
Turning 18

Saturday, August 10, 2013 5:32 AM
What's up muthafuckas? Feeling great as usual. I am in need of some assistance. My eldest nephew turns 18 in a few weeks and I'd like to take him to his first gentlemens club. This is where things get a little tricky. Should I take him to experience his first taste of the good life or should he go with his friends for the first time? With me he gets an experienced guide. With his friends he gets to share something brand new. There is also one other factor. I am a fan of extras clubs and my nephew was in the Explorer program in high school, is enrolled in criminal science classes at the local CC, with plans on either joining the armed forces or becoming a police officer. What to do? Do I take him to a regular-style sc or do I take him to one of my joints and give him the 411? My nephew is a good kid, has had girlfriends and relations but does not have the street smarts of Old Slick. Any and all comments wwill be appreciated. Muchas Gracias and keep on clubbing.


  • Dacandyman
    11 years ago
    i would wanna go to the dirty club but that is just my opinion
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I'd ask him what he wants.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    Let him go with friends his own age. More fun and a lot of girls like to baby the 18 y/o's.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    And hook him up with a fav if you can.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I think it's something best experienced either by self-discovery or with his friends.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    Slick just be Al Bundy and take him to "the nudie bar" with your dollar bill on fishing line and show him the legs etc LOL. Actually it depends on how much older you are and your relationship with your nephew. If he seldom sees you or you do not have a close relationship with him taking him clubbing will likely creep him out.
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    “Nobody starts by doing two lines off a man boy in Thailand followed by fucking a sheep.” Unfortunately Bullwinkle is mistaken. I have seen too many not-quite-adults have their first experience in the deep end of the pool. This seriously doesn’t end well from what I’ve seen because they simply aren’t ready for it and they are then fucked for life. You should let him go with his mates. If you want to be the good uncle then you can find a clean club with good looking ladies who will tease but not abuse the lads. You could even pay a stripper who works there to act as a chaperon to ensure that your nephew has a good time but things don’t get out of hand. That is the responsible thing to do. If you are not interested in being responsible then I can recommend some very nice and friendly ovine.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    From about ages 4-8, my Pops and myself were the main male role models in his life. Then my eldest sister remarried. His stepdad is a quality dude if a little square-he's no drinking partner. I've always been involved in my nephews life, especially when it came to martial arts and girls. He asked me questions about girls and relationships before asking his folks. We've always been close. I appreciate all the responses and definitely will ask what he wants to do. @Bullwinkle-I'm anti-creepy. Remember my Tip Of The Day-Don't Be Creepy? I'm also very anti-douchebag. I had uncles who are kinda crazy that probably did me a disservice by opening my eyes to the underbelly of society at too young of an age. I'm still a stand-up guy but I do wish I could've maintained a little innocence that I lost.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Right now! In the words of SugaFree-"If you stay ready then what the hell you gotta get ready for." That's a long flight, both ways. I'll put it out there and he can decide for himself. Funny thing is that my first sc experience was at Tijuana when I was 17-Like I said, I have some crazy uncles. I guess it must run in the family.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    Let him find it on his own,then you don't have your family in your face if shit should go south.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    That's something that I didn't even think about. Good looking out, Dice.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Slick, everything that Bullwinkle originally said. Creepy guys never think that they are creepy, it is the perception of others that puts them in that bucket, and an uncle bringing an 18 y.o. kid to a club to get his dick wet sounds kinda' creepy. I also agree with Bullwinkle's assessment about how young guys should spend their time and the relative age at which SCs take on a greater role - if they ever do.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    My uncle was originally going to take me out to his favorite strip club the day I turned 21, which would have been my first ever visit to a strip club. But it never happened like that because before I turned 21, he had a stroke (he had a serious weight problem, amongst other problems) and things were never the same with him afterwards until his death and my 21st birthday came and went without me going to the strip club, with him or anyone else. And I'm glad it happened like that, because it's more fun to discover things like that on your own, or with your friends, than with your relatives showing you the way things are. I mean, it would have been fun to go with him if he had his pre-stroke personality, but that's just what happens sometimes.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    If he goes with his friends ,they can talk and leave and go somewhere else others his age hang out if they get bored at the strip club. If he wants to become a police officer, he might not want to start things off by doing something he might consider immoral or wrong especially with a relative whom others could subsequently claim that you corrupted him for life. Someone at work where I used to work took me to a club and I heard others say he corrupted me. All he did was get me started visiting strip clubs. I never visited a strip club until my mid to late 20's. I deep French kissed a topless stripper in college though. I was at a party, not a strip club. Felt more like I visited the real animal house fraternity depicted in the old movie. Those guys showed me pictures of a 6 story tall beer bong they drank from when they went to the beach. They wanted me to join. Years later, it was the older guy at work that first took me to a strip club that was labeled by others as the one who corrupted me.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It might have been a 9 or 12 story beer bong, I never saw such a thing before. That was only the tip of the iceberg of crazy stories. I'm sure it's not like that anymore. Drinking age went up and I believe they might have started enforcing it a few years after they legalized it. Another guy at work threatened to take me to some truck stop brothel. I didn't want to pick up any std's. He went nonstop talking about it. I shut him up by showing him some pictures of nude porn stars sitting on my lap. It was at a nude strip club but it was enough to get him to stop talking crap all the time. If he had succeeded in taking me and anything bad happened like an std, I would have blamed him for life. I think it's best to let someone else decide they want to go and they can ask if you want to come along if they so choose rather than take someone somewhere they might not choose to go.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Leave it up to him if he wants to go with you or alone. He should know the names of the dancers you spend with, and he should tell them he's your nephew. Hopefully that will treat him well and keep and eye out in order to keep your money flowing to them.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    Slick, stay far the fuck away from any strip club where you get anything good. There is way too much opportunity for some stripper's loose lips to sink your ship.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    I don't know Slick...you might be promoted to the kind of good times that Mr. Juice has. Take him to a place where he can show up with a bucket of the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay, go back to the private room, and face fuck a hot 19 year old stripper while a second girl feeds him twizzlers (hat tip to Candydude). I I had an Uncle do that for me at age 18 I'd have been really stoked!!
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    great point by dice. IMO, it's not your place to open up a can of worms between you nephew and any girlfriend(s). If he's actively getting some from 18 y/o civies, don't f that up on him. I've become very cynical about relationship over time, but chasing 'real' chicks around when I was 18 are some of the best memories I have and I don't think I would go back and under cut that but staring my clubbing lifestyle any earlier than I did (and I ain't 'that' old yet). If you do take him out (now or further down the line) I wouldn't throw him into the deep end of the pool right off the bat without candid pre-game discussion.
  • mjx01
    11 years ago
    ... under cut that by starting my clubbing ... (damn I suck at spelling)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Hey Slick if you really want to traumatize him you can send him off to a club visit with me o_0
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Aye carumba!
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Not being attractive to women, even when I was young, I wish commercial sex had been as available back then as it is now. I would not have talked myself into liking girls I really didn't in order to avoid having blueballs.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    heh heh heh.....!
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