
Comments by ime (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth about Biden's capitulaton to Taliban starting to be revealed
    Yeah walking unarmed around the building they were let into it. Biden lets troops die and leaves an enemy billions in weapons, Democrats are actual retards. Go suck Rachel Maddows dick more.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
    Dirty Talk
    I think there can be degrees to dirty talk and familiarity with the person you are doing it to. Calling her a Cumslut jumps right into the deep end of the pool.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth about Biden's capitulaton to Taliban starting to be revealed
    Biden Admin Treason let me count the ways.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Even SJG Hates 2Icee
    He's never gonna get his organization growing. Youd think icee would be the ideal number two (pun intended).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Rate this Girl.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( After the evacuation )
    Mikeym is probably the most retarded person who posts here, with a wrong and stupid take on everything. I get your nad because you got blood on your hands for voting for this dumb piece of shit, who caused deaths enrirely by his own stupidity, you need to seek help.But then again only a fucking useless piece of shit would try to defend Biden. Go back to suckung Bidens dick while Hunter fucks you in the ass.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    I hope they have lots of lifeboats. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/29/us-warns-of-fresh-threats-at-kabul-airport-as-evacuations-enter-final-phase?CMP=oth_b-aplnews_d-1 The US told citizens to ‘immediately’ leave the airport amid reports around 1,000 civilians remain to be flown out Guardian staff with agencies Sun 29 Aug 2021 01.22 EDT Buy you know he lost a son so feel bad for him, he likes to look for sympathy because he fucked up so bad. Biden, Blinken, and the intel and military agencies that allowed this all need to be jailed. What an utter disgrace on the world stage.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Anyone thinking Biden is doing a good job please pass some of whatever you are smoking to the rest of us here in reality. Completely surrendered to the Taliban, meekly asked for an extension they told him no so he slunk away like a coward. US Embassy publicly said they had lost faith in his ability to get US Ciitizens and allies out. British Parliament held him in comtempt the sure sign of him doing a great job. The Biden admin does not have an accurate count of Americans stranded in the country—or a plan to get them out. https://twitter.com/GOPLeader/status/1430201755057414151 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, 208 planes, Left behind All paid for by the American Tax payer. NBC’s Peter Alexander asked, “If the Americans are still in Afghanistan after the deadline, what will you do then?” The White House then proceeded to interrupt the audio feed from Biden’s response. It was unclear whether the maneuver was random or performed to prevent feed viewers from hearing comments outside the cuff. IF this is a successful Biden we should be really terrified of a Biden failure. Oh wait we have 8 months of them.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Biden really taking his America Last goals to the extreme. Funny thing is people think this isn't by design. The Border is an out of control situation where it didn't have to be. Afhhanistan just a further extension of it.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Icee as always a fucking moron following leftist talking points not Biden's fault. Bullshit it's 100% his fault. He ignored warnings from intelligence agencies months ago, moronically repealed a Trump order in place to deal with this type of issue tgat Trump put in place because of the Benghazi fuck up. Biden fucked this up and abandoned US citizens. He fucked this up, it is on him. Only Biden could fuck this up, leaving US citizens, military equipment, in the hands of the Taliban when he could have easily followed the prior deal which would have gotten people out, then the military who could have destroyed any equipment left on their way out. He fucked this up because Democrats are hateful little people who couldn't let a better plan work because it wasn't theirs. Afghanistan and border are brutal examples of Biden hurting Americans because they hate Trump.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    So Biden this fucking incompetent feckless puppet has surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban our southern border to the cartels, i guess that makes his administration a huge success as far as human trafficking and giving up US sovereignty. Good luck Tawain, you are going to ve served up to Biden's Chinese Communist masters on a silver platter.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mask, vax, or both
    Until they shut down the border and stop bussing and flying illegals with Covid all over the country and prove they are serious about shutting down the spread they can get fucked. This use to be a serious country, now they will try to restrict the freedom of citizens while knowingly sending people who shouldn't be here on the tax payers dime with high infection rates into as many communities as possible.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    After 3 Long Years... I'm back.
    Welcome back GACA. Haha the irony of icee giving someone shit after pretending to want to kill himself over some fucking skank, too good.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Cowardly "Antifa" goons attack people at Denver conference
    Papi. They're changing their name to the Super Happy Good Guys, certainly the Super Happy Good Guys could not have been committing months/years of domestic terrorism, look at their name.
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    3 years ago
    Cowardly "Antifa" goons attack people at Denver conference
    When they can't outnumber someone 5 to 1 and even then they still get fucked up by average guys. When cops and Democrat Politician and DA's stop protecting them they will disappear like the cockroaches they are. In the meantime I am glad to see them keep destroying Dem run cities.
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    3 years ago
    Arizona Audit
    If he did any research he would know every theory he has is bullshit, they have cameras recording everything, observers and actual transparency. The opposite of how democrats covered windows, kicked out Republican observers, scanned and counted ballots in the middle of the night and stopped counting for the first time in history.
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    3 years ago
    Arizona Audit
    @randumb is a programmed leftist, but the MSM has been heavy on the propaganda and poisoning the well. https://fcw.com/articles/2016/04/20/cytech-opm-anniversary.aspx Ben Cotton, the man who never walked back claims of the databse being deleted ...this was the man who first discovered the Chinese breach of the US OPM back in 2016... by examining fucking memory dumps. cyFIR was also involved in the worlds largest case of individual fraud that the IMF has ever prosecuted
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Favorite TV Shows Growing Up
    Desertdipshit we aren't all 70 years old, and it wasn't asked did you see every season from the first episode...you gotta get your shit together bring YOUR CUNTINESS down a few notches.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Favorite TV Shows Growing Up
    The Simpson's Seinfeld Married with Children GI Joe Transformers He-man Thundercats
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should Biden step down or be removed as President immediately?
    "We yield our rights to government"- Joe Biden The fuck we do! Fuck this guy, maybe Democrats and progressives do, they value their daddy government to tell them everything they can do, they gave up on being Americans long ago.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Should Biden step down or be removed as President immediately?
    Debt is out of control and has been but Xiden would prefer to prnt money for every liberal possible program and call it "infrastructure", instead if fixing things he is gonna try to keep kicking it down the road but the end of the road is almost here. Inflation is here and dollar will not be reserve currency for much longer.
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    3 years ago
    Should Biden step down or be removed as President immediately?
    At this point it doesn't matter, there is no way the country is going to survive and balkanization is inevitable. The insane amount of illegal immigrants over 600k already, and Biden admin now flying them in directly is nit sustainable. Printing money at an insane pace, paying over $80 million a month to house and feed illegals, as Biden has given control of the borders to the cartels, no one gets to pass without paying them, around %80 of the women get sexually abused. Biden could give two shits about American sovereignty to import dependent future voters while he allows over 500k citizens homeless, and destroy wages. I can only hope some states get smart and break away.
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    3 years ago
    Should Biden step down or be removed as President immediately?
    Of course Democrats love him, they aren't Americans. Kill jobs, yes please, higher taxes, oh yes, inflation, open borders, oh Biden you corrupt Xi puppet, we will just continue with our Blue Anon horseshit and blame everyone else for our failure.
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    3 years ago
    Lab leak theory of Covid
    There are even emails where that piece of shit tells someone don't wear a mask they don't work. Anything less than his public execution is a disappointment.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Okay, here we go... Best 10 bands you've seen live?
    Tree and Sam Black Church were big for a while, yiu couldn't go anywhere in Boston without seeing someone wearing one of their shirts.