Not in Kansas anymore
Comments by datinman (page 60)
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I always greatly look forward to trips to:
Pompano Beach
Washington Park .... All have multiple clubs that are guaranteed fun.
Less fun, but still enjoyable:
Phoenix (used to be on the above list a couple of years ago)
Dallas (plenty of clubs, lots of variety)
Las Vegas (fun can be had, but usually very expensive)
Tampa (but I hear Pasco County clubs an hour away belong on the above list)
I'll just stay in the hotel and watch ESPN:
Kansas City
New Orleans (French Quarter)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Helping sexy ladies a dollar at a time
Damn It! I was saying "chicken and waffles special". No wonder I got shot down.
discussion comment
6 years ago
"That's why it's so great: People have to pay attention to you because you're naked," says dancer Breauna with a laugh.
Any stripper tries to give me a brown whdhxj and I'm running for the door!
discussion comment
6 years ago
Helping sexy ladies a dollar at a time
I have been to Dallas a couple of times over the past two years and I don't think you are going to find what you're looking for. I know I haven't. IME, most clubs require time and money to establish relationships. People that live near Detroit, Pompano Beach, Washington Park where first time visitors get the royal treatment are very fortunate. This is not the norm in the vast majority of the areas I visit.
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6 years ago
Just walk up to their table, set down a quarter, and call next game. Oh, wait, that's billiards.
When this happens to me, I usually tip during her stage rotation and find out if she is going to be free at some point. If she won't be or she doesn't do stage rotations, I shrug and find someone else. The only time it is a problem is when she is the lone 8 amongst a sea of 5s. Then I cut my losses and leave.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
Flagooner’s “TALES FROM HOME” (Oh, wait, that’s “TALES FROM A HOME”) comparing and contrasting LDK vs SBK. I didn’t even know Sponge Bath King was a thing. Oh well, whatever floats the grapes in your fruit cup.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
Yeah Dear SJG is good, but my favorite was “PROFOUND PROMCLAMATIONS”? SJG’s advice column on how to make your semen taste better. I never realized how inconsiderate I was being not only to the dancers gargling my splooge, but also to the guys that do a Front Room Make-out session immediately afterwards. It certainly seems as if he has done a lot of research on the subject. Props for him finding a way to include Satanism, classic rock bands, medieval illuminated manuscripts, and the history of capitalism in a column about eating pineapple.
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6 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
I also liked “IMPLO” featuring Papi_Chulo’s exhaustive treatise on writing a concise review. I really liked how he broke it down into four sections. Not sure it needed to be 6 pages long though.
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6 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
My personal favorite was “SHADOWCAT’S CORNER”. Who knew that novelty T-shirts were such a chick magnet.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
We either have some very bad ass members or I've been overly cautious. Apparently, gang members can't tell posers from authentic and Huffy bikes create bullet proof force fields.
Next time I find my 60 year old white ass in Washington Park Illinois after midnight, I will just wear a Duke Blue Devils jersey, call everyone Bro Bro, and ride around on a bicycle. As long as I don't have any race or class prejudices, I should be fine. .
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Regional crime statistics are published and available on-line. I personally would not walk around Washington Park or Brooklyn Illinois at night under any circumstance. There are neighborhoods that cab drivers won't go to and that is for valid reasons.
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6 years ago
New Jersey
When I was younger during marathon sessions after multiple orgasms, I hit the wall and have dry orgasms. Now, if I delay too long, I will eventually ejaculate without any orgasm at all. Very annoying and (pardon the pun) anticlimactic.
discussion comment
6 years ago
just looking for a little human contact along the way
Every encounter about risk vs benefit. I don't get anything out of lactation so won't risk the viral exposure for something I'm indifferent to.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
studying during your last semester and taking it soon after graduation would probably be a better plan. Also, there are members here that have real world experience. Maybe reach out in an honest and humble manner and get the benefit of their knowledge. Also, whether you agree or not, your Dad probably has your best interests at heart. Again, just my opinion.
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6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
So let me get this straight, you haven't taken the LSAT and you aren't planning to take it for 1 to 2 years. So all your prior talk about Georgetown Law was what, just fantasizing? You are a self-proclaimed troll and honestly it is getting difficult to see you as anything more than just that.
That being said, if you are soliciting opinions, here's mine. I think 2 years studying for the LSAT would be counterproductive. Admission tests are designed to measure if you have the skill set and aptitude to succeed. The MCAT requires a great deal of hard science knowledge. My impression of the LSAT is that it is more about reading skills and analytic thinking. Taking a prep course and devoting an hour per day
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I woke up this morning, peed, took a shower, ate breakfast...
Wait, what, you don't find my life endlessly fascinating? Okay, maybe I shouldn't use a stripclub forum as my personal diary.
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6 years ago
Jebbie in Phoenix
Reminds me of an Aerosmith song for some reason.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I think impeachment would fail and be voted down purely on party lines. Far too divisive an option. I do wish a couple of conservatives with less baggage would throw their hats in the ring necessitating a republican primary. I would gladly vote against Trump (unless the choice is one of the ultra-liberals the Dems are propping up).
discussion comment
6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
@SJG I don't think the OP is complaining about your thread. In fact, he states he was trying to post his experience with self-publishing as a comment.
@Nidan111, I agree what TXtittyfag was a dick move. I don't have anyone on ignore (except SCPandit) permanently, but I do find it useful to put some members like Trucidios or TTF on ignore temporarily just to clean up various threads they have polluted.
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6 years ago
Somewhere in MO.
I don't think the OP is complaining about SJG. I think he is referencing the 20 screens worth of bullshit Txtittyfag cut and pasted to troll SJG. The relentless self-bumping is annoying, but that really was a dick move.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Lebron is the GOAT because he is the current GOAT. Every generation in every sport gets it's own GOAT. Johnny Unitas gave way to Staubach gave way to Montana gave way to Brady. The new GOAT will always arguably be the best because the games change over time and the last GOAT got old. Twenty years from now this thread will still be going, but it will be Zion is the GOAT and Lebron was just really really good.
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6 years ago
I am fond of millennials. These are the girls I am getting dances from. These are the guys taking my order when I go out to eat.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
ICTroll is just jealous. I am old enough to have made my bank and young enough dancers don't I am waiting on a social security check. That said, I am old to a 20 something. IME dancers will run past tattooed, ear gauge wearing, man-bunned millennial douche bags to hop in my lap.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Id scan is an absolute deal breaker. I will walk away.
Dance bracelets are stupid, just raise the cover. No dancer is going to approach the guy without a bracelet.
Allowing smoking without adequate ventilation.
A personal pet peeve is smoke machines coming up from the stage floor. Obscuring the dancers is supposed to enhance the experience?
Getting one dollar bills at a strip club should be quick and easy. Don't make me stand at a bar for 5 - 10 minutes. Don't give me $2 bills. I am not interested in buying your "club bucks".
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Pretty bad when the discussion titles are TL:DR.