Lab leak theory of Covid

avatar for mark94
The Guardian has a thoughtful article that explains why the theory that CoVid was an accidental leak from the Wuhan lab is gaining credibility, why it took so long to reach that conclusion, and what the implications are.…


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avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Couldn’t get past the first paragraph which had the faulty and false premise that “Trump voters” were confounded by the pandemic because of their inability to telework - presumably unlike those who didn’t vote for Trump. My sense is the exact opposite is true.

The Guardian is so unapologetically biased left it makes The Nation look fair and balanced.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
I haven't clicked on the link but I have been convinced for over a year that the virus came from that chinese lab. Why it's taken so long for "officials" to finally come around to that way of thinking is very perplexing.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Wait I thought this came from eating live bats!?!?

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Did Ozzy Osborne get COVID ?
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
The Guardian is a fringe left wing rag. The lefties and democrat party hacka are scrambling like mad to get out from their previois pareoting of the communist party line that it was bats in a wet market. Even fucking Fauci. How does that horse's ass still have a job? Don't wear a mask. Wear a mask. Wear two masks. It was natural. Maybe it was a lab leak, but we didn't help. It was a probably a lab leak, but we didn't help. They leaked what we halped to create. He should be criminally and civilly liable.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
One of the reasons I posted the link is that the Guardian has been rabidly anti Trump, yet they admit in the article that Trump was probably right about Wuhan all along. That’s a pretty big shift and suggests the bat theory is dead. This is an ex bat. This bat is no longer among the living. This bat has expired.
avatar for 8TM
4 years ago
"Why it's taken so long for "officials" to finally come around to that way of thinking is very perplexing."

The Biden administration started trade talks with China last week.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The Guardian is very left wing and doesn't report fact; just opinion. Trump was right, as amazing as that sounds and the left wing science people let our enemies in China off the hook. Boycott Hellman's mayonnaise- dirty chinese product.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
it will be hard due to many items we all own are mostly made in china. but yeah if everybody can avoid buying anything made in china until ccp regime is no longer in charge of that area.
avatar for bkkruined
4 years ago
"lab leak" doesn't mean it was intentionally manufactured or released.

Could very well be something discovered in bats and studied in a lab where a safety protocol broke.

Most people danced around the issue because there are too many dumb fucks around that can't understand this.
avatar for gobstopper007
4 years ago

it will be hard due to many items we all own are mostly made in china. but yeah if everybody can avoid buying anything made in china until ccp regime is no longer in charge of that area.

Completely agree as to products made in China, but if that smoking hot Asian dancer is offering something special in VIP and she just happens to be from China then I’m still buying
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Ha ha - Good Monty Python reference Mark. One of my favs is The Martyrdom of St. Victor.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
The Wuhan lab was studying and producing “Gain of Function” in viruses- which is how to make them more contagious and deadly.

If a virus that had been cultivated for Gain of Function leaked, and the Chinese Communist Party covered it up, rather than immediately sounding the alarm, they committed mass murder.

It makes the USSR’s attempt to coverup Chernobyl look like a harmless prank.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
We need to break our addiction to cheap Chinese goods. Electronics, housewares, tchotchkes, all of it. Until we decide to go without, pay more, or diversify our supply chains, we're an addict and they're our dealer.

If they covered up a thing--almost certainty in an authoritarian system that needs to project competence--the rest of the world needs to crack down on them. Xi should have to cut a check to anyone who lost a loved one, or even a day of productivity, due to COVID.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
The Chinese Communist Party is so authoritative and immoral, any scientist from Wuhan who would have dared to sound the alarm would most likely disappear forever, along with their extended family.

But sure, let’s participate in their slave Olympics.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Bkkruined - whoops - an accidental lab leak - could happen to anyone- is another attempt to shift culpability.

The culpability is covering up the release, accidental or otherwise, of a deadly virus, likely cultivated for gain of function, to be more deadly and contagious.

Only a Chinese troll would intentionally try to obfuscate that.

A stupid person may fail to understand.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
The CCP can bullshit and intimidate the low testosterone sheeople of China, and buy-off the WHO, but the US better stand the fuck up when hundreds of thousands of our people die due to their negligence and coverup.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I’m confused what are slave Olympics?
I thought this years Olympics were in Japan.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Unfortunately, it appears that our Chinese product addiction is ramping up again. Some US manufacturers of masks are closing because they can't compete with the cheap product China is dumping on us.…
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
2022 Winter Olympics are in Beijing
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ I didn’t know that
Thanks for the update
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
I usually don’t give a fuck about the Winter Olympics either except for hockey
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
I think the bigger issue is that our “ scientists” and “ trusted experts” ( calling Dr Fauci ) have been assuring us
1. There was no gain of function research going on in Wuhan
2. Besides, even if there was, it’s is perfectly safe
3. In any case, the US didn’t fund the safe research that wasn’t going on

It’s pretty clear this was all a lie. There has been gain of function research going on in Wuhan for years, these viruses have escaped in the past, and the US continued to fund this for reasons nobody has explained.

It’s not just the Chinese but our US Government Scientists and Experts who are responsible for the death of millions.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
The good news is, due to their one child policy, China has a rapidly aging population with too few young workers to pay for them.Twenty or thirty years from now, China is going to be the world’s largest, and most poorly managed, nursing home.

But, the CCP can do a lot of damage in 20 years.
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
If the negligence and coverup by China resulting in millions of unnecessary deaths and multi-trillion dollar economic loss - and a debt our great grandchildren will be paying - doesn’t get you fired up to a Pearl Harbor-like fury, go back to your sheeople flock.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I believe covid 19 is man made. From what I've read the Chinese stole it from the Americans and it accidentally leaked
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Yeah, they stole it from us, lol. Progressives refuse to act like they ever learned anything other than white/bad - non-white/good.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
I’ve come to the conclusion that CoVid wasn’t some clever bio weapon but a bureaucracy on both sides of the Pacific being incompetent, corrupt, and self serving, with no regard for the lives of the citizens it claims protect.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Actually, it is pretty well documented that China stole viruses from a Canadian government lab a few years ago.

Also, the reason this is all coming out is that a US biologist has been arrested for selling secrets to the Chinese and he is singing like a song bird. The truth can no longer be hidden.
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
mark94 - China now allows 3 children.…
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
a military tribunal is the way to go with this all that is going on. nuremberg 2022 yeah.

however, how would this shape up? who would be the leaders? the first one featured churchill, fdr and stalin.

also the first one was strictly focused on one country only. a 2022 version would feature more than one.

who would be the judges for such a colossal trial? have they already been bought out?
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
China now allows 3 children.

A day late and a dollar short, unless they can accelerate the aging process.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
“Stole it from us.”

There’s a popular theory that this virus has to do with throat cultures research and it started in NC State and Duke, under federal government grants. After Trump became president the grants expired (nothing to do with Trump) and the research was moved to Wuhan where it accidentally was leaked.

Another theory is why do you think they found a vaccine so quickly? Because they already had so much research on the virus already.

Again THEORIES not FACTS. I’m beginning to sound like mark94 now.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“Again THEORIES not FACTS. I’m beginning to sound like mark94 now.”

If you want to get metaphysical, Cogito Ergo Sum. Nearly every statement is an unprovable theory.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
The fact is the Chinese government is unlikely to share enough information for us to ever be completely certain either way.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
I’ve read reports that an analysis of the CoVid DNA reveals that it would have been impossible to evolve naturally. Sort of like finding a tortoise sitting on top of a fence post. You don’t know how it got there but you can be certain it didn’t get there on its own.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I haven't looked into it but from what I heard Biden stopped an investigation being conducted by the State Department and "put his own people on it" - from what I heard the results of the State Department investigation need to be made public but if the investigation is switched to an intelligence agency then it does not have to be made public under the guise of Onational security" - seems to be they wanna control the investigation for it to come out a certain way pretty-much like the WHO investigation.

The Dems have politicized this like they have politicized everything else in their obsession to bring down the Orange Man and their insatiable-desire to solely control every lever of power in our country from politics to the economy to the military to our police to elections ...
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
If it is proven that COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab.. so what? We're too dependent on China to force any punishment. Add this to the list of violations from the Chinese gov.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
I think the “so what” is we make sure it doesn’t happen again and we supercharge our efforts to reduce our reliance on China.

We could also make sure China literally pays a price for their actions. China owns about $2 Trillion in US debt and, if we wanted to be bold, we could refuse to pay some, or all, that. Or, we could cut them off from the currency clearing house controlled by the US, which would end their ability to do i exports and imports. So, yeah, if we grow some balls, we’ve got leverage.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
From the Conservative Treehouse

“On February 1st NIH scientists were telling Anthony Fauci the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) has “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered”. Later in the email they highlight the genome of SARS-CoV-2 appears “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory”.

Despite this analysis, only a few days later Anthony Fauci vehemently proclaimed the SARS-CoV-2 strain was a naturally occurring Bat virus, and anyone questioning the natural creation of the virus was ridiculed, marginalized and dismissed; some even lost their jobs.”
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
yeah those leaked emails have been slowly going viral the last several hours. let's see where this leads to next.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ probably won't lead to much - the left has big-media and big-social-media on their side and the White House; they pretty-much don't give a f*** what comes out about them (look at NY Gov Cuomo even though some progressives wanna take him down to replace him with someone that is more woke but he still has a lot of allies that are protecting him)
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
How amateur sleuths revealed the truth about Wuhan. From Newsweek.…
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
A long article ( from Vanity Fair, of all places ) describing how US government bureaucrats have been fighting for a year to coverup Wuhan. Lots of people were involved in using US funds in Wuhan and the truth has revealed them all. Their reputation and careers relied on hiding what really happened.…
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
Really infuriating. With all the inconsequential BS the media plays up, this is the biggest story since 9/11 !

This pandemic has killed millions, cost trillions, and has changed the world for the worse psychologically and materially.
avatar for ime
4 years ago
There are even emails where that piece of shit tells someone don't wear a mask they don't work. Anything less than his public execution is a disappointment.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
What went on is literally treason. Millions died.

I’m not sure about the public part, but execution is justified.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
4 years ago
I'm stunned this topic isn't getting more media attention.

At a minimum, Fauci appeared to be untruthful.

Senators on both sides of the isle should be grilling Fauci like Rand is doing.

This could lead to ww3. Perhaps that's why they don't want to know the truth.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
With every passing month, I’m more convinced there really is a group of people in power who look out for each other, starting with every person in Washington DC who draws breath and every prominent “ journalist “.

I don’t think they meet in covens or have secret handshakes. But, I do think people in power realize that if they treat more powerful people well, like turning a blind eye to their sins, good things will happen to them.

That’s not a crazy notion. It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s just that people who act “ like one of us” get promoted. It’s pretty common practice in any large organization. If you doubt me, imagine what would happen to any executive in any large organization who drove to work with a Trump bumper sticker.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Scientist states the last 6 Sars-1 virus outbreaks in China have been the result of lab-leaks:
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
A high level Chinese defector is telling all about their bio weapons program.…
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
With Biden in office, and the rest of his clown crew, the US will never get to the bottom of it. But this virus devastated every country in the world. Is America the only one that can dig up information?
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
It’s interesting that the US Military felt the need to hide this defector from the DOJ and State Department. They can’t be trusted.
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