How much should I tip

avatar for Rabnud
For the stage shows I have heard that the usual amount is at least a dollar per song. I was more curious for the lap dance and the VIP dance.

At the club I went to the price for a nude 4 song dance was 100 the dancer allowed some light touching of her chest. I tipped 20

The price for 30min full nude VIP was 300, the dancer allowed an insane amount of touching (chest, butt and even some between the legs) and she allowed licking on top of it. I tipped 100 for this.

Is this an appropriate amount to tip?
For the clients, what do you usually tip for the dances?
For the dancers, how much do you usually expect in tips for the dance, especially considering the amount of contact I was allowed?


if i spend more then 170 on a stripper, theres no tipping from me.
Overall I am very generous to strippers, I spend tons of money on them, and I often overpay for sex. However, I don't usually tip unless (1) the prices are cheap (ie lap dance for $10 or half hour VIP for $150), or the girl makes me cum. I just don’t see the need for a tip at the outrageous prices that most clubs charge. For example, the OP ended up paying about $13 per minute for a VIP with the tip. And he didn’t even get sex. That’s insane in my view. $300 for a half hours time is more than fair, particularly if no sex is involved. But I do tip girls who make me cum since I want to encourage such good service. In those cases I usually tip 10-20%.
My tipping system works like this hypothetically speaking, because it never happens, but if it did happen i would tip like this.

3 to 4 songs at 20 a pop


40 for LDK, and 100 if anything gets in her mouth like spit and body spit. no stripper has ever earned a 100 tip from me. im such a loser.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
Rabnud, your tip program is pretty much inline with what I do. Many on here would call me a dummy for it but that's my program at the moment though I'm trending toward lowering it on the VIP part and not the multi-dance set part.
I pay normal dance rates. I tip 1 to 2 songs for dances that result in my pants getting messy.

I'm of the opinion that VIP is a waste unless you're getting more action than dances. Dances are rarely better in VIP, they're usually the same, just more expensive.
I don’t know how much is a reasonable tip to the dancer. However, for stage tips, if it’s not a special show, $1 or $2 is fine.

For private dances - if it’s up to 3 at $20/25 a piece - I’ll tip $20. If it’s 4-8 at $20 a piece - I’ll tip $40. If I cum on her face - I’ll add to the tip. If it gets in her hair - that gets expensive!
The OP is looking at a tip as if it was a requirement - I don't focus on the tip per se, I just focus on whether I'm compensating her fairly based on what she does - if the dances or VIP are overpriced to begin with, I don't feel a tip is warranted - and if the service is sub-par then a tip is def not warranted.
I tip out at apprx 30% for superior service and aroud 10% for average service. Your definition of those terms will determine if you find that acceptable.
Better still, select the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, then get her used to the idea what you want to give her money, mistress maintenance.

If I don't want to see a dancer again I tip nothing.

If I want to or am seeing the same dancer regularly, she gives me an LDK, and she is willing to chat for as long as I want beforehand (usually 10-30 minutes) then I usually tip $40 on top of buying $40 worth of dances plus $5 each stage rotation. I also never buy drinks.
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If she is not very entertaining she gets $1. If she does a good job $3-$5. If my wife is with me and she gets the wife's tits out $5 right off and I keep laying out singles until she leaves. If there is someone else at the stage and I want to keep her in front of me/us I just lay out more than the other guy to keep her. That is my rule of thumb for stage tipping.

LD tipping is a bit more tricky. If it's an air dance or it just sucks she gets nothing above the cost of the dance.If she has a good grind,a good amount of two way touching and gives an over all good performance a single dance she gets $10 or multiple $20. If she gives VIP experience in LD $50.

VIP tipping gets a little tricky. If she acts like she is into it ,the time don't feel awkward or rushed and i walk away,or if the wife is with me,we both walk out satisfied $50. I have tipped $100 for VIP but it has to be a VERY good time.

If a girl just sits in the front room and chats for a few minutes just long enough to ask for a dance she gets nothing. If she sits and is into cuddling and touching I'll give her $20 for every half hour or so.

OTC is tricky. The going rate I keep in mind is whatever club she works in's VIP rate. If she deserves a tip on top of that I give her an extra $20-$50 depending on the night.
avatar for ppwh
7 years ago
For stage tipping, I generally tip $2 - $15, with $4 as a general rule if I think she's cute. When I tip more, it's for the fun of the interaction, and she's one I who would want to sit with me.

A dancer the other night told me she thinks it's insulting when someone tips a single. I usually tip her more than that, though, so it could have been SS. I suspect that she would still go over and ask for a dance on a night with slow tipping and be glad if he accepted.

For dances, it varies quite a bit. For the most part, it seems like dancers think of customers in spending categories along the lines of "$10-60, $100-$150, $300-$500", etc. For the most part, regularly buying dances and not being an asshole seems to work better than tipping something like $5-20. If a $300-$500 customer is there, it's a fair bet that he would be given priority over the $100-$150 customers, though. A good indicator is whether a dancer comes right over to you or takes her time getting to you. The strip club is a market economy, so your spending will mostly be measured against others at that club on that shift during that part of the year.

Like the $1 stage tip example, a dancer once pointed out a guy who she said was waiting for her, but always only wanted "1 lousy dance", so she wasn't going to go over.
Lap dances are for chumps!
I do normally tip a 5 or 10 at the rail but I don't stay, I just suggest she visit me when she is done and we can discuss future opportunities. Only do this for possible OTC or ITC girls.
I do very limited rail tipping, I always pull them from the floor. As far as dances, only the fave gets a tip. Others if they're good enough, I have them keep going.
@ppwh - Good point that it is a market economy and prices are wildly different in different parts of the country. Where I am at stage tipping is almost nonexistant and a dancer might hang with you for hours for $100 during the day. But house fees are also dirt cheap and the club takes a 0% cut. So it balances out to some degree.
I think the days of tipping $1 are behind us especially in this make-it-rain era - I'm not a frequent stage-tipper bc the stage-thing doesn't do that much for me, but if I do tip on stage it's usually about $5 - only time I tip a buck if it's a tip-parada club and I'll give her a $1 mercy-tip bc she's not my type but I don't wanna shoo her away
I usually tip 2-3 a song if i'm at the tip rail. Or like $9 if i'm not, but want to get a dancers attention (make it rain style). I generally don't tip for lap dances unless it's out of this world good. But I also live in a city that doesn't have floor lap dances, everything is a minimum buy in of at least $30 for 1 dance at most clubs.
The clubs I mainly go to allow a good amount of milage at the stage so I use it as a sample. If I like what I see tipping at the stage let's her know I'm planning on spending. If I like enough I ask her to come find me.
I rarely sit at stage, but it's $3-$5/song when I do

I do not tip for anything but extraordinary service, when it comes to lap dances or VIPs. Since I almost never do lap dances, what that translates to is: once in a long while, I'll tip $20 on a $100 VIP. You guys who are tipping for average or a bit better-than-average service are fucking up the system, man!
^Thats a fucking awesome introspection;)
I never sit at the stage so when I tip a girl up dancing it is to get her attention to come meet me sometime afterwards. Normally $5.

The first time I meet her I will get dances and normally tip $20 for the group of three dances ( above the going rate) As time goes by-if I become a regular dances fade into the background and I'm spending time with her both in and outside the club.
If I don't cum I never tip.


If I cum I double what was due

So if I spent a hundred on five dances and she made me cum anyway possible I'll double it so $200
Select the girl you want and approach her yourself, and get her used to the idea that you are happy handing her money, 'to take care of her'.

You don’t have to tip if the dances are average with minimal touching. I don’t expect one for that.. but it does help. $5 on a $20 dance is enough for me to make the next one better. The only times I expect tips are for extra touching/LDK, or if it’s a dance special (2 for 1 or VIP special or something). And the only time I’ll flat out ask for one is if the guy acts like a real douche.
Hmmmm. Fishsticks gets asked for tips all the time.
Buying dances is for chumps. Select and approach, start feeding her money. Get her to accept the money as must a show of respect, not a purchasing anything. Then get to know her and let physical friendliness begin. Keep feeding her money, always finding ways to let her see that it is not a purchase and it is not dickering.

After a front room makeout session is underway and it becomes time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.

What the OP describes sounds like low to medium mileage dances and VIPs, but expensive prices. I wouldn't have tipped in those situations let alone gotten the multiple dances and VIPs at those prices/mileage.
Identify the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, approach her, and try to steer it that way.

The ways of doing things in strip clubs will beyond a point have very little influence.

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