
Comments by Dave_Anderson (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Orwell never envisioned the level of absurdity in today's world
    You would think the coach must have a actually discriminated against someone, attacked someone over their demographic background, something real, right? Nope, he alledgedly expressed some "incorrect" opinions. What happened to "I may disagree with everything you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"? What happened to basic common sense for that matter. Prisons exist for speech crimes that go against current woke political correctness now? And those who think it can't happen in the US, it already is. Florida under DeSantis has passed and implemented the first European style "hate speech" laws on the US with HB269 that makes is a felony to pass out fliers saying "hateful things" about "marginalized demographics" as they call it. Both parties are completely corrupt and tyranical.
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    a year ago
    America must fall, its become the Great Satanic G.A.E.
    Pronounced "gay."
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    America must fall, its become the Great Satanic G.A.E.
    G.A.E. = Globalist American Empire
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    Don't get me wrong I would rather die than face rooms full of 8th graders all day but thsts simply my personality. I wouldn't want to be a dental hygienist or work in a slaughter house either. Some people love those jobs. The issue is how are they "underpaid" based on reason and logic? Maybe 50 years ago but that was 40 paid increases ago.
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    Peoplw who have been making this claim for the past 30 or so teacher pay increases never say how much is fair. How much should they make and why? Stop with the vague statements.
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    a year ago
    Do teachers get paid enough?
    They get paid FAR TOO MUCH. One of the biggest over-repeated bizarre lies is that "teachers don't make good money." What is this even based on? Its like its been repeated so much people actually start to believe it. How exactly? How much should they actually make for working 9 months of the year and going home at 2:30? Nobody ever actually asks that. They have been crying poverty since I was in elementary school in the 1970s!!! That was what 20 pay increases ago? Enough is enough, thry are OVER PAID. Frankly thd public schools should be ABOLISHED but tests anither subject entirely. They are well compensated by any reasonable measure already.
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    a year ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    History Channel: FDR
    No. I had to clean my toilets at that time. 😥
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    a year ago
    I got my old guitar out of my folks closet. It needed a new string and to be re
    So this site cut me off.
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    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Be careful who you talk to
    Growing up my friends always called me Rob, but my mom was like "your name is Robert not Bob or Rob." So I never told her my friends always called me Rob. To this day the more formal the situation the more likely I am to call myself "Robert" and the more casual "Rob." Never, ever "Bob."
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Be careful who you talk to
    I also always loved the last name Anderson. Here's a clue, my real last name isn't Anderson, lol. I just like the sound of it.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Be careful who you talk to
    My real name is Robert William. That always gave me a lot of flexibility with what I went by. Robert, Rob, Robby, Bob, Bobby, Bert, Will, Willy, Bobby Bert, etc. Yet I always wanted to be named Dave or Steve. I don't blame my mom, she named me after her obstetrician Dr. Roberts. But I've always liked the names Steve and Dave.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Be careful who you talk to
    Better yet get a better name than "Bob." 🤣 Confession, my real name isn't Dave. Its Robert. I hate the name "Bob." I'm younger than your much balleyhooed "Bob" in this story, but honestly that name is annoying. Since my name is Robert I can say that. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Republicans and the National Debt
    Just stop. Republicans, as misguided as RINOS and neo-cons are, HAVE NO ACTUAL POWER IN THE NEW AMERICA. Its time for the Republicanophobes to find a new boogeyman. Democrats and more honestly New World Order globalists own any problems because they own everything. This is their baby now. Further anyone who thinks some theatrical bickering over some arcane budget nonsense will matter in 3 months vs the 10 million foreigners who just overran our border in the past three weeks has very strange priorities.
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm white, male and straight.
    Of Motley Cruz not only
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    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm white, male and straight.
    I have an old cassette tape from around 1990 called "White, Straight. And Proud." It was billed as "a pro-White version only Motley Crue." I have no idea what happened to them or the cassette. 🙃
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If you had 6 months to live who would you contact?
    Well I'll start. I would first contact the gal I referenced in my last few posts. Then I would contact my best male friend from high school and early adult years who I lost contact with when You Tube and Facebook unfairly and illegitimately "banned" me.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Dating a stripper
    Not that it wasn't confusing then but in a different way. In short, all the advice you'll get either way from a 16 year old or a 96 year old is probably wrong. There's no easy answer to dating any kind of women.
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    a year ago
    Dating a stripper
    The longer I live the less I understand women. When I was 19 I understood everything. Somewhere along the line it became a lot more confusing.
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    a year ago
    Dating a stripper
    The truth is that strippers run the gambit of different types of girls. Honestly books could be written and have been on this subject. But who actually reads books in 2023 anyway? If you understand strippers, then start on other girls, because men have been trying to understand them for thousands of years. I doubt we'll figure this out in our brief time on this planet. In another 2,000 years men will probably still be asking these questions.
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    a year ago
    What does race have to do with it? There have been scientific studies showing that statisitical differences in penis size are marginal at most between different racial groups. There are slight differences, with west Africans marginally largest and East Asians marginally smaller, with whites about in the middle, but statistically the average difference is barely noticeable. This is the actual science not some stereotype from 200 years ago revived and obsessively promoted by today's pornographers.
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    a year ago
    Sex sells...
    Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ban online porn.
    I still prefer to see a pretty naked women to people having graphic sex. I really don't even want to see a dick at all but it if its 70s or 80s era porn that's kind of ok sometimes. This garbage now is mostly just gross. The young people today have been totally brainwashed.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Sex sells...
    Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ban online porn.
    If you want to watch hardcore porn as an adult then go to a "adult bookstore" or show an ID. I still believe why part of why Millennials and Zoomers are so fucked up us because of the early exposesure to extreme porn online. We hear a lot about "nuance" but when it comes to extreme porn online it's just "no limits" total "free speech" while I'm still banned from Facebook just for being too whatever. Protect our kids from this. We've already list 1.5 generations. Let's stop this!
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Sex sells...
    Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to ban online porn.
    Protect kids from it. Require a credit or age verification. I understand the "slippery slope" argument but we've literally censored, banned, and blacklisted countless people simply for politically incorrect speech. I've been banned from countless social media sites and didn't even talk about sex. If we can ban that, protecting kids from ubiquitous graphic hardcore porn shouldn't be a big controversy. President Clinton and Democratic Senator Exon initiated and signed the Internet Decency Act in the 1990s. It used to be non-partisan to protect kids from extreme hardcore porn. Yes we left that shore a long time ago but we shouldn't have.
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    a year ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Sad but not surprising in these crazy times
    I'm kind of surprised. It seems like these young people today are more conformist and less likely to do pranks than young people in past generations. The majority of them literally stayed home for a year and a half because the government told them too. I can't imagine either "Boomers" or Gen X or even the early Millennials going along with that. Especially Gen X, we eoukd have been like "up yours" we're going out to party and you can @#$% yourselves. I see more conformity anoung these youth than actual rebellion. When then do rebel, and yes its violent and vicious when they do, but its given the green light by the ruling elite. The 2020 riots were "green lighted" from the highest level of the New World Order. It was the "astroturf" insurrection.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Evil Lair
    Oral Sex Is a Leading Factor in Throat Cancer 'Epidemic'
    Does this apply to preforming it on men or women? If its back of mouth, throat, tonsils, I don't know how preforming it on a woman would be a cause. Yes, I guess the cancer could spread from the front of the mouth or tongue or the virus could enter from the front of the mouth and move to the throat and hang out there. I would need more clarification, but rationally it sounds like this is more about performing it on a male which is not something of concern to me.