
Comments by IanSmith (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    “and a few times a year I will go knock off a couple of 18 year old Latina Hotties in Tijuana” A few times a year? A FEW times a fucking YEAR? My gawd this shite is funny.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    "Tell me ANY real world experience you have with prostitution?" Well brad I have NO experience with US strip clubs but my CV is filled with countless encounters with prostitutes and bordellos throughout the world. That includes Europe, Asia, Africa, Russia, and the Americas. I’ve never been to TJ but between my experience in Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Mexico City whorehouses I don’t imagine that there is anything in TJ that would come as a surprise to me. You aren’t listening very well so let me help you out. Anyone who puts any faith in a health card is a fool. If it is up to date, if it isn’t a fake, if it doesn’t belong to the girl who worked the earlier shift it is still out of date before the test results ever come back. That sweet young prostitute has already had sex with dozens of new potential infectious guys. And btw one girl proudly showed me her school ID telling me it was her health card thinking I couldn’t read the local language. Safe sex? That is a laugh. I hate condoms and IME only about one of ten girls who insist in using condoms can’t be convinced to go without. Next time you are there just ask “cuanto es sin globo?”. Happy hookers? For cris’ sake are you naïve. There is an adage that you might want to pay heed to: Keep your mouth shut and let everyone think that you are an idiot instead of opening it and proving them right.
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    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    @jackslash. Bravo. Well said now fuck off. :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    @duomaxwell. “You're right, it IS really just shiny happy people holding hands.” Luv your saucy wench biting sarcasm but brad is obviously an intrepid and experienced world traveler. He isn’t one of those wankers who has just got his first bit of stinky finger and now knows all about the world of whoredom. This shite is funny.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Legalized prostitution
    Now this shite is funny. Brad I think you’re losing it. You need to head to Tijuana and stop with the wolf tickets before you hurt yourself.
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    11 years ago
    Work Perks
    If these are the perks that come with having a job then I think I'll remain bone-idle.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pick up Regular women at bars?
    Go after the fat ones. They will always pay the bar tab.
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    11 years ago
    Turning 18
    “Nobody starts by doing two lines off a man boy in Thailand followed by fucking a sheep.” Unfortunately Bullwinkle is mistaken. I have seen too many not-quite-adults have their first experience in the deep end of the pool. This seriously doesn’t end well from what I’ve seen because they simply aren’t ready for it and they are then fucked for life. You should let him go with his mates. If you want to be the good uncle then you can find a clean club with good looking ladies who will tease but not abuse the lads. You could even pay a stripper who works there to act as a chaperon to ensure that your nephew has a good time but things don’t get out of hand. That is the responsible thing to do. If you are not interested in being responsible then I can recommend some very nice and friendly ovine.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    StripperWeb - Calling black men Porch Monkeys is Ok, Calling black women Ho's no
    I assume you all are talking about stripperweb.com. After looking at the site all I can say is what a gaggle of daft cunts.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Lap dance climax
    “Some strategically place duct tape on your undies would be one way of avoiding that. Other than that, I would think cumming would be the ultimate way of saying "you've mastered this" to a lap dancer.” Now I have my answer. This is all a joke. A grown man jizzing in his trousers. Good one.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Lap dance climax
    A grown man jizzing in his trousers? I won’t ask if this is a serious post because I wouldn’t know if the responses were serious or not. If the OP is serious then having real live sex with a living, breathing female may be somewhat of a challenge. This may be of some help if that opportunity ever presents itself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz15ynuu3_k
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Moderator and comments
    "You can say that because you are not being attacked personally on a near daily basis by the slime Assholes that run amok on this forum." No, I can say that because I am a pikey bastard and don’t much care about anything or anyone. Especially not anonymous wankers on the internet. Here’s an American expression that I like to use - “Cowboy the fuck up”. If it is such an ordeal for you then why do you stay on the board?
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    11 years ago
    Moderator and comments
    I’m new to TUSCL and I’ve been going through past posts. Not having had a public education and being unfamiliar with the lexicon and nuances of American culture I don’t understand much of what is written. What I have discovered is that nature and tenor of this board changes over time. Posters come and go and some likely leave because of the changing tenor but that is not a bad thing. Those boards with moderators always have a personality with boundaries that reflect the moderator. This can be good for those that share that outlook and want to know what they are going to get when they log on. For everyone else those type boards are not worth a farthing. Only a small faction of posters who mostly are in violent agreement ever bother to read such boards and invariably new comers receive scorn for daring to join the cool kids in their little club. Perhaps TUSCL will become a bore for me over time but for now I enjoy the wild west nature of this board. A moderator would end that toot sweet (that’s “tout de suite” for any of you frog eating surrender monkeys). That would be a shame.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Exploration & Discovery
    Che told me about it when we recently ran into each other in Laos. He said he sometimes posts here so I checked it out when I got to an internet connection. So far it is a riot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Yoga Pants
    I LOVE yoga pants on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    Where do you sit ad why ?
    Duomaxwell you’ve got a cute nose. What happened to your pics? No matter. If I ever see you sitting at the bar I’ll let you buy me a drink.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    How to make Money Stripping
    @LenaSmirnova “Now SJG bugger off!” There’s a saucy lass. I haven’t heard “bugger off” for some time now. I’m getting all misty eyed. As for SJG just remember that you can’t expect too much. The dross always end up in the colonies.
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    A catch-all account
    How to Get the Most Out of Your Money
    How to Get the Most Out of Your Money? Using other people's money instead always works for me.