Cowardly "Antifa" goons attack people at Denver conference
Antifa goon terrorist weirdos cowardly attacked and harassed people at hotel hosting mainstream conservative event.
Numerous people were assaulted by a mob of radical liberal extremists at a hotel in Denver, with so-called "anti"fa"" freaks shouting jibberish about "fascists" and "nazi's." Both attendees and just people working or staying at the hotel were terrorized, verbally assaulted, and many physically attacked by the moronic but well funded scum.
Ironically, the conference was a relatively mainstream conservative event featuring among others Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Bobert, not anyone who could reasonably be classified or would self-identify as either a so-called "facist" or "Nazi."
However, even if it were a actual gathering of outright self proclaimed "fascists" or even "Nazi's" in full regalia hailing the ghost of Hitler they would still have the absolute right to meet and peacefully hold their event without disruption or harassment in a free and democratic country.
These bizarre liberal goon terrorist weirdos seem to think they have the right to decide what political views are allowed or not allowed in a free country. Obviously this is ridiculous and if anyone has no right to their views its groups like these that don't respect other people's democratic rights.
Its long past time for local, state, and yes, federal action against these out of control terrorists. Instead of persecuting imaginary boogey people like non-existent "white "supremacists"" or real but harmless Trump supporters the DOJ has a moral obligation to go after intolerant political hate groups like so-called "anti"fa"" as well the groups that support them financially or morally such as the Democratic Party, George Soros, the SPLC and the ADL.
Enough is enough. This must stop, and if politicians won't stop it then people terrorized by it must begin bringing lawsuits both targeted and general class action.
Numerous people were assaulted by a mob of radical liberal extremists at a hotel in Denver, with so-called "anti"fa"" freaks shouting jibberish about "fascists" and "nazi's." Both attendees and just people working or staying at the hotel were terrorized, verbally assaulted, and many physically attacked by the moronic but well funded scum.
Ironically, the conference was a relatively mainstream conservative event featuring among others Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Bobert, not anyone who could reasonably be classified or would self-identify as either a so-called "facist" or "Nazi."
However, even if it were a actual gathering of outright self proclaimed "fascists" or even "Nazi's" in full regalia hailing the ghost of Hitler they would still have the absolute right to meet and peacefully hold their event without disruption or harassment in a free and democratic country.
These bizarre liberal goon terrorist weirdos seem to think they have the right to decide what political views are allowed or not allowed in a free country. Obviously this is ridiculous and if anyone has no right to their views its groups like these that don't respect other people's democratic rights.
Its long past time for local, state, and yes, federal action against these out of control terrorists. Instead of persecuting imaginary boogey people like non-existent "white "supremacists"" or real but harmless Trump supporters the DOJ has a moral obligation to go after intolerant political hate groups like so-called "anti"fa"" as well the groups that support them financially or morally such as the Democratic Party, George Soros, the SPLC and the ADL.
Enough is enough. This must stop, and if politicians won't stop it then people terrorized by it must begin bringing lawsuits both targeted and general class action.
Coz thats really bad right?