Talk about your dry spells. I mean the 1930's mother of dry spells. At one point I couldn't even get the fat chick from El Salvador down stairs to come up and fuck me even when I hinted I might be able to help her get her papers. Low point, nah, that would be the fat single mother of four who looked at me rubbed my cheek and said, I'm going to do you a favor and not touch you, you're too good for this, you're a "nice guy" and you're just in a slump is all. Yeah, I can thank her now, but dear God did I feel like less than a sack of shit then.
Where did I go wrong? I wasn't the most popular kid in high school. I didn't play sports. I wasn't invited to the cool kids' parties. But I was getting laid. Laid enough. I had three different girls. They were all about 7's, meaning other guys wanted to fuck them too. I had a rebellious IDGAF image and attitude. I was in detention most of my senior year for getting caught with my pants down on occasion. My counselor told me I was a lost cause and would not be accepted to any universities. Hope she never got a job in forecasting shit.
I got accepted to Cal Poly, SDSU, and some others that didn't matter. Once I heard about the SDSU rep knew where I was going. I got laid my second day there. It was the beginning of a lot of memorable times and WTF situations.
Took me a while to get my assignment out of college. And that final year was pretty miserable. I was unemployed for the 100th time, my girlfriend got fed up and left, and as a parting gift she told me how much dick was sucking on the side. Called me a an immature-premature loser. She got in my head in a bad way.
Well I finished school. Because my grades were shit I didn't do an internship. I was a 25 year old college grade with a 2.26 GPA, not very marketable. So I got the first job I could at a call center. The call center was awesome in terms of getting laid. I was having fun again, but had this ominous voice inside me telling me this is how I got into trouble with school. I needed to focus. So I decided it was time to settle down. I married a girl I would not have looked at twice before, but she was the girl with the best work ethic around and I decided I needed that in my life. Needless to say while I was building a better work habit my sex life was going down the tubes but I kept thinking that it would get better long as I focused on improving my work status things at home wicked better because eventually I would have earned her respect. That never happened. And eventually I started messing around. and at this point I realized that a lot of females are attracted to a guy with a ring on his finger. I was getting a lot of ass. I was getting easy ass.
Four years into the marriage my wife asked for a divorce and I almost did a cartwheel in front of her. All I was thinking was that I was going to be getting all kinds of laid. Strange thing happened, all of a sudden all the girls that were giving me that attention stopped. One girl that I was absolutely obsessed with totally dissed me the same way my college girlfriend had dissed me. I also got a different job to a different city and everything was different. During this time I tried and failed to hook up with girls and with every failure the more self conscious I became the more unsure of myself I became until the only time I would even begin to talk to women was when I was already a blubbering drunk. In college I was fucking girls but at some point between the age of 22-24, girls had evolved way past me. They had evolved into women and I didn't keep up with them.
One year turned into two, and two years turned into four years of not getting laid. During this time I really started focusing on work I figured if I had more money I would attract more women, but it did not work out that way. For the first three years of this dry spell I thought about going to a strip club or paying a hooker, but there was a mentality that I had that paying for sex of any kind, even to see a naked girl, was for losers and losers only. Then one day my brother decided we need to go on a Vegas trip and that was the first time in 10 years that I had actually gone to a strip club. I had a blast obviously. My brother was laughing because he could tell that I was still a little stiff around the girls in the club but then I was having a good time which I hadn't in a while. After the second night in Vegas and second visit to the strip club we actually went to a disco club and I stepped up to a girl and eventually walked her back to her room we were making out the entire time, I didn't get ass this time but I did get her to go out on a date (we were both from L.A. as it turned out) and that was the most progress I had made in a while.
And that's when the idea hit me, I was making way too big a deal about getting these women naked, after so much rejection it had become something bigger than it should have been. So I started slowly going to strip clubs. After 6 months of clubbing I finally got laid by a civvie. And another one a month later. I moved to Georgia. I have been going every week since I did. And I've been getting laid on the regular. Strip clubs put it all back into perspective, help me to get comfortable and not so fucking nervous with tits and ass Like I used to be. I expect to see tits and ass and I don't think it's a favor. I learned to look ladies in the eye and not down their blouse because they don't have anything I'm not going to see at the strip club, and that's where I'll probably see the best tits and ass. It's given me my IDGAF edge back. I know where to go when these civvie girls play hard to get, or try to tease, I have my sanctuary my fortress of solitude. I have my girls. Civvie be on notice. I don't need you, I want you. But if you trip then I'll be moving on. You have nothing to offer me but you best attitude. If I want tits and ass. I have my fill. Thank you to whoever invented strip clubs. And thank God I can afford to go.
In the end I got my MOJO back. I found my edge. I have a lot of strippers to thank for that.
Nice article. I echo your thoughts about the confidence and psychological boost strip clubbing provides. The endless variety of dancers and varying levels of intimacy make clubbing great entertainment.
Very well written story. It's amazing how many parallels your life has with mine, I can relate to many of your experiences very well. I live in a small college town where woman are either under 25 or over 50. Once I hit 30 I was totally lost, sans a trip to Vegas and mingling with women the same age as me restored my confidence, as well as my outlook on humanity! lol
Strip clubs are many things to many men (and women). But for guys like you, it's a place when you can get all that sexual tension out, and therefore when you go on a date with a normal woman, you're not so horny you can't see straight and can come off a lot smoother, and sophisticated. Girls love rejection, and horny guys can't reject.
When I was in the Army we trained as we fought and there are parallels in all endeavors. Sports ,whether with a ball or just balling are the same. If you learn skills in the club you can apply them outside as well. Glad to hear that some good comes out of all this and good luck in the marketplace.
That is an interesting and well written article. I have to confess though that I am having a hard time relating to you. I'm not like you and I'm sure that I never have been like you.
Working in a call center, and after completing a degree, that must be the indignity of indignities. But I guess it is for many people today just the way things go. It shouldn't be this way. I guess this is the result of all the economic changes which have come about from our economic booms and busts, like the one Dougster is boosting for now. If only there could be no more of them.
So much attention on "getting laid", but actually getting laid quite a bit, but still needing to have such attention on it. It sounds like getting laid means within 5 minutes. But no attention on basic dating relationships, which usually mean getting laid within about 3 hours.
And then finally ending up coming to like strip clubs, and while still at a young age.
Getting one's groove back? What does this mean, just getting laid while coming across as totally nonchalant? Is coming across as nonchalant the bottom line objective?
I lately have watched a bunch of videos from the pickup artist Roosh V. I learned of him and that whole realm because it was mentioned in connection with the Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger. He was supposedly part of something called PUA Hate, and I have not been able to find out much about this. Don't know why anyone would hate PUA's.
I haven't read any of Roosh V's books, but I've watched many of his videos. I find him to be hilarious to listen to, and much of his advice is practical. But beyond that I strongly disagree with him. He tries to indict Feminism, without seeming to understand that there are different strands of Feminism, including the one which has yielded all these fast action civilians he is always chasing after.
He talks like he is a master of getting laid. He gets laid enough. But nothing about it is nonchalant. I listen to his stuff and he is a full time professional girl chaser.
He likes it to be that night, instead of just leaving with a telephone number. But he admits himself that the biggest variable in whether or not he gets laid that night is whether or not the girl is drinking. While this may in fact be so, I am sure he does not like that it has to be this way.
I find him to be extremely entertaining, and I don't see him as doing any harm. But I don't agree with his overall political message, and at some point I do have to question, to what ends? Where is all that he is doing supposed to end?
And why does he take such an adversarial stance with the women? He acts like he is beating them at their own game. I don't think he is accomplishing anything, except for making hillarous videos.
One thing I have to hand it to him for is that he lives cheap. He doesn't spend much money on his girls, or on himself. But I know that part of the reason he gets away with this is that he is traveling in foreign countries, so as someone who is obviously traveling, he is not judged by the same standards that other people are. I'm not sure if he understands this.
Great article ! I have two questions. What does IDGAF stand for and did you really go 4 years with no sex at all? It's a wonder you didn't loose your mind ! No sex, especially after you've been used to plenty, will put your mind in a tailspin. As for fat chicks , if you get hungry enough you'll be surprised what you'll eat, and like it.
Thanks all. And yes, really went four fckn years. I watched a lot of porn.
Not to say I didn't make out with girls on occasion, but could not seal the deAl. it was an extremely frustrating period, made worse by my norrow minded thinking. A lot of older guys were telling me I should go to strip clubs, but again just like Napster made it hard to want to pay for music, getting easy ass made it seem rediculous to pay a female for sexual attention of any kind. Glad I'm over that. it's been a huge advantage actually and I'm sure it's the reason girls hate it when guys do it.
Thanks all. And yes, really went four fckn years. I watched a lot of porn.
Not to say I didn't make out with girls on occasion, but could not seal the deAl. it was an extremely frustrating period, made worse by my norrow minded thinking. A lot of older guys were telling me I should go to strip clubs, but again just like Napster made it hard to want to pay for music, getting easy ass made it seem rediculous to pay a female for sexual attention of any kind. Glad I'm over that. it's been a huge advantage actually and I'm sure it's the reason girls hate it when guys do it.
One thing which comes to mind from reading your narrative, you're coming to mundane life from college. In college lots of civvies are real fast action. I think the way they see it, everyone is prescreened just by virtue of being a student. So they all have bright futures and no one is expected to prove anything, and everyone is busy studying and so they figure, lets just get right to it.
I wish it was like this outside, but usually is not. After people graduate from college they usually get more conservative. So now you do have to prove something to the girl. She needs to see what you keep in your pants, your car keys and your wallet. So she drops back from the hookup script to the earlier and more conservative dating script.
I wish it was not this way, but it does seem to be. Most of the time even the PUA's have to settle for a phone number.
The dating script is not all that bad. I read in a book that it started at colleges in the Midwest in the 1930's. It replaced the Victorian Parlor Courtship script. And that replaced the Arranged Marriage Script.
My point is that if you are expecting to get laid just like in college, then I would expect that you are usually going to be disappointed. But don't take it personally. It is just they way it is. Outside of college they have to screen you. They want to run off people who are being false about their personal data and their marital status. Outside of college they don't consider everyone to be qualified. So imposing a cooling down period and waiting for you to call does this. But when you do call and see her, usually she'll be at full throttle.
I agree with SJG that you are putting too much value on just getting laid. Busting a nut is not the main drive for me. I want to interact with the girl. I want to get in her head, see what she likes and how she likes it. Getting laid is a goal down the road for me. However I like the play time on the way. I start with hugging and kissing and DFK. Then I move on to petting fingering. Lickin her pussy sucking her tits and eventually I move on to vaginal intercourse. This can happen on the first date and then it may not happen till the 2nd or third but it does happen every time.
Freud said "Everything is about sex except for sex. Sex is about power."
Getting laid is just a sign that you are considered attractive/desirable to the opposite sex. Being attractive/desirable comes with its own benefits besides getting laid, getting laid is more of a litmus test. But a litmus test can be a great indicator. So yes there is an emphasis on being able to get laid, for me that's part of an indication on a man's overall potential social success. Girls are attracted to confidence and confidence leads to success. Not getting laid means there an absolute lack of confidence IMO. I guess the bigger questions for me was during those lost years what didn't I understand about my own confidence that I could not turn things around more quickly. Obviously my self esteem was based on something outside of my control. Anyhow. Getting laid fixed a lot of problems restored a lot of confidence. So, yah.
My point is just that in a college environment civvies will often move very fast. They don't need to do any screening, so attractive/desirable is enough. They use the hook up script.
But outside of college, unfortunately attractive/desireable is usually not enough. Women do do screenings. They use the more conservative dating script. They need that ritual with the car keys and the wallet. It stinks. But on the other hand, if you can jump through the hoops, then you will still get what you want.
“… Girls love rejection, and horny guys can't reject …”
LOL – I’ve never heard it put that way but it’s brilliant in its simplicity and accuracy.
Often times people want what they can’t get and may not want what they can get – i.e. often times when a guy acts desperate/thirsty around a girl; she loses interest.
Good points. I am thrilled I never got married at a young age. I am 44 and still get carded. I can move in and out of the strip clubs visiting various women without commitment. I love it. I actually learned how to talk and be relaxed around hot women. Strip clubs have taught me a great deal about women. It really doesn't matter what you say. Just as long as you say something.
last commentStrip clubs are many things to many men (and women). But for guys like you, it's a place when you can get all that sexual tension out, and therefore when you go on a date with a normal woman, you're not so horny you can't see straight and can come off a lot smoother, and sophisticated. Girls love rejection, and horny guys can't reject.
Working in a call center, and after completing a degree, that must be the indignity of indignities. But I guess it is for many people today just the way things go. It shouldn't be this way. I guess this is the result of all the economic changes which have come about from our economic booms and busts, like the one Dougster is boosting for now. If only there could be no more of them.
So much attention on "getting laid", but actually getting laid quite a bit, but still needing to have such attention on it. It sounds like getting laid means within 5 minutes. But no attention on basic dating relationships, which usually mean getting laid within about 3 hours.
And then finally ending up coming to like strip clubs, and while still at a young age.
Getting one's groove back? What does this mean, just getting laid while coming across as totally nonchalant? Is coming across as nonchalant the bottom line objective?
I lately have watched a bunch of videos from the pickup artist Roosh V. I learned of him and that whole realm because it was mentioned in connection with the Isla Vista shooter Elliot Rodger. He was supposedly part of something called PUA Hate, and I have not been able to find out much about this. Don't know why anyone would hate PUA's.
I haven't read any of Roosh V's books, but I've watched many of his videos. I find him to be hilarious to listen to, and much of his advice is practical. But beyond that I strongly disagree with him. He tries to indict Feminism, without seeming to understand that there are different strands of Feminism, including the one which has yielded all these fast action civilians he is always chasing after.
He talks like he is a master of getting laid. He gets laid enough. But nothing about it is nonchalant. I listen to his stuff and he is a full time professional girl chaser.
He likes it to be that night, instead of just leaving with a telephone number. But he admits himself that the biggest variable in whether or not he gets laid that night is whether or not the girl is drinking. While this may in fact be so, I am sure he does not like that it has to be this way.
I find him to be extremely entertaining, and I don't see him as doing any harm. But I don't agree with his overall political message, and at some point I do have to question, to what ends? Where is all that he is doing supposed to end?
And why does he take such an adversarial stance with the women? He acts like he is beating them at their own game. I don't think he is accomplishing anything, except for making hillarous videos.
One thing I have to hand it to him for is that he lives cheap. He doesn't spend much money on his girls, or on himself. But I know that part of the reason he gets away with this is that he is traveling in foreign countries, so as someone who is obviously traveling, he is not judged by the same standards that other people are. I'm not sure if he understands this.
Erotic Service Provider Survey…
Beggars Banquet…
Not to say I didn't make out with girls on occasion, but could not seal the deAl. it was an extremely frustrating period, made worse by my norrow minded thinking. A lot of older guys were telling me I should go to strip clubs, but again just like Napster made it hard to want to pay for music, getting easy ass made it seem rediculous to pay a female for sexual attention of any kind. Glad I'm over that. it's been a huge advantage actually and I'm sure it's the reason girls hate it when guys do it.
Not to say I didn't make out with girls on occasion, but could not seal the deAl. it was an extremely frustrating period, made worse by my norrow minded thinking. A lot of older guys were telling me I should go to strip clubs, but again just like Napster made it hard to want to pay for music, getting easy ass made it seem rediculous to pay a female for sexual attention of any kind. Glad I'm over that. it's been a huge advantage actually and I'm sure it's the reason girls hate it when guys do it.
One thing which comes to mind from reading your narrative, you're coming to mundane life from college. In college lots of civvies are real fast action. I think the way they see it, everyone is prescreened just by virtue of being a student. So they all have bright futures and no one is expected to prove anything, and everyone is busy studying and so they figure, lets just get right to it.
I wish it was like this outside, but usually is not. After people graduate from college they usually get more conservative. So now you do have to prove something to the girl. She needs to see what you keep in your pants, your car keys and your wallet. So she drops back from the hookup script to the earlier and more conservative dating script.
I wish it was not this way, but it does seem to be. Most of the time even the PUA's have to settle for a phone number.
The dating script is not all that bad. I read in a book that it started at colleges in the Midwest in the 1930's. It replaced the Victorian Parlor Courtship script. And that replaced the Arranged Marriage Script.
My point is that if you are expecting to get laid just like in college, then I would expect that you are usually going to be disappointed. But don't take it personally. It is just they way it is. Outside of college they have to screen you. They want to run off people who are being false about their personal data and their marital status. Outside of college they don't consider everyone to be qualified. So imposing a cooling down period and waiting for you to call does this. But when you do call and see her, usually she'll be at full throttle.
My .02
Wes Montgomery…
Getting laid is just a sign that you are considered attractive/desirable to the opposite sex. Being attractive/desirable comes with its own benefits besides getting laid, getting laid is more of a litmus test. But a litmus test can be a great indicator. So yes there is an emphasis on being able to get laid, for me that's part of an indication on a man's overall potential social success. Girls are attracted to confidence and confidence leads to success. Not getting laid means there an absolute lack of confidence IMO. I guess the bigger questions for me was during those lost years what didn't I understand about my own confidence that I could not turn things around more quickly. Obviously my self esteem was based on something outside of my control. Anyhow. Getting laid fixed a lot of problems restored a lot of confidence. So, yah.
But outside of college, unfortunately attractive/desireable is usually not enough. Women do do screenings. They use the more conservative dating script. They need that ritual with the car keys and the wallet. It stinks. But on the other hand, if you can jump through the hoops, then you will still get what you want.
LOL – I’ve never heard it put that way but it’s brilliant in its simplicity and accuracy.
Often times people want what they can’t get and may not want what they can get – i.e. often times when a guy acts desperate/thirsty around a girl; she loses interest.
I am 44 and still get carded. I can move in and out of the strip
clubs visiting various women without commitment.
I love it. I actually learned how to talk and be relaxed
around hot women. Strip clubs have taught me a great deal
about women. It really doesn't matter what you say.
Just as long as you say something.