scoring OTC left and right, the past few years. I finally figured it out and made it to that club, only to find out it was shutting down in 2 weeks. But, if it had stayed open, I certainly would have worked it for a few months, and if I could get an attractive local ATF who would do OTC, I would've been fine going to that club sometimes instead of always taking the trip to the better clubs 60+ minutes away.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Real vs Fake OTC
    Agree with Ish, MrW... yes, OTC=sex. No, no sex != a date, at least by the traditional connotation of date, where there's romantic overtones, and no business overtones. Like I said, with most of my ATFs, things like lunch before her shift, or dinner/drinks after, are a pretty regular thing; I view this as an extension of "favored regular" privilege, I don't think we were on dates
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Perspective Matter - a lot
    -->"I would agree that unless your local club rules suck there is no reason to ever travel. A dollar spent at home goes further than one spent away from home." Hell, my local clubs suck and I still don't do any traveling. Suck the clubs may, but I have things wired up to the extent possible, and once I have a CF, I will always have a far better time with her than anyone I go travel to, it's only the time in between CFs that can get a bit ponderous. That said, I'm a hardcore CFer, variety doesn't interest me The one exception I can see, I wouldn't mind traveling to an extras club now and then. I do miss in-club extras
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA, what to do...
    My pleasure :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA, what to do...
    Nope. I know it's tempting, but it's a sucker's play to end all sucker's plays. First, most of the SBs who contact you initially are scammers/fakes/etc. -- not always, but the majority. Second, when you have an account that isn't activited, you tend to get messages from suspiciously hot chicks... remember that when Ashley Madden got hacked, it turned out a lot of the female accounts were fake; you can imagine that an impossibly hot chick contacting you is exactly what SA knows would get a schmuck to hand over his $90. Thirdly, at least for me, I have to message easily 10 girls to get to one iniitial meeting ... so in the unlikely event htis is a real girl, getting her to meet isn't exactly easy either. In short, you don't have much sugar so you might not be able to afford a girl that hot anyway, and 98% chance you're just being manipulated to get you to sign up. This is the SA equivalent of "sure, I'll pay you the $100 for a VIP, and tip you $20, all in advance, and just hope you give me a good dance" level sucker thinking, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Real vs Fake OTC
    -->"I've certainly had some "free" dinner only kind of OTC that never got to where I wanted it to" In that case, don't call it OTC -- it's not, at least according to how all of the rest of us use this term, I believe. It's you buying her dinner.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Real vs Fake OTC
    I ONLY use the term OTC when there's sex involved. I also love to take my stripper to lunch before her shift, or drinks afterwards. I like my CFs, I'll spend any time with them I can, even if there's no sex involved. I don't call this OTC, since as I said, OTC means sex. I never have, and never would, compensate a stripper for "allowing" me to buy her dinner or drinks, and in fact none of my ATFs have ever asked. Which makes me wonder where this SW idea that a stripper should ask for the equivalent cash in VIP time, to get taken to dinner, comes from; but SW's delusional view of these things is a different topic
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    -->"The places I go don't have girls that allow one guy to occupy them all evening." You go to multiple places where none of the strippers ever hang out with their regulars? Stranger things have happened, of course, just a little surprising, perhaps -->" Of course there are many strippers that do this.But its due to a few reasons. They are shitty at thier job, dumb, or the patrons at the bar dont tip or want dances. These types of bars attract the worst quality of strippers in my opinion." You think only the lowest quality strippers hang out with high value regulars? I have a different interpretation: since spending time with high value regulars is usually the smartest move, the main reason strippers don't do it, is because they can't attract high value regulars. It's often the hotter girls who get locked down, they're exactly the ones who can attract consistent, high value regulars. There are, of course, different "club cultures", I've been in extras brothel type clubs where it was rare any girl ever got locked down; I don't know if that's universal among the high extras clubs. But in higher end clubs, all the hot girls have consistent, appointment-setting regulars, and those guys get their chunk of time (I know; I'm one of those guys)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Phone numbers
    -->"I find once you get or give a number they feel the own you. They expect you to give all your money to them. I like to try the variety from the menu." Janos, I will respectfully submit that that's mostly in your head. Not that the girl won't try to make you feel obligated -- like I said, if she gives you her number while you're still in the club, it's not just to set up up for later visits, it's to lock you down for the rest of the evening. So yes, a smart stripper will walk over with an air of "you have my number, we're a team, of course you're here to see me", she's being a smart salesgirl. But the extent to which you feel pressured to just go along with it, or stressed about the prospect of telling her you're there for someone else, is in your head. Or at least, that's what the case was with me, and I feel like I can generalize to everyone else :) But really, I am now so incredibly comfortable with the smile, hug, "I'm here to see Porsche today, but thanks for saying hi, I'll catch you another day!", it's like a big weight is lifted off.