Mask, vax, or both
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
The liberal media and democrat party big brother government is not done with their fearmongering. Now, they say that with the Indian (dot-not-feather) variant, pc-speak "Delta" variant, mean that mask or vax is obsolete.
No, no, no.
I did not receive two doses of an experimental vaccine, endure 36 hours of COVID Lite, and pay out of pocket to check for antibodies, so that I could continue to wear a mask.
No, no, no.
I did not receive two doses of an experimental vaccine, endure 36 hours of COVID Lite, and pay out of pocket to check for antibodies, so that I could continue to wear a mask.
Live long and prosper.
Unvaccinated individuals are potential vectors for variants epsilon, zeta, theta, etc.
say didn't you say in one the threads here you work in pharma?
anyway just wanted to know your opinion on a doc by the name of dr. michael yeadon. since you are in pharma industry i'm sure you have an idea of who is or was.
The vaccine isn't "approved" but it's authorized for emergency use after enough testing to get it approved. It's hair splitting.
Personally I got vaccinated back in April and I've only worn a mask in places that specifically require it since then. My family does have a family reunion coming up with about 150-200 extended family members that will attend. The 6 of us organizing the event had been debating whether or not to ask everyone to wear a mask and we were about evenly split the last time we talked back in early June.
However, with the latest trends we all agreed this past weekend to require everyone in attendance to be masked and we are doing temperature checks at the door. We made the choice because we have about 45 family members who are over 65 including 12 that are 85+ and 3 that are 100+ years old attending. We also have 2 relatives who are undergoing chemo treatments that would be susceptible to the virus causing serious complications.
We let everyone know through the event page we had set up and the responses have been mostly positive or indifferent to the mask requirement. Only 2 people have complained and said they wouldn't wear a mask. They have both now been told not to come unless they wear the masks.
I'm not that concerned with the thought of catching it myself since my age group handles it fairly well for the most part. I am worried about someone infecting one of the elderly members of the family. My 104 year old great grandmother has had to spend most of the past 16 months alone because of the dangers of the virus and I want to do everything within reason to make sure she can enjoy what may be her last family reunion as safely as possible. If that means everyone wearing a mask and having the temperature scanned so be it.
There is so much confusion going on about variants, effects, masks, etc that it is difficult to know who to believe. So I am just going to go with my gut feelings and not wear a mask unless I am required to by a business or local government.
A few weeks back I posted a link where reps from the NIH and other health authorities testified that close to 50% of their employees had not taken the vaccine (seemingly opting out) – as well I’ve heard of many in the medical profession not wanting to get the vax – even the guy that invented the MRNA technology has concerns w.r.t. the way the vaccine has been tested; etc – and yesterday I heard the British scientific adviser state that 60% of recent Covid hospitalizations have been from people that have had both vax-shots; the statement was later corrected where the adviser meant to say 60% of Covid hosptializations were from *unvaccinated* people; but IDK how the other 40% breaks down if that means 40% of the cases are from vaxed people.
There seems to be too-much yet to know to be pushing for 100% vaccination including for young people whom have almost a 0% chance of having serious side-effects from the virus. At the very least there should be more open debate and questions being raised vs “shut up and do what we (gov) say”. There are also studies that call into question the efficacy of masks claiming they don't do any good and in cases may do more harm than good.
I got vaccinated well before the mask mandate was lifted in NJ. It was the Pfizer. I got it partially to protect myself, but more importantly because I thought a "vaccine passport" might become the norm and I wanted to get back to normal. You know, one less thing where the government is controlling my life.
As soon as the mandate was lifted I wondered how soon, or if ever, the general public and local businesses would get back to normal. I didn't want to be "shamed" for not wearing a mask. (The "mob" controlling my life.)
The first day of "freedom" I wore the mask in public and when walking into any store. Nothing seemed different. By the third day I was going to the supermarket for food. Wore mask in parking lot, but when I saw little old ladies coming out without masks, I took it off. I was happy to see the signage had changed to say, "Masks are suggested for non-vaccinated people." Inside I welcomed the sight of employees cutting meat, stocking shelves and checking out customers without any masks.
For about another few days I kept a mask in my pocket but walked into every business as if I didn't need one. I was not confronted even one time. At this point I have a couple in my glove compartment, but never take them with me. If anyone would tell me to wear one, I'll go back to my car and leave. They don't get my business.
I don't think anyone really cares about masks unless you're a sucker for the government "nanny state" or dishonest media.
40% of cases in the United Kingdom now are among the vaccinated. Either the vaccines don't protect against the prevalent Delta variant there or, more likely, they lose effectiveness after several months. Five vaccinated Texas legislators just got Covid on a trip to Washington. A Foo Fighters concert here in the U.S. just got canceled after a vaccinated band member got Covid. The vaccines may be more like a flu shot you'll have to get every year rather than like a tetanus shot that lasts a decade. The side effects of these vaccines are worse than the relatively mild cases young people would get so mandating vaccines for young people is a bad idea. Staying in good health and taking supplements like quercetin, zinc, vitamin C and D would ward off the disease for many young people.
For older people over 60, though, getting Covid is worse than the side effects of the vaccines. Getting the vaccine is a good idea for old guys, especially ones like many of us who come in close contact with lots of strippers. If you are really afraid of the vaccine as an alternative try to find a doctor who will give you a prescription for HCQ or Ivermectin and take them as a preventative or when you start to get symptoms. People In Tanzania take HCQ regularly to prevent Malaria and there have only been 500 cases of Covid there. HCQ isn't going to work for really old obese people, though. It didn't work for Trump and he ended up in the hospital. The under-reported good news is that 99.8% of people under the age of 70 who get Covid survive.
However, I did not read anyone pointing out that the surge is happening primarily amongst the unvaccinated.
I am nonetheless amazed at how many sheeple are on this site will happily do whatwver creepy Uncle Joe tells them to do
e ven though it was unthinkable when the bad orange man suggested the same thing.
As for the mask and vax debate, the correct answer is: if you still have to both, then what is the point of either?
(And if you're gonna get your medical advice off a board full of
bored perverts, then maybe you do need a fearmongering media and nanny state to make your decisions for you.)
I thought about saying that - but everyone (mostly) knows that. Whatever, I wish illness on No One. Best wishes and happy clubbing to all.
Mask, vax, or both?
Neither, I believe we all know it is all about the money in our profit driven economic world system full of corruption and abuse.
Vaccine development and production is economically complex and prone to market failure, because financial returns are usually minimal and the financial and other risks are great.
Vaccine research and development is done by many small companies, public health institutions and universities however large-scale vaccine manufacturing is done by an oligopoly of big manufacturers, this pharma oligopoly represents a barrier in developing lifesaving vaccines without making a lot of money out of this business.
This oligopoly power allows vaccine manufacturers to engage in price fixing and discrimination, and vaccine prices are often inflated and made unaffordable to many, the poor.
In most cases, pharmaceuticals including vaccines are developed with public funding, but profits and control of price and availability are legally accorded to private companies.
The profits of large pharmaceutical companies are mostly used on dividends and share buybacks, which inflate executive pay, and on lobbying and advertising.
The United States has always proved an inviting home for fraudsters, conmen and outright swindlers. Fraud-deception has been a key feature of American business since its beginnings, and this business model is now the world’s model because of the United States economic and cultural influence all over.
This Virus 🦠 is one more example of the corruption and abuse perpetrated on the world population by unscrupulous promoters of an almost theatrical but so real dramatic event, who are gaming the system to their own advantage.
First they told us we needed to wear a seat belt in a car to be safe. Then they said we need airbags installed in cars to be safe. If you have to use both what is the point of either?
Neither offers 100% protection but each of them improves your odds of avoiding being hospitalized or dying. Yes being young and healthy also improves your odds and that is why a college athlete may walk away unharmed from an accident that may have seriously injured an 85 year old Parkinson's patient.
For many of us we know that having p4p sex with multiple partners is the equivalent of riding a motorcycle as far as risk. Sure it is more dangerous than a "normal" lifestyle but we've considered the odds and decided that the pleasure and rush we get from our choice outweighs the dangers. But that doesn't mean we can't take some preventative steps or we should be reckless about how we do it.
Now that they are in the white house, their tune has changed....hypocrites to be sure.
I agree with Papi, so much mis-information on this subject, it's difficult to know what to believe at this point.…
However, it has been widely reported that Pfizer is ineffective against the Indian variant, and I thought J&J was discontinued because it had too high a risk of adverse effects against an efficacy of no better than 60%?!
It seems TUSCL is just as qualified to share medical information as the MSM. (For you east coast libs, that is not at all qualified)
"The virus is very small. It can get through a mask as easily as mosquitoes can go through a tennis net. The mask wearing is theater to make people feel safer, even if they aren't. A large Danish study showed they don't work."
Here is The BMJ response to the DAMASK-19 "study".
"DANMASK-19, the first trial of mask use during covid-19, was “negative.” Masks didn’t work.
Except that if you read the published paper you find almost the exact opposite. The trial is inconclusive rather than negative, and it points to a likely benefit of mask wearing to the wearer—it did not examine the wider potential benefit of reduced spread of infection to others—and this even in a population where mask wearing isn’t mandatory and prevalence of infection is low."
"I have not worn a mask to the grocery store, gym, my local bar, or even a DRs Office."
I don't know what kind of Doctor you are seeing, but it is not a very responsible one. CDC still requires masks in healthcare facilities. We do it to protect the at risk population. Patients on immunosuppressive drugs have a weakened antibody response to the mRNA vaccines. They are likely still susceptible to infection and significant illness. This is a large group of people taking meds for arthritides, MS, lupus, Crohn's etc.
All that said, there is a strong argument to be made for wearing masks if you want to prevent transmissions. However, if you are wearing a mask to protect yourself and those around you are not wearing masks, then you need a proper N95 respirator. Cloth masks, surgical paper masks, and KN95 with earloops do not provide any real level of individual protection.
If they hate all things Trump so much, they should get the Sinovac from China or Sputnik from Russia.
I do suspect his leadership amounted to signing some papers to spend (other people's) money to do so. I am truly glad that happened. 🙂
The Rolling Stones - Anybody Seen My Baby - OFFICIAL PROMO…
Covid is not increasing our mortality rate, it is just being used to create irrational hysteria.
We just have to accept that universal exposure is inevitable.
I find it ironic the same drones that spout about how the government needs to back out of our lives spout about a ex-president giving $ away and credit him like its something special and unique. Any president would do this and is simply executing standard operating execultive procedures. There are volumes of procedures developed by think tanks years ago on hand for whatever tool is in office.
Its just hilarious to me how some are ready to credit or discredit a political leader for things the actual government administrative bodies just shoves in their face to sign.
Regarding whats going on with the Delta variant. Its pretty much a minor issue if you get it after you get the standard vaccine. Almost nobody gets hospitalized if they had the vaccine but those that don't take the risk of ending up in the hospital and spreading it to others. There is not enough scientific data yet regarding how the vaccinated who get Delta will spread it But empirically so far it looks very low. The whole everybody wear a mask thing is a giant CYA IMO until that spread data is proven.
Saying that I hate wearing masks and had the vaccine. I don't want to wear it and won't until my state governor requires it.
You cant have been blind to everything happening since March 2020. Its not like the year was made up
Whole country 3.5 million deaths per year, daily over 10,000
CA, 400,000 per year, and at least 1000 per day.
The fallacy is in assigning cause.
And we have shorter life expectancy and more premature deaths than the countries which have Universal Health Care. This is where we should be placing our attention, not to hysteria over COVID.
The normal death rate for this country is over 3.5 million per year. That some of these will test positive for COVID is of little importance. For the most part it was not shortening our average life expectancy. Maybe by about 1 year during the most intense part of the epidemic in Spring 2020. And now that we have good heard immunity, and with this new Delta Strain, not at all.
COVID is a nuisance, nothing more, except that it is being used to wage psychological warfare. And if we had Universal Health Care both women and men would enjoy a 5 year increase in life expectancy. The current idiocy is simply because the leadership of the Democratic Party is afraid to talk about Universal Health Care because they know it would destroy them electorally. It is the legacy of racism and the effect of Fox News.
Chaka Khan adaptation with lyrics…
but do you think this is actually very similar?…
And then , Yes 1969, the lost broadcasts…
Their own data has never justified the way they have responded, not after March and April 2020. I will go along with those first two months.
After that it was slated to end May 1st, a Friday. Then they changed it to May 4th, a Monday. That seemed to have been their plan. They should have stuck with that.
But know, they shifted to an idiotic approach.
Originally it was just to slow down the virus, so that our hospitals did not over flow. The precautions were never supposed to isolate people from the virus, to protect them, to make them safe. Not supposed to reduce the total number of exposures because that would always be very close to 100%.
But then when they extended it to May, the insanity started.
And the Democratic Party needed this in order to suppress the rational discussion of Universal Health Care. The Democratic Party national leadership decided that they would get trashed if they ran on a progressive agenda. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Joe Biden said as much. So they ran with really no message, just "Not Trump", and they fed the flames of COVID Hysteria. And they are still doing this today, having bought off Bernie Sanders by letting him be the spokes person for a very moderate budget plan.
If you listen to what the Right says, they say that Liberals are taking over, going to far. I am not saying that. I am saying that a core of NeoLiberals for calculating political reasons has pulled a deception.
And of course this is purely political. Fauci says he does not want people refusing the vaccine for unscientific reasons. Well nothing about the COVID response has been scientific, except maybe for those first 6 weeks of the shelter order.
Remember it was supposed to just show the virus down. Not to protect people from exposure, to make them safe, to lower the total number of persons exposed, and certainly not to try and erradicate the virus.
I want Gavin to resign and let our Lieutenant Governor take over. I do not want to see a replay of Grey Davis and Arnold Swartzenegger, and the seat going to a Republican.
But for Gavin himself, just removing him from office is far too easy. He deserves to be serving prison time for the psychological warfare campaign he was leading.
Of course this is entirely political. There is no public health threat. Complying with the precautions or the vaccine only furthers the warfare campaing.
Heart - "Barracuda" (1977), such a loss when their original band broke up and they went to a softer kind of music…
If you don't want to take the vax, don't. Consider yourself safe. Don't go telling people who vaxxed their going to be dead soon, like a conspiritard.
People really need to chill. The sky isnt going to fall.
By economy you mean the profits of the rich. The real problem is the hyper exploitation of amerikkka by the rich
Printing more money to move to a Universal Basic Needs economy is very reasonable. But these payouts only protected Landlords and Mortgage Lenders, the Real Estate Bubble. To change our economic system, these are the people who have to be made to eat it. We cannot expect public coffers to protect financialization bubbles.
Heart - "Barracuda" (1977)…
"Corona is dangerous and out of control" = "to unsafe to vote in person" = "mass mail-in voitng" = "more stolen elections" = "Dems stay in power and change America into the "United Woke States""
Beer goes good with bar nuts and the tasty nuts in this thread
I've been wanting to travel dance, but idk with all this remasking plus travel seems to cost more all of a sudden idk anymore. Plus not sure if my top banking area is even that good anymore... hmm! Plus making a good hourly online to where I'm thinking "fuck clubs around here"...
i swear to god if they make this mask shit more widespread again, fuuuck the clubs then. I have an easier time making money showing my evil face to my victims at the clubs.
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Humble Pie - Honky Tonk Women [1972]…
wanna see what the response would be to something more serious where like 1/3 of everyone who catches it just drops dead within a week. lol. jk they won't take something like that seriously cuz this covid's such a huge joke
Question is whether SC's ever come back all the way at all...
And as far as Strip Clubs, cause of COVID and for a lot of other reasons, we need to invent some other kind of venue.…
has PDF link for actual 10 page text…
There are going to be lawsuits, there are going to be protests, and there is going to be defiance.
Already lawsuits against Los Angeles:…………
Serious things unfolding very quickly
IBIZA SUMMER MIX 2021 ↠ Ibiza, Maldives, Thailand, Bali, Paradise…
Lacey, understands highest of heels………
OMS Martinism………………………
tits out, high heels, bound
backdoor latex…
SFC Economics Society: "Reflections on the Current Disorder" by Doug Henwood…
Has COVID pushed Bay Area stressors to the breaking point?…
Lap Dance Parties in Los Angeles………
BBW action uniform, plus light bondage…