
Exploration & Discovery

Sunday, July 28, 2013 9:00 AM
Good morning, sisters and brothers. It is a sunny and beautiful day out in here, nestled in the foothills below Mount Baldy & Cucamonga Peak. I hope e erroneous had a good weekend of clubbing. Let's not forget, the weekend is not over. Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, on to the meat of the discussion. I was interested on how we each discovered this wonderful place called TUSCL. I was exploring and doing my best to find out what might have happened to some of my favorite dancers that use to dance at the Hawaii Theatre. Searching for them online and I happened upon TUSCL. What a gold mine! Reviews, discussions, articles, and more! Good God, I hit the jackpot. I'm grateful to Founder for this site. I've learned and laughed with the help of all of y'all. Thank you, everybody. Keep on clubbing.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I meant everyone, not erroneous. Damn I-Phone!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Years ago I thought there must be a better way to find out where the strip clubs were in a new city instead of looking in the phone book. I searched online and then eventually found this site. Going to a club could have been even worse without hearing about what type of club it was from others in the area. I once asked a bouncer if he knew anything about a club down the road from a strip club I was in. He said, oh you don't want to go there, it's a gay club. Some clubs that looked like they had biker gangs I just drove right on by. Then I found this site. Made it easy. Makes me wonder if there is something similar for regular night clubs and/or restaurants but I haven't done much searching.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    The word Area instead of city would have been more appropiate. The trouble with the phone book is that strip clubs aren't always listed and sometimes they are in another city just a few miles down the road but not listed in the phone book you may have looked in. Plus you may have limited vacation time and don't want to waste time and money trying to visit all the clubs in an area so this site has been great.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    Years ago when I was banging Dougster's mom, I noticed that she had a TUSCL tattoo on her back. I asked about it and the rest is history.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Jerry's favorite explorer was Magellan. George made the case for DeSoto Umm, I think mine is Dora
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    It's interesting that you used it to find a former Hawaii Theater (City of Industry, CA) dancer, because it was a dancer *at* the Hawaii that told me about TUSCL. However, she couldn't have been that familiar with it at the time. She didn't have the initials in the correct order. She said, "To find it, just play around with these intials: T,S,C,U,L" or something like that. At the time (early 2000's), I wasn't too concerned about not finding it, because I lived in Southern California and [view link] was all I needed. Then after I moved to Seattle in 2006, all the local clubs were very well covered on [view link]. By 2010, the content on that website had turned to absolute garbage, so I remembered TUSCL and thought, maybe I should look that up. I did. I've had great experiences with some very knowledgeable and helpful members since then.
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I first found it when looking for clubs in towns I was traveling to. Then didn't use it for years when I was dating and married. Then when all that ended, I remembered the site and came back to it.
  • Corvus
    11 years ago
    Same as @txtiiyfan, except just last year. She was still a good fuck at that time. But actually, like @rh48rh for info on clubs in towns I travelled to.
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    Che told me about it when we recently ran into each other in Laos. He said he sometimes posts here so I checked it out when I got to an internet connection. So far it is a riot.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Somewhere around 2000 or so, I searched for strip clubs in Louisville. I hadn't lived here that long and I'd dound PTs and a couple of others, bu they were so tame I figured I was missing some. Around 2008 or so, I created a profile and started posting.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Or 2009, according to my profile. :) I guess memory is the first thing to go, huh?
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I was looking for Vegas reviews and zbone didn't really have anything so TUSCL came to the rescue.
  • Clackport
    11 years ago
    Lol@ Txtittyfan and Corvus
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I was surfing the internet looking for strip club information and found this site back in the late 1990's. I wrote 5 or 6 anonymous reviews before the site went pay and then I registered as shadowcat.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    I beamed aboard.
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