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Comments by bvino (page 40)

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8 years ago
avatar for Corvus
Dancers I Have Known
I am in awe of the feat of memory this requires. I can barely (no pun intended) remember the girls I was with a month ago at the same club. Either you are a great and respectful admirer of women or this is all B.S. fabrication. Either way it was a good read and I always respect narrative flow and structure.
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9 years ago
avatar for minnow
Any place that interests me.
History of Strip Club Guides, Part 1: The Pre-Internet Era
90's ! Shit- I go to back to the late 70's and it wasn't easy then. There were places that "everyone" knew but nobody would tell you want happened there. Starting in the "80's there were city rags that would have ads in them but no details. It really was hit and miss and miss again. Luckily the drinks were cheaper and the door fees were less than a fiver. Valet parking was only for fancy restaurants and never seen at local clubs. Our go to in the late "70's was called the Club Vesuvius" and is now the site of BT'S in Dearborn. TUSCL rules-this is so much easier.
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9 years ago
avatar for escortsbabesvegas
Las Vegas Escorts Babes
What kind of escort is drama free? Sounds low rent. Get off our site. Jerk
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9 years ago
avatar for TaraChristine
Strip Club Weirdos and How to Deal With Them
Thank God I read fast. I believe in Free Speech- ergo- Tara can write want she wants. I believe that personalities can be deduced form the tone of the discourse. Tara sounds a little attitudinal and angry. Strange way to go to work every day. Contrast Tar's tone with Hotstuffs'. Same topic different tone. One angry and one philosophical if not respectful. " At some point you stop feeling sad about men being mean and decide to get even. Thats just a way of getting even." This is the phrase I don't get. Since when is the strip club a place for revenge on a gender. Some guys have fetishes and clubs are a safe place for them to ,at least, ask about the possibility of having their fetish explored. A little tolerance would go a long way. I assume Tara is young and not too bright and has that wonderful fallacy that most young people have. Once she realizes that the world does not revolve around her she will become a better dancer if not a better human being.
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9 years ago
avatar for americanholiday
Why Dallas Strip Clubs Are The Best
Your high mileage sounds like my foreplay. This is not mileage just the on ramp.
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9 years ago
avatar for gregJ
Live Love Acts New Orleans
For sex I prefer naked women. Ballet? I go rarely but it doesn't have to be all female. Art and prurience should not be conflated and if it is it sounds pretentious. tastes change, things change, Sounds like you had a good run and more fun than a lot of us.
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10 years ago
avatar for drjvan
How to "Lose the Groove"
Re: the psycho- babble. The total self involvement and self importance and vanity of this piece is a sign of narcissism . But then I think everyone under thirty five has this condition. Only someone fascinated with themselves could go through this much drama. The writing, though clear and long, is mawkish and sentimental .
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10 years ago
avatar for GACA
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
How GACA Got His Groove Back
When I was in the Army we trained as we fought and there are parallels in all endeavors. Sports ,whether with a ball or just balling are the same. If you learn skills in the club you can apply them outside as well. Glad to hear that some good comes out of all this and good luck in the marketplace.
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10 years ago
avatar for Chinatown0807
Becoming a Exotic Dancer 101
Are you sure you are not a career counselor? Such wisdom and clarity could not be a dancers perspective. Find another forum This is for consumers not practitioners, unless they are asking questions.
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10 years ago
avatar for MrDeuce
How I Won – and Lost – My Dream Stripper
You can fall in love with a stripper when she blows you. Just make sure you are not in love when you leave the club.
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10 years ago
avatar for notreallyme
Strip-clubbing (and more) or Swinging?
I prefer the anonymity of the clubs . The whole reason for clubbing is the unconnectedness of it. I do not want the additional complexity or emotional negotiation of swinging. My wife is my wife and all the other girls are just passing through. That plus I don't do dope so maybe the other wives are not as good looking to me.
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11 years ago
avatar for gilk
Is it cheating to have sex with a Stripper if your married
If you don't tell your wife then it is cheating and lying. Confessing on here doesn't count for shit and the rest is justification.
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11 years ago
avatar for bekk
And the point is?
All things in moderation eh? I have a real life with real women but I still enjoy the club action-once in awhile-. I never spend more than I can afford. Maybe people with addictive personalities should stay out of these places. Of course that isn't the stripper perspective. Maybe I will start a monger practice. Y'all read like folks who need therapy.
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11 years ago
avatar for JScrib325
Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
The only two things I don't like are the volume up too high and allowing smoking all over the club instead of in designated "Cigar wonder bars". Other than that what's not to like? I can always leave if I don't like the talent and I have told several bouncers to improve their customer service. Me and mymoney go where we are welcome.
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12 years ago
avatar for tuscl
A catch-all account
How to Get the Most Out of Your Money
I sometimes kite a girl $20 if she has sat with me for a few songs. But that is only for the ones O want to get rid of (no extras,bad teeth,worse...). The $20 gets me known as a good tipper and a nice guy and almost always yields results later with the girls I like. It pays to be well known.