
StripperWeb - Calling black men Porch Monkeys is Ok, Calling black women Ho's no

That pussy whipped Yoda who runs the site is just that. Its okay for black dancers to call black men porch monkeys. But good lord almight, dont ever revfer to black dandcers as ho's.


  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Yep, Yoda has his tongue so far up the strippers' asses there it almost ends up coming out their mouths, so people mistake them as being forked-tongue.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Agree on all accounts about yoda
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Strippers’ mouths are only good for one thing – keep that in mind and you won’t be too disappointed in the future
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I'm not familiar with the term "porch monkey." What's the origin?
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I can remember when Yoda was a major contributor on this board. I called him a traitor when he became a moderator on stripperweb and got criticized on here for it. Sounds like people are now starting to agree with me.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    fuck yoda. fuck hip hop. fuck stripperweb. fuck, fuck, fuck.

    i feel better.

    no, wait a second. yoda is a punk ass bitch. there that’s better.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    DoctorPhil- LOL
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    So what exactly can you say on here that you could not say on stripperweb, at least in the Junkie Forum? I just don't get it. I post on both sites and have never felt particularly constrained. I've had ample disagreements with dancers on SW and have never been banned or even pointed. The only real requirement is that one refrain from calling another person names or otherwise taking things to a nasty place.

    And just how did Yoda become public enemy #1? Now I'll admit that he and I disagree on a number of things, so much so that we had a number of rather heated debates in my early days on that site. And yes, sometimes he gets a bit of a "law and order" complex. But overall he's done a good job of cleaning up the customer Convo. area, which for a while was starting to get clogged up with ridiculous bullshit, and he has continued the tradition of allowing things in the Junkie Forum to run their course without heavy moderation. Sorry, but I just don't see the problem.

    And btw, he still is a contributor to this site, in the form of well done reviews (almost as good as mine - lol) that benefit a number of users of this site.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    You are completely clueless aren't you Rick?

    The problems are he is inconsistent because he thinks it will win him favor with the strippers


    he does not allow true things to be said if it would hurt the poor tender strippers feelings

    Having the strippers like him as oppose to being even-handed. That is the problem.

    Get it now, RickyBoy?
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    "he does not allow true things to be said if it would hurt the poor tender strippers feelings"


    I'm would not be surprised if he wore tampons
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    And just why the fuck would anyone be in a rush to hurt the feelings of young girls who take their clothes off and crawl all over grown (and generally much older) men for a living?

    If a guy is so insecure with himself that he gets feelings of aggression or defensiveness when dealing with strippers then he, not yoda, is the one who needs a tampon. Dudes, seriously?

    When I am in a strip club I have no doubts about who is in the driver's seat, and it is not them. I guess I carry the same philosophy over onto SW, which is why I just don't get this attitude that some guys seem to harbor about strippers.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    RickyBoy: "When I am in a strip club I have no doubts about who is in the driver's seat, and it is not them"

    Oh, that is except for the time you stayed at home for many months on nights when both you favorites were working. After all, if you talked to one and the other saw it, thy would not be a situation you could deal with.

    Yep, great example of you being "in the driver's seat" RickyBoy.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    So let's see both RickyBoy and Yoda like to kiss stripper ass as necessary. Both put a much higher premium on politics over The Truth. Yep, I think I see why RickyBoy is being Yoda's apologist in this thread.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    You're deflecting again. I did that by choice in order to avoid added complications. It did not prevent me from visiting the club quite often.

    But back to the point: are you really so insecure that you need to pick on young girls? ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Everyone can see your staying at home was the action of a GIANT PUSSY. I'll let readers judge for themselves and they can laugh their asses off with me.

    Ok, mister you really were in the driver's seat there, RickyBoy!
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Yup, just what I thought. I'm actually sitting here watching a handful grown men bitch because a site moderator won't let them give shit to a bunch of young girls who make a living by taking their clothes off for the aforementioned grown men.

    So what's next now that mean ol' yoda won't let you further fuck with the heads of a group of young girls who are already pretty fucked up to begin with? Maybe seal clubbing?

    Just unreal dudes.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    This is an older post, but pretty much sums it up.

    It's is titled "Purpleification of Blue"

    (by the way, it was posted by racejeff, a TUSCL member also. An infrequent by valuable contributor to our site).


    "Yes I was thinking this place should now be called purple. We used to be the blue basement where the world was a little cruder a sort of men's club with cigar's and whiskey. We understood and respected that we were guests of the main SW site and that the Pink side was for the purpose of dancer support. However, thelue side was something else, we were not a Stripper support site but a club for junkies to interact and the brave dancer to explore.

    Apparently now that has changed and what was blue has become the old Customer conversation. Changed from cigars and whiskey to a coed baby shower.

    But even though I disagreed with nearly 100% of Earl's view of club experiences I lift a toast to the departed for he is in a better place.

    Tea and crumpets anybody?

    I'm not sure of the point but hopeful to stir some thoughtful consideration.

    I think it's time for a short trip to the virtual beach for relaxation."


    OK, then to top it off, this post was called "disappointing" and locked after only two replies. To be fair, not by yoda, but still....

    Two replies ? To me, that is what is "unreal".
  • IanSmith
    11 years ago
    I assume you all are talking about stripperweb.com. After looking at the site all I can say is what a gaggle of daft cunts.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    You're a new member pikey, but I think I like you.

    Welcome aboard.
  • former_stripper
    11 years ago
    Yoda is one of the better mods but speaking of male mods kissing ass you have to talk about Unbelievable. He used to be a cool guy but now all he does is kiss ass of posters he likes and argues with posters who think he is all looks and nothing else. He even took a swipe at several conservative posters in a thread for no reason at all.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    I was a conservative poster over there - even reached the God/ess level. I dared to mention another (dancer) poster by (pseudo) name and was banned for it.

    At first I was pretty pissed off (and probably kept me out of the clubs - like most of the posts would a normal person) but sites ask for that kind of thing. I see it is nothing like it was before it even went to vbulletin (yea, I'm that old.)

    They have had their share of shit - like that assist admin who raped some chick. He was all over kicking people off and shit and many original dancers went to another site. I think the same shit may happen here with the outing of alutard. I have no problem calling him names and calling his shit, but when someone is poking around the email address I use for this board (a throw away)... kinda makes you think.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Bring Yoda here along with the other one.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Bring Yoda HERE!
    Bring Yoda HERE!
    Bring Yoda HERE!

    We need a Mod here BADLY!
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