
OT: Sad but not surprising in these crazy times

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Papi_ChuloMiami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

“Careful All You Online Pranksters Out There, You Might Get Stabbed Or Shot”

With the explosion of apps like TikTok has come a surge of prankster videos.

But while some might be funny, others could be deadly.

Take Tanner Cook, 21, is a YouTube “influencer” known for recording pranks at shopping malls.

His father said Cook was filming a prank at the Dulles Town Center Mall in Sterling, Virginia, last month that involved Google’s translate feature, Fox 29 reported. Cook posts videos on Classified Goons, which has more than 50,000 subscribers.

“He has a YouTube channel, and he goes to malls, and he tries to have fun and do goofy stuff and try to get people to laugh to watch his videos,” dad Jeremy Cook said. “This guy wasn’t laughing. He wasn’t having a fun time, and decided to shoot my son because he was offended. It’s too bad people today seem to take getting offended too far.”

That unamused guy was Alan Colie, 31. He reportedly was offended and shot Cook in the stomach.

He faces several felony charges, including aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony and discharging a firearm within a building.

Cook told WUSA9 that Colie didn’t say anything, just pulled out a gun and shot him. “I was just playing a prank, a simple practical joke, and this guy didn’t take it very well and shot me.”

But Colie’s lawyer Adam Pouilliard said Cook “antagonized” his client, WUSA9 reported. Colie was “targeted, harassed, accosted, and followed” by Cook at the mall. “The nature of the prank involved Cook using Google Translate to play the phrase ‘I think you smell.'”
“Deputy Commonwealth Attorney Anthony Needham said Colie told Cook to ‘leave him alone’ and even swatted the phone out of his face, but Cook was ‘as close as six inches away'” when Colie allegedly pulled his gun.

Meanwhile, Isaiah Collazo, 18, of Staten Island was aboard a train in New York City when his friend jokingly pulled the emergency brake on the rail car for a video, according to police.

Mark Smith, 25, was not amused. He’s been charged with stabbing the teen in the stomach. Collazo later died.

“So what we have is Collazo and his friends, they’re on the platform,” NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig told the New York Post. “They finally get on a train as it pulls in about a quarter after 11.”

“His friend pulls the thing. This guy confronts him, ‘What the hell did you do that for?’” Essig said of the brake “prank.” “There’s sort of a scrum, pulls out a knife, hits him, stabs him.”

“It’s a stupid kid prank,” Essig said of the incident.

Then there was Timothy Wilks, 20, of Nashville. He died after he was shot during what his friend told police was supposed to be a YouTube prank robbery.

Police said Wilks and a friend approached a group of people, including David Starnes Jr., 23, wielding butcher knives. Starnes admitted to police that he shot Wilks but he said he did so because he thought he and his friends were in danger, according to Buzzfeed News.



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Avatar for Tetradon

The problem is this whole influencer "culture" where you get views (and therefore cash) by saying and doing outrageous shit. And of course the kid's parents are going to defend them.

Yeah, shooting the dumbass kid might have been excessive, but kid deserved at least a black eye.

Avatar for 5footguy

When you follow people and say "I think you smell" and get six inches from them, be prepared to be treated like the asshole that you are. I don't think it deserves getting shot, but one could argue that he felt threatened. And when you wield butcher knives and look like you're robbing people, the joke's over; you are a threat, and will be dealt with. The brake puller likely endangered others on the train with the abrupt stop it created.

The common theme here are idiots instigating contact with other people. It's only natural that some people will choose to react this way.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

When somebody's acting crazy, lunging at you, harassing you, following you, that's scarier than someone trying to rob you. At least with the person trying to rob you, you know that injuring you is not really their goal.

To these idiots, the reason it's funny is because the target is frightened. But they're frighted because they've got reason to think they're in danger. What can you say, you reap what you sow.

Avatar for Muddy

I've seen that one guy on youtube or tik tok pranking gangmembers. I don't know if it's real or not, I think it might be. But that is gonna go really wrong one of these days.

Avatar for Dave_Anderson

I'm kind of surprised. It seems like these young people today are more conformist and less likely to do pranks than young people in past generations. The majority of them literally stayed home for a year and a half because the government told them too. I can't imagine either "Boomers" or Gen X or even the early Millennials going along with that. Especially Gen X, we eoukd have been like "up yours" we're going out to party and you can @#$% yourselves. I see more conformity anoung these youth than actual rebellion. When then do rebel, and yes its violent and vicious when they do, but its given the green light by the ruling elite. The 2020 riots were "green lighted" from the highest level of the New World Order. It was the "astroturf" insurrection.

Avatar for groundball

it's incredibly aggressive that these influencers encroach on stranger's time and personal space and feel entitled to have everyone else play along. And the kid got shot in one of the lamest suburbs in the DMV, I'd like to see him try that in Baltimore.

Avatar for whodey

Shooting the kid over the you smell thing is excessive. I likely would have shoved him if he kept getting within 6 inches of me like they claim, but I doubt I would have felt threatened enough to shoot him.

The emergency stop on the subway was a worse prank and should've ended up with the kid facing a fine for it, but again stabbing was uncalled for.

The "prank robbery" isn't a prank, it is a felony and that guy got what he deserves. If a stranger is coming at me with a butcher knife I'm not thinking about if it is a prank or not, I'm putting a .40 caliber whole in his chest.

Avatar for captainfun

Muddy, he’ll yeah that guy on YouTube who gets in the face of some rough looking dudes asking ‘you wanna get clipped?’

He’s crazy and dumb. He’s gonna to get stabbed or worse by someone with a quick temper.

Avatar for qwerty22

I told my kids, a joke is you make fun of yourself. If you make fun of others, it is a bully.

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