Who the FUCK types a GD 10,000 word piece of shit?

avatar for Nidan111
I was going to comment on the last book that I published in one of these threads, but some dickwad typed or plagerized some 100000000 word manifesto to disallow anyone other than him/her/itself from commenting. WTF is up with that?!


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I think Founder instituted a policy a while back which closed off threads and articles for comments after a certain amount of time.

The reasoning was that we had some mentally-ill trolls that got their jollies clogging-up the board by bumping a couple of dozen all threads.

I don't like the current policy - I feel threads/articles should be left open to comment any time - trolls bumping threads can be dealt with in another way - and they can still clog the board by bumping threads that are not as old.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
Whoever this troll is... is most certainly a moron if not completely mentally ill! Seriously, 1000000000 words?!!! What a dick.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Which thread was it, can you post a link?
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
OT: Book Publishing Industry
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ nidan 111 show some respect for the brilliant mind of sjg. He posted that so pl would close their mouths open their eyes and read and learn from a genius.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
LMAO I had a feeling it was an SJG thread. I tried to look for your post in both the thread and in your previous comments profile but it was taking too long to find in either.

In any case, now you know why he gets so much shit around here. The dude has been posting manifestos like that for a long time on this forum now.....years and years worth. Notice his post count of 25,000+? Yeah, dude has a lot of time on his hands.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
So many words, to say absolutely nothing of value.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
The value is that it holds what little he has of his psyche together. It has nothing to do with anything else but that.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
His best work was "Chronicles of an AMP Chump."

He writes as if he is oblivious to why these girls leave or try to avoid him.

It's fascinating.
avatar for datinman
6 years ago
I don't think the OP is complaining about SJG. I think he is referencing the 20 screens worth of bullshit Txtittyfag cut and pasted to troll SJG. The relentless self-bumping is annoying, but that really was a dick move.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@Cristobal posted -> "His best work was "Chronicles of an AMP Chump."

He writes as if he is oblivious to why these girls leave or try to avoid him.

It's fascinating."

He really is oblivious to all of it. In every subsequent visit, any girl he saw before was magically unavailable or any available girl he was with claimed to be on her period so she could keep him away from her pussy.

It's a fascinating study of denial.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
There are some really great, useful old threads... Some of them should have been pinned. I'm not a fan of the new system either.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
We will get a greater topical diversity if threads can stay open.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Nidan111, you are assuming that all TUSCLER's care about is Right Wing News, Right Wing Politics, Financial Speculation, Gambling, and Coming In Their Pants. You are selling TUSCLer's way short. What is a waste of typing is your OP for this thread.

avatar for datinman
6 years ago
@SJG I don't think the OP is complaining about your thread. In fact, he states he was trying to post his experience with self-publishing as a comment.

@Nidan111, I agree what TXtittyfag was a dick move. I don't have anyone on ignore (except SCPandit) permanently, but I do find it useful to put some members like Trucidios or TTF on ignore temporarily just to clean up various threads they have polluted.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^^ good advice!
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@SJG. I don’t assume anything. I simply wanted to add to your post, but am not willing to spend 10 minutes scrolling past ONE PERSON’s rambling BS to do it. I will simply move on from this point forward.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Nidan111, you do what ever you want. I hope though that at some point you will post some thing of some worth, rather than just more negative meta.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
@san_jose_creep you should look in the mirror if you are going to comment on posting something of worth. When you are the only one replying to your own threads 99% of the time it is likely that your thread has no worth to anyone but yourself.
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