Live Love Acts New Orleans

avatar for gregJ
I have reading the posts about client's experiences at "Big Daddy's Love Acts" with a lot of curiosity and frankly, disappointment. Quite obviously the place has been going downhill for a very long time now. From what I have read/observed, a lot of patrons have gone into the club thinking they were going to see no kidding, "live love acts" between male and female dancers and this has been anything but the case. I am not too surprised at learning of this. Things have really changed in the erotic entertainment business over these past 20 years or so and I guess a lot of folks might say "I am stuck in the past". That is completely fair. I have not been to NOLA in over 8 years but my best guess about the current situation in that place is that the clients are not seeing any "love acts" at all between male and female dancers or, what love acts they do see are all girl on girl numbers. By the way, back in the day we (dancers) called them "love dances". I should know as I was a male dancer there way back in 1996 and again in 2005. Also, I should think that anyone in America that frequents strip clubs would have long since known that actual sex on stage in America is strictly forbidden. I do believe that actual live sex shows did exist in New York City back in the 70s but Mayor Rudy eventually got them banished. Amsterdam and Barcelona are the only places I know of that still allow this. At the time I danced I believe there were only 2 actual existing strip club establishments that featured striptease duets between males and females. The club in NOLA and a club in San Francisco. At least they were the only places I knew of. I had been doing some exotic dancing off and on for a few years prior to getting hired at the Unisexx Club. That is what it was called in my day. There were only about 4 of us guys that were regular dancers there and up to about 12 female dancers that would be working that place on any given night. Like any strip club a few of the girls in those days were awful looking, some average, but some of them very good looking. The manager then was strict and tried hard to make the place into a classy establishment if that was even remotely possible. As a regular male dancer you would not even be considered for a position unless you were extremely well built/chiseled. It seemed to me that the manager wanted to make the place into an obviously, much more scaled down version of the hugely famous Gerard Simi shows in Europe which featured male and female dancers performing well choreographed striptease duets for high paying clientele. Simi was a classically trained ballet dancer who danced at the famous Lido Cabaret in Paris. The Lido is especially famous for the erotic pas de deaux (partnering) ballet numbers which required the male and female dancer to perform the numbers in G-strings. Simi took the philosophy to another level and packed the theaters in Europe with his all nude male and female erotic ballet striptease duets.

On any given night at the Unisexx a patron would typically see 4 solo female dance numbers with a love dance mixed in. Male dancers would go up on stage to do a solo number as female clients came in. I worked with 3 different girls on the striptease duets and people loved the acts. I worked what I would call the AM shift and this was very early in the evening. Many of the patrons were your standard heterosexual, tourist couples that were intrigued by the guy/girl dance numbers. Maybe they had visions of the Simi shows or shows they saw in Vegas but whatever the case they wanted to see a guy and girl do a sexy dance number on stage.

I recall many females coming into the club by themselves and they were perhaps the biggest fan of the striptease duets. If a group of women came in then it was a given that I would get lots of tips doing private dances for one, or all of them. Later on in 2005 when I went back to dancing at this club it was plainly obvious that the entire place was a toilet. The bar itself was vastly scaled down and the stage had a red velvet bed installed at the back of it. I was the only male dancer working at the place and I performed with 3 different girls on any given night. It was clearly obvious to me that many of the girls were gay and in fact, some of the dance numbers featured girl on girl sex acts. Completely gone were anything that smacked on any real dancing or dance seduction. In 95 we sold intimacy to couples. Our acts offered something to the ladies and gentlemen. In 05 I noticed that the crowd was much louder and bawdier and just plain rude. The younger guys and even girls wanted lesbian acts and even considered my performances with the girls "gay". Now how much damned sense does that make? Many of the girls that worked there even suggested I dance for the gay bars. No way was I doing that. What in the fuck is going on with erotic dancing these days? As a dancer you are selling a fantasy to your client and it seems to me that you cannot do that if that client knows you are decidedly attracted to a member of your own sex. Lesbianism is now the complete norm in any type of strip club and is even expected. Homosexual shows have also exploded. Believe it not I don't have anything against people's sexual preferences. I am just resentful that there are no longer any desire for male/female dance numbers in the erotic entertainment industry. Who goes to a ballet to see a girl dance with a girl? Who goes to the Salsa conventions to watch a guy dance with a guy? My guess is "not many"!


last comment
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Wow. Bitter much? You need to pull up your big boy panties and get over it already. Your butthurt and cone across as a really insecure homophobe that is a never-was. Times change. Interests change. Your time is over. Adapt or die off like the dinosaurs.
avatar for DoctorPhil
10 years ago
cflock you said a mouthful
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
For sex I prefer naked women. Ballet? I go rarely but it doesn't have to be all female. Art and prurience should not be conflated and if it is it sounds pretentious. tastes change, things change, Sounds like you had a good run and more fun than a lot of us.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I enjoyed the first half of this article, simply because I had no idea such places existed.

The fact is, by 2005 we had streaming porn. People could easily watch attractive people fuck, without leaving the house. And yeah, female bisexuality went mainstream.
avatar for gregJ
10 years ago
I had not considered that (streaming porn) James. That is an extremely good point. I actually enjoyed doing the love dances much more than standard solo numbers at another club I danced at. The better looking the girl I performed with the more tips came our way. Believe it or not the place had trouble recruiting/retaining guys to perform. Guys were scared to get up there with a girl much less alone. As I mentioned in article, "a lot of the patrons had seen shows similar to these at other places." It could be physically intense lifting the girls all the time and I got worn out by end of shift.
avatar for gregJ
10 years ago
Yes, "Bvino" it was a lot of fun. A lot of after show partying with the girls. Like any work establishment you became family after a while. One of the girls recruited me one night when I wandered in there with a group of friends. It was a bachelor party weekend and of course we were feeling no pain early on. The party sort of broke up and everyone went their separate ways but I stayed at that club when I met the girl. I was so loaded that I only had sketchy memories of the actual love dances. What I do recall was that they were interesting and this girl whom I met was very pretty. She didn't need to do much convincing. She seemed sort of astonished though when I showed up the next night. It was almost like an outer body experience when I first performed with her. It was scary as hell. Much more so than I first thought it would be.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
The first paragraph was interesting and informative. Thank you.
The rest of it was just another set of rants that is pretty much the M.O. of every post that you have made to this site so far. Here's an idea - how about more posts like your first paragraph, and no more posts like the rest of it?

I don't know if you are looking for us to commiserate with you on your feelings of abandonment from a by-gone era, but you likely won't find that here. We here are a bunch of strip club mongers, both male & female, who enjoy the stripclub offerings of the present day. If you can't get on board with that, you will not likely find anyone here who sympathizes with you.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Things evolve – i.e. digital music replaced big clunky vinyl records; and the web in general made record stores and book stores disappear; pornos back in the day actually tried having a “plot”; now a days is just straight to fucking; back in the old days (1950s; etc) one usually had to get married to have sex; etc.

SCs also evolve – at one time in the 80s and 90s; custies were content w/ just being able to see beautiful women nude even if one could not touch them – that gets old after a while and why it's not the norm today (except in certain areas w/ strict ordnances).
avatar for gregJ
10 years ago
Point well taken Lopaw. I did sort of figure in that the rants were sour lemons to be sure. As I mentioned in the article, "I might be stuck in the past". Again, that is very fair.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
@gregJ - You've had a very unusual past in the types of dancing that you performed for what was obviously a very different type of audience compared to today's enthusiasts. I think that many of us would enjoy hearing more about your experiences from back then :)
avatar for DoctorPhil
10 years ago
i agree with cflock
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I'd much rather that the girls perform their live love acts on me than watch them with some other guy on stage.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
^ LOL - couldn't be put any better than that !!!
avatar for gregJ
10 years ago
I certainly cannot fault you "John" for your thinking=LOL! I recall a lot of younger couples coming in there and the guy not being comfortable at all being there. In retrospect, I could not blame him at all. They would pitch a fuss until they would leave. No equality for his baby cakes in the Quarter=LOL! My best obvious guess is that her man had taken her into some to the all female joints and now she wanted some of her own action. Obviously, the dude having to watch semi nude dudes dance probably didn't spice up their love life much=LOL! The older couples were far more comfortable as perhaps, their best love making days had long since left them behind. We got a lot of couples whom I would peg as bona fide swingers and they were awesome clients. Swinging is big big business. Obviously, more than a few voyeurs would wander in there. Asian tourists were also big on that place. They would just sit in stony silence but they could be tight with money as you can well imagine. The very best clients though were Europeans. Especially Germans. Its no holds barred over there. The more debauchery the better for them. They would always remark that "our strip joints are nothing compared to the stuff that goes on in places like Hamburg." German males also, seemingly not threatened at all at seeing male nudity. Guy/Girl acts are common over there so I suppose they were just used to it. Of course many reading this would assume they were gay but this was not what I observed at all.
avatar for sandyfuckme
9 years ago
My Beautiful Bride was selected late on a Wednesday. .Guy took her hand, walked her on stage...Started kissing and Undressing her..Plenty of guys watching..Got her Naked..Made her Suck his cock...He then Fucked her in Public..When back at our table, naked..CUM all over her breasts..
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